
Contact I Make People Touch Telephone Number Meet

word contact
content 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


[ˈkɒntækt]contacted, contacting, contacts



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[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](尤指经常性的)联系,联络 Contact involves meeting or communicating with someone, especially regularly.
  [also N in pl]
  • Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul...


  • He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence.


[PHRASE 短语]保持联系;有联系 If you are in contact with someone, you regularly meet them or communicate with them.
  [usu v-link PHR]
  • He was in direct contact with the kidnappers...


  • We do keep in contact.


[VERB 动词]联系;联络 If you contact someone, you telephone them, write to them, or go to see them in order to tell or ask them something.
  [V n]
  • Contact the Tourist Information Bureau for further details...


  • When she first contacted me Frances was upset.


[ADJ 形容词](信息、电话号码等)供联系的,供联络的 Your contact details or number are information such as a telephone number where you can be contacted.
  [ADJ n]
  • You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]接触;遇见 If you come into contact with someone or something, you meet that person or thing in the course of your work or other activities.
  [into N with n]
  • Doctors I came into contact with voiced their concern...


  • The college has brought me into contact with western ideas.


[PHR-RECIP 相互短语]与…联络;和…取得联系 If you make contact with someone, you find out where they are and talk or write to them.
  [V inflects]
  • Then, after she had become famous, he tried to make contact with her.


[PHR-RECIP 相互短语]与…失去联系;与…断了联系 If you lose contact with someone who you have been friendly with, you no longer see them, speak to them, or write to them.
  [V inflects]
  • Though they all live nearby, I lost contact with them really quickly...


  • Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]触碰;接触 When people or things are in contact, they are touching each other.
  [oft in/into N with n]
  • They compared how these organisms behaved when left in contact with different materials...


  • The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx...


  • There was no physical contact, nor did I want any...


  • This shows where the foot and shoe are in contact.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](无线电)联络,通信 Radio contact is communication by means of radio.
  • He failed to make radio contact.


  • ...a technical problem reported by the pilot moments before he lost contact with the control tower.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]熟人;有用的社会关系 A contact is someone you know in an organization or profession who helps you or gives you information.
  • Their contact in the United States Embassy was called Phil.



to make eye contact→see:

