
Pump Sth Pumped Lot Pumping Gas Sb Informal

word pump
content 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
pump ★★★☆☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]泵;抽水机;打气筒 A pump is a machine or device that is used to force a liquid or gas to flow in a particular direction.
  • ...pumps that circulate the fuel around in the engine...


  • There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard...


  • You'll need a bicycle pump to keep the tyres topped up with air.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]抽吸;抽运;泵送 To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.
      [V n with adv]
      [V n prep]
      [V n]
  • It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea...


  • The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.


  • ...drill rigs that are busy pumping natural gas...


  • Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](汽油)加油泵 A petrol or gas pump is a machine with a tube attached to it that you use to fill a car with petrol.
      [oft n N]
  • There are already long queues of vehicles at petrol pumps.


  • ...gas pumps.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]洗(胃) If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example because they have swallowed poison or drugs.
      [have n V-ed]
      [Also be V-ed]
      [usu passive]
  • She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]大量投入;大量注入 If you pump money or other resources into something such as a project or an industry, you invest a lot of money or resources in it.
      [V n into n]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • The Government needs to pump more money into community care.


  • 6
    [VERB 动词]不停地追问 If you pump someone about something, you keep asking them questions in order to get information.
      [V n about/for n]
      [V n out of/from n]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case...


  • He must have pumped Janey for details...


  • Stop trying to pump information out of me.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词]接连发射;快速连射 To pump bullets into someone means to fire a lot of bullets into them very quickly.
      [V n into n]
      [WRITTEN 笔语]
  • A gunman burst in and pumped five bullets into her head.


  • 8
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](运动或休闲时穿的)橡胶底帆布鞋 Pumps are canvas shoes with flat rubber soles which people wear for sports and leisure.
      [mainly BRIT 主英]
    in AM, use 美国英语用 trainers
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](通常皮制的)女式浅口鞋 Pumps are women's shoes that do not cover the top part of the foot and are usually made of plain leather.
      [AM 美]
    in BRIT, use 英国英语用 court shoes
    [PHRASE 短语]刺激(经济等的)发展 To prime the pump means to do something to encourage the success or growth of something, especially the economy.
      [V inflects]
      [mainly AM 主美]
  • ...the use of tax money to prime the pump of the state's economy.


