
Pitch Pitched Level Sth High Ed Make Transitive

word pitch
content 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


[pɪtʃ]pitched, pitching, pitches



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[N-COUNT 可数名词](足球、板球、曲棍球等运动的)球场 A pitch is an area of ground that is marked out and used for playing a game such as football, cricket, or hockey.
  [oft n N]
  [mainly BRIT 主英]
  • There was a swimming-pool, cricket pitches, playing fields...


  • Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 field
[VERB 动词](通常指仔细瞄准后用力)投,掷,扔,抛 If you pitch something somewhere, you throw it with quite a lot of force, usually aiming it carefully.
  [V n prep]
  • Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake.


[VERB 动词](猛地)向前跌倒 To pitch somewhere means to fall forwards suddenly and with a lot of force.
  [V adv]
  [be V-ed prep/adv]
  • The movement took him by surprise, and he pitched forward...


  • Alan staggered sideways, pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake...


  • I was pitched into the water and swam ashore.


[VERB 动词]迫使…进入(新的境地) If someone is pitched into a new situation, they are suddenly forced into it.
  [be V-ed prep]
  [V n prep]
  • They were being pitched into a new adventure...


  • This could pitch the government into confrontation with the workforce.


[VERB 动词](棒球或跑柱式棒球运动中)把(球)投给击球员 In the game of baseball or rounders, when you pitch the ball, you throw it to the batter for them to hit it.
  [V n]
  [Also V prep]
  • We passed long, hot afternoons pitching a baseball.


  • His pitching was a legend among major league hitters.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]See also:
perfect pitch
音高 The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is.
  • He raised his voice to an even higher pitch.


[VERB 动词]See also:
为…定音高;为…定调 If a sound is pitched at a particular level, it is produced at the level indicated.
  [be V-ed prep/adv]
  [usu passive]
  • His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore...


  • His voice was pitched high, the words muffled by his crying...


  • Her voice was well pitched and brisk.


[VERB 动词]把…定(在特定的水平、难易程度等上) If something is pitched at a particular level or degree of difficulty, it is set at that level.
  [be V-ed prep]
  [V n prep]
  • I think the material is pitched at too high a level for our purposes...


  • The government has pitched High Street interest rates at a new level.


[N-SING 单数名词]See also:
fever pitch
程度;强度;极点;顶点 If something such as a feeling or a situation rises to a high pitch, it rises to a high level.
  [usu with supp]
  • I feel very sorry for the competitors who have all worked themselves up to a very high pitch for this first day...


  • Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people.


[VERB 动词]搭(帐篷);扎(营) If you pitch your tent, or pitch camp, you put up your tent in a place where you are going to stay.
  [V n]
  • He had pitched his tent in the yard...


  • At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere.


[VERB 动词](船只在海浪中)上下颠簸,纵摇 If a boat pitches, it moves violently up and down with the movement of the waves when the sea is rough.
  • The ship is pitching and rolling in what looks like about fifteen foot seas.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]See also:
沥青;柏油 Pitch is a black substance that is sticky when it is hot and very hard when it is dry. Pitch is used on the bottoms of boats and on the roofs of houses to prevent water getting in.
  • The timbers of similar houses were painted with pitch.


See also:
    [PHRASE 短语]See also:
    sales pitch
    为…作宣传;替…说好话 If someone makes a pitch for something, they try to persuade people to do or buy it.
      [V inflects]
    • The President speaks in New York today, making another pitch for his economic program...


    • Prue invited the magazine's editor to lunch and made her pitch.


