
Trap Trapped Catch Trick Situation   [V Sth Place

word trap
content 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
trap ★★★☆☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词](捕鸟兽的)陷阱,罗网,夹子,捕捉器 A trap is a device which is placed somewhere or a hole which is dug somewhere in order to catch animals or birds.
[VERB 动词]设陷阱捕捉 If a person traps animals or birds, he or she catches them using traps.
  [V n]
  • The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]圈套;诡计;骗局 A trap is a trick that is intended to catch or deceive someone.
  • He failed to keep a rendezvous after sensing a police trap


  • He was trying to decide whether the question was some sort of a trap.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]诱骗;使上当;使中计 If you trap someone into doing or saying something, you trick them so that they do or say it, although they did not want to.
      [V n into -ing/n]
      [V n]
  • Were you just trying to trap her into making some admission?...


  • She had trapped him so neatly that he wanted to slap her.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]诱捕;抓捕 To trap someone, especially a criminal, means to capture them.
      [V n]
      [JOURNALISM 新闻]
  • The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game...


  • The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car.

    夫妇俩装了个 24 小时监控摄像头,想要抓住故意划坏他们车子的家伙。

  • 6
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]困境;窘境 A trap is an unpleasant situation that you cannot easily escape from.
      [usu sing]
  • The Government has found it's caught in a trap of its own making.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词]使困住;使受限制 If you are trapped somewhere, something falls onto you or blocks your way and prevents you from moving or escaping.
      [be V-ed]
      [V n]
  • The train was trapped underground by a fire...


  • The light aircraft then cartwheeled, trapping both men...


  • Until he saw the trapped wagons and animals, he did not realize the full extent of the catastrophe.


  • 8
    [VERB 动词]采集;储存;使存留 When something traps gas, water, or energy, it prevents it from escaping.
      [V n]
  • Wool traps your body heat, keeping the chill at bay...


  • The volume of gas trapped on these surfaces can be considerable.


  • 9
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]双轮轻便马车 A trap is a light carriage with two wheels pulled by horses in which people used to travel.
    See also:
    death trap
    poverty trap
    [PHRASE 短语]落入陷阱;陷入误区 If someone falls into the trap of doing something, they think or behave in a way which is not wise or sensible.
      [V inflects]
  • Many people fall into the trap of believing that home decorating must always be done on a large scale...


  • It's a trap too many people fall into.


  • 12
    [PHRASE 短语]住嘴;闭嘴 If someone tells you to shut your trap or keep your trap shut, they are telling you rudely that you should be quiet and not say anything.
      [V inflects]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
      [RUDE 无礼]

