[VERB 动词]画;描绘;描画 When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram.
[V n]
She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub...
Draw a rough design for a logo...
He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes.
I like dancing, singing and drawing.
[VERB 动词](车辆平稳地)移动,行进 When a vehicle draws somewhere, it moves there smoothly and steadily.
[V adv/prep]
Claire had seen the taxi drawing away...
A carriage door struck him as a train drew into Basildon station.
[VERB 动词]慢慢走;溜达 If you draw somewhere, you move there slowly.
[V adv/prep]
[V adj]
She drew away and did not smile...
When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.
[VERB 动词]拉;拖 If you draw something or someone in a particular direction, you move them in that direction, usually by pulling them gently.
[V n prep]
[V n adj]
[V n with adv]
He drew his chair nearer the fire...
He put his arm around Caroline's shoulders and drew her close to him...
Wilson drew me aside after an interview.
[VERB 动词]拉(窗帘、百叶窗等) When you draw a curtain or blind, you pull it across a window, either to cover or to uncover it.
[V n]
After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle...
Mother was lying on her bed, with the blinds drawn.
[VERB 动词]拔出,抽出,掏出(枪、刀等武器) If someone draws a gun, knife, or other weapon, they pull it out of its container and threaten you with it.
[V n]
He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.
[VERB 动词](牲畜或机动车)拖,拉 If an animal or vehicle draws something such as a cart, carriage, or another vehicle, it pulls it along.
[V n]
...a slow-moving tractor, drawing a trailer.
...a chariot drawn by six black mules.
6 匹黑色骡子拉着的一辆双轮敞篷马车
[VERB 动词]深深吸入(空气) If you draw a deep breath, you breathe in deeply once.
[V n]
He paused, drawing a deep breath.
[VERB 动词]吸(烟) If you draw on a cigarette, you breathe the smoke from it into your mouth or lungs.
[V on n]
[V n into n]
[Also V n with in]
He drew on an American cigarette...
Her cheeks hollowed as she drew smoke into her lungs.
[VERB 动词]汲取;提取 To draw something such as water or energy from a particular source means to take it from that source.
[V n from n]
Villagers still have to draw their water from wells.
[VERB 动词]放(血);抽(血) If something that hits you or presses part of your body draws blood, it cuts your skin so that it bleeds.
[V n]
Any practice that draws blood could increase the risk of getting the virus.
[VERB 动词]提取,支取,领取(存款) If you draw money out of a bank, building society, or savings account, you get it from the account so that you can use it.
[V n with out]
[V n from n]
[Also V n]
She was drawing out cash from a cash machine...
Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.
[VERB 动词]领取(薪水等) If you draw a salary or a sum of money, you receive a sum of money regularly.
[V n]
For the first few years I didn't draw any salary at all...
He is moving ever closer to drawing his pension.
[VERB 动词](在比赛等中)抽(签);(在摸彩中)抽(奖) To draw something means to choose it or to be given it, as part of a competition, game, or lottery.
[V n]
We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name...
Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup.
Draw is also a noun.
...the draw for the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]抽奖 A draw is a competition where people pay money for numbered or named tickets, then some of those tickets are chosen, and the owners are given prizes.
[VERB 动词]取得;发掘 To draw something from a particular thing or place means to take or get it from that thing or place.
[V n from n]
I draw strength from the millions of women who have faced this challenge successfully...
The students are drawn from a cross-section of backgrounds.
[VERB 动词]得出;推断出 If you draw a particular conclusion, you decide that that conclusion is true.
[V n from n]
[V n]
He draws two conclusions from this...
He says he cannot yet draw any conclusions about the murders.
[VERB 动词]作(比较或对比);加以(区别) If you draw a comparison, parallel, or distinction, you compare or contrast two different ideas, systems, or other things.
[V n]
[Also V n with n]
...literary critics drawing comparisons between George Sand and George Eliot...
Interesting distinctions can be drawn between the two populations.
[VERB 动词]使注意;引起…注意 If you draw someone's attention to something, you make them aware of it or make them think about it.
[V n]
[V n to n]
He was waving his arms to draw their attention...
He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed.
[VERB 动词]引起(某种反应) If someone or something draws a particular reaction, people react to it in that way.
