
Stand Stood Standing I Sth Feet Position   [V

word stand
content 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
stand ★★★★★
[VERB 动词]站;立;站立 When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet.
  [V prep]
  [V adj]
  [V P]
  • She was standing beside my bed staring down at me...


  • They told me to stand still and not to turn round...


  • Overcrowding is so bad that prisoners have to sleep in shifts, while others have to stand.


  • Stand up means the same as stand .stand up 同 stand
    • We waited, standing up, for an hour.

      我们站着等了 1 小时。

    • ...Mrs Fletcher, a shop assistant who has to stand up all day.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]站起来;起立 When someone who is sitting stands, they change their position so that they are upright and on their feet.
      [V P]
  • Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.


  • Stand up means the same as stand .stand up同 stand
    • When I walked in, they all stood up and started clapping.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]站到一边/ 往后站 If you stand aside or stand back, you move a short distance sideways or backwards, so that you are standing in a different place.
      [V adv/prep]
  • I stood aside to let her pass me...


  • The policemen stood back. Could it be a bomb?


  • 4
    [VERB 动词](建筑物、家具等)位于 If something such as a building or a piece of furniture stands somewhere, it is in that position, and is upright.
      [V prep/adv]
      [WRITTEN 笔语]
  • The house stands alone on top of a small hill...


  • I reached for the lamp, which stood in the middle of the table.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词](建筑物在周围其他建筑物倒塌或被毁后)依然存在,矗立 You can say that a building is standing when it remains after other buildings around it have fallen down or been destroyed.
  • The palace, which was damaged by bombs in World War II, still stood...


  • There are very few buildings left standing.


  • 6
    [VERB 动词]将…竖放于 If you stand something somewhere, you put it there in an upright position.
      [V n prep/adv]
  • Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词](将食物或调拌物等)搁置不动 If you leave food or a mixture of something to stand, you leave it without disturbing it for some time.
  • The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.


  • 8
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]态度;立场 If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.
      [usu sing]
  • He felt the need to make a stand against racism in South Africa...


  • They must take a stand and cast their votes...


  • His tough stand won some grudging admiration.


  • 9
    [VERB 动词]持…态度(或立场) If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is.
      [where V on n]
      [where V]
  • The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment...


  • So far, the bishop hasn't said where he stands.


  • 10
    [VERB 动词]在…眼里被如何看待 If you do not know where you stand with someone, you do not know exactly what their attitude to you is.
      [where V with n]
      [where V]
  • No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable...


  • All children need discipline, to know where they stand.


  • 11
    [V-LINK 连系动词]处于(某种状况或局面) You can use stand instead of 'be' when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone.
      [V adj]
  • The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary...


  • He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions...


  • The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights.


  • 12
    [VERB 动词](决定、法规或提议)继续有效 If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled.
  • Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands...


  • The Supreme Court says that the convictions can stand.


  • 13
    [VERB 动词]处于(某一水平) If something that can be measured stands at a particular level, it is at that level.
      [V at amount]
  • The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 per cent...

    通货膨胀率目前为 3.6%。

  • Support for the two sides is standing at between 42 and 44 per cent.

    双方的支持率在 42%和 44%之间。

  • 14
    [VERB 动词]身高为…;高度为… You can describe how tall or high someone or something is by saying that they stand a particular height.
      [V amount adj]
      [V adj]
  • She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds...

    她身高 5 英尺 5 英寸,体重 120 磅。

  • The dam will stand 600 feet high...

    大坝将高达 600 英尺。

  • She stood tall and aloof.


  • 15
    [VERB 动词]经得起,承受得住(困难、考验) If something can stand a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate.
      [V n]
  • These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass...


  • I think these books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens...


  • Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.


  • 16
    [VERB 动词]忍受;容忍 If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it.
      [V n/-ing]
  • I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away...


  • Stoddart can stand any amount of personal criticism...


  • How does he stand the pain?


  • 17
    [VERB 动词]容忍;忍受 If you cannot stand someone or something, you dislike them very strongly.
      [V n/-ing]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • I can't stand that man and his arrogance...


  • He can't stand me smoking.


  • 18
    [VERB 动词]可能获得/ 可能失去 If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it.
      [V to-inf]
  • The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold...


  • As many as 30,000 workers at 22 nuclear weapons sites stand to lose their jobs.

