
Shop Things English Buy Place Building Shopping British

word shop
content 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
shop ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]商店;店铺 A shop is a building or part of a building where things are sold.
  [mainly BRIT 主英]
  • ...health food shops.


  • ...a record shop...


  • It's not available in the shops.


  • in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 store
    [VERB 动词]购物;去商店买东西 When you shop, you go to shops and buy things.
      [V prep/adv]
  • He always shopped at the Co-op.


  • ...some advice that's worth bearing in mind when shopping for a new carpet.


  • ...customers who shop once a week.


  • shopper
  • ...crowds of Christmas shoppers.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](提供某种服务的)店,店面 You can refer to a place where a particular service is offered as a particular type of shop .
      [n N]
  • ...the barber shop where Rodney sometimes had his hair cut.


  • ...betting shops.


  • ...your local video shop.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]工厂;工场;作坊;车间 You can refer to a place where things are made or done as a particular kind of shop .
      [n N]
  • ...the blacksmith's shop.


  • ...a repair shop.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词](向警察)告发 If you shop someone, you report them to the police for doing something illegal.
      [V n to n]
      [be V-ed]
      [BRIT 英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police...


  • Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours.


  • 6
    See also:
    chip shop
    coffee shop
    corner shop
    paper shop
    pawn shop
    print shop
    sex shop
    tea shop
    talking shop
    thrift shop
    Usage Note :

    When you want to refer to a particular type of shop, you can often simply use the word for the person who owns or manages the shop. Down the road there is another greengrocer... Bring me back a paper from the newsagent. Alternatively, you can use the possessive form with 's, without a following noun. ...items which can be purchased at the greengrocer's... She also cleans offices and serves in a local newsagent's. You can also use the same pattern with other words that refer to a person or business that provides a service, such as hairdresser or dentist. Three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser... It's worse than being at the dentist's.

    谈到某种类型的店铺时,常可以直接用店铺拥有者或经营者来指代该店铺。例如,Down the road there is another greengrocer (沿这条路还有一家蔬菜水果店),Bring me back a paper from the newsagent (从书报亭给我带份报纸回来)。或者,可以用所有格’s后不接名词的形式来表示某种店铺: items which can be purchased at the greengrocer's (在蔬菜水果店可以买到的东西),She also cleans offices and serves in a local newsagent's (她还在办公室做清洁工作,还在当地的一家书报亭卖报)。这种所有格后不接名词的结构还可以用在hairdresser, dentist 等表示提供某种服务的人或行业的名词后面指代某种店铺:Three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser's (他们一星期去三四次美发店),It's worse than being at the dentist's (这比去看牙医还要糟糕)。

    [PHRASE 短语]到处;各处 If something is happening all over the shop, it is happening in many different places or throughout a wide area.
      [PHR after v]
      [BRIT 英]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语]开业;开张 If you set up shop, you start a business.
      [V inflects]
  • He set up shop as an independent PR consultant...


  • He has just set up shop in Cherbourg.


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语](商店、办事处、公司)休息,下班,打烊,停业,歇业 When a shop, office, or firm shuts up shop, it stops doing business and closes, either at the end of the day or permanently.
      [V inflects]
      [BRIT 英]
  • If they had been faced with the bill they'd have shut up shop and fled the country.


  • 10
    [PHRASE 短语]谈论本行工作;三句话不离本行 If you say that people are talking shop, you mean that they are talking about their work, and this is boring for other people who do not do the same work.
      [V inflects]
  • If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talking shop.


