
Prep 介词 I Sth Part Time Put  The

word on
content 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
on ★★★★★

In addition to the uses shown below, on is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. On is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘keep on’, ‘cotton on’, and ‘sign on’.

除下列用法外,on可以用在某些动词、名词和形容词之后引出附加信息。on还可用于keep on, cotton on, sign on等短语动词中。

The preposition is pronounced /ɒn/. The adverb and the adjective are pronounced /'ɒn/. 作介词时读作/ɒn/。作副词和形容词时在句中重读。
[PREP 介词](表示支承)在…上 If someone or something is on a surface or object, the surface or object is immediately below them and is supporting their weight.
  • He is sitting beside her on the sofa...


  • On top of the cupboards are vast straw baskets which Pat uses for dried flower arrangements...


  • On the table were dishes piled high with sweets...


  • The cushions were soft blue to match the Chinese rug on the floor.


  • 2
    [PREP 介词](表示粘贴或附着)在…上 If something is on a surface or object, it is stuck to it or attached to it.
      [ADV after v]
  • I admired the peeling paint on the ceiling...


  • The clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve...


  • There was a smear of gravy on his chin.


  • On is also an adverb.
    • I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.


  • 3
    [PREP 介词](放、扔或掉)在…上面 If you put, throw, or drop something on a surface, you move it or drop it so that it is then supported by the surface.
  • He got his winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa...


  • He threw a folded dollar on the counter.


  • 4
    [PREP 介词](身体重量)由(某部位)支撑 You use on to say what part of your body is supporting your weight.
  • He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds...


  • He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun...


  • She was on her hands and knees in the bathroom.


  • 5
    [PREP 介词](表示接触到身体某部位)在…上 You use on to say that someone or something touches a part of a person's body.
  • He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth...


  • His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head.


  • 6
    [PREP 介词](某种表情)在(脸)上 If someone has a particular expression on their face, their face has that expression.
      [n PREP n]
  • The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face...


  • She looked at him with a hurt expression on her face.


  • 7
    [ADV 副词](穿或戴)上,在身上 When you put a piece of clothing on, you place it over part of your body in order to wear it. If you have it on, you are wearing it.
      [ADV after v]
  • He put his coat on while she opened the front door...


  • I had a hat on.


  • 8
    [PREP 介词]带在…身上 You can say that you have something on you if you are carrying it in your pocket or in a bag.
      [PREP pron]
  • I didn't have any money on me...


  • I have those numbers, but not on me at the moment, they're at home.


  • 9
    [PREP 介词](视线)落在…身上 If someone's eyes are on you, they are looking or staring at you.
  • Everyone's eyes were fixed on him...


  • It's as if all eyes are focused on me...


  • Ellen is eating, her eyes on her food.


  • 10
    [PREP 介词](碰)上…(而受伤) If you hurt yourself on something, you accidentally hit a part of your body against it and that thing causes damage to you.
  • Mr Pendle hit his head on a wall as he fell...


  • One day when my wife was doing the dishes she cut her hand on a broken glass.


  • 11
    [PREP 介词]在(某)地 If you are on an area of land, you are there.
  • He was able to spend only a few days at a time on the island...


  • You lived on the farm until you came back to America?


  • ...a tall tree on a mountain.


  • ...their winter retreat on Barbados...


  • I've eaten ostrich meat on the continent.


  • 12
    [PREP 介词]是(道路、海岸等)的一部分;在…边上 If something is situated on a place such as a road or coast, it forms part of it or is by the side of it.
  • Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's store on Fifth Avenue...


  • The hotel is on the coast...


  • He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.


  • 13
    [PREP 介词]上,乘(公共汽车、火车或飞机) If you get on a bus, train, or plane, you go into it in order to travel somewhere. If you are on it, you are travelling in it.
  • We waited till twelve and we finally got on the plane...


  • I never go on the bus into the town...


  • His son came up with me to Birmingham every day on the train.


