
Prove Proved Show   [V Sth I Proves True

word prove
content RDnBsBRHX1LUaMRnRIQMExBB/W1xQgHgYqgwa0gJCFpAwdzMlfb0TDZMbqB3m5Zqi0m5dkLlXU1kivOr2qf7zPlzpRnczOqgOAMrCJQV1SDHwpIPk9jqVF/9vKMacKescLno9HTnFBVtMdKIepjDoMN0zZ6mz7Qsjo2jasn1tK7sAe16OWAKkx+faQWMknSoMliYiLkrZJExCvTPS4QqJHbms7CNzvBrNha/3hoQMnt86WjTZbixufxJNIj9zCh3BjLfMO7uMRapSLEsJDMwLVwOOmc6kgoSCj54phNVzOVnvpQ9Omz4Ljl30flEUW5z3RTqCjes0N4NUOqsyHnuh091h4EFVYvVgCKih5gd/WSGWQOunBowRAN6CGxNWvWDI8EdMoit09sCrwPGFSa+N8NOUpuW6vCtrUfv+mqkyzWnCDcArh22oJfL9FURA6OfGUlK6KGtF+BwxsFcVm4ahgrlonF5/sHrDRbvvf2UAxQjFN2SsDTdymvGDx9tUVSeFYooBxKjZW45ne11qExZxPbYbLONlxlOMuemJ/zQcQdfDqB7HRfgIf1wTU+OUExZJtwvrHMVedG3NDSji5dGTjZwUmavh8B9ZYgMjbHISBVI5HnOQMFjxyUgeagLyU9dhbdbtnDXa8bX0mwpIL4xqlhhR5gpWpXKdwMzuwnNruADg6vyyU7kPy2P5r20H/Le0ckv1cuc3y9UBuRbat+kFzNbUx+iWEm57PD5Bvk1QE4XAJzdGGgYZwRwFqhEYWbsKZiJxJF9O9WMgENE8bmFHmXW/NU2cZzxJFlfdI29pZ5zHUUTgAtrg7tGAmjkKVYkxlHXtZoiLgXJFA3GeGzuyFPweG2QlNHmgDSdvlFe3BWLEd2S0hA293MKbYa7yr6eSEeSxa17sWVfPHMuTf9kwZCrJYsDUpCySGB7iji5OmvClqh0TVNnsSQ7lv9HCGSMHiSKsmLu2snECZp5N5TruvfU16dnmo7txe/0sFmRuVNCPeQaYbjovLUclvV0VJK+dlah8mnCL4O0LKFez+7beHQD1VzXyQu4lQDhth7kn9U4VWwXI01XLbV9VQ/Od/lImnluIqfwGZ+MvjPUJTisLZ5IyYZJ6cdVXlA7qvcI0xbzRRTcj8iVVN98qeuHgdbW+w0XaNazFHHcuhCWVe3+nECNKRcjAfrPwP/ncPHbMwa7Zj9GosztlzNOnvGHbYRmVyaqmmQPNNCHu74IOD8uF6y+TUGXlajIk2aLv5OzzB0AetH34iUShQMwwvyZ2kuO4OvORsauYjUC9deXl8gqnFIX7U0pxP40rqHCXvBMkmhxcmpv+1Ri6A50KDnfuoHvXOCtkTGFVtAVOvY8WACE5fDmTi/P7n/oQxGQHJZud/KfrBvddF4H+s9dPeGYePTXHnbsq8jxCQlqbYfWlxlAoG9Dg/fuckyBgfJhLwXBhWgckMqkVYh9EAk/PhiRUQCt9ATELh4Mzz1cKzYuAzY/vVpaHw9ehErfrb2Rs8TCzfKuB7DWShkPKhH5GsGvUt/U6HQNVzhlV6jIGevfW4PmDNQPuzMTBme3Lr+soFjWe22ABj0dgCFhR61kWuqL1T08hYyDqMoDv9+dbd4F3iSEYTryrbDSHSvHRYJFZqCGakki1N6tDXvlMUmi5meKHQtU
prove ★★★★☆
[V-LINK 连系动词]证明是;原来是;结果是 If something proves to be true or to have a particular quality, it becomes clear after a period of time that it is true or has that quality.
  [V to-inf]
  [V adj]
  [V n]
  • We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true...


  • In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.


  • ...an experiment which was to prove a source of inspiration for many years to come.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]证明;证实 If you prove that something is true, you show by means of argument or evidence that it is definitely true.
      [V n]
      [V that]
      [V wh]
      [V n adj]
      [V n to-inf]
  • You brought this charge. You prove it!...


  • The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.


  • ...trying to prove how groups of animals have evolved...


  • That made me hopping mad and determined to prove him wrong...


  • History will prove him to have been right all along.


  • ...a proven cause of cancer.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]证明;显示 If you prove yourself to have a certain good quality, you show by your actions that you have it.
      [V pron-refl to-inf]
      [V pron-refl adj]
      [V pron-refl]
      [Also V pron-refl n]
  • Margaret proved herself to be a good mother...


  • As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms...


  • A man needs time to prove himself...


  • Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.