    pitch for
    pitch in

    pitch / pɪtʃ ; NAmE pɪtʃ /
    pitch pitches pitched pitching
    noun for sport 体育运动 1 ( BrE) ( also field NAmE, BrE ) [countable ] an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game (体育比赛的)场地;球场 a football/cricket/rugby pitch 足球╱板球╱橄榄球场 The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch. 这次橄榄球巡回赛在场上、场下都彻底失败。 of sound 声音 2 [singular ,  uncountable ] how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note (尤指乐音的)音高 A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. 基本的韵律感和音高感是音乐教师的必备素质。 see also
    perfect pitch
    degree/strength 程度;强度 3 [singular ,  uncountable ] the degree or strength of a feeling or activity; the highest point of sth (感情、活动等的)程度,力度;(事物的)最高点 a frenetic pitch of activity 活动的狂热极点 Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately. 种种猜测甚嚣尘上,以至必须立即作出决定。 see also
    fever pitch
    to sell sth 销售 4 [countable ,  usually singular ] talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do sth 推销的话;说教;宣传论点 an aggressive sales pitch 强有力的推销行话 the candidate's campaign pitch 候选人的竞选宣传 Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch. 每个公司有十分钟时间做推销宣传。 in baseball 棒球 5 [countable ] an act of throwing the ball; the way in which it is thrown 投球;投球方法 synonyms at
    black substance 黑色物质 6 [uncountable ] a black sticky substance made from oil or coal, used on roofs or the wooden boards of a ship to stop water from coming through 沥青;柏油 in street/market 街道;市场 7 [countable ] ( BrE) a place in a street or market where sb sells things, or where a street entertainer usually performs 街头售货摊点;街头艺人表演地点 of ship/aircraft 船;飞机 8 [uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) the movement of a ship up and down in the water or of an aircraft in the air (船在水上的)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机在空中的)俯仰 compare
    n.  (6 )
    of roof 屋顶 9 [singular ,  uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) the degree to which a roof slopes 倾斜度 IDIOM make a ˈpitch for sb/sth | make a ˈpitch to sb to make a determined effort to get sth or to persuade sb of sth 决心获得;决心劝服 more at
    verb throw 1 [transitive ] pitchsb/sth + adv./prep. to throw sb/sth with force 用力扔;投;抛 The explosion pitched her violently into the air. 爆炸把她猛烈地抛向空中。 ( figurative) The new government has already been pitched into a crisis. 新政府已被抛入危机之中。 in sports 体育运动 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] pitch(sth) (in baseball 棒球 ) to throw the ball to the person who is batting 将(球)投给击球员;投球;当投手 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] pitch(sth) + adv./prep. (of the ball in the games of cricketor golf 板球或高尔夫球 ) to hit the ground; to make the ball hit the ground 触地;(使球)定点落地 The ball pitched a yard short. 球差一码落了地。 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] pitch(sth) (in golf 高尔夫球 ) to hit the ball in a high curve 击出大曲线球;击高球 fall 倒下 5 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to fall heavily in a particular direction 重跌;踉跄倒下 With a cry she pitched forward. 她大叫一声向前跌倒了。 of ship/aircraft 船;飞机 6 [intransitive ] to move up and down on the water or in the air 颠簸;上下飘荡 The sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled all night. 大海波涛汹涌,船整夜颠簸摇晃。 set level 定标准 7 [transitive ] to set sth at a particular level 确定标准 pitchsth (+ adv./prep./adj.) They have pitched their prices too high. 他们把价格定得太高了。 pitchsth (at sth) The test was pitched at too low a level for the students. 这次考试太低估学生的程度了。 try to sell 推销 8 [transitive ] to aim or direct a product or service at a particular group of people (使产品或服务)针对,面向;确定销售对象(或目标市场) pitchsth (at sb) The new software is being pitched at banks. 这种新软件以银行为目标市场。 pitchsth (as sth) Orange juice is to be pitched as an athlete's drink. 橙汁将作为运动员饮料进行推销。 9 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to try to persuade sb to buy sth, to give you sth or to make a business deal with you 推销;争取支持(或生意等) pitchsth Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company's newest products. 销售代表前往日本推销公司的最新产品。 pitch(for sth) We were pitching against a much larger company for the contract. 我们在与一家比我们大得多的公司竞争这项合同。 sound/music 声音;音乐 10 [transitive ] pitchsth + adj. to produce a sound or piece of music at a particular level 定音高 You pitched that note a little flat. 你把那个音符定得有点低了。 The song was pitched too low for my voice. 这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。 see also
    tent 帐篷 11 [transitive ] pitchsth to set up a tent or a camp for a short time 搭(帐篷);扎(营) We could pitch our tentin that field. 我们可以临时把帐篷搭在那块地上。 They pitched campfor the night near the river. 他们靠河边扎营过夜。 see also
    IDIOM ˌpitch a ˈstory/ˈline/ˈyarn (to sb) ( informal) to tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true (对某人)编谎话 PHRASAL VERBS ˌpitch ˈin (with sb/sth) ( informal) to join in and help with an activity, by doing some of the work or by giving money, advice, etc. 投入;参与;支援 Everyone pitched in with the work. 每个人都投入了这项工作。 Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour. 当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。 ˌpitch sth↔ˈin to give a particular amount of money in order to help with sth 参与;出力;出份子 We all pitched in $10 to buy her a gift. 我们每人出 10 元钱给她买礼物。 ˌpitch ˈinto sb ( informal) to attack or criticize sb 攻击;批判;批评 She started pitching into me as soon as I arrived. 我刚一到她就劈头盖脸地批评起我来。 ˌpitch ˈinto sth ( informal) to start an activity with enthusiasm 蓬勃开展;大干 pitchdoing sth I rolled up my sleeves and pitched into cleaning the kitchen. 我卷起袖子,给厨房做大扫除。 ˌpitch ˈup ( BrE) ( informal) to arrive somewhere, especially late or without planning 到达(尤指迟到或不约而至) SYN turn up You can't just pitch up and expect to get in without a ticket. 你可不能说来就来,还想无票入场。
    pitch / pɪtʃ ; NAmE pɪtʃ /
    pitch1 noun
    pitch2 verb
