
Proportion Relationship  The Small Size Plural Verb Things

word proportion
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[prəˈpɔ:ʃn]proportioned, proportioning, proportions



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[N-COUNT 可数名词]部分 A proportion of a group or an amount is a part of it.
  [usu sing]
  [FORMAL 正式]
  • A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die...


  • A proportion of the rent is met by the city council.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]比例 The proportion of one kind of person or thing in a group is the number of people or things of that kind compared to the total number of people or things in the group.
  [usu sing]
  • The proportion of women in the profession had risen to 17.3%...


  • The radio station has to include a substantial proportion of classical music.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]比例;比 The proportion of one amount to another is the relationship between the two amounts in terms of how much there is of each thing.
  [oft N of n to n]
  • Women's bodies tend to have a higher proportion of fat to water.


[N-PLURAL 复数名词](通常指极其巨大的事物的)大小,尺寸 If you refer to the proportions of something, you are referring to its size, usually when this is extremely large.
  [usu supp N]
  [WRITTEN 笔语]
  • In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions.


  • ...a fraud of breathtaking proportions.


[N-PLURAL 复数名词](艺术品或设计的各部分之间的)比例 If you refer to the proportions in a work of art or design, you are referring to the relative sizes of its different parts.
  • You can vary the relative proportions of things in a picture very simply.


[PREP-PHRASE 短语介词]与…成比例;与…相称;按照 If one thing increases or decreases in proportion to another thing, it increases or decreases to the same degree as that thing.
  • The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.


[PREP-PHRASE 短语介词]与…相比 If something is small or large in proportion to something else, it is small or large when compared with that thing.
  • Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body.


[PREP-PHRASE 短语介词]与…极不成比例;与…完全不相称 If you say that something is out of all proportion to something else, you think that it is far greater or more serious than it should be.
  [usu v-link PREP]
  • The punishment was out of all proportion to the crime.


[PHRASE 短语]过于看重/正确看待 If you get something out of proportion, you think it is more important or worrying than it really is. If you keep something in proportion, you have a realistic view of how important it is.
  [PHR after v]
  • Everything just got blown out of proportion...


  • We've got to keep this in proportion.


[PHRASE 短语]区别轻重缓急的能力;分寸感;主次观念 If someone has a sense of proportion, they know what is really important and what is not.
  • We must not lose our sense of proportion.


