
Devil Phrase 短语 Difficult People Spoken Job Situation

word devil
content 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
devil ★★☆☆☆
[N-PROPER 专有名词](犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教中的)魔王,撒旦 In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Devil is the most powerful evil spirit.
  [the N]
[N-COUNT 可数名词]魔鬼;恶魔 A devil is an evil spirit.
  • ...the idea of angels with wings and devils with horns and hoofs.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](用于强调)家伙,人 You can use devil to emphasize the way you feel about someone. For example, if you call someone a poor devil, you are saying that you feel sorry for them. You can call someone you are fond of but who sometimes annoys or irritates you an old devil or a little devil .
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • I felt sorry for Blake, poor devil...


  • Manfred, you're a suspicious old devil...


  • Susie, you're a determined little devil.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]淘气鬼;冒失鬼 If you refer to someone as a devil, you mean that they do not behave very well but you like them and are not angry with them.
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • 'I think he was a bit of a devil,' Constance said.


  • 5
    [PHRASE 短语](用于强调)极其讨厌(或糟糕、麻烦)的 Devil can be used to emphasize what you think about someone or something. For example, if you say that someone is a devil of a nuisance, you mean that they are very annoying. If you say that something is a devil of a problem, you mean that it is a very difficult problem.
      [v-link PHR n]
  • He was always a devil of a nuisance...


  • It's a devil of a tricky problem,isn't it?


  • 6
    [PHRASE 短语]宁可跟熟识的魔鬼打交道(也比跟未知的魔鬼打交道好) If you say better the devil you know or better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, you mean that you would prefer to have contact with or do business with a person you already know, even though you don't like them, than with a person you don't know.
      [mainly BRIT 主英]
    [PHRASE 短语](用于强调)需煞费苦心(做),要大费周折(做) If you say that you had the devil's own job to do something or that you had a devil of a job doing something, you are emphasizing that it was difficult to do it.
      [V inflects]
      [BRIT 英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • We had the devil's own job to persuade him to take part.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语]拼命地;竭力地;(开车)飞快地 If you say that someone does something like the devil, you are emphasizing that they put a lot of effort into it. If you say that someone drives like the devil, you are emphasizing that they drive very fast.
  • He drives himself on, working like the devil from seven in the morning until midnight...

    他不断敦促自己,从早上 7 点一直拼命工作到午夜。

  • He must have driven like the devil.


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]落后者遭殃(形容或评论人人都只考虑自己而不顾别人) You can say the devil take the hindmost to describe or comment on a situation you disapprove of because people do only what is best for themselves without thinking about other people.
  • Every one for himself and the devil take the hindmost.


  • 10
    [PHRASE 短语]进退维谷;左右为难 If you say that you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you mean that you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.
      [v-link PHR]
    [PHRASE 短语]出卖灵魂;违背良心 If you say that someone has sold their soul to the devil, you mean that you disapprove of them because they have done something that you think is not right in order to get what they want.
      [V inflects]
    [PHRASE 短语]说曹操,曹操到 People say speak of the devil, or in British English talk of the devil, if someone they have just been talking about appears unexpectedly.
  • Well, talk of the devil!


  • 13
    [PHRASE 短语](用于强调)究竟,到底 When you want to emphasize how annoyed or surprised you are, you can use an expression such as what the devil ,how the devil, or why the devil .
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • 'What the devil's the matter?'


  • Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it...


  • 'Why the devil did you do that?'


