
Agree I Agreed Sth Opinion People   [V N

word agree
content 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
agree ★★★★★
[V-RECIP 相互动词]同意;赞成;意见一致 If people agree with each other about something, they have the same opinion about it or say that they have the same opinion.
  [pl-n V]
  [pl-n V that]
  [V with n]
  [V with n that]
  [V that]
  [V with quote]
  • If we agreed all the time it would be a bit boring, wouldn't it?...


  • Both have agreed on the need for the money...


  • So we both agree there's a problem?...


  • I see your point but I'm not sure I agree with you...


  • I agree with you that the open system is by far the best...


  • 'It's appalling.' — 'It is. I agree.'...


  • I agree that the demise of London zoo would be terrible...


  • I agree with every word you've just said...


  • 'Frankly I found it rather frightening.' — 'A little startling,' Mark agreed.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]同意;应允;答应 If you agree to do something, you say that you will do it. If you agree to a proposal, you accept it.
      [V to-inf]
      [V to n]
      [Also V]
  • He agreed to pay me for the drawings...


  • Donna agreed to both requests...


  • All 100 senators agree to a postponement.


  • 3
    [V-RECIP 相互动词]商定;议定;就…达成协议 If people agree on something, or in British English if they agree something, they all decide to accept or do something.
      [pl-n V on/upon n]
      [pl-n V n]
      [V n with n]
      [Also pl-n V to-inf]
  • The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire...


  • We never agreed a date...


  • The court had given the unions until September to agree terms with a buyer.


  • 4
    [PHRASE 短语]搁置争议;同意各自保留不同意见 If two people who are arguing about something agree to disagree or agree to differ, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion.
      [V inflects]
  • You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]赞成;赞同 If you agree with an action or suggestion, you approve of it.
      [V with n]
  • I don't agree with what they're doing...


  • In his heart he knew they'd agree with his stand.


  • 6
    [V-RECIP 相互动词]相符;吻合;与…一致 If one account of an event or one set of figures agrees with another, the two accounts or sets of figures are the same or are consistent with each other.
      [V with n]
      [Also V]
  • His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词](食物)不对胃口,使不舒服 If some food that you eat does not agree with you, it makes you feel ill.
      [V with n]
      [with neg]
  • I don't think the food here agrees with me.


  • 8
    [VERB 动词](地方、经历)适合,适宜,对…有益 If a place or experience agrees with you, it makes you feel healthy and happy.
      [V with n]
  • You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.


  • 9
    [V-RECIP 相互动词](在数、性等方面)呼应,一致 In grammar, if a word agrees with a noun or pronoun, it has a form that is appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun. For example, in 'He hates it', the singular verb agrees with the singular pronoun 'he'.
      [V with n]
    See also:

    agree / əˈɡriː ; NAmE əˈɡriː / verb share opinion 同意 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to have the same opinion as sb; to say that you have the same opinion 同意;赞成 When he said that, I had to agree. 他说了那话,我只好同意。 + speech ‘That's true’, she agreed. “是这样的。”她同意说。 agree(with sb) (about/on sth) He agreed with them about the need for change. 他同意他们需要变革的意见。 agreewith sth I agree with her analysis of the situation. 我赞成她对形势的分析。 agree(that)… We agreed (that) the proposal was a good one. 我们一致认为这个建议不错。 ‘It's terrible.’ ‘I couldn't agree more!(= I completely agree) “太糟糕了。” “可不是嘛!” OPP
    2 [transitive ] if people are agreedor sth is agreed,everyone has the same opinion about sth (对…)取得一致意见,一致同意 be agreed (on/about sth) Are we all agreed on this? 我们在这个问题上是不是全体意见一致? be agreed (that…) It was agreed (that)we should hold another meeting. 大家一致同意我们应该再开一次会。
    say yes 应允 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to say ‘yes’; to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen 应允;答应;同意 I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. 我要求提高工资,她答应了。 agreeto sth Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? 你认为他会同意他们的建议吗? agree(that)… She agreed (that) I could go early. 她允许我早走。 agreeto do sth She agreed to let me go early. 她同意让我早走。 decide 决定 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to decide with sb else to do sth or to have sth 商定;约定 agreeon sth Can we agree on a date? 我们能否约定一个日期? agreesth They met at the agreed time. 他们在约定的时间见面了。 Can we agree a price? 我们可不可以商定一个价格? They left at ten, as agreed. 他们按照约好的时间在十点钟离去。 agreeto do sth We agreed to meet on Thursday. 我们约定在星期四见面。 agreewhat, where, etc… We couldn't agree what to do. 关于应该怎么办我们各执己见。 accept 认可 5 [transitive ] agreesth to officially accept a plan, request, etc. 批准,认可(计划、要求等) SYN
    Next year's budget has been agreed. 明年的预算已获批准。
    be the same 相符 6 [intransitive ] to be the same as sth (与…)相符,一致 SYN
    The figures do not agree. 这些数字不相符。 agreewith sth Your account of the accident does not agree with hers. 你对事故的叙述与她的叙述不一致。
    grammar 语法 7 [intransitive ] agree(with sth) to match a word or phrase in number, genderor person (在数、性或人称上与…)一致 In ‘Tom likes jazz’, the singular verb ‘likes’ agrees with the subject ‘Tom’. 在 Tom likes jazz 一句中,动词单数形式 likes 与主语 Tom 一致。 IDIOM aˌgree to ˈdiffer if two people agree to differ,they accept that they have different opinions about sth, but they decide not to discuss it any longer 同意各自保留不同意见 PHRASAL VERB not aˈgree with sb (of food 食物 ) to make you feel ill/sick 使难受;不适合;不相宜 I love strawberries, but they don't agree with me. 我喜欢草莓,但吃了以后不舒服。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 agree accept approve go along with sb/sth consent These words all mean to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen. 以上各词均含答应、同意之意。 agree to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen 指答应、容许: He agreed to let me go early. 他同意让我早走。 accept to be satisfied with sth that has been done, decided or suggested 指同意、接受、认可: They accepted the court's decision. 他们接受法院的判决。 approve to officially agree to a plan, suggestion or request 指批准、正式通过(计划、建议或要求): The committee unanimously approved the plan. 委员会一致通过了计划。 go along with sb/sth ( rather informal) to agree to sth that sb else has decided; to agree with sb else's ideas 指赞同某事,同意某人的观点: She just goes along with everything he suggests. 他的一切建议她都赞同。 consent ( rather formal) to agree to sth or give your permission for sth 指同意、准许、允许: She finally consented to answer our questions. 她最终同意回答我们的问题。 PATTERNS to agree/consent tosth to agree/consent to do sth to agree to/accept/approve/go along with/consent to a plan / plan to agree to/accept/approve a request agree agrees agreed agreeing
    agree / əˈɡriː ; NAmE əˈɡriː /
    agreea‧gree /əˈɡriː/ ●●● S1 W1 verb
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    1same opinion [intransitive, transitive] to have or express the same opinion about something as someone else OPP  disagree:  Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.agree with If she felt he was right, she would agree with him.agree that Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions.agree on/about We don’t agree on everything, of course.I quite agree/I couldn’t agree more (=I agree completely) ‘We have to talk.’ ‘Absolutely,’ Meredith replied. ‘I couldn’t agree more.’2say yes [intransitive, transitive] to say yes to an idea, plan, suggestion etc OPP  refuse:  I suggested we go somewhere for the weekend and she agreed at once.agree to do something No one really knows why he agreed to do the film.agree to My sister won’t agree to our mother going into a nursing home.3decide together [intransitive, transitive] to make a decision with someone after a discussion with themagree to do something We agreed to meet again the following Monday.agree on They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.agree that We agreed that elections would be held in May.agree a price/plan/strategy etc We agreed a new four-year contract.GRAMMARIn more formal English, you say it was agreed that when saying what people agreed: · It was agreed that the post would be advertised.4be the same [intransitive] if two pieces of information agree with each other, they match or are the sameagree with Your story doesn’t agree with what the police have told us.5agree to differ/disagree if two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop arguing about itagree with something phrasal verb1to believe that a decision, action, or suggestion is correct or right:  I don’t agree with hitting children.2not agree with somebody if a type of food does not agree with you, it makes you feel ill:  Green peppers don’t agree with me.3if an adjective, verb etc agrees with a word, it matches that word by being plural if the word is plural etcGRAMMARReciprocal verbsAgree is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or groups do something that involves both or all of them: · Our parties agree on this. You can also say: · Our parties agree with each other on this.· My party agrees with yours on this.Prepositions with agreeagree with somebody/somethingYou agree with someone: · I agree with Tanya. Don’t say: I agree Tanya.You agree with an opinion or statement: · He agrees with this view. Don’t say: He agrees this view.agree on/about somethingPeople agree on or about a subject: · My wife and I agree on most things.agree to somethingYou agree to a plan or suggestion: · They agreed to all our proposals. Don’t say: They agreed all our proposals.Grammar guide ‒ VERBSUsing the progressiveAgree is not used in the progressive. You say: · I agree completely. Don’t say: I am agreeing completely.Grammar guide ‒ VERBSTHESAURUSto say yesagree to say that you think that someone’s plan or suggestion is a good idea and you think it should happen: · Charles suggested going for a picnic, and we all agreed.· The Council of Ministers would never agree to such a plan.· Few people expect the rebels to agree to the peace plan.· When I proposed that in future we should hold our meetings in the bar, the others agreed wholeheartedly.say yes especially spoken to agree to do what someone has asked: · They asked if I would give a talk, and I stupidly said yes.approve to officially agree to a plan or proposal: · Congress approved the plan by a large majority.give your consent to say that you agree to something that will affect you, your family, or your property, when you have the legal right to say ‘no’: · Her parents have given their consent to the marriage.go along with something to agree with someone else’s plan or suggestion even though you are not sure if it is the right thing to do: · He wasn’t very happy with the idea, but he decided to go along with it.to have the same opinionagree to have the same opinion as someone, or to think that a statement is correct: · I totally agree with what you’ve just said.· I completely agree with Chomsky when he says that humans are born with a special ability to learn language.· Most experts agree that dieting needs to be accompanied by regular exercise.be in agreement formal if people are in agreement, they agree with each other, especially after discussing something: · The brothers are in agreement over the future of their company.· The world’s scientists are in agreement that global warming is a problem that needs to be addressed.share somebody’s view/be of the same opinion formal to have the same opinion as someone, especially about an important issue: · A lot of people share his view that tourism will have a negative impact on the island.· Professor Dawkins is of the same opinion as Dr Jones.· They share the view that nuclear energy can play an important role in meeting global demands for energy.· All three specialists were of the same opinion about the cause of her illness.concur /kənˈkɜː $ -ˈkɜːr/ formal to agree with someone or about something – a very formal word which is used especially in official contexts: · The committee concurred with this view.· She asked her colleague, and she concurred.· Was it his aggression which set him apart from his rivals? ‘Possibly,’ he concurred.· As most biblical scholars concur, the letter could not have been written by any contemporary of Jesus.see eye to eye [not in progressive] to agree with someone about something – used especially in negative sentences: · We don’t always see eye to eye, but we do respect each other’s opinions.agree up to a point to partly agree with someone: · I agree with you up to a point, but surely the situation is more complex than that?
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