
I Long Prep 介词 Time Longer Informal Adv

word off
content 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
off ★★★★★

In addition to the uses shown below, off is used after some verbs and nouns in order to introduce extra information. Off is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘get off’, ‘pair off’, and ‘sleep off’.

除下列用法外,off 可以用在某些动词和名词之后引出附加信息。off 还可用于 get off,pair off, sleep off 等短语动词中。

The preposition is pronounced /ɒf, am ɔːf/. The adverb is pronounced /'ɒf, am 美 'ɔːf/. 介词读作 /ɒf, 美 ɔːf/,作副词时在句中重读。
[PREP 介词]从…移开;从…脱离 If something is taken off something else or moves off it, it is no longer touching that thing.
  [ADV after v]
  • He took his feet off the desk...


  • I took the key for the room off a rack above her head...


  • Hugh wiped the rest of the blood off his face with his handkerchief.


  • Off is also an adverb.
    • Lee broke off a small piece of orange and held it out to him...


    • His exhaust fell off six laps from the finish.


  • 2
    [PREP 介词]从(交通工具)上下来 When you get off a bus, train, or plane, you come out of it or leave it after you have been travelling on it.
  • Don't try to get on or off a moving train!...


  • As he stepped off the aeroplane, he was shot dead.


  • Off is also an adverb.
    • At the next stop the man got off too and introduced himself.


  • 3
    [PREP 介词]不去,不涉足(某处) If you keep off a street or piece of land, you do not step on it or go there.
  • Locking up men does nothing more than keep them off the streets...


  • The local police had warned visitors to keep off the beach at night.


  • Off is also an adverb.
    • ...a sign saying 'Keep Off'.


  • 4
    [PREP 介词]离(某地)不远;在…附近 If something is situated off a place such as a coast, room, or road, it is near to it or next to it, but not exactly in it.
  • The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the peninsula...


  • Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue...


  • The Princess's sitting-room leads off the drawing room...


  • Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.


  • 5
    [ADV 副词]离开 If you go off, you leave a place.
      [ADV after v]
  • He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out...


  • She gave a hurried wave and set off across the grass...


  • She was off again. Last year she had been to Kenya. This year it was Goa...


  • When his master's off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre's parents.


  • 6
    [ADV 副词](用于非正式及有时具冒犯性的短语动词)(走)开,(滚)开 Off is used in a number of informal and sometimes offensive phrasal verbs, such as buzz off ,clear off, or in British English bugger off, which are used to tell someone angrily to go away.
      [ADV after v]
    [ADV 副词](脱)掉(衣服);(取)下(首饰) When you take off clothing or jewellery that you are wearing, you remove it from your body.
      [ADV after v]
  • He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens...


  • He hastily stripped off his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.


  • 8
    [ADV 副词](因生病、放假等等)休息,不工作 If you have time off or a particular day off, you do not go to work or school, for example because you are ill or it is a day when you do not usually work.
      [usu n ADV]
  • The rest of the men had the day off...


  • You can even snatch a few hours off, and perhaps negotiate the occasional night off too...


  • She was sacked for demanding Saturdays off...


  • I'm off tomorrow...


  • The average Swede was off sick 27 days last year.


  • Off is also a preposition.
    • He could not get time off work to go on holiday.


  • 9
    [PREP 介词]避开(某话题) If you keep off a subject, you deliberately avoid talking about it.
  • Keep off the subject of politics...


  • Keep the conversation off linguistic matters.


  • 10
    [ADV 副词]取消;中止 If something such as an agreement or a sporting event is off, it is cancelled.
      [be ADV]
  • Until Pointon is completely happy, however, the deal's off...


  • The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been called off...


  • Greenpeace refused to call off the event.


  • 11
    [PREP 介词]停服,停用(药物等);戒… If someone is off something harmful such as a drug, they have stopped taking or using it.
  • She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy...


  • Most pregnant women remain off cigarettes while carrying the child.


  • 12
    [PREP 介词]不再喜欢;不再想 If you are off something, you have stopped liking it.
  • I'm off coffee at the moment...


  • Diarrhoea can make you feel weak, as well as putting you off your food.