  • Oxford
    devil / ˈdevl ; NAmE ˈdevl / noun 1 the Devil (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions 基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教 ) the most powerful evil being 魔王;魔鬼;撒旦 SYN
    2 an evil spirit 魔鬼;恶魔 They believed she was possessed by devils. 他们认为她是魔鬼附身。 3 ( informal) a person who behaves badly, especially a child 淘气鬼;冒失鬼;调皮鬼 a naughty little devil 小淘气鬼 4 ( informal) used to talk about sb and to emphasize an opinion that you have of them (强调对某人的看法)人,家伙 I miss the old devil, now that he's gone. 老家伙这一走,我还真想他。 She's off to Greece for a month—lucky devil! 她休假去希腊一个月,真够幸运的! IDIOMS be a ˈdevil ( BrE) people say Be a devil!to encourage sb to do sth that they are not sure about doing (用以鼓励)别怕,勇敢点 Go on, be a devil, buy both of them. 来,怕什么,两个都买了吧。 better the ˌdevil you ˈknow (than the ˌdevil you ˈdon't) ( saying) used to say that it is easier and wiser to stay in a bad situation that you know and can deal with rather than change to a new situation which may be much worse 熟悉的魔鬼比不熟悉的魔鬼好;不要嫌熟悉的环境不好,换个不熟悉的环境可能更糟 between the ˌdevil and the ˌdeep blue ˈsea in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choices 进退维谷;左右为难 the ˈdevil ( old-fashioned) very difficult or unpleasant 非常困难;令人非常不快 These berries are the devil to pick because they're so small. 这些浆果太小了,很难摘。 the ˌdevil looks after his ˈown ( saying) bad people often seem to have good luck 坏人多好运;坏蛋自有鬼照顾;恶人自有恶人帮 the devil makes work for idle ˈhands ( saying) people who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong 人间生是非 She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. ‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say. 她认为那些违法活动是当地的无业青少年所为,总是说:“人一间,惹麻烦”。 a ˈdevil of a job/time ( old-fashioned) a very difficult or unpleasant job or time 费力(或令人讨厌)的事;难熬(或令人不快)的日子 I've had a devil of a job finding you. 我费了九牛二虎之力才找到你。 go to the ˈdevil! ( old-fashioned, informal) used, in an unfriendly way, to tell sb to go away 滚开;见鬼去;去你的 like the ˈdevil ( old-fashioned, informal) very hard, fast, etc. 拚命;卖力;飞快 We ran like the devil. 我们跑得飞快。 speak/talk of the ˈdevil ( informal) people say speak/talk of the devilwhen sb they have been talking about appears unexpectedly 说到某人,某人就到 Well, speak of the devil—here's Alice now! 呵,说曹操,曹操就到 — 瞧,艾丽斯这就来啦! what, where, who, why, etc. the ˈdevil… ( old-fashioned) used in questions to show that you are annoyed or surprised (用于问句表示烦恼或吃惊)究竟…,到底… What the devil do you think you're doing? 你到底以为自己在干什么? more at
    devil devils devilled deviled devilling deviling
    devil / ˈdevl ; NAmE ˈdevl /
    devildev‧il /ˈdevəl/ ●●○ S3 noun
    Word Origin
    1 the devil (also the Devil) the most powerful evil spirit in some religions, especially in Christianity SYN  Satan2[countable] an evil spirit SYN  demon:  The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body.3speak of the devil (also talk of the devil British English) spoken used when someone you have just been talking about walks into the room where you are4poor/lucky/handsome etc devil spoken used to talk about someone who you feel sorry for, who is lucky etc:  What on earth is wrong with the poor devil?5little/old devil spoken used to talk about a child or an older man who behaves badly, but who you like:  He’s a naughty little devil. I really miss the old devil.6be a devil British English spoken used to persuade someone to do something they are not sure they should do:  Go on, be a devil, have another gin and tonic.7what/who/why etc the devil? old-fashioned spoken used to show that you are surprised or annoyed:  How the devil should I know what she’s thinking?8 a devil of a time/job etc old-fashioned spoken a difficult or unpleasant time, job etc:  We had a devil of a job trying to get the carpet clean again.9go to the devil! old-fashioned spoken used to tell someone rudely to go away or stop annoying you10do something like the devil old-fashioned spoken to do something very fast or using a lot of force:  They rang the bell and ran like the devil.11better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t) used to say that it is better to deal with someone or something you know, even if you do not like them, than to deal with someone or something new that might be worse12between the devil and the deep blue sea in a difficult situation because there are only two choices you can make and both of them are unpleasant13... and the devil take the hindmost used to say that everyone in a situation only cares about what happens to themselves and does not care about other people14the devil makes/finds work for idle hands used to say that people who do not have enough to do will start to do bad things15the devil is in the detail used to say that the details of a plan, agreement etc are very important and may result in problems
    devil's advocate
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