[N-COUNT 可数名词]水族馆 An aquarium is a building, often in a zoo, where fish and underwater animals are kept.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]养鱼缸;水族箱 An aquarium is a glass tank filled with water, in which people keep fish.
aquar·ium/əˈkweəriəm; NAmEəˈkweriəm/noun(pluralaquar·iumsoraqua·ria/əˈkweəriə; NAmEəˈkweriə/)1a large glass container in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept 养鱼缸;水族玻璃槽2a building where people can go to see fish and other water creatures 水族馆aquariumaquariaaquariumsaquar·ium/əˈkweəriəm; NAmEəˈkweriəm/aqua·ria/əˈkweəriə; NAmEəˈkweriə/