
Bother I Bothered Sth   [V Bothering Sb N

word bother
content 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


[ˈbɒðə(r)]bothered, bothering, bothers



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[VERB 动词]操心;费力;麻烦 If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
  [V to-inf]
  [V -ing]
  [V with/about n]
  [with brd-neg]
  • Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days...


  • Most of the papers didn't even bother reporting it...


  • Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?


  • ...and he does not bother with a helmet either.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]麻烦;不便;麻烦事 Bother means trouble or difficulty. You can also use bother to refer to an activity which causes this, especially when you would prefer not to do it or get involved with it.
  [also a N]
  • I usually buy sliced bread — it's less bother...


  • The courts take too long and going to the police is a bother...


  • Most men hate the bother of shaving.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]麻烦(用于淡化问题的严重性) You use bother to refer to serious trouble, usually when you want to make it sound less serious than it really is.
  [BRIT 英]
  [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • Vince is having a spot of bother with the law.


[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词](使)烦恼;(使)担忧;(使)不安 If something bothers you, or if you bother about it, it worries, annoys, or upsets you.
  [V n]
  [it V n that/wh]
  [V about n]
  [Also it V n to-inf]
  • Is something bothering you?...


  • That kind of jealousy doesn't bother me...


  • It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me...


  • Never bother about people's opinions.


  • I was bothered about the blister on my hand...


  • I'm not bothered if he has another child.


[VERB 动词]打扰;烦扰 If someone bothers you, they talk to you when you want to be left alone or interrupt you when you are busy.
  [V n]
  [V n with/about n]
  • We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me...


  • I don't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.


[EXCLAM 感叹语]见鬼;真讨厌 Some people say 'bother' or 'bother it' when they are annoyed about something.
  [mainly BRIT 主英]
    [PHRASE 短语]不愿找麻烦;不想出力 If you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
      [V inflects]
    • I just can't be bothered to look after the house...


    • Doctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.


    [CONVENTION 惯用语]这不麻烦;不费事;没什么 If you say 'it's no bother' after offering to do something for someone, you are emphasizing that you really want to do it and that it will take very little effort.
    • I'll drive you back to your hotel later. It's no bother.


    hot and bothered→see:

