
Suppose I Supposed Sth  I Formal True Sb/Sth

word suppose
content 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
suppose ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]假定;假设;设想 You can use suppose or supposing before mentioning a possible situation or action. You usually then go on to consider the effects that this situation or action might have.
  [V that]
  • Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside...


  • Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词](根据所知)认为,推断,料想 If you suppose that something is true, you believe that it is probably true, because of other things that you know.
      [V that]
      [it be V-ed that]
      [Also V n]
  • The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working...


  • I knew very well that the problem was more complex than he supposed...


  • It had been supposed that by then Peter would be married.


  • Usage Note :

    Note that when you are using the verb suppose with a 'that'-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make suppose negative, rather than the verb in the 'that'-clause. For instance, it is more usual to say 'I don't suppose he ever saw it' than 'I suppose he didn't ever see it'. The same pattern applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as believe, consider, and think.

    注意,使用动词 suppose 加 that 从句表达否定的意见或看法时,通常否定 suppose 而非 that 从句中的动词。例如,通常说 I don't suppose he ever saw it(我认为他从没见过),而不说 I suppose he didn't ever saw it。同样的句型也适用于其他含义相近的动词,如 believe, consider 和 think。

    [PHRASE 短语]我看;要我说;我想 You can say 'I suppose' when you want to express slight uncertainty.
      [oft PHR that]
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • I get a bit uptight these days. Hormones, I suppose...


  • I suppose I'd better do some homework...


  • Is that the right way up? — Yeah. I suppose so...


  • There's nothing to keep us here, is there? — I suppose not.


  • 4
    [PHRASE 短语](表示不耐烦或有些生气)我想,我看 You can say 'I suppose' or 'I don't suppose' before describing someone's probable thoughts or attitude, when you are impatient or slightly angry with them.
      [PHR that]
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • I suppose you think you're funny...


  • I don't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police.


  • 5
    [PHRASE 短语](用于婉转地提出请求) You can say 'I don't suppose' as a way of introducing a polite request.
      [PHR that]
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • I don't suppose you could tell me where James Street is could you?


  • 6
    [PHRASE 短语](用于询问意见)你认为,你觉得 You can use 'do you suppose' to introduce a question when you want someone to give their opinion about something, although you know that they are unlikely to have any more knowledge or information about it than you.
      [PHR that]
      [SPOKEN 口语]
  • Do you suppose he was telling the truth?...


  • What do you suppose they want with her?...


  • You don't suppose they'd start the trip without us, do you?


  • 7
    [PHRASE 短语](用于礼貌地建议或请求) You can use 'do you suppose' as a polite way of suggesting or requesting that someone does something.
      [PHR that]
  • Do you suppose we could get together for a little chat sometime soon?


