
Flap Wings Side Move Piece Movement Quickly Bird

word flap
content RDnBsBRHX1LUaMRnRIQME0RPir1gwZAvc+NUuKUc/TrzHdAb4+9U5KRS4Z0mDvIdFeB4F8+ByJtf2TnHcRkCEK7XEBDZaqK/k9PW7nJ8W4ijptO6UMoHdGQm4e8qPHL2OVwkkN4ezpPEfqJso+CVkvaFN51V2NqN17eyzbMllbTzEvp3/8xH6PorAi9oEYuMNnBSZq+HwH1liAyNschIFc7TykqrJsl2nGoUOwgasqB9Pcz7Db50o3sGWOnk+NCybmAd5NGqkJu7/d5gmgPVA4keZvfMMGzslMwxLPhcFjzpIoeeH1i+hbWJaTpy0tYCNrt0eMIRaeumds6fGW1pmlEtC2CwwPI+3MKUDxdJ/wYc4Oizr7tcontWEA/y88oRm80dSHjw1uW1f3OGFQ1UwuGfnqgE6Bm62ESAz6GaSFJSKaRjGaUJcGoAKQnyCvSEwA6Qf/uEuQGo1K4kpnXieekih54fWL6FtYlpOnLS1gLvshi7pSBYFSAlde7G7KADEnjqejA8UK6cuNMfcjEQsTM6s8Yf6W1YnItiBvRlQ3Qc4Oizr7tcontWEA/y88oR6DDkg/6KnwDRBQz7jjMAah6mzGy+eIekeWM5b5Jm7+RSKaRjGaUJcGoAKQnyCvSEdo53DLhsYkguLaMf4ESjME53lgLxqcKw3sdF/49ZaNsQ91LHZpArfp/8TLggpeJVzv8MZvEYLEXcGi/4UC0I6x5t6mq437YXk5AlSjFSwvuLtXyytMM5hlqluqAhPijargrHk5g6/BeLLw+m0Qae/jGn7WqpsI6zQCLoeJ5052sMUBk4g62Z2JDxI2Q1CarCRb9lJRL7Yw6Dt/fKpa5da5ucvO/dTGeOndd/vFooNwjR7c6oPhWPJRGBQrl7GG3fsEB3PIuZ/2mNgWrJs3U0nsZR17WaIi4FyRQNxnhs7sgUFGCCtXtI6omkLvYxjY3D1uRRyBnR/0cv5aDtAavrwOR+YZSvEq6AO1bsUTN7u0jJgv0WKuR0MZTutmTVHQCScNfZMh2KrDrBfIF0s2bHr4Paa+wf87U/lYu1UUxc8kVhuK2tngy0ymJ+/u1bvp8n+OTuCzKcHcFnnlghWRHcDgtsTCLVj8s6E6RO9bD3T44frQk+zZRbMoqm2tOlNUoKOnPwqKcFLia/9/8hKPXsd6mt4YbjTb2FJaoNbWTYUi/WfxEqy7e/VNgz3O17xbpMjzj3owbNne36qmLkr8VHn0OJqs03b1QlpbBzOwLu017aM4QZA++fwECbQwTym3fRNKaIBChoTrsgSWabXB4g85A75Q/UHc2Odo+UZQhCpVr1/qvF89fbxfXj0y6JD0HcwsrRyz/L94iGCJePJ4CrNxn8RmHogmSSBhWdZA570q+RAetuuaGHRwonKkSBsP5r8tNtFlwLVBCvNA/dr9uOmsDlDAFDy9uNYQ8kPcKyywI0pogEKGhOuyBJZptcHiDzkDvlD9QdzY52j5RlCEKlWlH8/U6gXBUzUaHH+2sUCjWzqeUtoXJg0wP+3L1IfuiY8CJawvwmWcGUa4GxfEsmBJCmVRyQlvYiB8LWFfLk3YEbthpGCvSHi2D38Db8Nzjzm5y8791MZ46d13+8Wig3CIaF13if1k1xqRXnLf8kxCXllcJd9wDpsNx9cPAll1gepwg3AK4dtqCXy/RVEQOjnxlJSuihrRfgcMbBXFZuGoZ9OlVz4Nt+DXmJCD+yo/mPgOSznxTXf2o+rzCNxo7WiBbknAdgtCMydVk8wwmmgefbzZlQ6uQoLZKsWHAdJxoq6SKHnh9YvoW1iWk6ctLWAvxgOQEVumWozrQiJmrzB3q1RZULoVTIO37DMWc1Sp5aJxfuRHEoMFM9176ydsUtC/xejP5rFeHe0hQ8RGlvabcbC6dRcTKtk6zQQbyjc9ofMtTdxwCYoXIEmA9V80y6KYOs0SoM7c6eWJvzIfSHb/fHZwN3CSKLU62SbD7j/Xm82VDqon3EBaG/UqvaDxEtypEB6265oYdHCicqRIGw/mvy020WXAtUEK80D92v246amxiT5di8W/qmTvi7POmKNzSmiAQoaE67IElmm1weIPOQO+UP1B3NjnaPlGUIQqVauOXMjzxZCqIJtw3NBom51LQ1ID1wQQAt/AAttbGpWi39pvkbHMUabwOcgDtNibO4oXuSqO6QJcTLavsk1qE6pAVn4Zo6etq+0oEe42UY98a3oMpN8BqqNchsVAudVi936bAclu6vi0793VtM2VQa3AaAbOyfXciGWv4yAN+Lfrf6+7dvZSrvByIKtsrRQoQSsgwHmrsj0+y3BHeDLJRPF2+jbDxqVDo86yTn46bTBlbr5RTFGYzCmDwJ7TT1OlGQ2XP/tX6nZPEBh7K+oDzmQ5ucvO/dTGeOndd/vFooNwhp6PpxCqu/bdv+QCX4WrBfNVQFnB14IWD27EpV+RibSd0U6go3rNDeDVDqrMh57odPdYeBBVWL1YAiooeYHf1kUMIiY6Zpfi+WWlNKbEWYWhBs758z2VCbWncZgjMnRwwW5JwHYLQjMnVZPMMJpoHnQlZjl5xaCqxVzpbzeN+dotmynYkkL1z8osBle/L1DHp3HUinJ7in4RZPXZ9SjJT4mU/c40GTn9KjMEWylBDOHevcUMPbbBRNKWFusR7zMbUnF+5EcSgwUz3XvrJ2xS0LE/2RsrCnSJ1IpdDcOx5psbPPDDU7qWAxE6Rl6VOeEZZ5VjdSylXZ352A0ue7SlEgyjQlktlYiIx9yAHchII8RoI2DH8sRFQX2PmT4qFUw1L18D1QIHNqjbT26Hj9uQm3bjjeNRPr3pEPzsSycm3nWA06jQFyNrS5zvyrDAYd7IY6wSk5ZLRBHoUA1+4dBLu+HyEAwqsLT2JGcN6HFo0uCoHTwkEgVSMfdjnBsU5u23bhY5PyHWWE8ZIoBZUCXa7/arPGW4SgDC70rwZN7I6klEr9uWycoB0SaGxqtVz6HYAHa3SKT6/+v0EK/QC97XIpp3b5CXYiDxg2dbaj5cS5ZK7KG7JB2BUvBChj+fD4qy0psfc8q/OC/LpgcVH+okppvLP3IUnO84Js9sXui4/gt7QC7xVqRvgb1K8UAp8W2SiGiRYdwekRGmJzPb7nt0ipbgTZLETZfrqzgGBW4Tu5I9T3nByyK938k/ZWDJOXrzaDpKynjatmWjU8WsZ0B/XP2mmcAcK2zY3AQg5vqDXmlF1aQgUY0fBob21CePymqqRjkj/6Awe+Xekejzefwox0Rna8tXAPZjd0LSjDBsY+caw+QJMYJ0624FG/vwBeYcAmcqHXtlIfNMIL9Ro4fsmIPioL6YH3VC7VGr0Xodxbxj0p06+cGSYYuDhMJ9K20DQVy/v59/EKVigEbohmPQTSihhu4kvbYPLpypD21WL0Qg==
flap ★★☆☆☆
[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词](使)飘动;摆动;抖搂 If something such as a piece of cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side.
  [V n]
  • Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line...