  • 13
    [ADV 副词](机器、电灯等)关掉,停掉,不再运转 When something such as a machine or electric light is off, it is not functioning or in use. When you switch it off, you stop it functioning.
      [be ADV]
  • As he pulled into the driveway, he saw her bedroom light was off...


  • We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel...


  • The microphones had been switched off.


  • 14
    [PREP 介词](价格)减掉,降低 If there is money off something, its price is reduced by the amount specified.
      [amount PREP n]
  • ...Simons Leatherwear, 37 Old Christchurch Road. 20 per cent off all jackets this Saturday.


  • ...discounts offering thousands of pounds off the normal price of a car.


  • Off is also an adverb.
    • I'm prepared to knock five hundred pounds off but no more.


  • 15
    [ADV 副词](空间上)离,距 If something is a long way off, it is a long distance away from you.
      [n/amount ADV]
  • Florida was a long way off...


  • ...animals that from a long way off look like flies...


  • Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.


  • 16
    [ADV 副词](时间上)离,距 If something is a long time off, it will not happen for a long time.
      [n/amount ADV]
  • An end to the crisis seems a long way off...


  • The required technology is probably still two years off.


  • 17
    [PREP 介词]从…(获得) If you get something off someone, you obtain it from them.
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • I don't really get a lot of information, and if I do I get it off Mark...


  • I can't find the boys' shampoo. I can't think where I put it when I took it off them...


  • 'Telmex' was bought off the government by a group of investors.


  • 18
    [COMB in ADJ-GRADED ](与well,badly,worse等副词连用构成形容词)表示“处于…境况的” Off combines with adverbs such as 'well', 'badly', and 'worse' to form adjectives that indicate how poor or rich someone is.
  • Most of these people aren't very well off...


  • Surely you can't be that badly off?...


  • He's very comfortably off.


  • 19
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](食物)腐坏的,变质的,变味的 If food has gone off, it tastes and smells bad because it is no longer fresh enough to be eaten.
      [v-link ADJ]
      [mainly BRIT 主英]
  • Don't eat that! It's mouldy. It's gone off!


  • in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 spoiled
    [PREP 介词]依靠(食物、钱等生存) If you live off a particular kind of food, you eat it in order to live. If you live off a particular source of money, you use it to live.
      [v PREP n]
  • Her husband's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky...


  • Antony had been living off the sale of his own paintings.


  • 21
    [PREP 介词](机器)靠(某种燃料或动力运转) If a machine runs off a particular kind of fuel or power, it uses that power in order to function.
      [v PREP n]
  • The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains.


  • 22
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](行为)过头的,不当的,无法接受的 If you say that someone's behaviour is a bit off, you mean that you find it unacceptable or wrong.
      [v-link adv ADJ]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • ...coming home with make-up all over his clothes — it's a bit off isn't it...


  • Some of the dialogue is slightly off.


  • 23
    [PHRASE 短语]偶尔;有时;断断续续地 If something happens on and off, or off and on, it happens occasionally, or only for part of a period of time, not in a regular or continuous way.
      [PHR after v]
  • I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself...


  • We lived together, off and on, for two years.