    在 22 个核武器制造点工作的多达 3 万名工人可能会失业。

  • 19
    [VERB 动词]参加(选举);当候选人 If you stand in an election, you are a candidate in it.
      [V in n]
      [V as/for/against n]
      [BRIT 英]
  • He has not yet announced whether he will stand in the election...


  • Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand...


  • She is to stand as a Member of the European Parliament...


  • Every two years all the congressmen stand for re-election.


  • in AM, use 美国英语用 run
    [VERB 动词]请(某人吃饭、喝酒) If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for them.
      [V n n]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • You can stand me a pint.


  • 21
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]See also:
    (设在户外或大型公共建筑物内的)小店,售货摊 A stand is a small shop or stall, outdoors or in a large public building.
      [oft n N]
  • He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office...


  • She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.


  • 22
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](运动场上的)观众台,看台 A stand at a sports ground is a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening.
      [BRIT 英]
  • In American English, stands is used with same meaning.(美国英语中使用 stands)
    • The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.


  • 23
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](供放置物品的)架,台 A stand is an object or piece of furniture that is designed for supporting or holding a particular kind of thing.
  • The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.


  • 24
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](出租车、公共汽车的)停车候客处 A stand is an area where taxis or buses can wait to pick up passengers.
      [usu n N]
  • Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby.


  • 25
    [N-SING 单数名词](法庭上的)证人席 In a law court, the stand is the place where a witness stands to answer questions.
      [the N]
  • When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony...


  • The government has called nearly 50 witnesses to the stand.

    政府已传招了近 50 名证人出庭。

  • 26
    See also:
    [PHRASE 短语]真实性取决于;成败在于 If an idea, claim, or attempt stands or falls on something, its truth or success depends on that thing.
      [V inflects]
  • Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers.


  • 28
    [PHRASE 短语]最后的抵抗 You can describe someone's final attempt to defend themselves before they are defeated as their last stand .
  • There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions.


  • 29
    [PHRASE 短语]合乎情理;显然 If you say it stands to reason that something is true or likely to happen, you mean that it is obvious.
      [V inflects]
  • It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back...


  • Smith isn't his real name, that stands to reason.


  • 30
    [PHRASE 短语]妨碍;阻碍 If you stand in the way of something or stand in a person's way, you prevent that thing from happening or prevent that person from doing something.
      [V inflects]
  • The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal...


  • It is his decision to go to America and who am I to stand in his way?


  • 31

    to stand a chance→see:

    to stand up and be counted→see:

    to stand firm→see:

    to stand on your own two feet→see:

    to stand your ground→see:

    to stand someone in good stead→see:

    to stand trial→see:
    stand aside
    stand back
    stand by
    stand down
    stand for
    stand in
    stand out
    stand up
    stand up for
    stand up to