  • On is also an adverb.
    • He showed his ticket to the conductor and got on.


  • 14
    [PREP 介词](写或印刷)在…上 If there is something on a piece of paper, it has been written or printed there.
  • The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat...


  • The numbers she put on the chart were 98.4, 64, and 105...


  • How does a poem change when you read it out loud as opposed to it being on the page?


  • 15
    [PREP 介词]在(名单)上;包括在…内 If something is on a list, it is included in it.
  • I've seen your name on the list of deportees...


  • The Queen now doesn't even appear on the list of the 40 richest people in Britain.


  • ...the range of topics on the agenda for their talks.


  • 16
    [PREP 介词](书、讨论或观点)关于,涉及 Books, discussions, or ideas on a particular subject are concerned with that subject.
  • The longest chapter in almost any book on baby care is on feeding...


  • They offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters...


  • He declined to give any information on the Presidential election...


  • The ambassador's comments on the US decision were relatively restrained.


  • 17
    [PREP 介词]以,凭,靠(某一方法、原则或系统) You use on to introduce the method, principle, or system which is used to do something.
  • ...a television that we bought on credit two months ago.


  • ...a levelling system which acts on the same principle as a spirit level...


  • They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis.


  • 18
    [PREP 介词]通过,借助于(某一器械或机器) If something is done on an instrument or a machine, it is done using that instrument or machine.
  • ...songs that I could just sit down and play on the piano...


  • I could do all my work on the computer...


  • She sewed the dresses on the sewing machine.


  • 19
    [PREP 介词]以…方式(储存信息) If information is, for example, on tape or on computer, that is the way that it is stored.
  • 'I thought it was a load of rubbish.' — 'Right we've got that on tape.'...


  • Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register...


  • A special version of 'Casablanca' is being released on video to commemorate the film's 50th birthday.


  • 20
    [PREP 介词]在(广播或电视)上播出 If something is being broadcast, you can say that it is on the radio or television.
      [v-link ADJ]
  • Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed...


  • Here, listen, they're talking about it on Radio-Paris right now.


  • On is also an adjective.
    • ...teenagers complaining there's nothing good on.


  • 21
    [ADJ 形容词]正在发生的 When an activity is taking place, you can say that it is on .
      [v-link ADJ]
  • There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment...


  • Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church...


  • We in Berlin hardly knew a war was on during the early part of 1941.


  • 22
    [ADV 副词](表示某人忙碌程度)忙得很/没什么可忙 You use on in expressions such as 'have a lot on' and 'not have very much on' to indicate how busy someone is.
      [ADV after v]
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • I have a lot on in the next week.


  • 23
    [PREP 介词](引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中 You use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling.
  • I've always wanted to go on a cruise...


  • They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip...


  • Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored...


  • He died suddenly while on a skiing holiday with his family in Val d'Isere.


  • 24
    [ADV 副词](机器、电灯等)开着,工作着,使用中 When something such as a machine or an electric light is on, it is functioning or in use. When you switch it on, it starts functioning.
      [be ADV]
  • The light was on and the door was open...


  • The central heating's been turned off. I've turned it on again...


  • The light had been left on...


  • He didn't bother to switch on the light.


  • 25
    [PREP 介词]是…的成员;供职于 If you are on a committee or council, you are a member of it.
  • Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee...


  • He was on the Council of Foreign Relations.


  • 26
    [PREP 介词]在(某一日子或日期)(发生) You can indicate when something happens by saying that it happens on a particular day or date.
  • This year's event will take place on June 19th, a week earlier than usual...


  • She travels to Korea on Monday...


  • I was born on Christmas day...


  • I took some photos with her camera on my birthday...


  • Dr. Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning.


  • 27
    [PREP 介词]在…后立即;一…就 You use on when mentioning an event that was followed by another one.
      [PREP n/-ing]
  • She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from London...


  • On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.


  • 28
    [ADV 副词](继续)下去 You use on to say that someone is continuing to do something.
      [ADV after v]
  • They walked on in silence for a while...