    con·tact AWL / ˈkɒntækt ; NAmE ˈkɑːntækt /
    contact contacts contacted contacting
    noun act of communicating 联系 1 [uncountable ] contact(with sb) | contact(between A and B) the act of communicating with sb, especially regularly (尤指经常的)联系,联络 I don't have much contact with my uncle. 我和叔父甚少联系。 There is little contact between the two organizations. 这两个机构相互之间没有什么联系。 Have you kept in contact withany of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? 你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗? She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to)her son. 她和儿子失去了联系。 I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting)her in Paris. 我最终在巴黎与她取得了联系。 The organization put me in contact withother people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). 这家机构为我提供了其他和我职务相若的人的联系方法。 two people avoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly at each other) 避免目光相遇的两个人 Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number)while I'm away. 这是我外出时的联系电话。 I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). 我会给你我的具体联系方式。 touching sb/sth 接触 2 [uncountable ] the state of touching sth 触摸;接触 His fingers were briefly in contact withthe ball. 他的手指稍稍地碰了一下球。 This substance should not come into contact withfood. 这种物质切莫与食物接触。 a fear of physical contact 对身体接触的恐惧感 This pesticide kills insects on contact (= as soon as it touches them). 这种杀虫剂昆虫一触即死。 meeting sb/sth 遇到某人╱事物 3 [uncountable ] the state of meeting sb or having to deal with sth 遇见(某人);碰上(要处理的事) In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets)lawyers. 她在工作中常与律师接触。 Children should be brought into contact withpoetry at an early age. 儿童应该在幼年接触诗歌。 relationship 关系 4 [countable ,  usually plural ] an occasion on which you meet or communicate with sb; a relationship with sb 会见;交往;人际关系 We have good contacts with the local community. 我们与当地社区关系甚好。 The company has maintained trade contacts with India. 这家公司和印度一直保持着贸易往来。 person 5 [countable ] a person that you know, especially sb who can be helpful to you in your work 熟人;(尤指)社会关系 social/personal contacts 社会上的╱私下的熟人 I've made some useful contacts in journalism. 我在新闻界结交了一些有用的人。 electrical 6 [countable ] an electrical connection (电流的)接触,接通;接触器 The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 这些开关可接通形成闭合电路。 for eyes 眼睛 7 contacts [plural ] ( informal) =
    contact lenses
    see also
    contact lens
    medical 医学 8 [countable ] a person who may be infectious because he or she has recently been near to sb with a contagiousdisease (与传染病患者的)接触者 IDIOMsee
    verb contactsb to communicate with sb, for example by telephone or letter 联系,联络(如用电话或信件) I've been trying to contact you all day. 我整天一直在设法与你联系。 con·tact·able AWL / ˈkɒntæktəbl ; NAmE ˈkɑːntæktəbl / adjective I'll be contactable on this number:… 这个号码可以联系到我:… con·tact / ˈkɒntækt ; NAmE ˈkɑːntækt / con·tact·able / ˈkɒntæktəbl ; NAmE ˈkɑːntæktəbl /
    contact1 noun
    contact2 verb
    contact3 adjective
    contactcon‧tact1 /ˈkɒntækt $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    Word family
    1communication [uncountable] communication with a person, organization, country etccontact with/between There is very little contact between the two tribes. Many of us have no direct contact with elderly people.in contact We stay in contact by email. The town is cut off from contact with the outside world.2touch [uncountable] when two people or things touch each othercontact with/between Children need physical contact with a caring adult. The disease spreads by sexual contact between infected animals.in contact with something For a second, his hand was in contact with mine. When water comes into contact with air, carbon dioxide is released.on contact (with something) The bomb exploded on contact (=at the moment it touched something).3experience [uncountable] when you meet someone or experience a particular kind of thing:  Everyone who came into contact with Di felt better for knowing her. Pat’s job brings her into contact with the problems people face when they retire.4person [countable usually plural] a person you know who may be able to help or advise you:  He has a lot of contacts in the media. a worldwide network of contactsbusiness/personal contacts5contacts [plural] a situation in which you can communicate easily with a group, country etccontact with/between We have good contacts with the local community. He goes to great lengths to maintain these contacts. the establishment of diplomatic contacts6point of contact a)a place you go to or a person you meet when you ask an organization for helpfirst/initial point of contact Primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the service. b)a way in which two different things are related:  finding a point of contact between theory and practice c)the part of something where another thing touches it:  The sting causes swelling at the point of contact.7electrical [countable] an electrical part that completes a circuit when it touches another part8eyes [countable] informal a contact lens eye contact
    at eye1(5)
    COLLOCATIONSverbshave contact with somebody· I haven’t had any contact with her for at least two years.be in contact (=have regular communication)· He’s been in contact with his lawyer about the situation.get in contact (=manage to communicate)· Where can I get in contact with you while you are away?stay/keep in contact (also maintain contact formal)· We’ve stayed in contact since we met on holiday.lose contact (=no longer see someone or hear from them)· She moved to Spain and I lost contact with her.make contact· We’d like to make contact with other schools in the area.put somebody in contact with somebody (=give someone the name, telephone number etc of another person)· I can put you in contact with a friend of mine in Paris.come into contact with somebody (=meet or spend time with someone)· It’s good to come into contact with people from different cultures.bring somebody into contact with someone· The job brought me into contact with a lot of interesting people.establish contact· The police are trying to establish contact with the kidnappers.avoid contact· She doesn’t give interviews and avoids contact with the media.sever contact with somebody (=refuse to have any contact with someone)· After the divorce, she severed all contact with her husband.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + contactdirect contact (=spending time with someone)· Our volunteers work in direct contact with people who need help.close contact (=communicating with someone often)· I like to stay in close contact with my parents.personal contact (=seeing and speaking to someone personally)· She never comes into personal contact with senior managers.social/human contact (=spending time with other people)· He lived alone and had little human contact.regular contact· All students have regular contact with their tutor.day-to-day/daily contact· I like my job because it involves day-to-day contact with clients.face-to-face contact (=talking to someone who is with you)· Certain types of jobs do not need face-to-face contact.one-to-one contact (=being with only one other person)· Children with learning difficulties may need one-to-one contact.radio contact (=communication by radio)· Air traffic control had lost radio contact with the pilot.
    contact1 noun
    contact2 verb
    contact3 adjective
    contactcontact2 ●●● S2 W2 AWL verb [transitive]
    Verb Table
    Word family
    to write to or telephone someone:  Give the name of someone who we can contact in an emergency. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.contactable adjective [not before noun]:  A mobile phone makes you contactable wherever you are.RegisterIn everyday English, people often say get in touch with someone rather than contact someone:· Is there a number where I can get in touch with you?GRAMMAR: ComparisoncontactYou contact someone: · Contact the sales department for details. Don’t say: Contact with the sales department for details.make contact/get in contactYou make contact with someone: · I’ve been trying to make contact with him. Don’t say: make a contact with someoneYou get in contact with someone: · You can get in contact with us on this number. Don’t say: get in contact to someoneYou can also say that two or more people make contact or get in contact: · They made contact as soon as they landed.get in touchYou get in touch with someone: · I managed to get in touch with the owner.You can also say that two or more people get in touch: · We got in touch and arranged to meet.
    contact1 noun
    contact2 verb
    contact3 adjective
    contactcontact3 AWL adjective [only before noun]
    Word family
    1 contact number/address/details a telephone number or address where someone can be found if necessary:  If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.2contact explosives or chemicals become active when they touch something:  contact poisons

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