
Evil Bad People Unpleasant Things Lesser Morally Good

word evil
content 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
evil ★★★☆☆
[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]恶;罪恶;邪恶 Evil is a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and which causes wicked and bad things to happen.
  • We are still being attacked by the forces of evil...


  • There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.


  • 2
    [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]坏事;恶行 Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world.
  • He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world.


  • ...those who see television as the root of all evil.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]祸害;灾难;弊病;不幸 If you refer to an evil, you mean a very unpleasant or harmful situation or activity.
  • Apartheid is even a greater evil...


  • Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.


  • ...a lecture on the evils of alcohol.


  • 4
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](人)凶恶的,邪恶的 If you describe someone as evil, you mean that they are very wicked by nature and take pleasure in doing things that harm other people.
  • ...the country's most evil terrorists...


  • She's an evil woman.


  • 5
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]危害社会的;道德败坏的 If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it causes a great deal of harm to people and is morally bad.
  • After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil...


  • They are setting an evil example for their children.


  • 6
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]受魔鬼影响的;恶魔的;不祥的 If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it is influenced by the devil.
  • I think this is an evil spirit at work...


  • According to local folklore it is an evil place.


  • 7
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](气味)难闻的,令人不舒服的 You can describe a very unpleasant smell as evil.
  • Both men were smoking evil-smelling pipes.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语]倒霉的日子/时刻 If someone is putting off the evil day or the evil hour, they have to do something unpleasant and are trying to avoid doing it for as long as possible.
      [usu v PHR]
  • You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]两害中的较轻者 If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil .
  • People voted for him as the lesser of two evils...


  • One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil.


  • Oxford
    evil / ˈiːvl ; NAmE ˈiːvl / / ˈiːvɪl ; NAmE ˈiːvɪl /
    evil evils
    adjective 1 (of people ) enjoying harming others; morally bad and cruel 恶毒的;邪恶的 an evil man 恶棍 an evil grin 狞笑 2 having a harmful effect on people; morally bad 有害的;道德败坏的 evil deeds 恶行 the evil effects of racism 种族主义的恶劣影响 3 connected with the Deviland with what is bad in the world 恶魔的;罪恶的 evil spirits 邪灵 4 extremely unpleasant 讨厌的;令人作呕的;使人不舒服的 an evil smell 难闻的气味 IDIOM the evil ˈhour/ˈday/ˈmoment ( often humorous) the time when you have to do sth difficult or unpleasant 倒霉的时候(或日子、时刻) more at
    noun ( formal) 1 [uncountable ] a force that causes bad things to happen; morally bad behaviour 邪恶;罪恶;恶行 the eternal struggle between good and evil 善与恶永不休止的斗争 the forces of evil 邪恶势力 You cannot pretend there's no evil in the world. 你不能睁着眼睛瞎说世界上没有罪恶。 OPP
    2 [countable ,  usually plural ] a bad or harmful thing; the bad effect of sth 害处;坏处;弊端 the evils of drugs/alcohol 毒品╱酒的害处 social evils 社会弊端 IDIOMsee
    evil / ˈiːvl ; NAmE ˈiːvl /
    evil1 adjective
    evil2 noun
    evile‧vil1 /ˈiːvəl/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjective
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1bad someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people:  an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions his evil deeds2wrong something that is evil is morally wrong because it harms people SYN  wicked:  They condemned slavery as evil.3unpleasant very unpleasant:  an evil smell a puddle of evil black liquid4devil connected with the Devil and having special powers to harm people:  evil spirits an evil spell5the evil eye the power, which some people believe exists, to harm people by looking at them:  He claimed to have the power of the evil eye.6the evil hour/day etc a time when you expect something unpleasant or difficult to happen:  Don’t delay, you’re only putting off the evil hour.evilly adverb:  Jeff grinned evilly as he picked up the phone.
    evil1 adjective
    evil2 noun
    evilevil2 ●●○ noun
    1[countable] something that is very bad or harmful:  She wanted to protect her children from the evils of the outside world. Poverty is one of the greatest social evils of our time. the evils of capitalism2[uncountable] cruel or morally bad behaviour in general OPP  good:  There is too much evil in the world. the eternal struggle between good and evil the lesser of two evils
    at lesser(2)
    , → necessary evil
    at necessary1(3)
    COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 1ADJECTIVES/NOUN + evila great/greater evil· He saw fascism as the greatest evil of his times.a lesser evil (=a bad thing, but not as bad as something else)· She knew that she couldn't leave the children, so she opted for the lesser evil and stayed.a necessary evil (=something that is bad but necessary)· Most businesses see government regulation as a necessary evil.a social evil (=something bad that happens in human society)· The community is being torn apart by poverty, drug abuse and other social evils.a moral evil (=a bad thing in relation to principles of what is right and wrong)· Mental or physical torture is a moral evil, and it can never be justified.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2verbsfight/combat evil· Joan swore to fight evil in all its forms.phrasesgood and evil· You have to teach your kids about right and wrong, good and evil.the forces of evil literary (=the people or things that increase the amount of evil in the world)· The king knew he must fight the forces of evil or his homeland would perish.something is the root of all evil (=something is the main cause of bad things)· Love of money is the root of all evil.
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