  • Oxford
    off / ɒf ; NAmE ɔːf ; ɑːf /
    adverb HELP  For the special uses of offin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example come offis in the phrasal verb section at come. *off 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 come off 在词条 come 的短语动词部份。 1 away from a place; at a distance in space or time 离开(某处);(在时间或空间上)距,离 I called him but he ran off. 我喊他,可他跑开了。 Sarah's off in India somewhere. 萨拉远在印度某地。 I must be off soon (= leave). 我必须很快离开这里。 Off you go! 你走吧! Summer's not far off now. 夏天已近在咫尺了。 A solution is still some way off. 解决办法尚需时日。 2 used to say that sth has been removed (用以表示除去了某物) He's had his beard shaved off. 他把胡子刮光了。 Take your coat off. 脱了外衣吧。 Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off. 用完了牙膏别让盖子开着。 3 starting a race 起跑 They're off (= the race has begun). 他们起跑了。 4 no longer going to happen; cancelled 不再会发生;被取消 The wedding is off. 婚礼被取消了。 5 not connected or functioning 未连接;不工作 The water is off. 停水了。 Make sure the TV is off. 请注意关掉电视机。 6 ( especially BrE) (of an item on a menu 菜单中的项目 ) no longer available or being served 没有;不再供应 Sorry, the duck is off. 对不起,鸭子卖光了。 7 away from work or duty 休假;休息 She's off today. 她今天休假。 I've got three days off next week. 我下周有三天休假。 How many days did you take off? 你休了几天假? I need some time off. 我需要休息一段时间。 8 taken from the price 减价的;削价的 shoes with $20 off 减价 20 元的鞋 All shirts have/are 10% off. 衬衣全部减价 10%。 9 behind or at the sides of the stage in a theatre 在剧院舞台的后面(或旁边) SYN
    IDIOMS be well/better/badly, etc. ˈoff used to say how much money sb has (用于表示经济情况) Families will be better off under the new law (= will have more money). 这项新法律将使每个家庭的经济较前宽裕。 They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). 他们俩的生活都很宽裕。 be better/worse off (doing sth) to be in a better or worse situation (做某事)会较好╱较糟 She's better off without him. 他不在身边她反倒更快乐。 The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home. 天气太糟了,我们要是待在家里就好了。 We can't be any worse off than we are already. 我们的状况已经糟得不能再糟了。 be ˌoff for ˈsth ( informal) to have a particular amount of sth 有一定数量的东西 How are we off for coffee (= how much do we have)? 我们还有多少咖啡? see also
    badly off
    ˌoff and ˈon/ˌon and ˈoff from time to time; now and again 不时地;经常;断断续续地 It rained on and off all day. 雨断断续续地下了一整天。
    preposition HELP  For the special uses of offin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example take sth off sthis in the phrasal verb section at take. *off 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 take sth off sth 在词条 take 的短语动词部份。 1 down or away from a place or at a distance in space or time 从(某处)落下;离开;(时空上)离,距 I fell off the ladder. 我从梯子上跌了下来。 Keep off the grass! 勿践踏草坪! an island off the coast of Spain 西班牙海岸附近的岛 They were still 100 metres off the summit. 他们距山顶还有 100 米远。 Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure. 科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。 We're getting right off the subject. 我们完全离题了。 2 leading away from sth, for example a road or room 离开;偏离 We live off Main Street. 我们住在大街附近。 There's a bathroom off the main bedroom. 主卧室旁边有一个卫生间。 3 used to say that sth has been removed 从…去掉;从…移开 You need to take the top off the bottle first! 你得先把瓶盖子打开! I want about an inch off the back of my hair. 我想把脑后的头发剪短约一英寸。 4 away from work or duty 休假;休息 He's had ten days off school. 他有十天没上学了。 5 away from a price 偏离…价格;削价;杀价 They knocked £500 off the car. 他们对这辆汽车杀价 500 英镑。 6 off of ( non-standard or NAmE, informal) off; from 离开;来源于;从 I got it off of my brother. 这是我从我弟弟那里弄到的。 7 not wanting or liking sth that you usually eat or use 不想;戒除 I'm off (= not drinking)alcohol for a week. 我有一星期没喝酒了。 He's finally off drugs (= he no longer takes them). 他终于把毒戒了。 adjective [not before noun ] 1 (of food 食物 ) no longer fresh enough to eat or drink 不新鲜;变质 This fish has gone off. 这条鱼已变质了。 The milk smells off. 这奶的味道不对劲。 It's off. 那东西坏了。 2 off(with sb) ( informal) ( especially BrE) not polite or friendly 不礼貌;不热情;冷淡 He was a bit off with me this morning. 他今天早晨对我有点冷淡。 3 ( informal) ( especially BrE) not acceptable 不能接受;难以容忍;不行 It's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday. 让我们星期天上班工作,那可不太行吧。 noun [singular ] the off the start of a race 起跑 They're ready for the off. 他们准备起跑了。 verb offsb ( informal) ( especially NAmE) to kill sb 杀死(某人) off / ɒf ; NAmE ɔːf ; ɑːf /
    off1 adverb, preposition, adjective
    off2 adjective
    off3 noun
    off4 verb
    offoff1 /ɒf $ ɒːf/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb, preposition, adjective
    word sets
