
I Show Sth Spoken Adv 副词 Informal   [Adv

word so
content 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
so ★★★★★
Usually pronounced /səʊ/ for meanings 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 17. 义项 1、6、7、8、9、16 和17下通常不重读。
[ADV 副词]如此,这样(指已经提到的事) You use so to refer back to something that has just been mentioned.
  [ADV after v]
  • 'Do you think that made much of a difference to the family?' — 'I think so.'...


  • If you can't play straight, then say so...


  • 'Is he the kind of man who can be as flexible as he needs to be?' — ' Well, I hope so.'...


  • Almost all young women who turn to prostitution do so as a means of survival.


  • 2
    [ADV 副词]同样,也一样(指后者跟前者一样) You use so when you are saying that something which has just been said about one person or thing is also true of another one.
      [ADV cl]
  • I enjoy Ann's company and so does Martin...


  • They had a wonderful time and so did I...


  • The police arrived, and so did reporters and a photographer from the 'Journal'.


  • 3
    [CONJ-COORD 连词](表示两个事件或情况在某方面相似)正如…,也… You use the structures as...so and just as...so when you want to indicate that two events or situations are similar in some way.
  • As computer systems become even more sophisticated, so too do the methods of those who exploit the technology...


  • Just as John has changed, so has his wife...


  • Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.


  • 4
    [ADV 副词](指某一情况)就是这样,事实如此 If you say that a state of affairs is so, you mean that it is the way it has been described.
      [v-link ADV]
  • Gold has been a poor investment over the past 20 years, and will continue to be so...

    最近 20 年来投资黄金的收益很差,今后仍会如此。

  • In those days English dances as well as songs were taught at school, but that seems no longer to be so...


  • It is strange to think that he held strong views on many things, but it must have been so.


  • 5
    [ADV 副词](向别人示范)这样,像这样;(用手势比划大小、高度或长度)这么,那么 You can use so with actions and gestures to show a person how to do something, or to indicate the size, height, or length of something.
      [ADV after v]
  • Clasp the chain like so.


  • ...holding the champagne glass with long red nails positioned just so.


  • 6
    [CONJ-SUBORD 连词](用于引出结果)因此,所以 You use so and so that to introduce the result of the situation you have just mentioned.
  • I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him...


  • People are living longer than ever before, so even people who are 65 or 70 have a surprising amount of time left...

    人们的寿命比以前任何时候都长了,所以即便到了 65 岁或 70 岁,余下的光阴也还很长。

  • I was an only child, and so had no experience of large families...


  • There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things was difficult to identify.


  • 7
    [CONJ-SUBORD 连词](用于引出原因)为了;以便 You use so ,so that, and so as to introduce the reason for doing the thing that you have just mentioned.
  • Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston...


  • He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard...


  • I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends.


  • 8
    [ADV 副词](在叙述过程中引出一系列事件中的下一件或说明两件事情之间的联系)此后,于是 You can use so in stories and accounts to introduce the next event in a series of events or to suggest a connection between two events.
      [ADV cl]
  • The woman asked if he could perhaps mend her fences, and so he stayed...


  • She was free for five whole days, from Christmas Eve. And so she would be going to Charles, to join her family...

    她从圣诞夜开始有整整 5 天的自由时间,于是她准备去查尔斯跟家人呆在一起。

  • I thought, 'Here's someone who'll understand me.' So I wrote to her...


  • He said he'd like to meet Sharon. So I said all right...


  • And so Christmas passed.


  • 9
    [ADV 副词](表示开始新话题、引入新问题或对刚说过的问题进行评论)那么,这么 You can use so in conversations to introduce a new topic, or to introduce a question or comment about something that has been said.
      [ADV cl]
  • So how was your day?...


  • So you're a runner, huh?...


  • So as for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no...


  • So, as I said to you, natural medicine is also known as holistic medicine...


  • And so, to answer your question, that's why your mother is disappointed...