[V n from n]
[V n]
Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.
...an official tour to South Africa which drew angry political reactions.
[VERB 动词]吸引 If something such as a film or an event draws a lot of people, it is so interesting or entertaining that a lot of people go to it.
[V n]
The game is currently drawing huge crowds.
[VERB 动词]使倾心;使动心;强烈吸引 If someone or something draws you, it attracts you very strongly.
[V n]
[V n to n]
He drew and enthralled her...
What drew him to the area was its proximity to central London.
[VERB 动词]使回答;使透露消息;使说出意见 If someone will not be drawn or refuses to be drawn, they will not reply to questions in the way that you want them to, or will not reveal information or their opinion.
[be V-ed on n]
[be V-ed]
[with brd-neg]
[mainly BRIT 主英]
The ambassador would not be drawn on questions of a political nature...
'Did he say why?' — 'No, he refuses to be drawn.'
[V-RECIP 相互动词]打成平手;不分胜负 In a game or competition, if one person or team draws with another one, or if two people or teams draw, they have the same number of points or goals at the end of the game.
[pl-n V num]
[V with/against n]
[V n (non-recip)]
[Also pl-n V]
[mainly BRIT 主英]
Holland and the Republic of Ireland drew one-one...
We drew with Ireland in the first game...
Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.
Draw is also a noun.
We were happy to come away with a draw against Sweden.
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 tie
See also:
[PHRASE 短语]结束;终止 When an event or period of time draws to a close or draws to an end, it finishes.
[V inflects]
Another celebration had drawn to its close.
[PHRASE 短语](事件或时间)接近,临近 If an event or period of time is drawing closer or is drawing nearer, it is approaching.
[V inflects]
And all the time next spring's elections are drawing closer...
As the day set for departure drew near, I told my wife that I could not accompany them.
to draw a blank→see:
; to draw breath→see:
; to draw someone's fire→see:
; to draw the line→see:
; to draw lots→see:
; the luck of the draw→see:
draw in
draw into
draw off
draw on
draw out
draw up
draw upon
draw★/drɔː; NAmEdrɔː/
drawdrawsdrewdrawingdrawnverb★(drew/druː; NAmEdruː/drawn/drɔːn; NAmEdrɔːn/)make pictures 绘画1★[intransitive , transitive ]to make pictures, or a picture of sth, with a pencil, pen or chalk(but not paint) (用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘,描画◆You draw beautifully.你的画画得真好。drawsth ◆to draw a picture/diagram/graph画画╱示意图╱曲线图◆She drew a house.她画了一栋房屋。◆He drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。◆( figurative) The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption.这份报告描绘了一幅办事效率低下和贪污腐化的可怕景象。☞collocationsat
pull 拖;拉2★[transitive ]drawsth/sb + adv./prep. to move sth/sb by pulling it or them gently 拖(动);拉(动);牵引◆He drew the cork out of the bottle.他把瓶塞拔了出来。◆I drew my chair up closer to the fire.我把椅子向火旁拉近了点。◆She drew me onto the balcony.她把我拉到阳台上。◆I tried to draw him aside(= for example where I could talk to him privately).我设法把他拉到了一边。◆( figurative) My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner.角落里的那个男人引起了我的注意。☞synonyms at
3[transitive ]drawsth (of horses, etc. 马匹等)to pull a vehicle such as a carriage拉,拖(车)◆The Queen's coach was drawn by six horses.女王的御驾是由六匹马拉的。◆a horse-drawn carriage马车curtains 窗帘4[transitive ]drawsth to open or close curtains, etc. 拉(窗帘、帘子)◆The blinds were drawn.窗帘拉上了。◆It was getting dark so I switched on the light and drew the curtains.天快黑了,我便打开灯,拉上了窗帘。◆She drew back the curtains and let the sunlight in.她拉开窗帘让阳光照进来。move 移动5[intransitive ]+ adv./prep.to move in the direction mentioned (向某个方向)移动,行进◆The train drew into the station.火车徐徐驶入车站。◆The train drew in.火车进站了。◆The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer.远处的人影好像越来越近。◆Their car drew alongsideours. 他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。◆( figurative) Her retirement is drawing near.她快退休了。◆( figurative) The meeting was drawing to a close.会议快结束了。weapon 武器6[transitive , intransitive ]draw(sth) (on sb) to take out a weapon, such as a gun or a sword,in order to attack sb 拔出;抽出;掏出◆She drew a revolver on me.她拔出左轮手枪对准我。◆He came towards them with his sword drawn.他手持出鞘的剑向他们走来。attract 吸引7[transitive ]to attract or interest sb 吸引;招引;使感兴趣drawsb ◆The movie is drawing large audiences.这部影片吸引了大批观众。◆The course draws students from all over the country.这课程吸引了来自全国各地的学生。drawsb to sth ◆Her screams drew passers-by to the scene.她的惊叫声把过路人吸引到了现场。get reaction 引起反应8[transitive ]to produce a reaction or response 产生,引起,激起(反应或回应)drawsth ◆The plan has drawn a lot of criticism.