  • If the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health, read on...


  • He happened to be in England when the war broke out and he just stayed on.


  • 29
    [ADV 副词]不停地(数落、抱怨、纠缠) If you say that someone goes on at you, you mean that they continually criticize you, complain to you, or ask you to do something.
      [be ADV]
  • She's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables...


  • He used to keep on at me about the need to win...


  • He'll go on at me for telling...


  • She hadn't learned to drive, but she had kept going on at him to let her try.


  • 30
    [ADV 副词]从…时候起;自…以后 You use on in expressions such as from now on and from then on to indicate that something starts to happen at the time mentioned and continues to happen afterwards.
      [from n ADV]
  • Perhaps it would be best not to see much of you from now on...


  • We can expect trouble from this moment on...


  • Morrison took the news badly and from then on his spirits noticeably sagged.


  • 31
    [ADV 副词](常用在副词early,late,far及其比较级之后,尤置于句首、句尾或介词之前) You often use on after the adverbs 'early', 'late', 'far', and their comparative forms, especially at the beginning or end of a sentence, or before a preposition.
      [adv ADV]
  • The market square is a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning...


  • Later on I learned how to read music...


  • The pub where I had arranged to meet Nobby was a good five minutes walk further on.


  • 32
    [PREP 介词]定期服用;服…成瘾 Someone who is on a drug takes it regularly.
  • She was on antibiotics for an eye infection that wouldn't go away...


  • Many of the elderly are on medication.


  • 33
    [PREP 介词]以…(为食);(机器)用(某种动力或燃料运转) If you live on a particular kind of food, you eat it. If a machine runs on a particular kind of power or fuel, it uses it in order to function.
      [v PREP n]
  • The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants...


  • He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish...


  • The system could be used to ensure that cars are converted to run on unleaded petrol.


  • ...making and selling vehicles that run on batteries or fuel-cells.


  • 34
    [PREP 介词]以…(为收入) If you are on a particular income, that is the income that you have.
  • ...young people who are unemployed or on low wages...


  • He's on three hundred a week...


  • You won't be rich as an MP, but you'll have enough to live on.


  • 35
    [PREP 介词](税收或利润)获自…,来自… Taxes or profits that are obtained from something are referred to as taxes or profits on it.
      [n PREP n]
  • ...a general strike to protest a tax on food and medicine last week...


  • The Church was to receive a cut of the profits on every record sold...


  • Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones.


  • 36
    [PREP 介词]在…方面(花钱) When you buy something or pay for something, you spend money on it.
      [PREP n/-ing]
  • I resolved not to waste money on a hotel...


  • He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself...


  • More money should be spent on education and housing.


  • 37
    [PREP 介词]在…方面(花时间或精力) When you spend time or energy on a particular activity, you spend time or energy doing it.
      [PREP n/-ing]
  • People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games...


  • You all know why I am here. So I won't waste time on preliminaries.


  • ...the opportunity to concentrate more time and energy on America's domestic agenda.


  • 38
    [PHRASE 短语]无法接受的;行不通的 If you say that something is not on or is just not on, you mean that it is unacceptable or impossible.
      [v-link PHR]
      [mainly BRIT 主英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • I'm not having children who don't like cheese. It's not on...


  • We shouldn't use the police in that way. It's just not on.


  • 39
    [PHRASE 短语]不停地;继续不断地 If you say that something happens on and on, you mean that it continues to happen for a very long time.
      [usu PHR after v]
  • ...designers, builders, fitters — the list goes on and on...


  • Lobell drove on and on through the dense and blowing snow.


  • ...a desert of ice stretching on and on.


  • 40
    [PHRASE 短语](表示困惑)在谈论什么 If you ask someone what they are on about or what they are going on about, you are puzzled because you cannot understand what they are talking about.
      [V inflects]
      [BRIT 英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • What on earth are you going on about?...


  • Honest, Kate, I don't know what you're on about.