  • 11
    a bull in a china shop→see:
    shop around

    shop / ʃɒp ; NAmE ʃɑːp /
    shop shops shopped shopping
    noun where you buy sth 买东西的地方 1 [countable ] ( especially BrE) a building or part of a building where you can buy goods or services 商店;店铺 a shoe shop 鞋店 There's a little gift shop around the corner. 在街角附近有一家小礼品店。 ( BrE) a butcher's shop 肉铺 ( NAmE) a butcher shop 肉铺 ( BrE) I'm just going down to the shops.Can I get you anything? 我要上街去。你有要买的吗? collocationsat
    see also
    bucket shop
    coffee shop
    corner shop
    factory shop
    for making/repairing things 制造╱修理东西 2 ( also work·shop ) [countable ] ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) a place where things are made or repaired, especially part of a factory where a particular type of work is done 工厂;工场;作坊;(尤指)车间 a repair shop 修理厂 a paint shop (= where cars are painted) 喷漆车间 see also
    body shop
    shopping 购物 3 [singular ] ( BrE) ( informal) an act of going shopping, especially for food and other items needed in the house 购物;采买 I do aweekly shopat the supermarket. 我一周上超市一次。 school subject 学校科目 4 ( also ˈshop class ) [uncountable ] ( both NAmE) =
    industrial arts
    room for tools 放工具的房间 5 ( also work·shop ) [countable ] ( NAmE) a room in a house where tools are kept for making repairs to the house, building things out of wood, etc. 工具贮藏室 IDIOMS all ˈover the shop ( BrE) ( informal) = all over the place at place n. ˌset up ˈshop to start a business 开业;开张 more at
    verb ( -pp- ) buy 购买 1 [intransitive ] shop(for sth) to buy things in shops/stores 去商店买;在商店购物 to shop for food 去商店买食物 He likes to shop at the local market. 他喜欢到本地市场买东西。 She was determined to go out and shop till she dropped. 她决定外出购物直到累得站不住才罢休。 2 go shopping [intransitive ] to spend time going to shops/stores and looking for things to buy 逛商店 There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York. 我们离开纽约前应该还有充足的时间去逛商店。 ‘Where's Mum?’ ‘She went shopping.’ “妈妈呢?”“买东西去了。” tell police about sb 向警察告发 3 [transitive ] shopsb (to sb) ( BrE) ( informal) to give information to sb, especially to the police, about sb who has committed a crime (向警察等)告发 He didn't expect his own mother to shop him to the police. 他没想到自己的母亲会向警方告发他。 PHRASAL VERB ˌshop aˈround (for sth) to compare the quality or prices of goods or services that are offered by different shops/stores, companies, etc. so that you can choose the best 货比三家而后买;比较选购 Shop around for the best deal. 要货比三家,买最合算的。 shop / ʃɒp ; NAmE ʃɑːp /
    shop1 noun
    shop2 verb
    shopshop1 /ʃɒp $ ʃɑːp/ ●●● S1 W1 noun
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    Word family
    1place where you buy things [countable] especially British English a building or part of a building where you can buy things, food, or services SYN store American Englishtoy/pet/shoe/gift etc shop Her brother runs a record shop in Chester. a barber’s shop a fish-and-chip shop the local shops Shirley saw her reflection in the shop window.in the shops New potatoes are in the shops now. I’m just going down to the shops.wander/browse around the shops I spent a happy afternoon wandering around the shops.
    bucket shop
    , corner shop
    , coffee shop
    2place that makes/repairs things [countable] a place where something is made or repaired:  The generators are put together in the machine shop. a bicycle repair shop
    shop floor
    , shop steward
    3school subject (also shop class) [uncountable] American English a subject taught in schools that shows students how to use tools and machinery to make or repair thingsin shop Doug made this table in shop.wood/metal/print etc shop One auto shop class is run just for girls.4set up shop informal to start a business5shut up shop British English, close up shop American English informal to close a shop or business, either temporarily or permanently6talk shop informal to talk about things that are related to your work, especially in a way that other people find boring:  I’m fed up with you two talking shop.
    shop talk
    7all over the shop British English spoken a)scattered around untidily:  There were bits of paper all over the shop. b)confused and disorganized:  I’m all over the shop this morning.8go shopping [singular] British English spoken an occasion when you go shopping, especially for food and other things you need regularly:  She always does the weekly shop on a Friday.THESAURUSshop especially British English, store especially American English a building or place where things are sold: · She's gone to the shops to get some milk.· a clothes shop· Our local store has sold out of sugar for making jam.boutique a small shop that sells fashionable clothes or other objects: · a little boutique which specializes in bath products.superstore British English a very large shop, especially one that is built outside the centre of a city: · Out-of-town superstores have taken business away from shops in the city centre.department store a very large shop that is divided into several big parts, each of which sells one type of thing, such as clothes, furniture, or kitchen equipment: · He went around all the big department stores in Oxford Street.supermarket (also grocery store American English) a very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that people need regularly in their homes: · Supermarkets have cut down the number of plastic bags they distribute by 50%.salon a shop where you can get your hair washed, cut curled etcgarden centre British English, nursery especially American English a place that sells a wide range of plants, seeds, and things for your garden: · Your local garden centre can advise you on which plants to grow.outlet formal a shop that sells things for less than the usual price, especially things from a particular company or things of a particular type: · The book is available from most retail outlets.market an area, usually outdoors, where people buy and sell many different types of things: · I usually buy our vegetables at the market – they're much cheaper there.mall especially American English a large area where there are a lot of shops, especially a large building: · A new restaurant has opened at the mall.· We used to hang around together at the mall.strip mall American English a row of shops built together, with a large area for parking cars in front of it: · Strip malls can seem rather impersonal.
    shop1 noun
    shop2 verb
    shopshop2 ●●● S2 verb (past tense and past participle shopped, present participle shopping)
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1[intransitive] to go to one or more shops to buy thingsshop for I usually shop for vegetables in the market.shop at She always shops at Tesco’s.
    2go shopping (also be out shopping) to go to one or more shops to buy things, often for enjoyment:  The next day, Saturday, we went shopping. Mum’s out shopping with Granny.3[transitive] British English informal to tell the police about someone who has done something illegal:  He was shopped by his ex-wife.shop around phrasal verb to compare the price and quality of different things before you decide which to buyshop around for Take time to shop around for the best deal.
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