
Succeed Succeeded Verb I People 动词 Manage Make

word succeed
content 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
succeed ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]达到目的;成功做成;办到 If you succeed in doing something, you manage to do it.
  [V in -ing/n]
  • We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense...


  • Some people will succeed in their efforts to stop smoking...


  • If they can succeed in America and Europe, then they can succeed here too.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]取得预期效果;表现良好 If something succeeds, it works in a satisfactory way or has the result that is intended.
  • If marriage is to succeed in the 1990's, then people have to recognise the new pressures it is facing.

    在 20 世纪 90 年代人们要想婚姻美满,那就不得不认识到它所面临的新压力。

  • ...a move which would make any future talks even more unlikely to succeed.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]功成名就;有作为 Someone who succeeds gains a high position in what they do, for example in business or politics.
  • ...the skills and qualities needed to succeed in small and medium-sized businesses.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]接替;继任 If you succeed another person, you are the next person to have their job or position.
      [V n]
      [V to n]
  • David Rowland is almost certain to succeed him as chairman on January 1...

    戴维·罗兰将在 1 月 1 日接替他任主席几乎已成定局。

  • The present ruler, Prince Rainier III, succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949.

    现任元首,兰尼埃三世亲王于 1949 年 5 月 9 日继位。

  • 5
    [VERB 动词]在…之后;随…其后 If one thing is succeeded by another thing, the other thing happens or comes after it.
      [be V-ed]
      [usu passive]
  • A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer — and more agonising — period of haggling over the fate of the family.


  • Oxford
    suc·ceed / səkˈsiːd ; NAmE səkˈsiːd / verb 1 [intransitive ] to achieve sth that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended 达到目的;实现目标;办到;做成 Our plan succeeded. 我们的计划成功了。 succeedin doing sth He succeeded in getting a place at art school. 他被美术学校录取了。 I tried to discuss it with her but only succeededin making her angry (= I failed and did the opposite of what I intended). 我本想跟她商量,结果却把她惹火了。 see also
    2 [intransitive ] to be successful in your job, earning money, power, respect, etc. 成功;有成就;有作为 You will have to work hard if you are to succeed. 要想有所作为,你必须苦干。 succeedin sth She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. 要在生意场上干出一番名堂,她缺乏必要的冷酷心肠。 succeedas sth He had hoped to succeed as a violinist. 他曾希望做一名有成就的小提琴家。 see also
    3 [transitive ] succeedsb/sth to come next after sb/sth and take their/its place or position 接替;继任;随后出现 SYN
    Who succeeded Kennedy as President? 接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁? Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure. 他们起初获得成功,但随后有一段惨痛的失败时期。 Strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations. *DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)链通过后代得到复制。 see also
    4 [intransitive ] succeed(to sth) to gain the right to a title, property, etc. when sb dies 继承 She succeeded to the throne (= became queen)in 1558. 她于 1558 年继承王位。 see also
    IDIOM nothing succeeds like sucˈcess ( saying) when you are successful in one area of your life, it often leads to success in other areas 一事成,百事顺 succeed succeeds succeeded succeeding
    suc·ceed / səkˈsiːd ; NAmE səkˈsiːd /
    succeedsuc‧ceed /səkˈsiːd/ ●●● S3 W2 verb
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1[intransitive] to do what you tried or wanted to do:  She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost succeeded.succeed in doing something Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer. Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.RegisterIn everyday English, people often say they manage to do something rather than succeed in doing something:· Eventually I managed to get the lid back on the box.GRAMMARYou succeed in doing something: · She succeeded in persuading him. Don’t say: She succeeded to persuade him.You can also use succeed on its own: · I hope you succeed.Succeed is not used transitively in this meaning. Don’t say: I hope you succeed it.Grammar guide ‒ VERBS2[intransitive] to have the result or effect something was intended to have:  Unfortunately his plan did not succeed.RegisterIn everyday English, people often say that a method or treatment works rather than succeeds:· We tried rebooting the computer, but that didn’t work.3[intransitive] to do well in your job, especially because you have worked hard at it for a long timesucceed as I’m not sure he has the determination to succeed as an actor.succeed in a woman who succeeded in politics4[intransitive, transitive] to be the next person to take a position or job after someone elsesucceed somebody as something Reeves will succeed Segal as Speaker of the House.succeed somebody to the throne (=to be the next king or queen after someone else) Who will succeed him to the throne?5[transitive] to come after or replace something else, especially another product:  This car is intended to succeed the popular Fiesta.6nothing succeeds like success used to say that success often leads to even greater success7only succeed in doing something used when someone does the opposite of what they intended to do:  It seems I’ve only succeeded in upsetting you.THESAURUSsucceed in doing somethingsucceed verb [intransitive] to do something you tried or wanted to do: · Will they succeed in winning the election?· He wanted to make her jealous, and he succeeded.manage verb [intransitive] to succeed in doing something difficult, after trying hard. Manage to do something is very commonly used instead of succeed in doing something in everyday English: · He finally managed to find an apartment near his office.· Don’t worry – I’m sure we’ll manage somehow.achieve verb [transitive] to succeed in doing something good or important: · She’s achieved a lot in the short time she’s been with the company.· If we are to achieve our goals, we have to plan properly.accomplish verb [transitive] formal to achieve something: · The government accomplished its objective of reducing violent crime.· What do you hope to accomplish this year?make it to be successful in your career, or to succeed in reaching a place or part of a competition: · Only a few people make it to the top and become professional singers.· We finally made it to Chicago.· Which two teams will make it to the final?pull off phrasal verb to succeed in doing something, especially when you could easily have not succeeded. Pull off sounds rather informal: · Italy pulled off a great victory over Germany.· I’d never performed on my own before, and wasn’t sure if I could pull it off.
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