这个计划引来众多批评。drawsth from sb ◆The announcement drew loud applause from the audience.公告博得观众的热烈掌声。make sb talk 使人说话9[transitive ]drawsb (about/on sth) [often passive ]to make sb say more about sth 使说出;使吐露◆Spielberg refused to be drawn on his next movie.斯皮尔伯格拒绝透露他下一部影片的任何消息。conclusion 结论10[transitive ]drawsth (from sth) to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or thought about it 获取;得出;推断出◆What conclusions did you draw from the report?你从这个报告中得出了什么结论?◆We can draw some lessons for the future from this accident.我们可以从这起事故中为今后吸取教训。comparison 比较11[transitive ]drawsth to express a comparison or a contrast 进行,作(比较或对比)◆to draw an analogy/a comparison/a parallel/a distinctionbetween two events 对两件事进行类比╱比较;找出两件事之间的相似之处╱区别choose 选择12[intransitive , transitive ]to decide sth by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance 抽(签、牌);抓(阄)◆We drew for partners.我们抓阄决定伙伴。drawsth ◆They had to draw lotsto decide who would go. 他们只得抽签决定谁去。◆He drew the winning ticket.他抽到中彩券了。◆Names were drawn from a hat for the last few places.从帽子里抽签来决定最后几个名额。◆Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round.第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。drawsb/sth to do sth ◆Italy has been drawn to play Spain.抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。game 比赛13[intransitive , transitive ]to finish a game without either team winning 以平局结束;不分胜负◆England and France drew.英格兰队和法国队打平。◆England and France drew 3–3.英格兰队与法国队打成三平。drawwith/against sb ◆England drew with/against France.英格兰队与法国队打成平局。drawsth ◆England drew their game against France.英格兰队与法国队的比赛未分胜负。money 钱14[transitive ]to take money or payments from a bank account or post office 提取;领取;支取SYN
drawsth out (of sth) ◆I drew out £200.我取了 200 英镑。◆Can I draw $80 out of my account?我可以从我的账户上提取 80 元钱吗?drawsth (from sth) ◆She went to the post office to draw her pension.她到邮局去领取她的养老金。drawsth on sth ◆The cheque was drawn on his personal account.这张支票从他的个人账户中支付。liquid/gas 液体;气体15[transitive ]drawsth (+adv./prep.) to take or pull liquid or gas from somewhere 抽出;吸出◆to draw water from a well从井中抽水◆The device draws gas along the pipe.这装置将气体顺着管子抽出来。smoke/air 烟;空气16[intransitive , transitive ]to breathe in smoke or air 抽(烟);吸(气)drawat/on sth ◆He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.他若有所思地抽着烟斗。drawsth in ◆She breathed deeply, drawing in the fresh mountain air.她深深地呼吸着山上的新鲜空气。IDIOMSdraw a ˈblankto get no response or result 无回音;无结果;无收获◆So far, the police investigation has drawn a blank.到目前为止警方的调查毫无结果。draw ˈbloodto make sb bleed使流血draw ˈbreath( BrE) (USdraw a ˈbreath)1to stop doing sth and rest 停下来歇口气◆She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath.她一直滔滔不绝,几乎没停下来喘口气。2( literary) to live; to be alive 生存;活着◆He was as kind a man as ever drew breath.他是世上少有的大善人。draw sb's ˈfireto make sb direct their anger, criticism, etc. at you, so that others do not have to face it (为掩护他人)吸引…的火力,转移视线draw a ˈline under sth( BrE) to say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more 到…为止;就…打住draw the ˈline (at sth/at doing sth)to refuse to do sth; to set a limit 拒绝做;给…定界限◆I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself.我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做。◆We would have liked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the line somewhere.我们本倒是愿意邀请所有亲戚的,但你总得有个限度呀。draw the ˈline (between sth and sth)to distinguish between two closely related ideas 划界线;区分(两个密切相关的思想)◆Where do you draw the line between genius and madness?天才和疯狂之间如何划界呢?ˌdraw the short ˈstraw( BrE) (NAmEget the ˌshort end of the ˈstick)to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task 抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事◆I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets.我抽到了下下签,只得打扫厕所了。ˌdraw ˈstraws (for sth)to decide on sb to do or have sth, by choosing pieces of paper, etc. 抽签(决定某事)◆We drew straws for who went first.我们抽签决定谁先去。☞more at
n.PHRASAL VERBSˌdraw ˈbackto move away from sb/sth 移开;后退◆He came close but she drew back.他一步步靠近,而她却一步步向后退。ˌdraw ˈback (from sth/from doing sth)to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous 退缩;撤销;撤回◆We drew back from taking our neighbours to court.我们撤回了对邻居的起诉。ˌdraw sth↔ˈdown | ˌdraw ˈdown( especially NAmE) to reduce a supply of sth that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced 减少;下降◆There are many life events that can unexpectedly draw down savings.生活中许多意想不到的事情都可能会花费存款。◆If we don't cut costs our reserves will draw down.如果我们不削减开支,储备金就会减少。☞related noun