    stand / stænd ; NAmE stænd /
    stand stands stood standing
    verb ( stood , stood / stʊd ; NAmE stʊd / ) on feet/be vertical 站立;直立 1 [intransitive ] to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position 站立;立;直立 She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。 a bird standing on one leg 单腿独立的鸟 Don't just stand there—do something! 别光站着,干点什么! I was standing only a few feet away. 当时我就站在几英尺远的地方。 We all stood aroundin the corridor waiting. 我们分散站在过道里等着。 to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) 用头╱用手倒立 After the earthquake, only a few houses were left standing. 地震后只剩几座房子没倒。 + adj. Stand stillwhile I take your photo. 我给你照相,站着别动。 2 [intransitive ] to get up onto your feet from another position 站起来;起立 Everyone stood when the President came in. 总统进来时大家都起立。 standup We stood up in order to get a better view. 我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。 put upright 使直立 3 [transitive ] standsth/sb + adv./prep. to put sth/sb in a vertical position somewhere 使直立;竖放;使站立 Stand the ladder up against the wall. 把梯子靠墙立好。 I stood the little girl on a chair so that she could see. 我让小女孩站到椅子上,好让她看得见。 be in place/condition 位置;状态 4 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to be in a particular place 位于(某处) The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield. 那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。 An old oak tree once stood here. 以前这儿长着一棵老橡树。 5 [intransitive ] (+ adj.) to be in a particular condition or situation 处于(某种状态或情形) The house stood emptyfor a long time. 那所房子空了好长一段时间。 ‘You're wrong about the date—it was 1988.’ ‘ I stand corrected (= accept that I was wrong). “你把日期搞错了,是 1988 年。”“你说得对,是我搞错了。” You never know where you stand withher—one minute she's friendly, the next she'll hardly speak to you. 你从来拿不准你和她的关系如何,她一会儿跟你亲热,一会儿连话也不大跟你说。 As things stand,there is little chance of a quick settlement of the dispute. 照目前的形势,尽快解决争端的可能微乎其微。 be at height/level 高度;水平 6 [intransitive ] + noun ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to be a particular height 高度为;高达 The tower stands 30 metres high. 塔高 30 米。 7 [intransitive ] standat sth to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc. 达特定水平(或数量、高度等) Interest rates stand at 3%. 利率为 3%。 The world record then stood at 6.59 metres. 当时的世界纪录是 6.59 米。 of car/train, etc. 汽车、火车等 8 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to be in a particular place, especially while waiting to go somewhere 停;停靠 The train standing at platform 3 is for London, Victoria. 停在第 3 站台的火车开往伦敦维多利亚站。 of liquid/mixture 液体;混合物 9 [intransitive ] to remain still, without moving or being moved 停滞;不流动;放着不动 Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。 standing pools of rainwater 雨水洼 offer/decision 提议;决定 10 [intransitive ] if an offer, a decision, etc. made earlier stands,it is still valid 保持有效;维持不变 My offer still stands. 我的出价仍然算数。 The world record stood for 20 years. 那项世界纪录 20 年未被打破。 be likely to do sth 很可能 11 [intransitive ] standto do sth to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth 很可能做某事 You stand to make a lot from this deal. 你很可能会从这笔生意中大赚一笔。 have opinion 观点 12 [intransitive ] stand(on sth) to have a particular attitude or opinion about sth or towards sb (对某事)持某种态度,有某一观点,采取某种立场 Where do you standon private education? 你对民办教育持什么观点? dislike 不喜欢 13 [transitive ,  no passive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like sb/sth (尤用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)容忍,忍受 SYN
    standsb/sth I can't standhis brother. 他弟弟让我受不了。 I can't stand the sight of blood. 一看见血我就难受。 I can't stand itwhen you do that. 你那么做,我受不了。 standdoing sth She couldn't stand being kept waiting. 叫她等着,她会受不了。 standsb/sth doing sth I can't stand people interrupting all the time. 我不能容忍老有人打岔。 How do you stand him being here all the time? 他老在这儿,你怎么受得了呢? synonyms at
    survive treatment 承受 14 [transitive ] standsth used especially with can/couldto say that sb/sth can survive sth or can toleratesth without being hurt or damaged (尤与 can 或 could 连用)经受,承受,经得起 His heart won't stand the strain much longer. 他的心脏对这种压力承受不了多久。 Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。 buy drink/meal 买饮料╱餐点 15 [transitive ,  no passive ] to buy a drink or meal for sb 花钱请(某人喝饮料或吃饭);买…请客 standsth He stood drinks all round. 他请客,让大家喝了饮料。 standsb sth She was kind enough to stand us a meal. 她真好,请我们吃了饭。 in election 选举 16 ( especially BrE) ( NAmE usually run ) [intransitive ] stand(for/as sth) to be a candidate in an election 做候选人;参选 He stood for parliament (= tried to get elected as an MP). 他竞选过议会议员。 She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections. 她参加过地方选举,但未能当选。 IDIOM Idioms containing standare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example stand on ceremonyis at ceremony. 含 stand 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 stand on ceremony 在词条 ceremony 下。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌstand aˈside 1 to move to one side 站到一边;让开 She stood aside to let us pass. 她站到一边让我们过。 2 to not get involved in sth 不参与;不介入;置身事外 Don't stand aside and let others do all the work. 不要袖手旁观,工作都让别人去做。 3 to stop doing a job so sb else can do it 退居一旁;让位予他人;靠边 ˌstand ˈback (from sth) 1 to move back from a place 往后站;退后 The police ordered the crowd to stand back. 警察命令人群往后退。 2 to be located away from sth 位于离…有一段距离的地方 The house stands back from the road. 房子离公路有一段距离。 3 to think about a situation as if you are not involved in it 置身事外(来考虑) It's time to stand back and look at your career so far. 现在你该从旁观者的角度来审视一下自己迄今的职业生涯了。 ˌstand beˈtween sb/sth and sth to prevent sb from getting or achieving sth 阻碍(某人获得某物) Only one game stood between him and victory. 只要再赢一场比赛他就能胜出。 ˌstand ˈby 1 to be present while sth bad is happening but not do anything to stop it 袖手旁观;无动于衷 How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? 你怎么能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观呢? related noun