pro·por·tion AWL / prəˈpɔːʃn ; NAmE prəˈpɔːrʃn / noun part of whole 部份 1 [countable + singular or plural verb ] a part or share of a whole 部份;份额 Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface. 水覆盖了地球表面的大部份。 Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt. 壤土是由大约等份的黏土、沙和粉砂合成的。 The proportion of regular smokers increases with age. 经常吸烟者的人口比重随年龄的增长而上升。 A higher proportion of Americans go on to higher education than is the case in Britain. 美国人上大学的比例大于英国。 relationship 关系 2 [uncountable ] proportion(of sth to sth) the relationship of one thing to another in size, amount, etc. 比例;倍数关系 SYN
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. 近年来,这个学院的男女学生比例出现了剧变。 The basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1. 基本成分是石灰石和黏土,比例为 2:1。 The room is very long in proportion to (= relative to)its width. 这房间的长度比宽度大很多。
3 [uncountable ,  countable ,  usually plural ] the correct relationship in size, degree, importance, etc. between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole 正确的比例;均衡;匀称 You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion. 你的前景人物画得不合比例。 The head is out of proportion withthe body. 头部和身体不成比例。 an impressive building with fine proportions 比例谐调的雄伟建筑物 Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). 事有轻重缓急之分,这要常记在心。
size/shape 大小;形状 4 proportions [plural ] the measurements of sth; its size and shape 面积;体积;规模;程度 This method divides the task into more manageable proportions. 这个方法把要完成的任务划分成较为易于操作的步骤。 a food shortage that could soon reach crisis proportions 可能会很快达到危机程度的粮食短缺 a room of fairly generous proportions 相当宽敞的屋子 mathematics 数学 5 [uncountable ] the equal relationship between two pairs of numbers, as in the statement ‘4 is to 8 as 6 is to 12’ 等比关系;比例 IDIOMS ˌkeep sth in proˈportion to react to sth in a sensible way and not think it is worse or more serious than it really is 恰当地处事;看待事物恰如其分 out of (all) proˈportion (to sth) larger, more serious, etc. in relation to sth than is necessary or appropriate 不相称;不谐调 They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability. 他们挣的工资与其能力不相称。 The media have blown the incident up out of all proportion. 媒体大肆渲染这件事。 GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 proportion If proportionis used with an uncountable or a singular noun, the verb is generally singular. *proportion 与不可数名词或单数名词连用时,动词一般用单数: A proportion of the land isused for agriculture. 一部份土地作农用。 If the proportion ofis used with a plural countable noun, or a singular noun that represents a group of people, the verb is usually singular, but with a (large, small, etc.) proportion ofa plural verb is often used, especially in BrE. *the proportion of 与复数可数名词或单数集合名词连用时,动词通常为单数;但如果是 a (large、small 等) proportion of,则常用复数动词,尤其在英式英语中: The proportion of small cars on America’s roads isincreasing. 美国公路上小型车的比例在逐渐增加。 A high proportion of five-year-olds haveteeth in poor condition 五岁儿童牙齿不健康的比例高。 . LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 proportion Describing fractions and proportions 描述分数和份额 According to this pie chart, a third ofstudents' leisure time is spent watching TV. 如饼分图所示,学生的闲暇时间有三分之一都花在看电视上。 One in fivehours is/are spent socializing. 每五个小时中有一个小时花在社交活动上。 Socializing accounts for/ makes up/ comprisesabout 20% of leisure time. 社交活动占去大约百分之二十的闲暇时间。 Students spend twice as muchtime playing computer games as doing sport. 学生们玩电脑游戏的时间是做运动时间的两倍。 Three times as manyhours are spent playing computer games as reading. 玩电脑游戏的时间是阅读时间的三倍。 The figure for playing computer games is three times higher thanthe figure for reading. 玩电脑游戏的时间比阅读时间多两倍。 The largest proportion oftime is spent playing computer games. 大部份时间都花在玩电脑游戏上。 ➱ note at half ➱ Language Banks at expect, fall, illustrate, increase proportion proportions proportioned proportioning
pro·por·tion / prəˈpɔːʃn ; NAmE prəˈpɔːrʃn /
proportion1 noun
proportion2 verb
proportionpro‧por‧tion1 /prəˈpɔːʃən $ -ˈpɔːr-/ ●●○ W2 AWL noun
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1part of something [countable usually singular] a part of a number or an amount, considered in relation to the wholeproportion of The proportion of women graduates has increased in recent years. Every parent is asked to contribute a proportion of the total cost.high/large/small etc proportion The decision affects a significant proportion of the population. Although the majority of offenders are men, a small proportion – about five percent – are women. see thesaurus at
GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?In this meaning, proportion is usually followed by a singular verb: · A small proportion disagrees.In British English, you can also use a plural verb: · A small proportion disagree.Grammar guide ‒ NOUNS
2relationship [countable, uncountable] the relationship between two things in size, amount, importance etcthe proportion of something to something What’s the proportion of boys to girls in your class?in proportion to something The rewards you get in this job are in direct proportion to the effort you put in.3correct scale [uncountable] the correct or most suitable relationship between the size, shape, or position of the different parts of something:  Builders must learn about scale and proportion.in proportion Reduce the drawing so that all the elements stay in proportion.in proportion to something Her feet are small in proportion to her height.out of proportion with something The porch is out of proportion with (=too big or too small when compared with) the rest of the house.4proportions [plural] a)the size or importance of something:  Try to reduce your tasks to more manageable proportions.of immense/huge/massive etc proportions an ecological tragedy of enormous proportionsof epic/heroic/mythic proportions For most of us, Scott was a hero of mythic proportions.crisis/epidemic proportions The flu outbreak has reached epidemic proportions. b)the relative sizes of the different parts of a building, object etc:  a building of classic proportions the elegant proportions of the living room5out of (all) proportion too big, great, or strong in relation to somethingproportion to/with The fear of violent crime has now risen out of all proportion to the actual risk.get/blow something out of proportion (=treat something as more serious than it really is) Aren’t you getting things rather out of proportion? The whole issue has been blown out of all proportion.6keep something in proportion to react to a situation sensibly, and not think that it is worse or more serious than it really isperspective:  Let’s keep things in proportion.7sense of proportion the ability to judge what is most important in a situationhave/keep/lose a sense of proportion You can protest by all means, but keep a sense of proportion.8mathematics [uncountable] technical equality in the mathematical relationship between two sets of numbers, as in the statement ‘8 is to 6 as 32 is to 24’ratioCOLLOCATIONS– Meaning 4ADJECTIVES/NOUN + proportionsenormous/massive/gigantic etc proportions· The company is heading towards a disaster of enormous proportions.epidemic proportions (=very great size, especially in a particular place)· Shoplifting has reached epidemic proportions.epic proportions (=very great size or importance)· An argument of epic proportions had ensued.mythic proportions (=a size or importance that seems almost unreal)· Achieving this was a feat of mythic proportions.historic proportions (=a size or importance that only rarely happens)· We were trapped for three days by a blizzard of historic proportions.crisis proportions (=a size that causes very serious problems)· The water shortage was reaching crisis proportions.manageable proportions (=a size that is easy to deal with)· First, narrow the choice down to more manageable proportions.verbsreach epidemic etc proportions· Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.grow to enormous etc proportions· The fish grows to gigantic proportions.assume epidemic etc proportions formal (=become or seem very great)· Unless you deal with it quickly, the damage may assume serious proportions.reduce something to manageable etc proportions· The disease had been reduced to negligible proportions by vaccination.
proportion1 noun
proportion2 verb
proportionproportion2 verb [transitive] formal
Verb Table
Word family
to put something in a particular relationship with something else according to their relative size, amount, position etcbe proportioned to something The amount of damages awarded are proportioned to the degree of injury caused.GRAMMAR Proportion is usually passive.

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