ˌdraw sth↔ˈdown (from sth) | ˌdraw ˈdown on sth( especially NAmE) (BrE usuallydraw)( finance 财) to take money from a fund that a bank, etc. has made available 提取,动用(资金)◆The company has already drawn down €600 million of its €725 million credit line.公司已从 7.25 亿欧元的授信额度中动用了 6 亿欧元。◆They can draw down on the loan at any time.他们可以随时提取这笔贷款。☞related noun
ˈdraw sth from sb/sthto take or obtain sth from a particular source (从…中)得到,获得◆to draw support/comfort/strengthfrom your family 从家人那里得到支持╱安慰╱力量◆She drew her inspiration from her childhood experiences.她从儿时的经历中获得灵感。ˌdraw ˈinto become dark earlier in the evening as winter gets nearer (天黑)渐早;(白昼)渐短◆The nights/days are drawing in.天黑得越来越早了。ˈdraw sb into sth/into doing sth | ˌdraw sb↔ˈinto involve sb or make sb take part in sth, although they may not want to take part at first 使卷入;使参与◆youngsters drawn into a life of crime身不由己卷入犯罪活动的年轻人◆The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in.这本书开始时情节展开得很慢,但渐渐地就把你给完全吸引住了。ˌdraw sth↔ˈoffto remove some liquid from a larger supply 抽出;排掉◆The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure.医生排掉了一些液体以缓解压力。ˌdraw ˈonif a time or a season draws on,it passes (时光)渐渐过去,荏苒◆Night was drawing on.夜渐深了。ˈdraw on/upon sthto use a supply of sth that is available to you 凭借;利用;动用◆I'll have to draw on my savings.我只得动用我的存款了。◆The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.这位小说家运用很多她的亲身经历为素材。ˌdraw ˈoutto become lighter in the evening as summer gets nearer (天黑)渐晚;(白昼)渐长◆The days/evenings are drawing out.白昼越来越长了。ˌdraw sb↔ˈoutto encourage sb to talk or express themselves freely 使畅所欲言ˌdraw sth↔ˈoutto make sth last longer than usual or necessary 拖延;拉长◆She drew the interview out to over an hour.她拖拖沓沓采访了一个多小时。☞see also
ˌdraw ˈupif a vehicle draws up,it arrives and stops (车辆)到达某处停下,停止◆The cab drew up outside the house.出租车在房子外面停了下来。ˌdraw sth↔ˈupto make or write sth that needs careful thought or planning 拟订;制订;起草◆to draw up a contract/list拟订合同╱名单nounchoosing 选择1(US alsodraw·ing)[usually singular ]draw(for sth) the act of choosing sth, for example the winner of a prize or the teams who play each other in a competition, usually by taking pieces of paper, etc. out of a container without being able to see what is written on them 抽彩;抽奖;抽签◆the draw for the second round of the Champions League欧洲冠军联赛第二轮抽签◆The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.星期六进行抽彩。sports/games 体育运动;比赛2( especially BrE) a game in which both teams or players finish with the same number of points 平局;和局;不分胜负◆The match ended in a two-all draw.比赛以二平结束。◆He managed to hold Smith to a draw (= to stop him from winning when he seemed likely to do so).他总算与史密斯打了个平局。☞compare
n. (5 )3(NAmE usuallydraw·ing)a competition in which the winners are chosen in a draw由抽签决定赢家的竞赛◆a prize draw抽奖☞compare
(1 )4( BrE) a sports match for which the teams or players are chosen in a draw由抽签决定对手的比赛◆Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United.利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。5[usually singular ]a set of matches for which the teams or players are chosen in a draw由抽签决定对手的系列比赛◆There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw.在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。attraction 吸引力6a person, a thing or an event that attracts a lot of people 有吸引力的人(或事物)SYN
◆She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一。smoke 烟7an act of breathing in the smoke from a cigarette 吸烟SYN
IDIOMbe quick/fast on the ˈdraw1( informal) to be quick to understand or react in a new situation 领悟敏捷;反应迅速◆You can't fool him— he's always quick on the draw.你骗不了他,他脑筋一向很快。2to be quick at pulling out a gun in order to shoot it 拔枪迅速☞more at
1picture [intransitive, transitive] to produce a picture of something using a pencil, pen etc: Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it. She asked the little girl to draw a picture of the man she’d spoken to. Keith was drawing a complicated-looking graph. I’ve never been able to draw very well.draw somebody something Can you draw me a map of how to get there?2draw (somebody’s) attention to make someone notice somethingdraw to I have been asked to draw your attention to the following points. A dark house can draw attention to the fact that the house is empty.draw attention to yourself He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. The case drew international attention.3draw a conclusion to decide that a particular fact or principle is true according to the information you have been givendraw from It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say reach a conclusion or come to a conclusion.4draw a comparison/parallel/distinction etc to compare two people or things and show how they are similar or differentdraw between The author draws a comparison between East and West Germany and the North-South divide in England. The report draws a distinction between various forms of health care.