    1away from a place:  He got into his car and drove off. Suddenly they turned off and parked in a side road. Once we were off the main freeway, the trip felt more like a vacation. Her husband was off on a business trip somewhere. Are you ready? Off we go. I must be off now (=I must leave). They were off to Italy (=leaving to go to Italy) and wanted to make an early start.2not on something, or removed from something:  Keep off the grass. As he leaned forward, his hat fell off. Someone had taken the mirror off the wall. Take your coat off. I was trying to scrape the mud off my boots.Don’t say ‘off of’ something. Say off something: She fell off her chair (NOT off of her chair).3out of a bus, train, plane etc OPP  on:  I’ll get off at the next stop. Everyone got off the train at Winnipeg.4a machine, piece of equipment etc that is off is not working or operating OPP  on:  Will someone switch the radio off? Make sure all the lights are off.5not at work, school etc because you are ill or on holidayabsent:  My secretary’s been off with flu for the past week. Clare had to stay off school because her mother was ill. You look tired. Why don’t you take tomorrow off? He needs more time off duty for relaxation and rest. ‘Going to work today, mum?’ ‘No. It’s my day off today.’6 informal from someone:  My brother once borrowed some money off him. I got this necklace off a woman outside the market.7a)used to say how far away something is:  We could see the cliffs of Shetland about two miles off. Kara’s home was a long way off across the sea. b)used to say how much time there is between now and a future event:  With the exams now only a week off, I had to study hard. Christmas seemed a long way off. c)used to say how likely or unlikely something is:  Any kind of peace agreement still seems a long way off.8a)only a short distance away from a place:  Our hotel was just off the main street. an island off the coast of France b)connected to a particular room, area, road etc:  There’s a small bathroom off the main bedroom. a narrow street leading off the corner of the square9used to say that a price is reduced by a particular amount:  If you buy more than ten, they knock 10% off.10if an event which has been arranged is off, it will not now take placecancelled, postponed:  The wedding’s off. The race may have to be called off if the bad weather continues.11British English informal behaviour that is off is rude or is not acceptable:  She walked out before the end of your lecture, which I thought was a bit off. Look, I know when someone’s being off with me.12used to say how much of something someone hasbe well/badly off for something The school’s fairly well off for books these days. How are you off for sports equipment (=do you have enough?)?
    , badly off
    , better off
    13off and on (also on and off) for short periods but not regularly, over a long period of time:  We’ve been going out together for five years, off and on.14no longer wanting or liking something:  Toby’s been off his food for a few days.go off something/somebody British English I used to enjoy tennis, but I’ve gone off it a bit now. She seems to have gone off Mark since he’s grown a beard.15no longer taking something such as a drug or medicine OPP  on:  The operation was a success, and she’s off the morphine.16a)food that is off is no longer fresh enough to eatrotten, sour:  Ugh! The milk’s off. Do you think the meat’s gone off? b)used to say that a particular kind of food is not available in a restaurant although it is on the menu:  I’m sorry, the fish pie is off today, sir.17American English not as good as usual:  Sales figures for last year were a little off compared with those of the previous year.18American English not correct or not right:  Our calculations were off. Guess again. You’re way off (=very far from being correct). right off
    at right2(2)
    , → straight off
    at straight1(7)
    , → off the top of your head
    at top1(18)
    , → noises off
    at noise1(8)
    off1 adverb, preposition, adjective
    off2 adjective
    off3 noun
    off4 verb
    offoff2 adjective [only before noun]
    1off day/week etc a day, week etc when you are not doing something as well as you usually do:  Brian never usually loses his temper – he must be having an off day.2off period/season etc a period or season which is not as busy as other times of the year:  In the off season, there’s hardly anyone staying at the hotel.3 British English used to talk about a pair of things such as wheels on a car, to mean the one on the right OPP  near
    off1 adverb, preposition, adjective
    off2 adjective
    off3 noun
    off4 verb
    offoff3 noun British English
    1the off the start of a race or a journey:  The horses were in line, ready for the off.2from the off from the beginning of something:  She was doubtful about the interview from the off.
    off1 adverb, preposition, adjective
    off2 adjective
    off3 noun
    off4 verb
    offoff4 verb [transitive] American English informal
    Verb Table
    to kill someone:  The guy who did this ought to be offed.
    open www.ankiedu.club

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