    pitchpitch1 /pɪtʃ/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1sports field [countable] British English a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played SYN  fieldfootball/cricket/rugby etc pitch the world-famous Wembley football pitch He ran the length of the pitch and scored.on the pitch (=playing a sport) Jack was on the pitch for his school in the Senior Cup Final.2strong feelings/activity [singular, uncountable] a strong level of feeling about something or a high level of an activity or a quality:  The controversy reached such a pitch (=become so strong) that the paper devoted a whole page to it.a pitch of excitement/excellence/perfection etc (=a high level of excitement etc) He screamed at her in a pitch of fury. The goal roused the crowd to fever pitch (=a very excited level).3music a)[singular, uncountable] how high or low a note or other sound is:  Ultrasonic waves are at a higher pitch than the human ear can hear. b)[uncountable] the ability of a musician to play or sing a note at exactly the correct level:  She’s got perfect pitch.4persuading [countable] informal the things someone says to persuade people to buy something, do something, or accept an idea:  an aggressive salesman with a fast-talking sales pitchmake a/somebody’s pitch (for something) (=try to persuade people to do something) He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.5baseball [countable] a throw of the ball, or a way in which it can be thrown:  His first pitch was high and wide.6black substance [uncountable] a black sticky substance that is used on roofs, the bottoms of ships etc to stop water coming through:  The night was as black as pitch (=very dark).
    , pitch-dark
    7ship/aircraft [uncountable] an up and down movement of a ship or an aircraftroll:  the pitch and roll of the ship8slope [singular, uncountable] the degree to which a roof slopes or the sloping part of a roof:  the steep pitch of the roof9street/market [countable] British English a place in a public area where someone goes to sell things or where an entertainer goes to perform:  We found the boy at his usual pitch at the bottom of the Acropolis. queer somebody’s pitch/queer the pitch for somebody
    at queer3
    pitch1 noun
    pitch2 verb
    pitchpitch2 ●○○ verb
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1pitch (2)throw [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to throw something with a lot of force, often aiming carefully:  She crumpled up the page and pitched it into the fire. see thesaurus at
    2ball games a)[intransitive, transitive] to aim and throw a ball in baseballpitch to Stanton pitched to two batters in the ninth inning. b)[intransitive] if a ball pitches in cricket or golf, it hits the ground c)[transitive] to hit the ball in a high curve in golf d)[transitive] to make the ball hit the ground when you are bowling in cricket3fall [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to fall or be moved suddenly in a particular direction, or to make someone or something do thispitch (somebody/something) forward/backward/over etc She slipped and pitched forward onto the ground.pitch somebody/something into/onto/through etc something Without a seat belt, you can easily be pitched right through the windscreen.4ship/plane [intransitive] if a ship or an aircraft pitches, it moves up and down in an uncontrolled way with the movement of the water or air
    , → yaw
    5set a level [transitive] a)to set a speech, examination, explanation etc at a particular level of difficultypitch something at a high level/the right level etc You have to pitch your writing at the right level. Some questions were pitched too high for intermediate students. b) British English to set prices at a particular levelbe pitched at something Room rates are pitched at £69 for a single.GRAMMAR Pitch is often passive in this meaning.6aim product [transitive] to aim a product at a particular type of organization, group of people etc, or to describe it in a particular way, in order to sell itbe pitched at somebody/something The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.be pitched as something It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.GRAMMAR Pitch is usually passive in this meaning.7business deals [intransitive, transitive] informal to try to persuade someone to do business with you, buy something etcpitch for business/contracts/custom etc Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.pitch to For many companies, pitching to investors has become almost a full-time job. sales reps pitching new gadgets8voice/music [transitive always + adverb/preposition] if you pitch your voice or another sound at a particular level, the sound is produced at that levelpitch something high/low etc Her voice is pitched a little too high.
    , low-pitched
    9pitch a tent/pitch camp to set up a tent or a camp for a short time:  Try and pitch your tent on level ground.10slope [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to slope downpitch gently/steeply etc The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.
    11pitch somebody a line American English informal to tell someone a story or give them an excuse that is difficult to believe:  She pitched me some line about a bomb scare on the metro.pitch in phrasal verb informal1to join others and help with an activity:  If we all pitch in, we’ll have it finished in no time.pitch in with Everyone pitched in with efforts to entertain the children.2to join others and pay part of the money towards something:  They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.3 British English to start to eat hungrily:  Pitch in – there’s plenty.pitch into somebody/something phrasal verb British English informal1to suddenly start criticizing someone or hitting them:  She pitched into me as soon as I started to speak.2to start doing something, especially quickly and eagerly:  Rick pitched into decorating the house at once.pitch up phrasal verb British English spoken to arrive somewhere SYN  turn up:  Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn’t pitched up yet.

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