
Deliver Delivered Give N Baby Transitive Verb 动词

word deliver
content RDnBsBRHX1LUaMRnRIQME4GdOSqJkRzfYqb909WsPZv++DTW1xZ2gvygpBynJqcUh+2aM6odEIS91hUiGYTOr+mSjBPP/BcenGX3JExtomuIP5pa0b5awah8RiPyHkRgJxfuRHEoMFM9176ydsUtC+2wuRPyZpKn5/koO1UcvVRuX7pNo+ck5l1upFme+rBxNBjjzcvMd153kDK0FJqxba5WLo9ZbmiVUx5/PTy3vb2KOPIZ+yX1QGWyK+jgPlkAV63yz2qPSxuem9RFpBg1hywEgvatzWvP4rGAXHM8v4AW5JwHYLQjMnVZPMMJpoHnxwvgvFbEHD1iNT6vrKEdP6bQs5dkH9XIQxwrXFbgux5dkx0HKq642txHw0uHZxf6BELe9/VClQBOwV61DxDitjM6s8Yf6W1YnItiBvRlQ3Qc4Oizr7tcontWEA/y88oRmbmxkl2zNMmnBsmudfWLsAkTTG2cO5b2pTKZhi6ozGDgpHZ3XkmDAZoihOklT8HigG05UU4xKl4cbxOctH+SFRmFx8ifs+3G+mAggRlVilcjYAK21Tl0XTqsnM5S2ROvJxfuRHEoMFM9176ydsUtC/xejP5rFeHe0hQ8RGlvabefOsft2Tc0dCRxRc1F7Eo5nnvMB+ZKWqVlXcB43XU/SFNhv28re21EfCV6UxsN0U4JS1/oKQsib3CgouNrbq6PHm3qarjftheTkCVKMVLC+4u1fLK0wzmGWqW6oCE+KNrtpr35rj9A6RGdm8UR2Y8C8blKGULV/nIBfiww5HSihGoJ1L6aK7X8qu4ipCuk7ZfpIoeeH1i+hbWJaTpy0tYCaDI0NQscFXoxv0VBMfY+xFEtC2CwwPI+3MKUDxdJ/wYc4Oizr7tcontWEA/y88oRcvL+nF4wDomXrkKjq7MJuVG0OmIoxp/JMuwjoQyS/F7wIkQTt7VRabn67LXpVvD9p5LbJg649H48WTgQxFPiPN0U6go3rNDeDVDqrMh57odPdYeBBVWL1YAiooeYHf1ksDD2JjkeThHfRB2TB4fV3LAxvrMX3SvZ9kM+3a6QxF1KEYBq1uNTPH9uklQSWC/wIsnj4a9/FB/FAjsLvZrZ9hzm/I3g8NKQVFh8fKe+nUV+xrYbIBG+hx3kzskHbtvbN6a3Jf5I1FlpEP+Mqju9lGcpBQ5Ak0hL4syJA9egWHl7CuJGJ9/fBkaV55bndamodlYqO2W/8r4I60p1Gf2wHgDWoJj0PvNomG2GlwewR9xvIWp/bTGvhtthMF5gBm4DU0/ZcJhw2bzA6szreT5H+KdVC9tr5MpvH6S0tWXs1Pckmr+usFBmbCt9El0EVXcdXHGRCZESAsHLRozSX8NYmS6TmiZPWIb8SmS5ysOntsO/TFcvwOO1BStVYr/GvYzJHyI3IK3fkwnouq9uzCVPw5zoe1TmpHrt+CZxLuz1ESJccZEJkRICwctGjNJfw1iZU2ZkNJk12bB6BkSCnFbAO7x3XJcnAFXAwuGobqQF6NKT1xe2C3yKYp83CFSEq+b3ZaK9/9K1+KbMgO6JCOa/gQpgwuT49OoevrVQnaHmMUBVJI5C1RC8aDFssfKjhqvoI1/dzSaZ9KwZrO5M5zsgkWyJqrB9EIaQYkXxZt5KJd9/a303tFfzzBQUZNH0LMSxFjUJ1K6hTsb5KjlP/Chl0uHahsGE6V7CLPdzdVHDaK5EDp2gE7L+0yZ84csNF252ha5qGInjF0x0mkZZydtkbh6RWuAe2SUsXtSY7be3QRiqoHj80NxnokLqNIdtsqEXWYre2t4rVWC/o6H5xUoaeZaogOZu59Joksa/PYV2mux86DKbt0nb0Zp2MB5ASeKfm0p+Nz3iBML7Ih3qqTnz0IFJuEtzhAlDFnubVLzXupCBFhPBDKlQj9ZUbEA8T5Q3bJ21GGxxI/pdyLudu03lbPTxlCVRypRPBKclDcKLB4eVJGs3wLm0FpPT1ufz1DK0rk8T8GXpC81VPWsu3btRDuF/S3nKAlZkhi3GIXNCxbConGvU4GmndWDzCby20wsTBzSPbtFN7TwLDGmO0KjzhhAuYOqvJ0JsiDgmt8nK5lxi3gwpLOqvIswLxf4IebPlGBmaH0Xe9z5TLq4OTPbBy59TDwYNRuLotQ0zi3AMlIv4zMKjotJKtOfd33MRbJF5VMxMa+d24ja/uDgbSmsZE0FeUI8bd9XhGQGY8Es4BwvKDETyjO6WVQ5yC8G2wvV6eMv3d/+9NQn0ngoUYXsfHRyl/GPpsLsIYBwx/t6rQUIYjFVpwmygQ3s1n80NMejNzDyTKpMNmzO6SV6i0XKibM2cA1e7x8p9Vj/vfj1OyFT1iq1SM45EToD4acx/2GBqSXmImmk54QnRitTW6t2LF1QLtPfA5+VzHiFKJEE5O94yC1wWuc/EXuurH7K+8fnqZ9gcqanIc/heqRVWd5gVLDHNfoOmHuEalbX2KFLwqMts/o4z/dUp7Cfadki8pq55FgCHgZhHCbnZ3qbJ0VvtrZBTSzehOpx7n8XNBb7JPcosvJhwcZE13If5W69HObi+R65Yy8yAMp1jMaWFxsliEE+xX5n+4i1QKVQsCEltZMxK/blsnKAdEmhsarVc+h2AHdpZApqTgJSXBOiQWA7h1TKmwBGkawQUcmFyF8MH0/JPb8ZfVrEQzuyP/wW+GYLDcJJ5Od8tKhY/g/R8Srs0Dhd6LceZiAAYDBgAVRm+JaNpo/xJZ9klN4o2hfMX25xCHXggIyJoIWI2ZjxryxJSlhtwXKH5ZySW2QqzLElQeSw=
deliver ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]递送;投递;运送 If you deliver something somewhere, you take it there.
  [V n to n]
  [V n]
  [Also V]
  • The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia...


