
Sensitive Sensibly Good ˈsensəbl ˈsensəbli Adj Graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 Adj

word sensible
content 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
sensible ★★★☆☆
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](行为或决定)明智的,理智的,合理的 Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.
  [oft it v-link ADJ to-inf]
  • It might be sensible to get a solicitor...


  • The sensible thing is to leave them alone.


  • ...sensible advice.


  • sensibly
  • He sensibly decided to lie low for a while...


  • They have very sensibly adjusted their diet.


  • 2
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](人)明智的,理智的,通情达理的 Sensible people behave in a sensible way.
      [oft ADJ about n/-ing]
  • She was a sensible girl and did not panic...


  • Oh come on, let's be sensible about this...


  • I'm trying to persuade you to be more sensible.


  • 3
    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](衣服、鞋子)耐用的,朴素而实用的 Sensible shoes or clothes are practical and strong rather than fashionable and attractive.
      [usu ADJ n]
  • Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.


  • sensibly
  • They were not sensibly dressed.


  • Usage Note :

    Take care not to confuse sensible and sensitive. You do not use sensible to describe someone whose feelings or emotions are strongly affected by their experiences. The word you need is sensitive. ...a highly sensitive artist.

    注意不要混淆 sensible 和 sensitive。描述某人的情绪或感情会受其经历强烈影响时用sensitive,不用sensible:a highly sensitive artist (极其敏感的艺术家)。

    sens·ible / ˈsensəbl ; NAmE ˈsensəbl / adjective 1 (of people and their behaviour 人及行为 ) able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion; practical 明智的;理智的;合理的;切合实际的 She's a sensible sort of person. 她属于那种通情达理的人。 I think that's a very sensible idea. 我看这个主意很妥当。 Say something sensible. 说点正经的。 I think the sensible thingwould be to take a taxi home. 我想还是坐出租车回家比较好。 2 (of clothes, etc. 服装等 ) useful rather than fashionable 朴素而实用的 sensible shoes 朴实而舒适的鞋 3 ( formal or literary) aware of sth 意识到;认识到 I am sensible of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject. 我知道数学课不受欢迎。 OPP for sense 3
    HELP  Use silly(sense 1) or impractical(senses 1 and 2) as the opposite for the other senses. 用 silly (第 1 义)或 impractical (第 1 及第 2 义)作为 sensible 义项 1 和 2 的反义词。
    sens·ibly / ˈsensəbli ; NAmE ˈsensəbli / adverb to behave sensibly 举止得体 He decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired. 他很累,所以决定不开车,这是很明智的。 She's always very sensibly dressed. 她的着装总是十分素雅得体。 WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 sensible / sensitive Sensibleand sensitiveare connected with two different meanings of sense. *sensible 和 sensitive 与 sense 的两个不同含义相联系。 Sensiblerefers to your ability to make good judgements. *sensible 涉及判断: She gave me some very sensible advice. 她给了我一些非常合理的建议。 It wasn’t very sensible to go out on your own so late at night. 这么晚一个人单独外出是不太明智的。 Sensitiverefers to how easily you react to things and how much you are aware of things or other people. *sensitive 涉及反应和对人事物的感应: a soap for sensitive skin 敏感皮肤用的肥皂 This movie may upset a sensitive child. 这部影片可能使敏感的孩子感到难过。
    sens·ible / ˈsensəbl ; NAmE ˈsensəbl / sens·ibly / ˈsensəbli ; NAmE ˈsensəbli /
    sensiblesen‧si‧ble /ˈsensəbəl/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjective
    Word Origin
    Word family
    1reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment:  She seems very sensible. sensible advice It’s sensible to keep a note of your passport number. Moving house seemed like the sensible thing to do.A sensible person is reasonable and shows good judgment. A sensitive person is easily upset, or understands other people’s feelings and problems.2suitable for a particular purpose, and practical rather than fashionable:  Eat a sensible diet and exercise daily. an old woman in sensible shoes and a neat skirt3formal noticeable:  a sensible increase in temperature4be sensible of something literary to know or realize that something exists or is true SYN  aware:  He was very sensible of the difficult situation she was in.sensibly adverb
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