  • 41
    [PHRASE 短语](表示有信心)知道自己在说些什么,了解情况 If you say that someone knows what they are on about, you are confident that what they are saying is true or makes sense, for example because they are an expert.
      [Vs inflect]
      [BRIT 英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • It looks like he knows what he's on about.


  • 42
    [PHRASE 短语]掌握不利于(某人)的证据;抓住(某人)的把柄 If someone has something on you, they have evidence that you have done something wrong or bad. If they have nothing on you, they cannot prove that you have done anything wrong or bad.
      [V inflects]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • He may have something on her. He may have supplied her with drugs, and then threatened to tell if she didn't do this...


  • You've got nothing on me and you know it. Your theory would never stand up in a court of law.


  • 43
    on behalf of→see:
    ; on and off→see:
    ; and so on→see:
    ; on top of→see:

    on / ɒn ; NAmE ɑːn ; ɔːn /
    preposition HELP  For the special uses of onin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example turn on sbis in the phrasal verb section at turn. *on 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 turn on sb 在词条 turn 的短语动词部份。 1 in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface (覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部份) a picture on a wall 墙上的画 There's a mark on your skirt. 你裙子上有一块斑。 the diagram on page 5 第 5 页上的图解 Put it down on the table. 把它放在桌子上。 He had been hit on the head. 他被打中了脑袋。 She climbed on to the bed. 她爬上了床。 HELP  This could also be written 此句亦可写作 onto the bed 2 supported by sb/sth 由…支撑着 She was standing on one foot. 她单脚站立着。 Try lying on your back. 试着仰卧。 Hang your coat on that hook. 把衣服挂在衣钩上。 3 used to show a means of transport 在(运输工具)上 He was on the plane from New York. 他在纽约来的飞机上。 to travel on the bus/tube/coach 乘公共汽车╱地铁╱长途汽车 I came on my bike. 我骑自行车来的。 a woman on horseback 骑马的女郎 4 used to show a day or date 在(某一天) He came on Sunday. 他是星期天来的。 We meet on Tuesdays. 我们每星期二见面。 on May the first/the first of May 在五月一日 on the evening of May the first 在五月一日的晚上 on one occasion 曾经有一次 on your birthday 在你生日那天 5 immediately after sth 就在…之后;一…就 On arriving home I discovered they had gone. 我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。 Please report to reception on arrival. 到达后请立即到接待处报到。 There was a letter waiting for him on his return. 他一回来就有一封信在等着他看。 6 about sth/sb 关于(事或人) a book on South Africa 一本关于南非的书 She tested us on irregular verbs. 她考了我们的不规则动词。 7 being carried by sb; in the possession of sb (身上)带着;有 Have you got any money on you? 你带钱了没有? 8 used to show that sb belongs to a group or an organization 为(某团体或组织)的一员 to be on the committee/staff/jury/panel 为委员会╱全体职员╱陪审团╱评判小组的成员 Whose side are you on (= which of two or more different views do you support)? 你支持哪一方的观点? 9 eating or drinking sth; using a drug or a medicine regularly 吃;喝;按时服用(药物) He lived on a diet of junk food. 他把垃圾食品当饭吃。 The doctor put me on antibiotics. 医生要我服用抗生素。 10 used to show direction (表示方向)在,向,对 on the left/right 在左边╱右边 He turned his back on us. 他转过身去背对着我们。 11 at or near a place 在,接近(某地) a town on the coast 沿海的城镇 a house on the Thames 泰晤士河畔的房子 We lived on an estate. 我们住在一处庄园上。 12 used to show the basis or reason for sth 根据;由于 a story based on fact 基于事实的小说 On their advice I applied for the job. 我听从他们的建议申请了这份工作。 13 paid for by sth 以…支付;由…支付 to live on a pension/a student grant 靠养老金╱助学金生活 to be on a low wage 挣低工资 You can't feed a family on £50 a week. 你无法靠每周 50 英镑养活一家人。 Drinks are on me (= I am paying). 饮料钱由我付。 14 by means of sth; using sth 通过;使用;借助于 She played a tune on her guitar. 她用她的吉他弹了一支曲子。 The information is available on the Internet. 相关信息可从互联网上找到。 We spoke on the phone. 我们通过电话谈了谈。 What's on TV? 电视上有什么节目? The programme's on Channel 4. 这个节目在 4 频道。 15 used with some nouns or adjectives to say who or what is affected by sth (与某些名词或形容词连用,表示影响到) a ban on smoking 对吸烟的禁令 He's hard on his kids. 他对自己的孩子很严厉。 Go easy on the mayo! (= do not take/give me too much) 少放一点蛋黄酱! 16 compared with sb/sth 与…相比 Sales are up on last year. 销售量比去年增长了。 