One letter separates prophecy from prophesy, and the close relationship is derived from a shared word history.
A prophecy is a prediction or an utterance from a prophet inspired by his god. It entered English before 1200 with two spellings: prophecie and prophesie. It was borrowed from the Old French prophetie/prophecie/prophesie, which originated in Late Latin and Greek.
Some psychological professionals swear by the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
What are your thoughts on how Egypt relates to biblical prophecy?
To think that such a rodent has these abilities of prophecy!
To prophesy is to predict something or to utter something inspired by one's god. It pops up in English in about 1350 as prophecien and prophesien, coming through the Old French prophecier.
But we want to know why you do not prophesy like other prophets, especially on the political situation of Nigeria or at the beginning of the year?
I prophesy that the GOP will lie right through its teeth in 50 years and take credit for the "Affordable Health Care" law.
"Ryan Seacrest will be mine someday," prophesied 17-year-old Courtney Penry of Missouri City, Texas, when American Idol auditions touched down in Austin.
Until 1700, the noun and the verb were spelled the same. However, the differentiated spelling may be disappearing already.