  • They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.


  • 2
    [V-ERG 及物/不及物动词]振(翅);挥(翅);(翅膀)拍打,抖动 If a bird or insect flaps its wings or if its wings flap, the wings move quickly up and down.
      [V pl-n]
  • The bird flapped its wings furiously...


  • A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]挥动,舞动(手臂) If you flap your arms, you move them quickly up and down as if they were the wings of a bird.
      [V n]
  • ...a kid running and flapping her arms.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](布、皮等)扁平下垂物,垂下的部分 A flap of cloth or skin, for example, is a flat piece of it that can move freely up and down or from side to side because it is held or attached by only one edge.
      [usu with supp]
  • He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.


  • ...a loose flap of skin.


  • 5
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](飞机的)襟翼,副翼,阻力板 A flap on the wing of an aircraft is an area along the edge of the wing that can be raised or lowered to control the movement of the aircraft.
  • ...the sudden slowing as the flaps were lowered.


  • 6
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](鸟翼、布条、纸片的)拍打声,拍动,拍打 A flap is a sudden noise or movement made by a bird's wing or by a piece of paper or cloth when it flaps.
  • Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.


  • 7
    [N-SING 单数名词]激动;焦虑;惊慌 Someone who is in a flap is in a state of great excitement, worry, or panic.
      [a N]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy?...


  • Wherever he goes there's always a flap.


  • Oxford
    flap / flæp ; NAmE flæp /
    flap flaps flapped flapping
    noun flat piece of paper, etc. 平整的纸等 1 [countable ] a flat piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that is attached to sth along one side and that hangs down or covers an opening (附于某物的)片状下垂物,封盖,口盖,袋盖 the flap of an envelope 信封的封盖 I zipped the tent flaps shut. 我拉上了帐篷门帘的拉链。 see also
    cat flap
    movement 动作 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] a quick often noisy movement of sth up and down or from side to side (上下或左右)拍打,振(翅),拍击 With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone. 鸟扑打着翅膀飞走了。 the flap of the sails 风帆的鼓胀 worry/excitement 忧虑;激动 3 [singular ] ( informal) ( especially BrE) a state of worry, confusion and excitement 忧虑;困惑;激动 She gets in a flapover the slightest thing. 极小的事也能令她不安。 public disagreement 公众不同意 4 [singular ] ( NAmE) public disagreement, anger or criticism caused by sth a public figure has said or done 公众不同意;群众愤怒;大众批评 the flap about the President's business affairs 公众对总统公务的批评 part of aircraft 飞行器部份 5 [countable ] ( technical 术语 ) a part of the wing of an aircraft, on the rear of the wing, that can be moved up or down to control upward or downward movement (飞机的)襟翼 phonetics 语音学 6 [countable ] =
     (6 )
    verb ( -pp- ) move quickly 快速动作 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] flap(sth) if a bird flapsits wings, or if its wings flap,they move quickly up and down 振(翅) SYN
    The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 鸟振翅飞去。 The gulls flew off, wings flapping. 海鸥扑打着双翅飞走了。
    2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move or to make sth move up and down or from side to side, often making a noise (上下或左右)拍打,拍击,摆动 (+ adv./prep.) The sails flapped in the breeze. 风帆在微风中摆动。 Two large birds flapped (= flew)slowly across the water. 两只大鸟振翅缓缓飞过水面。 flapsth She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm. 她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。 A gust of wind flapped the tents. 一阵风吹动了帐篷。
    be worried/excited 忧虑;激动 3 [intransitive ] ( BrE) ( informal) to behave in an anxious or excited way 忧虑;激动 There's no need to flap—I've got everything under control. 不必担心,一切都已在我控制之中。 phonetics 语音学 4 [transitive ] flapsth =
     (7 )
    flap / flæp ; NAmE flæp /
    flap1 noun
    flap2 verb
    flapflap1 /flæp/ ●○○ noun
    Entry menu
    word sets
    1flat piece of something [countable] a thin flat piece of cloth, paper, skin etc that is fixed by one edge to a surface, which you can lift up easily:  the tent flap A loose flap of skin covered the wound.
    cat flap
    2movement [singular] the noisy movement of something such as cloth in the air:  the flap of the sails3excitement/worry a flap informal a situation in which people feel very excited or worried about somethingbe in a flap Rafi’s in a bit of a flap over the wedding plans.
    4part of aircraft [countable] a part of the wing of an aircraft that can be raised or lowered to help the aircraft go up or down
    flap1 noun
    flap2 verb
    flapflap2 ●○○ verb (past tense and past participle flapped, present participle flapping)
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1[intransitive, transitive] if a bird flaps its wings, it moves them up and down in order to fly2[intransitive, transitive] to move quickly up and down or from side to side, often making a noise:  The flags were flapping in the breeze. Flap your arms to keep warm.3[intransitive] British English informal to behave in an excited or nervous way:  There’s no need to flap!
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