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say make a comparison or distinction (but NOT make a parallel).5get a reaction [transitive] to get a particular kind of reaction from someonedraw something from somebody His remarks drew an angry response from Democrats.draw praise/criticism The movie drew praise from critics.6attract [transitive] to attract someone or make them want to do somethingdraw somebody to something What first drew you to teaching? Beth felt strangely drawn to this gentle stranger. The festival is likely to draw huge crowds.7get something you need [transitive] to get something that you need or want from someone or somethingdraw something from something I drew a lot of comfort from her kind words. Plants draw nourishment from the soil.8give information be drawn [usually in negatives] to give information in reply to questions about something: She refused to be drawn on the subject.9move [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to move in a particular direction: She drew away, but he pulled her close again. The boat drew alongside us and a man appeared on the deck. I arrived just as the train was drawing into the station.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually use pull rather than draw:· The train was pulling into the station.10draw near/closer to become closer in time or space: Maria grew anxious as the men drew closer. Christmas is drawing near.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say get nearer/closer:· Christmas is getting nearer.11draw level to move into a position where you are equal to someone else in a race, game, or competition: Black drew level with the other runners.12pull somebody/something [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move someone or something in a particular direction by pulling them gentlydraw somebody/something aside/up/across etc Bobby drew a chair up to the table. Hussain drew me aside to whisper in my ear.draw the curtains/a blind etc (=close them by pulling them gently)► see thesaurus at
13pull a vehicle [transitive] if an animal draws a vehicle, it pulls it along: a carriage drawn by six horses an ox-drawn cart► see thesaurus at
14take something out [transitive] to take something out of a container, pocket etcdraw something out/from something Ali reached into his pocket and drew out a piece of paper.draw a gun/sword/weapon etc Maria drew her gun nervously and peered out into the gloom.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually use pull something out or take something out rather than draw something out:· Ali reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.15draw a line (between something) to think or show that one thing is different from another: Adolescents often use drugs simply to try to draw a line between their own and their parents’ way of life.16draw the line (at something) to allow or accept something up to a particular point, but not beyond it: I don’t mind doing some gardening but I draw the line at digging.17where do you draw the line? spoken used to say it is impossible to decide at which point an acceptable limit has been reached: Some say 50 is too old to have a baby, but where do you draw the line?18draw a line under something to say that something is completely finished and you will not think about it again: I just want to draw a line under the relationship.19draw somebody’s eye (to something) if something draws your eye, it makes you notice it: My eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.20from a bank (also draw out) [transitive] to take money from your bank accountSYN withdraw: Hughes had drawn $8,000 in cash from a bank in Toronto.21receive money [transitive] to receive an amount of money regularly from a government or financial institution: How long have you been drawing unemployment benefit? I’ll be drawing my pension before he’ll ever get around to asking me to marry him!22draw a cheque (on something) British English, draw a check (on something) American English to write a cheque for taking money out of a particular bank account23breathe [intransitive, transitive] to take air or smoke into your lungs: She drew a deep breath. Ruth paused to