  • 11

    to pump iron→see:
    pump out
    pump up

    pump / pʌmp ; NAmE pʌmp /
    pump pumps pumped pumping
    noun _cycles_comp.jpg _pump.jpg 1 a machine that is used to force liquid, gas or air into or out of sth 抽水机;泵;打气筒 She washed her face at the pump in front of the inn. 她在客栈前的水泵旁洗了洗脸。 ( BrE) a petrol pump 汽油泵 ( NAmE) a gas pump 煤气泵 a foot/hand pump (= that you work by using your foot or hand) 脚踏╱手摇泵 a bicycle pump 自行车打气筒 see also
    stomach pump
    2 ( BrE) =
    3 ( especially NAmE) ( BrE ˈcourt shoe ) a woman's formal shoe that is plain and does not cover the top part of the foot 无带低帮女鞋,无带半高跟女鞋(正式场合穿的一种女鞋) 4 ( BrE) a woman's light soft flat shoe worn for dancing or exercise; a similar style of shoe worn as a fashion item 轻软舞鞋,休闲女鞋(女子跳舞、运动时穿或用作时装) ballet pumps 芭蕾舞鞋 IDIOMsee
    verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to make water, air, gas, etc. flow in a particular direction by using a pumpor sth that works like a pump 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送 pump(sth) (+ adv./prep.) The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine. 这台发动机是用来从矿井中抽水的。 The heart pumps blood around the body. 心脏把血液输送到全身。 pumpsth + adj. The lake had been pumped dry. 湖水已被抽干。 2 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. (of a liquid 液体 ) to flow in a particular direction as if it is being forced by a pump 涌出;涌流;奔流 Blood was pumping out of his wound. 血从他的伤口喷出。 3 [transitive ] pumpsth (+ adv./prep.) to move sth quickly up and down or in and out 上下(或内外)快速摇动;急速摇晃 He kept pumping my hand up and down. 他不停地摇动着我的手。 I pumped the handle like crazy. 我拚命地来回摇动手柄。 4 [intransitive ] to move quickly up and down or in and out 快速上下(或内外)运动 She sprinted for the line, legs pumping. 她双腿紧蹬,奔向终点线。 My heart was pumping with excitement. 我激动得心里怦怦直跳。 5 [transitive ] pumpsb (for sth) ( informal) to try to get information from sb by asking them a lot of questions 盘问;追问;一再探问 See if you can pump him for more details. 看你能不能向他再探问出些细节来。 IDIOMS pump ˈbullets, ˈshots, etc. into sb to fire a lot of bullets into sb 向…连续发射 pump sb full of sth to fill sb with sth, especially drugs 给…大量(服用药物等) They pumped her full of painkillers. 他们净让她服止痛药。 pump ˈiron ( informal) to do exercises in which you lift heavy weights in order to make your muscles stronger 举重(锻炼) pump sb's ˈstomach to remove the contents of sb's stomach using a pump,because they have swallowed sth harmful 给…洗胃 PHRASAL VERBS ˌpump sth ˈinto sth | ˌpump sth ˈin to put a lot of money into sth 向…大量投资;注入大量资金 He pumped all his savings into the business. 他把全部积蓄都投入了该企业。 ˌpump sth ˈinto sb to force a lot of sth into sb 强行向…灌输 It's difficult to pump facts and figures into tired students. 把事实和数字硬灌输给疲惫的学生太难了。 ˌpump sth↔ˈout ( informal) to produce sth in large amounts 大量生产(或制造) loudspeakers pumping out rock music 大播摇滚乐的扩音器 Our cars pump out thousands of tonnes of poisonous fumes every year. 我们的汽车每年排放出数千吨的有毒尾气。 ˌpump sb↔ˈup [usually passive ] to make sb feel more excited or determined 给(某人)打气;鼓励 ˌpump sth↔ˈup 1 to fill a tyre, etc. with air using a pump 为(轮胎等)充气;打气 2 ( informal) to increase the amount, value or volume of sth 增加…的量(或价值、体积等);提高 Interest rates were pumped up last week. 上周利率提高了。 pump / pʌmp ; NAmE pʌmp /
    pump1 noun
    pump2 verb
    pumppump1 /pʌmp/ ●●○ noun
    Word Origin
    word sets
    1[countable] a machine for forcing liquid or gas into or out of somethingwater/air/beer etc pump (=for moving water, air etc)hand/foot pump (=operated by your hand or foot)petrol pump/gas pump (=for putting petrol into cars)stomach pump (=for removing the contents of someone’s stomach)2[countable usually plural] a)British English a flat light shoe for dancing, exercise, sport etc b)American English a woman’s plain shoe with no laces, buckles etc:  a pair of leather pumps3[countable] an act of pumping
    heat pump
    , → all hands to the pumps
    at hand1(39)
    , → prime the pump
    at prime3(4)
    , → parish pump
    pump1 noun
    pump2 verb
    pumppump2 ●●○ verb
    Entry menu
    Verb Table
    1move in a direction [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make liquid or gas move in a particular direction, using a pumppump something into/out of/through something The fire department is still pumping floodwater out of the cellars.2move from under ground [transitive] to bring a supply of water, oil etc to the surface from under the ground:  We were able to pump clean water from several of the wells.pump gas American English (=put gasoline into a car) He got a job pumping gas for the hotel guests.3move in and out [intransitive] (also pump away) to move very quickly in and out or up and down:  My heart was pumping fast.4use a pump [intransitive] (also pump away) to operate a pumppump at The furnace man’s job was to pump away furiously at the bellows.5come out [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a liquid pumps from somewhere, it comes out suddenly in small amountspump from/out of Blood pumped from the wound.6ask questions [transitive] informal to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information from thempump somebody for something I tried to pump him for information about their other contacts.7drugs pump somebody full of something informal to put a lot of drugs into someone’s body:  athletes pumped full of steroids8exercise pump iron informal to do exercises by lifting heavy weights9medical treatment have your stomach pumped to have a medical treatment to remove things you have swallowed, using a pumppump something into somebody/something phrasal verb1pump bullets into somebody/something informal to shoot someone several times2pump money into something to put a lot of money into a project, investment etcpump out phrasal verb1if something such as music, information, or a supply of products pumps out, or if someone pumps it out, a lot of it is produced:  Music pumped out from the loudspeakers.pump something ↔ out propaganda pumped out by the food industry2pump something ↔ out to remove liquid from something, using a pump:  You’ll have to pump the boat out.pump something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verb1to fill a tyre, airbed etc with air until it is full SYN  inflate2 informal to increase the value, amount, or level of something:  The US was able to pump up exports. Come on, pump up the volume (=play music louder)!3to increase someone’s excitement, interest etc
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