    2 to be ready for action 做好随时行动的准备;做好准备 The troops are standing by. 部队随时待命出动。 related noun
    ˈstand by sb to help sb or be friends with them, even in difficult situations 支持;帮助;忠于 her famous song, ‘Stand by your man’ 她的著名歌曲《忠于你的男人》 ˈstand by sth to still believe or agree with sth you said, decided or agreed earlier 仍然遵守诺言(或协议等) She still stands by every word she said. 她依旧恪守她说过的每一句话。 ˌstand ˈdown 1 stand(as sth) to leave a job or position 离职;退职;下台 He stood down to make way for someone younger. 他退下来好为年轻人让路。 2 (of a witness 证人 ) to leave the witness box/standin court after giving evidence 退出证人席 ˈstand for sth [no passive ] 1 ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to be an abbreviation or symbol of sth (指缩写或符号)是…意思,代表 ‘The book's by T.C. Smith.’ ‘What does the ‘T.C.’ stand for?’ “这部书是 T.C. Smith 写的。”“ T.C. 是哪两个字的缩写?” 2 to support sth 支持;主张 I hated the organization and all it stood for (= the ideas that it supported). 我厌恶那个组织,也厌恶它的一切主张。 3 not stand for sth to not let sb do sth or sth happen 容忍;忍受 I'm not standing for it any longer. 这种事我再也不能容忍了。 ˌstand ˈin (for sb) to take sb's place 代替,顶替(某人) SYN
    My assistant will stand in for me while I'm away. 我不在期间,由我的助手顶替。 related noun
    ˌstand ˈout (as sth) to be much better or more important than sb/sth 出色;杰出;更为重要 Four points stand out as being more important than the rest. 有四点比其余各点更为重要。 see also
    ˌstand ˈout (from/against sth) to be easily seen; to be noticeable 显眼;突出 The lettering stood out well against the dark background. 那种字体在深色背景下十分醒目。 She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. 她是那种在人群中很显眼的人。 ˌstand ˈover sb be near sb and watch them 监督;监视 I don't like you standing over me while I'm cooking. 我不喜欢做饭时你在一旁盯着我。 ˌstand ˈup to be on your feet 站起;站立;起立 There were no seats left so I had to stand up. 没有座位了,所以我只好站着。 You'll look taller if you stand up straight. 站直身子,你会显得高些。 ˌstand sb ˈup ( informal) to deliberately not meet sb you have arranged to meet, especially sb you are having a romantic relationship with (尤指恋人)故意失约使某人空等 I've been stood up! 人家让我空等一场! ˌstand ˈup for sb/sth to support or defend sb/sth 支持;维护 Always stand up for your friends. 任何时候都要支持自己的朋友。 You must stand up for your rights. 你必须维护自己的权利。 She had learnt to stand up for herself. 她学会了自我保护。 ˌstand ˈup (to sth) to remain valid even when tested, examined closely, etc. 经得起(检验、审查等) His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. 他的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。 I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law. 恐怕这份文件在法庭上是根本站不住的。 ˌstand ˈup to sb to resist sb; to not accept bad treatment from sb without complaining 抵抗;勇敢反对;不甘忍受某人的欺负(或不公平对待) It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies. 她不向那几个坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。 ˌstand ˈup to sth (of materials, products, etc. 材料、产品等 ) to remain in good condition despite rough treatment 能承受,经受得住,耐(…) SYN
    The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear. 这种地毯设计得十分耐用。
    noun _laboratory_equipment_comp.jpg _stand.jpg opinion 观点 1 [usually singular ] stand(on sth) an attitude towards sth or an opinion that you make clear to people 态度;立场;观点 to take a firm stand on sth 在某事上采取坚定的立场 He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration. 他因在移民问题上立场强硬受到批评。 defence 保卫 2 [usually singular ] a strong effort to defend yourself or your opinion about sth 保卫;捍卫;维护;抵抗 We must make a stand againstfurther job losses. 我们必须采取措施,防止进一步裁员。 the rebels' desperate last stand 反叛者最后的疯狂抵抗 for showing/holding sth 展示;摆放 3 a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market 货摊;售货亭 SYN
    a hamburger/newspaper stand 汉堡包售卖亭;报摊 see also
    4 ( especially BrE) a table or a vertical structure where things are displayed or advertised, for example at an exhibition (展示或推介物品的)桌,台,摊位 a display/an exhibition/a trade stand 展位;展销台 5 ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) a piece of equipment or furniture that you use for holding a particular type of thing 架;座 a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand 自行车停靠架、麦克风架、蛋糕座等 see also
    music stand
    at sports ground 体育场 6 a large sloping structure at a stadiumwith rows where people sit or stand to watch the game 看台 see also
    in court 法庭 7 [usually singular ] =
    witness box
    He took the standas the first witness. 他第一个出庭作证。
    in cricket 板球 8 [usually singular ] the period of time in which two people who are batting(= hitting the ball) play together and score points 两个击球员同时在场上并跑动得分的阶段;双人配对 Clinch and Harris shared an opening standof 69. 克林奇和哈里斯两位击球员,比赛一开始时搭档,共得 69 分。 for band/orchestra, etc. 乐队、交响乐队等 9 a raised platform for a band, an orchestra,a speaker, etc. (用于演出或演讲等的)舞台,高台,台 see also