draw breath, her voice barely hiding her excitement. He lit his pipe and drew deeply.24draw breath to find time to have a rest when you are busy: I’ve hardly had a moment to draw breath.25take liquid from something [transitive]a)to take a liquid from something such as a barrel or tapb)to take water from a well26fire [intransitive] if a fire or chimney draws, it lets the air flow through to make the fire burn well27choose [intransitive, transitive] to choose by chance a ticket etc that will win a prize: The winning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Party.28draw lots/straws to decide who will do something by taking pieces of paper out of a container or choosing straws of hidden lengths: We drew lots to see who would go first.29draw the short straw used to say that someone has been unlucky because they were chosen to do something that no one else wanted to do: He drew the short straw and had to drive everyone to the party.30game [intransitive, transitive] especially British English to finish without either side winning in a game such as footballSYN tie: They drew 3–3.draw with Liverpool drew with Juventus.31be drawn against somebody British English to be chosen by chance to play or compete against someone: England have been drawn against France in next month’s game.32draw a blank informal to be unsuccessful in finding information or the answer to a problem: All his investigations have drawn a blank so far.33draw to a halt/stop if a vehicle draws to a halt or stop, it slows down and stops34draw to a close/end to end: Festival-goers began to drift off as the evening drew to an end.35draw a veil over something to deliberately keep something unpleasant or embarrassing from being known: I’d rather draw a veil over what happened last night.36draw blooda)to make someone bleed: The dog bit her so hard that it drew blood.b)to make someone angry or embarrass them in an argument, especially a public one: Barker sought to draw blood by mentioning his rival’s weakness of character.37draw a bow to bend a bow by pulling back the string in order to shoot an arrow38ship [transitive] technical if a ship draws a particular depth, it needs that depth of water to float in → be at daggers drawn
at dagger(3)
COLLOCATIONSnounsdraw on somebody's experience· The books have drawn on the experience of practising teachers.draw on somebody's knowledge· Fortunately I was able to draw on my own knowledge of the law.draw on somebody's resources· The committee has drawn on the resources and skills of several local people.draw on somebody's ideas· We hope that we will be able to draw on these ideas to develop the work further.draw on somebody's expertise (=expert knowledge and experience)· Now we can draw on the expertise of some of the most talented network engineers.COLLOCATIONSnounsdraw up a plan/scheme· Local authorities have drawn up new plans for waste disposal.draw up a proposal· The European Communities were drawing up proposals to control the export of chemicals.draw up a list· They drew up a list of suitable candidates for the job.draw up guidelines· A committee of teachers has drawn up guidelines for schools on how to deal with difficult students.draw up a report· Environmental organizations have been involved in drawing up the report.draw up a contract/agreement· Some people draw up a contract when they get married.draw up a timetable/schedule· They haven’t yet drawn up a timetable for the elections.draw up a programme· A small team has drawn up a programme of action.draw up a constitution (=set of laws and principles that govern a country)· The first Czech constitution was drawn up here in 1920.draw up a budget (=plan of how to spend the money that is available)· Each year business managers draw up a budget.THESAURUSdraw to make a picture, pattern etc using a pen or pencil: · The children were asked to draw a picture of their families.