17 used to describe an activity or a state (用于说明活动或状态) to be on business/holiday/vacation 在工作╱度假中 The book is currently on loan. 该书已借出。 18 used when giving a telephone number (用于提供电话号码) You can get me on 020 7946 0887. 你找我可以拨打 020 7946 0887。 She's on extension 2401. 她的分机号是 2401。 adverb HELP  For the special uses of onin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get onis in the phrasal verb section at get. *on 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 get on 在词条 get 的短语动词部份。 1 used to show that sth continues (表示持续性) He worked on without a break. 他毫不停歇地继续工作。 If you like a good story, read on. 欲知故事的趣味所在,请往下读。 2 used to show that sb/sth moves or is sent forward 向前(移动) She stopped for a moment, then walked on. 她停了一会儿,然后又向前走。 Keep straight on for the beach. 一直向前走到海滩。 From then on he never trusted her again. 从那时起,他再也不信任她了。 Please send the letter on to my new address. 请把信件转寄到我的新地址。 3 on sb's body; being worn 穿在身上;穿着;戴着 Put your coat on. 把外衣穿上。 I didn't have my glasses on. 我没戴眼镜。 What did she have on (= what was she wearing)? 她穿着什么衣服? 4 covering, touching or forming part of sth (表示覆盖、接触某物或成为某物的一部份) Make sure the lid is on. 要注意盖上盖子。 5 connected or operating; being used (表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中) The lights were all on. 灯都亮着。 The TV is always on in their house. 他们家的电视总是开着。 We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now. 我们停电三个小时了,不过现在又来电了。 6 happening (表示发生) There was a war on at the time. 当时正值战争。 What's on at the movies? 电影院在上演什么片子? The band are on (= performing)in ten minutes. 乐队再过十分钟开始演奏。 7 planned to take place in the future (预先安排的事)将发生 The game is still on (= it has not been cancelled). 比赛仍将举行。 I don't think we've got anything on this weekend. 我想这个周末我们没安排活动。 I'm sorry we can't come—we've got a lot on. 很抱歉我们去不了,我们安排得太满了。 8 on duty; working 值班;执行任务中 I'm on now till 8 tomorrow morning. 我正在值班,要值到明早 8 点钟。 9 in or into a vehicle 登上(车辆) The bus stopped and four people got on. 公共汽车停下来,四个人上了车。 They hurried on to the plane. 他们匆忙登上了飞机。 see also
    IDIOMS be ˈon about sth ( informal) to talk about sth; to mean sth 谈论(某事);有…的意思 I didn't know what he was on about. It didn't make sense. 我不知道他说的是什么,他说得不清不楚的。 be/go/keep ˈon about sth ( informal, disapproving) to talk in a boring or complaining way about sth 抱怨;唠叨;发牢骚 Stop keeping on about it! 别再唠叨那件事了! be/go/keep ˈon at sb (to do sth) ( informal, disapproving) to keep asking or telling sb sth so that they become annoyed or tired (对某人)絮叨;说(或问)得令人生厌 He was on at me again to lend him money. 他又来缠着我借钱给他。 be ˈon for sth ( informal) to want to do sth 想要做某事 Is anyone on for a drink after work? 有人想下班后喝一杯吗? it isn't ˈon ( informal) used to say that sth is not acceptable 不行;没门儿 ˌon and ˈon without stopping; continuously 连续不停地;持续地 She went on and on about her trip. 她没完没了地谈她的旅行。 what are you, etc. ˈon? ( informal) used when you are very surprised at sb's behaviour and are suggesting that they are acting in a similar way to sb using drugs 你鬼迷心窍了吧;你吃错药了吧 you're ˈon ( informal) used when you are accepting a bet (用于接受打赌时)赌就赌吧 more at
    on / ɒn ; NAmE ɑːn ; ɔːn /
    on1 preposition
    on2 adjective, adverb
    onon1 /ɒn $ ɑːn, ɒːn/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition
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    Word Origin
    1on a surface a)touching a surface or being supported by a surface:  Leave your things on the table over there. People were sunbathing on the grass. The little girl was sitting on her father’s shoulders. b)used to say that someone or something moves so that they are then touching or supported by a surface:  snow falling on the mountainsides He threw himself on the bed.2supporting your body used to say what part of someone’s body is touching the ground or another surface and supporting their weight:  She was on her feet in no time. He was on his hands and knees searching for something. Can you stand on your head?3part hit/touched used to say what part of someone or something is hit or touched:  I wanted to punch him on the nose. Matt kissed her on the cheek.4written/shown used to say where something is written or shown:  There’s a diagram on page 25. He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper.5attached attached to or hanging from something:  She hung her coat on a hook. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.6place in a particular place:  The town is right on the border. Is there a water supply on the island? He grew up on a ranch in California. a store on Fifth Avenue7position in a particular position in relation to something else:  You’ll see the school on your left. They live on the opposite side of the town.8looking/pointing looking or pointing towards something or someone:  His eyes were on the stranger standing in the doorway. She trained her binoculars on the house.9day/date during a particular day:  They’ll be here on Tuesday. I was born on July 1st. We’ll see you on Christmas Eve.GRAMMARDon’t use on before ‘this’, ‘last’, or ‘next’ and a day of the week. You say: · Term starts this Monday.· It was my birthday last Friday.· Don’t say: on this Monday | on last Friday10affecting/relating to affecting or relating to someone or something:  a tax on cigarettes his influence on young people There will be new restrictions on the sale of weapons. What effect will these changes have on the tourist industry?11about about a particular subject:  Do you have any books on India? You can get information on local services by calling this number. an international conference on global warming see thesaurus at
    12orders/advice as a result of someone’s order, request, or advice:  He was killed on the King’s orders. I accepted the offer on the advice of my lawyer.13eat/drink used to talk about what someone usually eats or drinks:  They live mainly on beans, lentils, and rice. Is your baby on solid food yet?14transport a)in or into a bus, train, plane etc OPP  off:  Did you manage to sleep on the plane? Tommy should be on the six o’clock train. She got on the first bus that came along. b)riding something:  a statue of the King on horseback I’ll probably come on my bike.15money receiving money for a job or as a regular payment:  He’s on quite a good salary now. She must be on at least £50,000 a year. the difficulties faced by families on low incomes16fuel using a particular type of fuel or power:  Most buses run on diesel. Does it work on mains electricity?17medicine/drugs taking a particular drug or medicine regularly OPP  off:  Are you still on antibiotics? The doctor put her on Prozac. A lot of these kids are on heroin by the age of 12.18what’s somebody on? spoken used to say that someone is behaving in a very strange way, as if they are taking an illegal drug19using equipment using a machine or piece of equipment:  He’s been on the computer all afternoon. Is Rachel still on the phone?20musical instruments playing a musical instrument:  He played a short piece on the piano. The album features Rick Wakeman on keyboards.21radio/television being broadcast by radio or television:  What’s on TV tonight? Did you hear that programme on the radio last night?22recorded used to say in what form information is stored or music, films etc are recorded:  The movie is now available on video and DVD. I always keep a backup copy on disk.23activity/journey taking part in an activity or travelling somewhere:  She’s on a course all this week. I met him on vacation in Canada. My girlfriend is often away on business trips.24included included in a group or team of people or in a list:  Are you still on the management committee? Mr Edwards is no longer on the staff here. Whose team are you on? There was no steak on the menu. What’s the next item on the agenda?25when something happens formal as soon as someone has done something or as soon as something has happened:  Couples are presented with a bottle of wine on their arrival at the hotel. All patients are examined on admission to the hospital.on doing something What was your reaction on seeing him?26compared with something compared with another person or thing:  This essay is a definite improvement on your last one. Sales are 10% up on last year.27carrying