  • 'I didn't find him funny at all.' — 'So you won't watch the show again then?'...


  • 'They're slow, heavy and cost a fortune.' — 'So how have these motorbikes become a fashion statement?'


  • 10
    [ADV 副词](谈话中表示接受别人的说法)的确,确实 You can use so in conversations to show that you are accepting what someone has just said.
      [ADV cl]
  • 'It makes me feel, well, important.' — 'And so you are.'...


  • 'You can't possibly use this word.' — 'So I won't.'...


  • 'You know who Diana was, Grandfather.' — 'So I do!'...


  • 'Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!' — 'So it is, madam.'...


  • 'The car, Annie,' said Max rather grimly. — 'So okay, the car. What about it?'


  • 11
    [CONVENTION 惯用语](表示某人说的话无关紧要)那又怎样呢? You say 'So?' and 'So what?' to indicate that you think that something that someone has said is unimportant.
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • 'My name's Bruno.' — 'So?'...


  • 'You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.' — 'So what?'...


  • I enjoy someone telling me I'm wonderful, but part of me thinks, 'So what? You won't say that tomorrow.'


  • 12
    [ADV 副词](用于形容词和副词之前强调所描述的特性)如此,这么,多么,太 You can use so in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing.
      [ADV adj/adv]
  • 'I am so afraid,' Francis thought...


  • He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different...


  • What is so compromising about being an employee of the state?


  • 13
    [ADV 副词]如此…(以致…);到…的程度(以致…) You can use so...that and so...as to emphasize the degree of something by mentioning the result or consequence of it.
      [ADV adj that]
  • The tears were streaming so fast she could not see...


  • The deal seems so attractive it would be ridiculous to say no...


  • Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted...


  • He's not so daft as to listen to rumours.


  • 14
    See also:
    insofar as
    Usage Note :

    So, very, and too can all be used to intensify the meaning of an adjective, an adverb, or a word like much or many. However, they are not used in the same way. Very is the simplest intensifier. It has no other meaning beyond that. So can suggest an emotional reaction on the part of the speaker, such as pleasure, surprise, or disappointment. John makes me so angry!... Oh thank you so much! So can also refer forward to a result clause introduced by that. The procession was forced to move so slowly that he arrived three hours late. Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount, often so much that a particular result does not or cannot happen. She does wear too much make-up at times... He was too late to save her.

    so,very 和 too 都可以用来强调形容词、副词或 much,many 等词的意思,但用法有所不同。very 是最简单的强调词,除强调以外没有其他含义。so 可以表达说话人的情感,如喜悦、惊讶或失望等,例如:John makes me so angry (约翰真是让我生气),Oh thank you so much (实在是太谢谢您啦)。so 还可以和 that 引导的结果状语从句相呼应,例如:The procession was forced to move so slowly that he arrived three hours late (由于行进队伍被迫缓慢进行,结果他迟到了 3 个小时)。too 表示数量过多或不尽如人意,常常导致没有或无法达到某一结果,例如:She does wear too much make-up at times (有时她化的妆确实太浓了),He was too late to save her (他来得太晚了,没能救得了她)。

    [PHRASE 短语]及诸如此类;等等 You use and so on or and so forth at the end of a list to indicate that there are other items that you could also mention.
      [cl/group PHR]
  • ...the Government's policies on such important issues as health, education, tax and so on...


  • The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.


  • 16
    [PHRASE 短语](指某事有一定限度,但未言明具体限度)这么多,这么些,到这种程度 You use so much and so many when you are saying that there is a definite limit to something but you are not saying what this limit is.
      [PHR n]
  • There is only so much time in the day for answering letters...


  • There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble...


  • Even the greatest city can support only so many lawyers.


  • 17
    [PHRASE 短语]与其说是…不如说是… You use the structures not...so much and not so much...as to say that something is one kind of thing rather than another kind.
  • I did not really object to Will's behaviour so much as his personality...