      bother / ˈbɒðə(r) ; NAmE ˈbɑːðər /
      bother bothers bothered bothering
      verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( often used in negative sentences and questions 常用于否定句和疑问句 ) to spend time and/or energy doing sth 花费时间精力(做某事) ‘Shall I wait?’ ‘No, don't bother.’ “要我等一下吗?”“不,别费事了。” I don't know why I bother! Nobody ever listens! 我不知道我干吗要浪费时间!根本没人听! botherwith/about sth It's not worth bothering with (= using)an umbrella—the car's just outside. 不必打伞,汽车就停在外面。 I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). 我弄不懂你为什么和那伙人浪费时间。 botherto do sth He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. 他甚至连通知都没通知我他要来。 botherdoing sth Why bother asking if you're not really interested? 如果你不是真的感兴趣,干吗费口舌打听呢? 2 [transitive ] to annoy, worry or upset sb; to cause sb trouble or pain 使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安);给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦) bothersb The thing that bothers me is… 让我感到不安的是… That sprained ankle is still bothering her (= hurting). 她那扭伤的脚踝还在隐隐作痛。 ‘I'm sorry he was so rude to you.’ ‘It doesn't bother me.’ “对不起,他对你太没礼貌。”“没关系。” bothersb with sth I don't want to bother her with my problems at the moment. 我此刻不想让她为我的事操心。 be bothered about sth You don't sound too bothered about it. 看来你并不十分担心这事。 bothersb that… Does it bother you that she earns more than you? 她比你挣的钱多,你是不是觉得不自在? it bothers sb to do sth It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. 想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。 3 [transitive ] to interrupt sb; to talk to sb when they do not want to talk to you 打扰;搭话 bothersb Stop bothering me when I'm working. 我工作时别来烦我。 Let me know if he bothers you again. 他要是再搅扰你,就告诉我。 Sorry to bother you,but there's a call for you on line two. 很抱歉打扰你一下,二号线有你的电话。 IDIOMS be bothered (about sb/sth) ( informal) ( especially BrE) to think that sb/sth is important 认为(某人或某事)重要;关心(某人或某事) I'm not bothered about what he thinks. 我不在乎他怎么想。 ‘Where shall we eat?’ ‘I'm not bothered.’ (= I don't mind where we go). “我们去哪里吃饭?”“随便。” can't be bothered (to do sth) used to say that you do not want to spend time and/or energy doing sth (表示不想花时间精力做某事) I should really do some work this weekend but I can't be bothered. 我这个周末真该做点事了,可我懒得做。 All this has happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message. 就是因为你嫌麻烦没通知我,才出了这事。 not bother yourself/your head with/about sth ( especially BrE) to not spend time/effort on sth, because it is not important or you are not interested in it 不为某事花费时间(或精力);不操心 more at
      noun 1 [uncountable ] trouble or difficulty 麻烦;困难 You seem to have got yourself into a spot of bother. 你似乎让自己遇上了点麻烦。 I don't want to put you to any bother (= cause you any trouble). 我不想给你添乱子。 Don't go to the botherof tidying up on my account (= don't make the effort to do it). 别为了我费事整理一番。 ‘Thanks for your help!’ ‘It was no bother.’ “多谢你的帮助!”“没什么。” Call them and save yourself the bother of going round. 给他们打个电话就免得你亲自去了。 2 a bother [singular ] ( BrE) an annoying situation, thing or person 令人烦恼的情况(或事物、人) SYN
      I hope I haven't been a bother. 希望我没烦扰你。
      exclamation ( BrE) used to express the fact that you are annoyed about sth/sb (表示对某事或某人烦恼) Bother! I've left my wallet at home. 真烦人!我把钱包留在家里了。 Oh, bother him! He's never around when you need him. 哎呀,他可真讨厌!需要他的时候从来都找不到他。 bother / ˈbɒðə(r) ; NAmE ˈbɑːðər /
      bother1 verb
      bother2 noun
      bother3 interjection
      botherboth‧er1 /ˈbɒðə $ ˈbɑːðər/ ●●● S1 W3 verb
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      Word Origin
      Verb Table
      1make an effort [intransitive, transitive usually in questions and negatives] to make the effort to do something(not) bother to do something He didn’t bother to answer the question.not bother about/with He didn’t bother with a reply.(not) bother doing something Many young people didn’t bother voting.don’t/didn’t/won’t etc bother ‘Do you want me to wait for you?’ ‘No, don’t bother.’ Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here?2worry [intransitive, transitive] to make someone feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned:  Being in a crowd really bothers me. It was very noisy, but that didn’t bother me.bother about especially British English I try not to bother about what other people think.it bothers somebody that/how/when It really bothered me that he’d forgotten my birthday.3annoy [intransitive, transitive] to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something:  Danny, don’t bother Ellen while she’s reading. Would it bother you if I put on some music?bother somebody about/with something It didn’t seem worth bothering the doctor about.4somebody can’t/couldn’t be bothered (to do something) especially British English used to say that you do not want to make the effort to do something, or that you are not interested in doing something:  It was so hot I couldn’t be bothered to cook. I should be revising, but I just can’t be bothered.5cause pain [transitive] if a part of your body bothers you, it is slightly painful or uncomfortable:  My back’s been bothering me.6sorry to bother you spoken used as a very polite way of interrupting someone when you want their attention:  Sorry to bother you, but Mr. Grey is on the line.7frighten [transitive] to upset or frighten someone by talking to them when they do not want to talk to you, trying to hurt them, touch them sexually etc:  Don’t worry – my dog won’t bother you. If he starts bothering you, let me know.8not bother yourself/not bother your head to not spend time or effort on something, either because it is not important or because it is too difficultbother with/about Cliff didn’t want to bother himself with details.9bother it/them etc British English spoken old-fashioned used to express a sudden feeling of annoyance about something:  Oh bother it! The thread’s broken again!
      bother1 verb
      bother2 noun
      bother3 interjection
      botherbother2 noun
      1[uncountable] especially British English trouble or difficulty that has been caused by small problems and that usually only continues for a short time SYN  trouble:  It’s an old car, but it’s never caused me any bother.bother with Joe’s been having a bit of bother with his back again. ‘Thanks for your help.’ ‘It was no bother (=used to emphasize that you were happy to help someone) at all.’ My mother hardly ever went to the bother of (=the effort of) making cakes. Are you sure the station is on your way? I don’t want to give you any extra bother. I should have phoned the shop first and saved myself the bother of going there.something is more bother than it’s worth (=it is too difficult to be worth doing)2a bother especially British English a person or job that slightly annoys you by causing trouble or problems:  I hate to be a bother, but could you show me how the copier works?
      bother1 verb
      bother2 noun
      bother3 interjection
      botherbother3 interjection British English informal
      used when you are slightly annoyed:  Oh bother! I forgot to phone Jean.

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