  • Oxford
    sup·pose / səˈpəʊz ; NAmE səˈpoʊz / verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to think or believe that sth is true or possible (based on the knowledge that you have) (根据所知)认为,推断,料想 Getting a visa isn't as simple as you might suppose. 办签证不像你想的那么容易。 Prices will go up, I suppose. 我觉得物价将会上涨。 supposesb/sth to be/have sth ( formal) This combination of qualities is generally supposedto be extremely rare. 一般认为,同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。 supposesb/sth (to be/have) sth | supposesb/sth + adj. ( formal) She had supposed him (to be) very rich. 她原以为他很有钱。 supposesb/sth + noun ( formal) I had supposed his wife a younger woman. 我原以为他妻子要更年轻。 suppose(that)… I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree (= I'm sure that he won't). 我认为他决不会同意。 Why do you supposehe resigned? 你凭什么推断他辞职了呢? There is no reason to supposeshe's lying. 认为她在说谎完全没道理。 I suppose you think it's funny, do you? (= showing anger). 你好像觉得这很好笑,是不是? HELP  ‘That’ is nearly always left out, especially in speech. *that 一般都省去,在口语中尤其如此。 2 [transitive ] to pretend that sth is true; to imagine what would happen if sth were true 假定;假设;设想 suppose(that)… Suppose flights are fully booked on that day—which other day could we go? 假定那天的航班都订满了,我们还可以在哪天走呢? Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children. 比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。 supposesth ( formal) The theory supposes the existence of life on other planets. 这个理论假定其他行星存在生命。 supposesb/sth (to be/have) sth | supposesb/sth + adj./noun ( formal) Suppose him (to be) dead—what then? 假设他死了,那怎么办? 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] used to make a statement, request or suggestion less direct or less strong (婉转表达)我看,要我说,要不 I could take you in the car, I suppose (= but I don't really want to). 要不你坐我的车。 ‘Can I borrow the car?’ ‘I suppose so (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it). “我能借这辆车吗?”“应该可以吧。” suppose(that)… I don't suppose (that)I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? 我能不能看看您的报纸? Suppose we take a later train? 要不我们坐晚一点的火车? IDIOMS be supposed to do/be sth 1 to be expected or required to do/be sth according to a rule, a custom, an arrangement, etc. (按规定、习惯、安排等)应当,应,该,须 You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do. 按说应当买票,不过买的人不多。 I thought we were supposed to be paid today. 我以为我们今天会领到薪水呢。 The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to. 发动机听起来不对劲。 You were supposed to be here an hour ago! 你本该在一小时以前就到这儿! How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me? 我哪知道你在等我? ‘Yes and no.’ ‘ What is that supposed to mean?(= showing that you are annoyed) “是但又不是。”“这算什么意思呢?” 2 to be generally believed or expected to be/do sth 一般认为;人们普遍觉得会 I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a great movie. 这部电影我没看过,不过人们普遍认为很不错。 not be supposed to do sth to not be allowed to do sth 不准;不应当;不得 You're not supposed to walk on the grass. 不准践踏草地。 suppose supposes supposed supposing sup·pose / səˈpəʊz ; NAmE səˈpoʊz /
    supposesup‧pose /səˈpəʊz $ -ˈpoʊz/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    SPOKEN PHRASES1I suppose a)used to say you think something is true, although you are uncertain about it SYN  I guessI suppose (that) I suppose you’re right. So things worked out for the best, I suppose. ‘Aren’t you pleased?’ ‘Yes, I suppose so.’ b)used when agreeing to let someone do something, especially when you do not really want to SYN  I guess:  ‘Can we come with you?’ ‘Oh, I suppose so.’ c)used when saying in an angry way that you expect something is true SYN  I guessI suppose (that) I suppose you thought you were being clever! d)used to say that you think that something is probably true, although you wish it was not and hope someone will tell you it is not SYN  I guessI suppose (that) I suppose it’s too late to apply for that job now. e)used when guessing that something is true SYN  I guess:  She looked about 50, I suppose.2I don’t suppose (that) a)used to ask a question in an indirect way, especially if you think the answer will be ‘no’:  I don’t suppose you have any idea where my address book is, do you? b)used to ask for something in a very polite way:  I don’t suppose you’d give me a lift to the station? c)used to say that you think it is unlikely something will happen:  I don’t suppose I’ll ever see her again.3do you suppose (that) ... ? used to ask someone their opinion about something, although you know that it is unlikely that they have any more information about the situation than you do:  Do you suppose this is the exact spot?who/what/why etc do you suppose ... ? Who on earth do you suppose could have done this? How do you suppose he got here?4what’s that supposed to mean? used when you are annoyed by what someone has just said:  ‘It sounds like things aren’t going too well for you lately.’ ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’5suppose/supposing (that) used when talking about a possible condition or situation, and then imagining the result:  Look, suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do? Supposing it really is a fire!6be supposed to do/be something a)used to say what someone should or should not do, especially because of rules or what someone in authority has said:  We’re supposed to check out of the hotel by 11 o'clock. I’m not supposed to tell anyone. What time are you supposed to be there? b)used to say what was or is expected or intended to happen, especially when it did not happen:  No one was supposed to know about it. The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we’ve had to postpone it. The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. c)used to say that something is believed to be true by many people, although it might not be true or you might disagree:  The castle is supposed to be haunted. ‘Dirty Harry’ is supposed to be one of Eastwood’s best films. Mrs Carver is supposed to have a lot of money.7to think that something is probably true, based on what you know SYN  presume:  There were many more deaths than was first supposed.suppose (that) What makes you suppose we’re going to sell the house? There’s no reason to suppose (=it is unlikely that) he’s lying.GRAMMARIn more formal English, you can say it is supposed that something is true: · It is usually supposed that girls are less aggressive than boys.Grammar guide ‒ VERBS8formal to expect that something will happen or be true, and to base your plans on it:  The company’s plan supposes a steady increase in orders.
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