  • A good birth depends not so much on who you are but where you are and how much you know.


  • 18
    [PHRASE 短语]…左右;…上下 You use or so when you are giving an approximate amount.
      [amount PHR]
  • Though rates are heading down, they still offer real returns of 8% or so...

    尽管利率在下降,它们仍然能提供 8%左右的实际收益率。

  • Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here...


  • The driver usually spends four hours or so helping to load and prepare his lorry.

    司机通常花 4 小时左右的时间帮忙装货和打理货车。

  • 19
    so much the better→see:
    ; ever so→see:
    ; so far so good→see:
    ; so long→see:
    ; so much for→see:
    ; so much so→see:
    ; every so often→see:
    ; so there→see:

    so / səʊ ; NAmE soʊ /
    adverb 1 to such a great degree (表示程度)这么,这样,那么,那样,如此 Don't look so angry. 别那样怒气冲冲的。 There's no need to worry so. 没必要这样着急。 so… (that)… She spoke so quietly (that) I could hardly hear her. 她说话轻得我几乎听不见。 so… as to do sth I'm not so stupid as to believe that. 我还不至于傻得连那样的话都相信。 ( formal) ( especially BrE) Would you be so kind as tolock the door when you leave? 请您离开时把门锁上好吗? 2 very; extremely 很;极 I'm so glad to see you. 见到你真高兴。 We have so much to do. 我们有很多事要做。 Their attitude is so veryEnglish. 他们的态度是十足的英国人的态度。 The article was just so much (= nothing but)nonsense. 那篇文章纯粹是胡说八道。 ( BrE) He sat there ever soquietly. 他静悄悄地坐在那儿。 ( BrE) I do love it so. 我实在是太喜欢它了。 3 not so… (as…) ( used in comparisons 用于比较 ) not to the same degree 不如…(这么…);不像…(那样…) I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. 我好长时间没有这么快活了。 It wasn't so good as last time. 这次不如上次好。 It's not so easy as you'd think. 不像你想的那么容易。 He was not so quick a learner as his brother. 他学东西不像他哥哥那么快。 It's not so mucha hobby asa career (= more like a career than a hobby). 这与其说是爱好,不如说是职业。 ( disapproving) Off she went without so much as (= without even)a ‘goodbye’. 她连声“再见”都没说就走了。 4 used to show the size, amount or number of sth (表示大小或数量)这么,那么 The fish was about so big (= said when using your hands to show the size). 那条鱼差不多有这么长。 There are only so many (= only a limited number of)hours in a day. 一天不过这么几个小时。 5 used to refer back to sth that has already been mentioned (指刚说过的事物)这样,如此 ‘Is he coming?’ ‘ I hope so. “他来吗?”“我希望他来。” ‘Did they mind?’ ‘I don't think so. “他们有没有介意?”“我想没有。” If she notices, she never says so. 就算她留意到,她也从来不说。 I might be away next week. If so,I won't be able to see you. 下星期我可能外出。要是那样,我就见不到你了。 We are very busy— so much so thatwe won't be able to take time off this year. 我们很忙,忙得今年都没时间休假了。 Programs are expensive, and even more soif you have to keep altering them. 买软件很贵,要是老得更换,那就更贵了。 I hear that you're a writer— is that so (= is that true)? 听说你是作家,是吗? He thinks I dislike him but that just isn't so. 他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。 George is going to help me, or so he says (= that is what he says). 乔治会帮我,他是这么说的。 They asked me to call them and I did so (= I called). 他们要我叫他们,于是我就叫了。 6 also Times have changed and so have I. 时代变了,我也变了。 ‘I prefer the first version.’ ‘ So do we. “我喜欢第一稿。”“我们也是。” HELP  You cannot use sowith negative verbs. Use neitheror either. *so 不与动词的否定式连用。否定中用 neither 或 either: ‘I'm not hungry.’ ‘ Neither am I/ I'm notvery hungry either. “我不饿。”“我也不太饿。” 7 used to agree that sth is true, especially when you are surprised (尤指感到惊讶时表示同意)的确如此 ‘You were there, too.’ ‘ So I was—I'd forgotten.’ “当时你也在那儿。”“是啊,我给忘了。” ‘There's another one.’ ‘ So there is. “还有一个。”“可不是吗。” 8 ( informal) used, often with a negative, before adjectives and noun phrases to emphasize sth that you are saying (常与否定词连用,置于形容词和名词短语前以加强语气) He is so notthe right person for you. 他这个人绝对不适合你。 That is so notcool. 那实在不怎么样。 9 ( informal) used, especially by children, to say that what sb says is not the case and the opposite is true (儿童常用以反驳对方)偏偏,就 ‘You're not telling the truth, are you?’ ‘I am, so!’ “你说的不是实话,对不对?”“就是实话,就是!” 10 used when you are showing sb how to do sth or telling them how sth happened (演示或描述事由)这样 Stand with your arms out, so. 两臂伸开站着,像这样。 ( literary) So it was thathe finally returned home. 