  • The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents...


  • We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes.

    我们被告知比萨饼 20 分钟后送到。

  • 2
    [VERB 动词]履行;兑现;实现 If you deliver something that you have promised to do, make, or produce, you do, make, or produce it.
      [V n]
  • They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies...


  • ... proving they could deliver the vote in their areas...


  • We don't promise what we can't deliver.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]托付;交托 If you deliver a person or thing into someone's care, you give them responsibility for that person or thing.
      [be V-ed into/to n]
      [V n into/to n]
      [be V-ed over]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • Mrs Montgomery was delivered into Mr Hinchcliffe's care...


  • David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman's outstretched arms...


  • He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]作(讲座);发表(讲话) If you deliver a lecture or speech, you give it in public.
      [V n]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • The president will deliver a speech about schools...


  • It is shocking that only one woman has delivered the lecture in 44 years.

    在 44 年间仅有一名女性作过讲座,这真令人震惊。

  • 5
    [VERB 动词]接生(婴儿) When someone delivers a baby, they help the woman who is giving birth to the baby.
      [V n]
  • Her husband had to deliver the baby himself.


  • 6
    [VERB 动词]给予(打击) If someone delivers a blow to someone else, they hit them.
      [be V-ed]
      [Also V n]
      [WRITTEN 笔语]
  • Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词]解救;拯救;使解脱 If someone delivers you from something, they rescue or save you from it.
      [V n from n]
      [OLD-FASHIONED 过时]
  • I have given thanks to God for delivering me from that pain.


  • 8

    to deliver the goods→see:

    de·liver / dɪˈlɪvə(r) ; NAmE dɪˈlɪvər / verb take goods/letters 送货╱信 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere 递送;传送;交付;运载 deliversth Do you have your milk delivered? 你的牛奶是让别人送吗? deliver(sth) to sb/sth Leaflets have been delivered to every household. 传单已发送到每家每户。 deliver(to sb/sth) We promise to deliver within 48 hours. 我们承诺在 48 小时内送到。 give speech 发表演说 2 [transitive ] deliversth to give a speech, talk, etc. or other official statement 发表;宣布;发布 She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. 根据安排她要作一个关于遗传工程的演讲。 He delivered his lines confidently. 他信心十足地说了他的台词。 The jury finally delivered its verdict. 陪审团终于宣布了裁决。 keep promise 履行诺言 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to 履行诺言;不负所望;兑现 He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver. 他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。 deliveron sth She always delivers on her promises. 她总是信守诺言。 deliversth If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired. 如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。 The team delivered a stunning victory last night. 昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。 give to sb's control 交某人控制 4 [transitive ] deliversb/sth (up/over) (to sb) ( formal) to give sb/sth to sb else so that they are under this person's control 交出;交付;移交 They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army. 他们把俘虏交给了侵略军。 baby 婴儿 5 [transitive ] delivera baby to help a woman to give birth to a baby 助产;接生 The baby was delivered by Caesarean section. 这个婴儿是剖腹产下的。 6 [transitive ] be delivered of a baby ( formal) to give birth to a baby 分娩;生孩子 She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生下一个健康的男孩儿。 throw 投掷 7 [transitive ] deliversth to throw or aim sth 投掷;把…瞄准;用…对准 He delivered the blow (= hit sb hard)with all his force. 他打这一下使出了全身的力气。 rescue 解救 8 [transitive ] deliversb (from sth) ( old use) to rescue sb from sth bad 解救;拯救;使摆脱 SYN
    deliver delivers delivered delivering
    de·liver / dɪˈlɪvə(r) ; NAmE dɪˈlɪvər /
    deliverde‧liv‧er /dɪˈlɪvə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 verb
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    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1take something somewhere [intransitive, transitive] to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person:  The morning mail has just been delivered. Do you deliver on Saturdays?deliver something to somebody They set off to deliver supplies to an isolated village. I’m having some flowers delivered for her birthday. see thesaurus at
    2deliver a speech/lecture/address etc to make a speech etc to a lot of people:  The king delivered a televised speech to the nation on November 5.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say give a speech/lecture/talk rather than deliver a speech/lecture/talk.3do something you should do [intransitive, transitive] to do or provide the things you are expected to, because you are responsible for them or they are part of your job:  the costs of delivering adequate nursing care the failure of some services to deliver the goods (=do what they have promised) The company will deliver on its promises.4baby [transitive] to help a woman give birth to her baby, or to give birth to a baby:  They rushed her to hospital where doctors delivered her baby.5blow/shock etc [transitive] to give something such as a blow, shock, or warning to someone or something:  He delivered a strong warning about the dangers facing the government.6deliver a judgment/verdict to officially state a formal decision or judgment:  The jury delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.7person [transitive] formal to put someone into someone else’s controldeliver somebody to somebody Sharett had betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy.8votes [transitive] especially American English to get the votes or support of a particular group of people in an election:  He cannot deliver the Latino vote.9make somebody free of something [transitive] literary or biblical to help someone escape from something bad or evildeliver somebody from something ‘Deliver us from evil,’ she prayed.deliverer noun [countable]deliver something ↔ up phrasal verb formal to give something to someone else:  A bankrupt must deliver up all his books, papers and records.
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