· I’m going to art classes to learn how to draw.sketch /sketʃ/ to draw a picture of something or someone quickly and without a lot of detail: · Roy took a pencil and sketched the bird quickly, before it moved.illustrate to draw the pictures in a book: · It’s a beautiful book, illustrated by Arthur Rackham.doodle /ˈduːdl/ to draw shapes or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing: · He was on the phone, doodling on his notepad as he spoke.scribble to draw shapes or lines without making a definite picture or pattern. Small children do this before they have learned to draw or write: · At the age of two, she loved scribbling with crayons and coloured pencils.trace to copy a picture by putting a piece of thin paper over it and drawing the lines that you can see through the paper: · First trace the map, and then copy it into your workbooks.draw back phrasal verb1to move backwards, especially because you are frightened or surprised: Suddenly, she drew back, startled.draw back in horror/shock/fear etc She peeped into the box and drew back in horror.2to decide not to do something, especially because you think it would be bad for youSYN withdrawdraw back from The government drew back from their extreme standpoint.draw down phrasal verbto obtain money that it has been agreed that you can borrow, or to use money that has been saved: He drew down the final $25 million of the loan.draw in phrasal verb1 British English if the days or nights draw in, it starts to get dark earlier in the evening because winter is coming: In October the nights start drawing in.2 draw somebody ↔ in to get someone involved in something: We should use the demonstration as an opportunity to draw more supporters in. Despite himself, he found himself being drawn in by the man’s warmth and ease.3draw in your horns British English to spend less money because you have financial problemsdraw into phrasal verbto make someone become involved in something, especially when they do not want to be involved: He tried to draw her into conversation. She found herself drawn into a disagreement between two of her neighbours.draw off phrasal verbto remove some liquid from a larger supply: The cold water is heated as it is drawn off.draw on phrasal verb1draw on/upon something to use information, experience, knowledge etc for a particular purpose: His work draws heavily on learning theories of the 1980s. She has 20 years’ teaching experience to draw on.2draw on something to use part of a supply of something such as money: I drew on my savings to pay for the repairs.3draw on a cigarette/cigar etc to breathe in smoke from a cigarette etc4 British English formal if a period of time or an event draws on, it comes closer to its end: Winter is drawing on. As the journey drew on, he started to feel tired.draw out phrasal verb1draw something ↔ out to take money from your bank account2 draw somebody ↔ out to make someone feel less shy and more willing to talk: She just needed someone to draw her out and take an interest in her.3draw something ↔ out formal to mention a particular piece of information and explain it clearly and in detail: There are two major themes to be drawn out in this discussion.4 draw something ↔ out to make an event last longer than usual: The final question drew the meeting out for another hour. →
5 British English if the days or nights draw out, it stays light until later in the evening because summer is comingdraw up phrasal verb1 draw something ↔ up to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract: Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.draw up plans/proposals He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law. The contract was drawn up last year.2if a vehicle draws up, it arrives somewhere and stops: A taxi drew up at the gate.3 draw up a chair to move a chair closer to someone or something4draw yourself up (to your full height) to stand up very straight because you are angry or determined about something: He drew himself up and said, ‘This has gone far enough.’5draw your knees up to bring your legs closer to your body: Ruth sat, knees drawn up under her chin, and waited.
draw1 verb
draw2 noun
drawdraw2 ●●○S3 noun [countable]
1the final result of a game or competition in which both teams or players have the same number of pointsSYN tie: The match ended in a draw.2an occasion when someone or something is chosen by chance, especially the winning ticket in a lottery, or the teams who will play against each other in a competition: England has been selected to play Germany in the draw for the first round of the World Cup.3British English a competition in which people whose names or tickets are chosen by chance win money or prizes: Congratulations! You have been entered into our £100,000 prize draw!4a performer, place, event etc that a lot of people come to see: It is hoped that the new art gallery will be a big draw for visitors.5when you breathe in smoke from a cigaretteSYN drag: Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette. → the luck of the draw
at luck1(18)
, → quick on the draw
at quick1(9)
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