就这样,他终于回到了家。 IDIOMS and ˈso forth | and ˈso on (and ˈso forth) used at the end of a list to show that it continues in the same way (表示列举未尽)等等,诸如此类 We discussed everything—when to go, what to see and so on. 我们什么都商量过了,什么时候走、看什么等等。 … or so used after a number, an amount, etc. to show that it is not exact (用于数目、数量等后)…左右,…上下 There were twenty or so (= about twenty)people there. 那儿有差不多二十个人。 We stayed for an hour or so. 我们待了一个小时左右。 so as to do sth with the intention of doing sth 为了做某事;以便做某事 We went early so as to get good seats. 为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。 so ˈbe it ( formal) used to show that you accept sth and will not try to change it or cannot change it (表示完全接受)就那样好了 If he doesn't want to be involved, then so be it. 要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。 ˌso much for ˈsth 1 used to show that you have finished talking about sth (表示就某事讲完了)关于…就讲这么多,…到此为止 So much for the situation in Germany. Now we turn our attention to France. 德国的形势就讲到这里。现在我们来看看法国的情况。 2 ( informal) used to suggest that sth has not been successful or useful (表示行不通或没用)作罢好了,快别提了 So much for that idea! 快别提那个主意了! so… that ( formal) in such a way that 这样…为的是;如此…以至 The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap. 日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。 (all) the ˈmore so because… used to give an important extra reason why sth is true (表示另外的重要原因)尤其因为 His achievement is remarkable; all the more so because he had no help at all. 他的成就非同一般,而由于他没有得到过任何帮助,更显不凡。 conjunction 1 used to show the reason for sth (表示因果关系)因此,所以 It was still painful so I went to see a doctor. 那地方还疼,因此我去看了医生。 2 so(that…) used to show the result of sth (引出结果)因此,所以 Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead. 此后再没收到他的消息,于是我们开始怀疑他是不是死了。 3 so(that…) used to show the purpose of sth (表示目的)为了,以便 But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost! 但我怕你迷路,给过你一张地图! She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time. 她努力工作,为的是及时做好各项准备。 4 used to introduce the next part of a story (引出下文) So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears. 就这样,又嚷又叫了一个小时后,她流着泪走了出来。 5 ( informal) used to show that you think sth is not important, especially after sb has criticized you for it (认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时) So I had a couple of drinks on the way home. What's wrong with that? 我不过是在回家的路上喝了两杯。这怎么啦? ‘You've been smoking again.’ ‘So?’ “你近来又抽烟了。”“抽又怎么啦?” 6 ( informal) used to introduce a comment or a question (引出评论或问题) So, let's see. What do we need to take? 那么,大家想想,我们需要带什么? So, what have you been doing today? 那你今天都干什么了? 7 ( informal) used when you are making a final statement (引出结束语) So, that's it for today. 好,今天就讲到这里。 8 ( informal) used in questions to refer to sth that has just been said (在问句中代指刚谈论的事) So there's nothing we can do about it? 这么说,我们一点办法都没有了? ‘I've just got back from a trip to Rome.’ ‘So, how was it?’ “我去了一趟罗马,刚回来。”“是吗?怎么样?” 9 used when stating that two events, situations, etc. are similar (指出两种情况等相类似) Just aslarge companies are having to cut back, sosmall businesses are being forced to close. 大公司不得不紧缩,小企业则被迫关闭。 IDIOM so ˈwhat? ( informal) used to show that you think sth is not important, especially after sb has criticized you for it (认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时) ‘He's fifteen years younger than you!’ ‘So what?’ “他比你小十五岁呢!”“那又怎么啦?” So what if nobody else agrees with me? 就算没有一个人赞成我的意见,那又怎么样? noun =
    so / səʊ ; NAmE soʊ /
    so1 adverb
    so2 conjunction
    so3 noun
    soso1 /səʊ $ soʊ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb
    Word Origin
