
Room Free Spare Availability əˈveɪləbl People əˌveɪləˈbɪləti Offer

word available
content 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
available ★★★★★
[ADJ 形容词]能找到的;可获得的 If something you want or need is available, you can find it or obtain it.
  • Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17%...


  • There are three small boats available for hire...


  • According to the best available information, the facts are these.


  • availability
  • ...the easy availability of guns.


  • 2
    [ADJ 形容词]有空的;有暇的 Someone who is available is not busy and is therefore free to talk to you or to do a particular task.
      [v-link ADJ]
  • Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.


  • Oxford
    avail·able AWL / əˈveɪləbl ; NAmE əˈveɪləbl / adjective 1 (of things 东西 ) that you can get, buy or find 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的 available resources/facilities 可利用的资源╱设备 readily/freely/publicly/generally available 可以容易╱免费╱让公众╱普遍得到的 Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 学校有免费票。 When will the information be made available? 何时才可以了解到情况? Further information is available on request. 详情备索。 This was the only room available. 这是唯一可用的房间。 We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. 一有货我们就会给你寄一本去。 Every available doctor was called to the scene. 所有能找到的医生都被召集到了现场。 2 (of a person ) free to see or talk to people 有空的 Will she be available this afternoon? 今天下午她有空吗? The director was not available for comment. 主管没有时间发表意见。 avail·abil·ity AWL / əˌveɪləˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌveɪləˈbɪləti / noun [uncountable ] the availability of cheap flights 有廉价机票出售 ( BrE) This offer is subject to availability. 优惠至此产品售完为止。 availability availabilities avail·able / əˈveɪləbl ; NAmE əˈveɪləbl / avail·abil·ity / əˌveɪləˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌveɪləˈbɪləti /
    availablea‧vail‧a‧ble /əˈveɪləbəl/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL adjective
    Word family
    1something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found:  Tickets are available from the box office.available to Not enough data is available to scientists.available to do something Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference.available for No figures are available for the number of goods sold.available in There are plenty of jobs available in the area.readily/widely available (=very easy to obtain) Parking is readily available near the station entrance. Meetings were held to update employees as soon as new information became available. Further building can continue when money is made available. Every available space on the wall was covered in pictures.RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that a book, record etc is out rather than available:· His new album is out now.2[not before noun] someone who is available is not busy and has enough time to talk to you:  Collins was not available for comment on Thursday night.3someone who is available does not have a wife, boyfriend etc, and therefore may want to start a new romantic relationship with someone elseCOLLOCATIONSverbsbecome available· Luckily a house soon became available for us.make something available· With the Internet it is possible to make learning available wherever it is needed.adverbsbe easily/readily/freely available (=easy to get)· The material used was cheap and readily available.be widely available (=available in many places)· Organic food is now widely available.adjectivesthe best available· We use the best available technology.phrasesthe only available something· One small tree was the only available protection from the sun.the nearest available something· Ruth sat down in the nearest available armchair.every available something· You should practise speaking the language at every available opportunity.THESAURUSavailable if something is available, you can buy it, get it, or use it: · Are there any tickets still available for Saturday?· There’s no room for more books – we’ve used up all the available space.free if a seat or room is free, it is not being used by anyone: · Excuse me, is this seat free?· The hotel never has any free rooms over the Christmas period.vacant if a house or room is vacant, it is available for someone to use or rent: · If you’re looking for somewhere to rent, I think there’s a vacant apartment in my building.· I’ll ask around and see if there’s a room vacant somewhere.· The sign on the toilet said ‘vacant’.spare a spare room, key, tyre etc is one that you have in addition to the ones that you normally use, and is therefore available to be used: · We have a spare room you can stay in.· There’s a spare key in this drawer.· I got the spare tyre out of the back of the car.empty an empty room, building etc has no one in it: · The house was empty for two months before it was sold.· They have three empty rooms now that the kids have moved out.on offer if something is on offer, it is available for people to choose from: · There is a huge network of cycle tracks on offer.· Other facilities on offer in this excellent hotel include a hairdressing salon, a coffee shop, and a children's play room.· the variety of delicious fruits on offertaken [not before noun] if a seat or room is taken, it is not available for other people to use, because someone has already arranged to use it: · I’m sorry – that seat is taken.· I’m afraid all our rooms are taken at the moment.
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