    trap / træp ; NAmE træp /
    trap traps trapped trapping
    noun for animals 动物 1 a piece of equipment for catching animals (捕捉动物的)陷阱,罗网,夹,捕捉器 a fox with its leg in a trap 被夹子夹住腿的狐狸 A trap was laid, with fresh bait. 陷阱设置好,还投放了新诱饵。 see also
    trick 计谋 2 a clever plan designed to trick sb, either by capturing them or by making them do or say sth that they did not mean to do or say 圈套;诡计 She had set a trapfor him and he had walked straight into it. 她给他设下圈套,他就迳直钻了进去。 see also
    booby trap
    radar trap
    sand trap
    tourist trap
    bad situation 恶劣处境 3 [usually singular ] an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape (难以逃脱的)困境,牢笼 the unemployment trap 失业的困境 Some women see marriage as a trap. 有些妇女把婚姻视作围城。 see also
    poverty trap
    carriage 马车 4 a light carriagewith two wheels, pulled by a horse 双轮轻便马车 a pony and trap 一匹小马拉的双轮轻便马车 mouth 5 ( slang) mouth 嘴;口 SYN
    Shut your trap! (= a rude way of telling sb to be quiet) 闭上你的臭嘴! to keep your trap shut (= to not tell a secret) 嘴上有把门儿的
    for racing dog 赛狗 6 a cagefrom which a greyhound(= a type of dog) is let out at the start of a race 隔栏(赛狗开始时把狗从中放出) in golf 高尔夫球 7 ( NAmE) =
    n.  (3 )
    IDIOM to fall into/avoid the trap of doing sth to do/avoid doing sth that is a mistake but which seems at first to be a good idea 掉进╱避免掉进陷阱 Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children. 家长经常一厢情愿地极力为子女操办一切。 more at
    verb ( -pp- ) in dangerous/bad situation 处境危险╱恶劣 1 [often passive ] trapsb (+ adv./prep.) to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot 使落入险境;使陷入困境 Help! I'm trapped! 救命啊!我给困住了! They were trapped in the burning building. 他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。 We became trapped by the rising floodwater. 我们被上涨的洪水困住了。 He was trapped in an unhappy marriage. 他陷入不幸的婚姻之中。 I feel trapped in my job. 我觉得被工作缠住了。 part of body/clothing 身体╱衣服部位 2 trapsth (+ adv./prep.) to have part of your body, your clothing, etc. held in a place so tightly that you cannot remove it and it may be injured or damaged 卡住;夹住;绊住;缠住 I trapped my coat in the car door. 我的外衣被汽车门夹住了。 The pain was caused by a trapped nerve. 这疼痛是由于神经受抑制引起的。 catch 捕捉 3 trapsth to catch or keep sth in a place and prevent it from escaping, especially so that you can use it 收集;吸收 Solar panels trap energy from the sun. 太阳能电池板吸收太阳能。 4 trapsb/sth (+ adv./prep.) to force sb/sth into a place or situation that they cannot escape from, especially in order to catch them 把…逼进,迫使…进入(不能逃脱的地方) The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured. 越狱逃犯终于给追逼到地下汽车库,再次被捕。 5 trapsth to catch an animal in a trap 设陷阱捕捉,用捕捉器捕捉(动物) Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur. 人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其毛皮。 trick 计谋 6 trapsb (into sth/into doing sth) to trick sb into sth 使陷入圈套;使中计;使上当 He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract. 他觉得自己是中了圈套才接受这合同条款的。 trap / træp ; NAmE træp /
    trap1 noun
    trap2 verb
    traptrap1 /træp/ ●●○ noun [countable]
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1trap (1)for animals a piece of equipment for catching animals:  The only way to catch mice is to set a trap. He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow.
    2clever trick a clever trick that is used to catch someone or to make them do or say something that they did not intend tolay/set a trap (for somebody) Police had set a trap for hooligans at the match.fall/walk into a trap Mr Smith has walked straight into a trap laid by the Tories.3bad situation an unpleasant or difficult situation that is difficult to escape from:  Amanda felt that marriage was a trap.debt/unemployment etc trap people caught in the unemployment trap4fall into/avoid the trap of doing something to do something that seems good at the time but is not sensible or wise, or to avoid doing this:  Don’t fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.5keep your trap shut spoken a rude way of telling someone to not say anything about things that are secret:  Just keep your trap shut.6shut your trap! spoken a rude way of telling someone to stop talking7vehicle a vehicle with two wheels, pulled by a horse8sport American English sandtrap SYN bunker British English9dog race a special gate from which a greyhound is set free at the beginning of a race
    booby trap
    , death trap
    , → poverty trap
    at poverty(3)
    , → speed trap
    , tourist trap
    trap1 noun
    trap2 verb
    traptrap2 ●●○ verb (past tense and past participle trapped, present participle trapping) [transitive]
    Entry menu
    Verb Table
    1in a dangerous place to prevent someone from escaping from somewhere, especially a dangerous place:  Twenty miners were trapped underground. The building collapsed, trapping dozens of people in the rubble. There’s no way out! We’re trapped!GRAMMAR Trap is often passive in this meaning.2in a bad situation be/feel trapped to be in a bad situation from which you cannot escapetrap in Julia felt trapped in her role of wife and mother.3animal to catch an animal or bird using a trap4catch somebody to catch someone by forcing them into a place from which they cannot escape:  The police trapped the terrorists at a roadblock. see thesaurus at
    5trick to trick someone so that you make them do or say something that they did not intend totrap somebody into (doing) something I was trapped into signing a confession.6crush British English to get a part of your body crushed between two objects SYN pinch American English:  Mind you don’t trap your fingers in the door. pain from a trapped nerve7gas/water etc to prevent something such as gas or water from getting away:  solar panels that trap the sun’s heat
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