    1 a)[+adjective/adverb] used to emphasize how great a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is:  It was so embarrassing! Why didn’t you call? We were so worried. I love her so much.ever so British English They’re being ever so quiet. b)[+adjective/adverb] as great, nice, many etc as this:  Why are you being so horrible to me? I’ve never seen so many people here before! How had they achieved it in so short a time? c)[+adjective/adverb] used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result isso ... (that) He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. There was so much smoke that they couldn’t see across the hallway. Everything happened so quickly I hadn’t time to think.so ... as to be The particles are so small as to be almost invisible. d)spoken old-fashioned used before or after a verb to emphasize that someone does something a lot or to a great degree:  I wish you wouldn’t fuss so (=as much as you do). It makes me nervous. He does so enjoy reading your letters. e)spoken informal used before a noun phrase to emphasize what you are saying – used especially by young people:  He is just so not the right person for her.RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use extremely rather than so to emphasize an adjective or adverb, because it sounds more formal:· These schools are extremely difficult to get into.GRAMMARYou use such (a) before an adjective and noun: · There is not such a big difference.· How can such awful things happen?Don’t use ‘so’ before an adjective and noun.Don’t say: a so big difference | so awful things2 not so big/good/bad etc not very big, good etc:  I’m afraid the news is not so good. Of course I’d like to help, but things aren’t so simple.3[not used with negative verbs] used to add that what has just been said is also true about someone or something elseso do I/so is he/so would Peter etc Joe was a little upset, and so was I. He’s been ill, and so has his wife. As the demand rises, so do prices.4used to refer back to an idea, action, quality, situation etc that has just been mentionedhope so/think so/say so etc ‘Will I need my umbrella?’ ‘I don’t think so.’ If you want to go home, just say so.be more so/less so/too much so The band is popular and likely to become more so. Jerry is very honest, perhaps too much so. The troops will not advance until ordered to do so. Did Luke sell them? And, if so, what happened to the money? ‘Has he lost a fortune?’ ‘So they say.’ ‘Look – I’ve even cleaned the windows.’ ‘So I see.’ Parents can withdraw their child from school if they so wish.5be so to be true or correct:  ‘It belongs to my father.’ ‘Is that so?’ Morton says his parents kicked him out, but his brothers say this isn’t so.6... or so used when you cannot be exact about a number, amount, or period of time and you think it may be a little more than the figure you are mentioning:  We have to leave in five minutes or so. I stopped reading after thirty or so pages.7spoken used to get someone’s attention, especially in order to ask them a question:  So, how was school today?8spoken used to check that you have understood something:  So this is just a copy?9 spoken used when asking a question about what has just been said:  ‘He’s going to Paris on business.’ ‘So when is he coming back?’10be not so much ... as ... used to say that one description of someone or something is less suitable or correct than another:  The details are not so much wrong as they are incomplete.11not/without so much as something used when you are surprised or annoyed that someone did not do something:  He left without so much as a goodbye.12so long! American English spoken used to say goodbye13not so ... as ... formal used in comparisons to say that something or someone has less of a particular quality than another person or thing:  The bed was not so comfortable as his own.GRAMMARIn comparisons without ‘not’, you say as ... as: · Your writing is as bad as mine. Don’t say: Your writing is so bad as mine.14so much for somebody/something spoken used to say that a particular action, idea, statement etc was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for:  He’s late again. So much for good intentions!15only so many/much used to say that there is only a limited quantity of something:  There’s only so much that anybody’s brain can handle at any one time. There are only so many hours in the working day.16 spoken used with a movement of