
Canvas Made Heavy Fabric Paint Kænvəs N 帆布

Front canvas
Pron ['kænvəs]
Back 【canvas】
n. 帆布
The tops of my sneakers are made of canvas.
canvasa heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)

Canvas is a heavy, coarse fabric artists paint on. It's also used to make sails, shoes, tents, or comfy director's chairs. It's a full service fabric!

The noun canvas comes from the Latin cannabis by way of the Greek kannabis, meaning “hemp," which it was originally made of. It usually refers to the canvas we paint on, but you could carry a canvas bag while wearing canvas Converse high-tops. Henry David Thoreau, the poet and philosopher, said, “The world is but a canvas to our imaginations.” Don't confuse it with canvass, with the extra "s" — that's when people try to chat to get your vote.

All forms of 'canvas' will appear on average once every 308 pages.

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