  • 4
    [PHRASE 短语]证明自己的能力(或知识) If you prove a point, you show other people that you know something or can do something, although your action may have no other purpose.
      [V inflects]
  • They made a 3,000 mile detour simply to prove a point.


  • Oxford
    prove WORD FAMILY prove verb (≠disprove ) proof noun proven adjective (≠unproven ) / pruːv ; NAmE pruːv / verb ( proved , proved or proved , proven / ˈpruːvn ; NAmE ˈpruːvn / ( especially in NAmE ) ) HELP  In BrE provedis the more common form. Look also at proven. 英式英语中 proved 是较常见的形式。另见 proven。 show sth is true 证明 1 [transitive ] to use facts, evidence, etc. to show that sth is true 证明;证实 provesth They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. 他们希望这一新证据能证明她无罪。 ‘I know you're lying.’ ‘Prove it!’ “我知道你在撒谎。”“拿出证据来!” He felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right). 他觉得有必要证明自己的想法是对的。 Are you just doing this to prove a point? 你这么做就是为证明自己对吗? What are you trying to prove? 你想证明什么? I certainly don't have anything to prove—my record speaks for itself. 我固然无以为证,但我的纪录可说明一切。 provesth to sb Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. 只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。 prove(that)… This proves (that) I was right. 这证明我是对的。 provesb/sth/yourself + adj./noun She was determined to prove everyone wrong. 她决心证明大家都错了。 In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. 在这个国家,一个人在被证明有罪之前是清白的。 provesb/sth/yourself to be/have sth You've just proved yourself to be a liar. 你恰恰证明了自己是撒谎者。 provewhat, how, etc… This just proves what I have been saying for some time. 这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。 it is proved that… Can it be proved thathe did commit these offences? 能证明他确实犯了这些罪吗? OPP
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    see also
    n.  (1 )
    be 2 linking verb if sth provesdangerous, expensive, etc. or if it proves to bedangerous, etc, you discover that it is dangerous, etc. over a period of time 后来被发现是;最终显现为 SYN turn out + adj. The opposition proved too strong for him. 这个对手过于强劲,使得他难以招架。 + noun Shares in the industry proved a poor investment. 事实证明投资这个行业的股票是一个失败。 proveto be sth The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. 这次提升最后成了他职业生涯的一个转折点。 yourself 自己 3 [transitive ] proveyourself (to sb) to show other people how good you are at doing sth or that you are capable of doing sth 展现,展示,显示(自己的才能) He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. 他时常觉得自己必须向人一展身手。 4 [transitive ] proveyourself + adj/noun | proveyourself to be sth to show other people that you are a particular type of person or that you have a particular quality 显示(自己)是;向人证明(自己)是 He proved himself determined to succeed. 他向人证明了自己不达目的不罢休。 of bread 面包 5 [intransitive ] to swell before being baked because of the action of yeast 发酵 SYN
    prove proves proved proving proven
    prove / pruːv ; NAmE pruːv / proven / ˈpruːvn ; NAmE ˈpruːvn /
    proveprove /pruːv/ ●●● S2 W1 verb (past tense proved, past participle proved or proven /ˈpruːvən/ especially American English)
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    1show something is true [transitive] to show that something is true by providing facts, information etcproof:  You’re wrong, and I can prove it.prove (that) Tests have proved that the system works.prove something to somebody I knew he had done it, but there was no way I could prove it to Eddie.prove somebody’s guilt/innocence He claims the police destroyed records that could prove the officer’s guilt.prove somebody wrong/innocent etc They say I’m too old, but I’m going to prove them all wrong. To prove his point (=show that he was right), he mentioned several other experiments which had produced similar results.GRAMMARYou prove something to someone: · I will prove to you that I’m right. Don’t say: I will prove you that I’m right.2be [linking verb] if someone or something proves difficult, helpful, a problem etc, they are difficult, helpful, a problem etc:  The recent revelations may prove embarrassing to the president.prove to be something The design proved to be a success.GRAMMAR: Linking verbsProve is a linking verb in this meaning. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun: · The task proved difficult.· He has proved a loyal friend. You can also say: · The task proved to be difficult.· He has proved to be a loyal friend.3prove yourself/prove something (to somebody) to show how good you are at doing something:  When I first started this job, I felt I had to prove myself.4prove yourself (to be) something to show other people that you are a particular type of person:  She’s proved herself to be a very reliable worker.5what is somebody trying to prove? spoken said when you are annoyed by someone’s actions and do not understand them6prove a point if someone does something to prove a point, they do it to show that they are right or that they can do something:  I’m not going to run the marathon just to prove a point.7bread [intransitive] if dough (=unbaked bread mixture) proves, it rises and becomes light because of the yeast in it8law [transitive] law to show that a will has been made in the correct wayprovable adjectiveCOLLOCATIONSnounsprove somebody’s guilt/innocence· There was no way she could prove her innocence.prove the existence of something· These pictures do not prove the existence of water on Mars.prove a theory· No evidence emerged to prove either theory.prove your case· The state had failed to prove its case.prove your point· To prove her point, Dr Hurdal showed her audience a scan of a patient’s brain.phrasesprove somebody wrong/right· See if you can prove me wrong.prove somebody guilty/innocent· The law states that you are innocent until proved guilty.
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