your hand to show how big, high etc something or someone is:  Oh, he’s about so tall, with brown hair and eyes.17 spoken used to show that you have found something out about someone:  So! You’ve got a new girlfriend?18like so spoken used when you are showing someone how to do something:  Then turn the paper over and fold it, like so.19and so on/forth used at the end of a list to show that you could continue it in a similar way:  You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.20literary or formal in the way that is described:  Dorothy and Sarah continued to write to each other, and so began a lifelong friendship.so ... that The furniture is so arranged that the interviewee and the interviewer are not physically separated by a desk.21and so and therefore:  Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise. This was considered to be a religious issue and so to be a matter for the church courts.22so she is/so there are etc British English spoken used to show that you agree with something that has just been mentioned, especially something that you had not noticed or had forgotten:  ‘Look! She’s wearing a hat just like yours.’ ‘So she is.’23be just/exactly so to be arranged tidily, with everything in the right place:  Everything had to be just so, or Edna would make us do it again.24so be it spoken used to show you do not like or agree with something, but you will accept it:  If that means delaying the trip, so be it.25spoken a)used to say that a person’s behaviour or action is typical of that person:  ‘He was about half an hour late.’ ‘That is just so Chris.’ b)used to say that something suits someone or is the type of thing they like:  You must buy that jacket – it’s so you!26I do so/it is so etc American English spoken used especially by children to say that something is true, can be done etc when someone else says that it is not, cannot etc:  ‘You can’t swim.’ ‘I can so.’27spoken used to introduce the next part of a story you are telling someone:  So anyway, he goes in and his boots get stuck in the mud.28so? (also so what?) spoken not polite used to tell someone that something does not matter:  So what if we’re a little late? ‘She might tell someone.’ ‘So? No one will believe her.’
    , → even so
    at even1(4)
    , → so far
    at far1(7)
    , → so far as I’m concerned
    at far1(14)
    , → so far as something is concerned
    at far1(15)
    , → so far as I know/I can remember/I can tell etc
    at far1(16)
    , → as/so long as
    at long2(5)
    , → so much the better
    at better3(4)
    , → so to speak
    at speak(6)
    so1 adverb
    so2 conjunction
    so3 noun
    soso2 ●●● S1 W3 conjunction
    1used to say that someone does something because of the reason just stated:  I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich. see thesaurus at
    RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use therefore or consequently rather than so, because they sound more formal:· She had previous experience, therefore she seemed the best candidate.
    2so (that) a)in order to make something happen, make something possible etc:  He lowered his voice so Doris couldn’t hear. Why don’t you start out early so that you don’t have to hurry? b)used to say that something happens or is true as a result of the situation you have just stated:  There are no buses, so you’ll have to walk. The gravestones were covered with moss, so that it was impossible to read the names on them.3so as to do something formal in order to do something:  I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel. We went along silently on tiptoe so as not to disturb anyone.4(just) as ..., so ... formal used to compare two people or things, when they are similar:  Just as the French love their wine, so the English love their beer.
    so1 adverb
    so2 conjunction
    so3 noun
    soso3 noun [singular]
    Word Origin
    word sets
    the fifth note in a musical scale according to the sol-fa system
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