    for taxis/buses, etc. 出租车、公共汽车等 10 a place where taxis, buses, etc. park while they are waiting for passengers 停车处;站 compare
    taxi rank
    of plants/trees 植物;树 11 stand(of sth) ( technical 术语 ) a group of plants or trees of one kind 林分 a stand of pines 松树丛 of land 土地 12 ( SAfrE) a piece of land that you can buy and use for building a house, etc. on (建房等用的)地皮,地块 A developer bought the land and divided it into stands. 开发商买下这块土地将其分为多块建筑用地。 see also
    one-night stand
    SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 stand get up stand up rise get to your feet be on your feet These words all mean to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet, or to put yourself in this position. 以上各词均含站立、直立、站起来之意。 stand to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet 指站立、直立: She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。 Stand stillwhen I'm talking to you! 我跟你说话,站着别动! NOTE Standis usually used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where or how sb stands, but sometimes another phrase or clause is used to show what sb does while they are standing. *stand 通常与副词或介词短语连用,表示站的地方或方式,但有时也与另一短语或从句连用,表明站着时在做某事: We stood talking for a few minutes. 我们站着谈了几分钟。 He stood and looked out to sea. 他站着向大海望去。 get up to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 指从坐、跪或躺的姿势站起来: Please don't get up! 请不要站起来! stand up to be in a standing position; to stand after sitting 指站立、起立: Stand up straight! 立正! Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom. 老师走进教室时大家都会起立。 stand, get up or stand up? 用 stand、get up 还是 stand up? Standusually means ‘to be in a standing position’ but can also mean ‘to get into a standing position’. Stand upcan be used with either of these meanings, but its use is more restricted: it is used especially when sb tells sb or a group of people to stand. Get upis the most frequent way of saying ‘get into a standing position’, and this can be from a sitting, kneeling or lying position; if you stand up,this is nearly always after sitting, especially on a chair. If you want to tell sb politely that they do not need to move from their chair, use get up. *stand 通常含站立、直立之义,但亦含站起来、起来之义。stand up 用于上述两种意思均可,但其用法较受限制,主要用于指让某人或一群人站起来。get up 是表达从坐着、跪着或躺着的姿势站起来最常用的表达法; stand up 则几乎总是指从坐着的姿势,尤指从椅子上站起来。如果想礼貌地告诉某人不必从椅子上起来,用 get up: Please don't stand up! rise ( formal) to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 指从坐、跪或躺的姿势站起来: Would you all rise, please, to welcome our visiting speaker. 请大家起立,欢迎我们的客座演讲者。 get to your feet to stand up after sitting, kneeling or lying 指坐、跪或躺后站起来: I helped her to get to her feet. 我扶着她让她站起来。 be on your feet to be standing up 指站着: I've been on my feet all day. 我已经站了一整天。
    stand / stænd ; NAmE stænd / stood / stʊd ; NAmE stʊd /
    stand1 verb
    stand2 noun
    standstand1 /stænd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle stood /stʊd/)
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    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1be on feet (also be standing up) [intransitive] to support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position:  It looks like we’ll have to stand – there are no seats left. She stood in the doorway. Stand still (=do not move) and listen to me. Don’t just stand there (=stand and not do anything) – help me!stand on tiptoe/stand on your toes (=support yourself on your toes) If he stood on tiptoe, he could reach the shelf.stand (somewhere) doing something They just stood there laughing. We stood watching the rain fall.2rise (also stand up) [intransitive] to rise to an upright position:  Smiling, she stood and closed the blinds.3step [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] a)to step a short distancestand back/aside She stood back to let him in.stand clear of something British English (=step away from something in order to be safe) Stand clear of the doors, please. b)British English to accidentally step on or in somethingstand on/in Don’t stand in that puddle!4in a particular position [intransitive, transitive usually + adverb/preposition] to be upright in a particular position, or to put something or someone somewhere in an upright position:  A lamp stood on the table. Near the railway station stood a hotel. Some remains of the original house still stand.stand something on/in etc something Can you stand that pole in the corner for now? I closed the lid and stood the case against the wall.stand somebody (up) on something Stand Molly up on a chair so she can see.5in a state/condition [linking verb] to be or stay in a particular state or condition:  The kitchen door stood open so she went in.stand empty/idle (=not being used) scores of derelict houses standing empty I’m not too thrilled with the way things stand (=the state that the situation is in) at the moment. The evidence, as it stands (=as it is now), cannot be conclusive.where/how do things stand? (=used to ask what is happening in a situation) Where do things stand in terms of the budget? I will know within the next month or two how I stand (=what my situation is).stand united/divided (=agree or disagree completely) He urged the whole community to stand united and to reject terrorism.stand prepared/ready to do something (=be prepared to do something whenever it is necessary) We should stand ready to do what is necessary to guarantee the peace. countries that have stood together (=stayed united) in times of crisisstand in awe of somebody (=admire them, be afraid of them, or both)6not like can’t stand spoken used to say that you do not like someone or something at all, or that you think that something is extremely unpleasant SYN  can’t bear:  I can’t stand bad manners. I know he can’t stand the sight of me.can’t stand (somebody/something) doing something Lily can’t stand working in an office. I can’t stand people smoking around me when I’m eating.can’t stand to do something She can’t stand to hear them arguing.7accept a situation [transitive usually in questions and negatives] to be able to accept or deal well with a difficult situation SYN  toleratecan/could stand something I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Danielle. I’ve had about as much as I can stand of your arguing! I don’t know if I can stand the waiting any longer.can stand somebody doing something How can you stand Marty coming home late all the time? She’s a strong woman who stands no nonsense from anyone.8be good enough [transitive] to be good or strong enough to last a long time or to experience a particular situation without being harmed, damaged etc:  Linen can stand very high temperatures. His poetry will stand the test of time (=stay popular).9stand to do something to be likely to do or have somethingstand to gain/lose/win/make What do firms think they stand to gain by merging? After the oil spill, thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.10not move [intransitive] to stay in a particular place without movingstandstill:  The car’s been standing in the garage for weeks. The mixture was left to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. The train was already standing at the platform.11height [linking verb] formal to be a particular height:  The trophy stands five feet high. John stood six feet tall.12level/amount [linking verb] to be at a particular level or amountstand at His former workforce of 1,300 now stands at 220. Illiteracy rates are still thought to stand above 50 percent.13rank/position [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to have a particular rank or position when compared with similar things or people SYN  rank:  The president stands high in the public opinion polls. How do their sales stand in relation to those of similar firms? His book could stand alongside the best.14election [intransitive] British English to try to become elected to a council, parliament etc SYN run American Englishstand for She announced her intention to stand for parliament.15decision/offer [intransitive not in progressive] if a decision, offer etc stands, it continues to exist, be correct, or be valid:  Despite protests, the official decision stood. My offer of help still stands.16if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen used to tell someone that they should leave a job or situation if they cannot deal with its difficulties17somebody/something could stand something used to say very directly that it would be a good idea for someone to do something or for something to happen:  His smile exposed teeth that could stand a good scrubbing.somebody could stand to do something My doctor told me I could stand to lose a few pounds.18I stand corrected spoken formal used to admit that your opinion or something that you just said was wrong19where somebody stands someone’s opinion about somethingstand on We still do not know where he stands on the matter. You must decide where you stand.20from where I stand spoken according to what I know or feel:  I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.21know where you stand (with somebody) to know how someone feels about you, or what you are allowed to do in a particular situation:  At least we know where we stand with Steven now. I’d like to know where I stand. It helps to know where you stand legally.22 stand to attention British English, stand at attention American English if soldiers stand to attention, they stand very straight and stiff to show respect23stand on your head/hands to support yourself on your head or hands, with your feet in the air24stand in line American English to wait in a line of people until it is your turn to do something SYN queue British English:  Customers stood in line for 20 minutes at the cash register.25stand firm/stand fast a)to refuse to be forced to move backwards:  She stood firm, blocking the entrance. b)to refuse to change your opinions, intentions, or behaviour:  The government continued to stand firm and no concessions were made.stand on/against He stands firm on his convictions.26stand pat American English to refuse to change a decision, plan etcstand on Harry’s standing pat on his decision to fire Janice.27stand alone a)to continue to do something alone, without help from anyone else:  Some of the Pacific islands are too small to stand alone as independent