something informal if you have something on you, you have it in your pocket, your bag etc:  I don’t have any money on me.28pay be on somebody spoken used to say who is going to pay for something:  The drinks are on me! Each table will get a bottle of champagne on the house (=paid for by the restaurant, hotel etc).29telephone number used to say what number you should use in order to telephone someone SYN at American English:  You can contact me on this number.30causing somebody problems used when something bad happens to you, for example when something you are using suddenly stops working, or someone you have a relationship with suddenly leaves you:  Suddenly the telephone went dead on me. Dorothy’s first husband walked out on her.
    on1 preposition
    on2 adjective, adverb
    onon2 ●●● S1 W1 adjective, adverb [not before noun]
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    1continuing used to say that someone continues to do something or something continues to happen, without stopping:  We decided to play on even though it was snowing. He went on and on (=talked for a very long time) about his job all evening.2further if you move, walk etc on, you move forward or further towards something:  If you walk on a little, you can see the coast. We drove on towards Manchester.3later later than or after a particular time:  Now, 40 years on, this is one of the most successful theatres in the country. From that moment on I never believed a word she said.4wearing something if you have something on, you are wearing it:  All he had on was a pair of tattered shorts. Put your coat on. It’s freezing outside.5attached used to say that something is attached to something else, especially when it is in the correct position OPP  off:  Is the cover on properly? Remember to put the lid back on.6written used to say that something is written somewhere:  He was wearing a badge with his name on.7transport in or into a bus, train etc OPP  off:  The train stopped and two people got on.8light/machine if a machine, light etc is on, it is operating OPP  off:  Who left all the lights on? The TV’s on, but nobody seems to be watching it. He sat down at the desk and switched on the computer.9being broadcast if a radio or television programme etc is on, it is being broadcast:  What time is ‘Star Trek’ on?10events if an event is on, it has been arranged and is happening or will happen OPP  off:  The transport union has confirmed that the strike is definitely on. I’d avoid the city centre – there’s some kind of procession on. Is the party still on tonight or have they cancelled it?11performing/speaking performing or speaking in public:  You’re on in two minutes.12working if you are on at a particular time, you are doing your job at that time:  I’m not on again until two o'clock tomorrow.13have something on informal if you have something on, there is something that you must do:  I haven’t got anything on tomorrow, so I could see you then. We’ve got a lot on at the moment.14on and off (also off and on) for short periods but not regularly over a long period of time:  He’s been smoking for ten years now, on and off.15be/go/keep on at somebody informal to keep complaining to someone or asking someone to do something, especially when this annoys them:  I’ve been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now. I wish you wouldn’t go on at me the whole time!16be/go/keep on about something British English informal to keep talking about something, in a way that is boring or annoying:  He’s always going on about money. I don’t know what you’re on about!17be not on British English spoken if something is not on, it is not acceptable or reasonable:  I’m sorry, what you’re suggesting is just not on!18be on for something spoken to be ready or willing to do something that someone has suggested:  Right, how many of you are on for a drink after work?19you’re on spoken used to tell someone that you accept a bet or an invitation to compete against them:  ‘I bet you £20 he won’t turn up.’ ‘You’re on!’
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