states. b)to be much better than anything or anyone else:  For sheer entertainment value, Kelly stood alone.28stand still to not change or progress at all, even though time has passed:  No industry can stand still. Time seems to have stood still in this lovely hotel.29stand a chance/hope (of doing something) to be likely to be able to do something or to succeed:  You’ll stand a better chance of getting a job with a degree. Maybe their relationship had never really stood a chance.30stand in somebody’s way (also stand in the way) to prevent someone from doing something:  I always encouraged Brian. I didn’t want to stand in his way. You can’t stand in the way of progress!31stand on your own (two) feet to be able to do what you need to do, earn your own money, etc without help from others:  She’s never learned to stand on her own feet.32it stands to reason (that) used to say that something should be completely clear to anyone who is sensible:  It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job unless you know exactly what that job is.33stand or fall by/on something to depend on something for success:  The case against him will stand or fall on its own merits.34liquid [intransitive] a liquid that stands does not flow or is not made to move:  standing pools of marsh water35stand guard (over somebody/something) to watch someone or something so that they do not do anything wrong or so that nothing bad happens to them:  Soldiers stand guard on street corners. You must stand guard over him at all times.36stand bail British English to promise to pay money if someone does not return to a court of law to be judged37stand trial to be brought to a court of law to have your case examined and judgedstand for/on Gresham will stand trial for murder. The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges.38stand accused (of something) a)to be the person in a court of law who is being judged for a crime:  The former president stands accused of lying to the nation’s parliament. b)if you stand accused of doing something bad or wrong, other people say that you have done it:  The radio station stands accused of racism.39stand tall a)to stand with your back straight and your head raised:  Stand tall with your feet comfortably apart. b)American English to be proud and feel ready to deal with anything:  We will stand tall and fight for issues of concern to our community.40somebody can do something standing on their head informal used to say that someone is able to do something easily:  This is basic stuff. I can do it standing on my head.41be stood on its head if something is stood on its head, it becomes the opposite of what it was before:  One area of the business which has been stood on its head is internal communications.42not stand on ceremony British English to not worry about the formal rules of polite behaviour:  Come on, Mal. Don’t stand on ceremony here at home.43stand somebody a drink/meal etc British English to pay for something as a gift to someone:  Come on, Jack. I’ll stand you a drink if you like. make somebody’s hair stand on end
    at hair(8)
    , → leave somebody/something standing
    at leave1(15)
    , → not have a leg to stand on
    at leg1(7)
    , → stand/serve/hold somebody in good stead
    at stead(2)
    , → stand your ground
    at ground1(7)
    THESAURUSstand to be on your feet in an upright position: · There were no seats, so we had to stand.· When we entered, Stephen was standing by his desk.be on your feet to be standing, especially for a long time: · If you have young kids, you’re on your feet all day.· I’d been on my feet since 7 o'clock and I needed to sit down.· The crowd were all on their feet clapping and calling for more.get up to stand after you have been sitting or lying down: · He got up and turned off the TV.· Mum fell in her flat and was unable to get up.stand up to stand after you have been sitting, or to be in a standing position: · I stood up when she came in and shook her hand.· It’s generally better to do this exercise standing up.get to your feet written to stand up, especially slowly or when it is difficult for you: · My attorney got slowly to his feet, breathing heavily.rise formal to stand after you have been sitting, especially at a formal event: · As the bride entered the cathedral, the congregation rose.· Audience members rose to their feet, cheering and clapping.
    stand against somebody/something phrasal verb to oppose a person, organization, plan, decision etc:  She hadn’t the strength to stand against her aunt’s demands. There are only a hundred of them standing against an army of 42,000 troops.stand around phrasal verb to stand somewhere and not do anything:  We stood around saying goodbye for a while.stand by phrasal verb1to not do anything to help someone or prevent something from happeningbystander:  I’m not going to stand by and see her hurt.2stand by something to keep a promise, agreement etc, or to say that something is still true:  I stand by what I said earlier. He stood by his convictions.3stand by somebody to stay loyal to someone and support them, especially in a difficult situation:  His wife stood by him during his years in prison.4to be ready to do something if necessarystandby:  Rescue crews were standing by in case of a breakdown.stand by for Stand by for our Christmas competition.stand by to do something Police stood by to arrest any violent fans.stand down phrasal verb British English1to agree to leave your position or to stop trying to be elected, so that someone else can have a chance SYN step down American Englishstand down as He was obliged to stand down as a parliamentary candidate.2to leave the witness box in a court of law3stand (somebody) down if a soldier stands down or is stood down, he stops working for the daystand for something phrasal verb1if a letter or symbol stands for something, it represents a word or idea, especially as a short form:  What does ATM stand for?2to support a particular set of ideas, values, or principles:  It’s hard to tell what the party stands for these days.3not stand for something British English to not allow something to continue to happen or someone to do something:  She’s been lying about me, and I won’t stand for it.stand in phrasal verb to temporarily do someone else’s job or take their placestand-instand in for Would you mind standing in for me for a while?stand out phrasal verb1to be very easy to see or notice:  The outlines of rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky. She always stood out in a crowd. I am sure illnesses stand out in all childhood memories.2to be much better than other similar people or thingsstandoutstand out as That day still stands out as the greatest day in my life.stand out from/among/above Three of the cars we tested stood out among the rest.3to rise up from a surface:  The veins stood out on his throat and temples.stand out against something phrasal verb British English to be strongly opposed to an idea, plan etc:  We must stand out against bigotry.stand over somebody phrasal verb to stand very close behind someone and watch as they work to make sure they do nothing wrong:  I can’t concentrate with him standing over me like that.stand to phrasal verb British English to order a soldier to move into a position so that they are ready for action, or to move into this positionstand somebody to The men have been stood to.stand up phrasal verb1to be on your feet, or to rise to your feetstand-up:  I’ve been standing up all day. Stand up straight and don’t slouch! Jim stood up stiffly.2[always + adverb/preposition] to stay healthy or in good condition in a difficult environment or after a lot of hard usestand up to Most of the plants stood up well to the heat.3to be proved to be true, correct, useful etc when testedstand up to/under The memoirs stand up well to cross-checking with other records. Without a witness, the charges will never stand up in court (=be successfully proved in a court of law).4stand somebody up informal to not meet someone who you have arranged to meet:  I was supposed to go to a concert with Kyle on Friday, but he stood me up.5stand up and be counted to make it very clear what you think about something when this is dangerous or might cause trouble for youstand up for somebody/something phrasal verb to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked:  It’s time we stood up for our rights. Silvia is capable of standing up for herself.stand up to somebody/something phrasal verb to refuse to accept unfair treatment from a person or organization:  He’ll respect you more if you stand up to him. Cliff couldn’t stand up to bullying.
    stand1 verb
    stand2 noun
    standstand2 ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]
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    Word family
    1for support a piece of furniture or equipment used to hold or support something:  a music stand a cake stand He adjusted the microphone stand.coat stand/hat stand (=for hanging coats or hats on)2for selling a table or small structure used for selling or showing things SYN stall British English:  a hotdog stand an exhibition stand The shop was crowded with display stands and boxes. One week, three magazines hit the stands (=became available to buy) with Peace Corps stories.
    3opinion/attitude [usually singular] a position or opinion that you state firmly and publiclystand on the Republicans’ conservative stand on social and environmental issues She was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights.4oppose/defend a strong effort to defend yourself or to oppose somethingtake/make/mount a stand (against something) We have to take a stand against racism.5the stands [plural] (also the stand British English) a building where people stand or sit to watch the game at a sports groundgrandstand:  In the stands, fifty of Jill’s friends and family have come to watch her last game.6the stand a witness box:  Will the next witness please take the stand (=go into the witness box)?7cricket the period of time in which two batsmen are playing together in a game of cricket, or the points that they get during this time8taxis/buses a place where taxis or buses stop and wait for passengers:  There’s a taxi stand on Glen Road.9trees a group of trees of one type growing close togetherstand of a stand of eucalyptus trees
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