
Voice Speak Opinion Express Phrase 短语 People Sound

word voice
content 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
voice ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]嗓音;歌声;说话声 When someone speaks or sings, you hear their voice .
  [oft poss N]
  • Miriam's voice was strangely calm...


  • 'The police are here,' she said in a low voice...


  • There was a sound of loud voices from the kitchen...


  • I ended up with bronchitis and no voice.


  • 2
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]观点;意见 Someone's voice is their opinion on a particular topic and what they say about it.
  • What does one do when a government simply refuses to listen to the voice of the opposition?...


  • There was no disagreement, there were no dissenting voices.


  • 3
    [N-SING 单数名词]表达意见的权利;发言权 If you have a voice in something, you have the right to express an opinion on it.
      [N in n]
  • Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics...


  • But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]表达,吐露(观点或感情) If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel.
      [V n]
  • Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans...


  • The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.


  • 5
    [N-SING 单数名词]主动语态/被动语态 In grammar, if a verb is in the active voice, the person who performs the action is the subject of the verb. If a verb is in the passive voice, the thing or person affected by the action is the subject of the verb.
      [the adj N]
    [PHRASE 短语](克服恐惧、惊讶或困难)开口说话 If someone finds their voice, they start to speak in spite of fear or surprise or difficult circumstances.
      [V inflects]
  • 'Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather's name,' Laura said when she found her voice.


  • 7
    [PHRASE 短语](作家)形成个人风格,找到属于自己的写作主题 If you say that a writer finds his or her voice, you mean that he or she finds a style and subject matter that are personal and original.
      [V inflects]
  • The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语]表达(观点);表露(需求);表白(心迹) If you give voice to an opinion, a need, or a desire, you express it aloud.
      [V inflects]
  • ...a community radio run by the Catholic Church which gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers.


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]放低声音;轻声讲话 If someone tells you to keep your voice down, they are asking you to speak more quietly.
      [V inflects]
  • Keep your voice down, for goodness sake.


  • 10
    [PHRASE 短语](因病)失声,不能讲话 If you lose your voice, you cannot speak for a while because of an illness.
      [V inflects]
  • I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.


  • 11
    [PHRASE 短语]提高嗓门/压低嗓门 If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly. If you lower your voice, you speak more quietly.
      [V inflects]
  • He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women...


  • She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible.


  • 12
    [PHRASE 短语]以最大的声音;声嘶力竭地 If you say something at the top of your voice, you say it as loudly as possible.
      [Ns inflect]
  • 'Damn!' he yelled at the top of his voice.


  • 13
    [PHRASE 短语]异口同声地;众口一词地 If a number of people say something with one voice, they all express the same opinion about something.
  • This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs.


  • Oxford
    voice / vɔɪs ; NAmE vɔɪs /
    voice voices voiced voicing
    noun sound from mouth 口中发出的声音 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the sound or sounds produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing 嗓音;说话声;歌唱声 I could hear voices in the next room. 我能听到隔壁说话的声音。 to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice 低沉地说、轻柔地说、大声地说、轻声地说等 ‘I promise,’ she said in a small voice (= a quiet, shy voice). “我答应。”她小声说。 to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) 提高╱压低嗓门 Keep your voice down (= speak quietly). 说话轻一些。 Don't take that tone of voicewith me! 别用那种腔调和我说话。 Her voice shook with emotion. 她激动得声音颤抖。 ‘There you are,’ said a voice behind me. “你来啦。”我身后一个声音说道。 When did his voice break (= become deep like a man's)? 他的嗓音什么时候变粗的? He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak). 他患了流感,嗓子哑了。 She has a good singing voice. 她有一副很好的歌喉。 She was in good voice (= singing well)at the concert tonight. 她在今晚的音乐会上唱得不错。 -voiced 嗓音… 2 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having a voice of the type mentioned 有…嗓音的;嗓音…的 low-voiced 嗓门低的 squeaky-voiced 嗓音尖细的 opinion 看法 3 [singular ] voice(in sth) the right to express your opinion and influence decisions 发言权;发表意见的权利;影响 Employees should have a voicein the decision-making process. 雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。 4 [countable ] a particular attitude, opinion or feeling that is expressed; a feeling or an opinion that you become aware of inside yourself 呼声;意见;态度;心声 He pledged that his party would listen to the voice of the people. 他保证他的政党愿意倾听人民的呼声。 Very few dissenting voiceswere heard on the right of the party. 在党的右翼听不到什么不同的政见。 the voice of reason/sanity/conscience 理性的╱理智的╱良心的声音 ‘Coward!’ a tiny inner voiceinsisted. “胆小鬼!”内心一把小声音坚持说。 grammar 语法 5 [singular ] the active/passive ~ the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence performs the action ( the active voice)or is affected by it ( the passive voice) 主动╱被动语态 phonetics 语音学 6 [uncountable ] sound produced by movement of the vocal cordsused in the pronunciation of vowels and some consonants 浊音(声带震动发出的元音和某些辅音) see also
    IDIOMS give voice to sth to express your feelings, worries, etc. 表露心声;表白心迹 make your ˈvoice heard to express your feelings, opinions, etc. in a way that makes people notice and consider them (为引起他人注意)发表意见,表达感情 with ˌone ˈvoice as a group; with everyone agreeing 异口同声;众口一词 The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue. 在这个问题上各反对党派众口一词。 more at
    verb give opinion 发表意见 1 voicesth to tell people your feelings or opinions about sth 表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见) to voice complaints/criticisms/doubts/objections, etc. 表示不满、批评、怀疑、异议等 A number of parents have voiced concernabout their children's safety. 一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。 phonetics 语音学 2 voicesth to produce a sound with a movement of your vocal cordsas well as your breath 发浊音;发嗓音 compare
     (2 )
    voice / vɔɪs ; NAmE vɔɪs /
    voice1 noun
    voice2 verb
    voicevoice1 /vɔɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun
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    Word Origin
    1speaking [countable, uncountable] the sounds that you make when you speak, or the ability to make these sounds:  He recognized her voice instantly. I could hear angry voices.2singing a)[countable, uncountable] the quality of sound you produce when you sing:  Sophie’s got a lovely singing voice b)[countable] a person singing:  a piece written for six voices and piano3opinion a)[singular, uncountable] the right or ability to express an opinion, to vote, or to influence decisions:  Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated. b)[countable] an opinion or wish that is expressed:  The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans. a fair, democratic society, in which individuals are able to make their voice heard (=express their opinion so that people notice it) Since the new program was introduced, there have been some dissenting voices (=people expressing disagreement). Senator Prior spoke out, adding her voice to the call for new laws to protect the environment.4speak with one voice if a group of people speak with one voice, they all express the same opinion5representative [singular] a person, organization, newspaper etc that expresses the opinions or wishes of a group of peoplevoice of The senator is the voice of the religious right.6the voice of reason/experience etc opinions or ideas that are reasonable, based on experience etc, or someone who has these ideas:  Ben, as ever, has been the voice of reason throughout the whole crisis.7feelings give voice to something to express your feelings or thoughts:  Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams.8inner voice thoughts or feelings that you do not express but seem to warn, criticize, or advise you:  My inner voice told me to be cautious.9grammar active/passive voice technical the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence does an action or has an action done to itCOLLOCATIONSadjectivesloud· Her voice was loud and clear.quiet/low/soft (=not loud)· When he spoke, his voice was soft and gentle.a deep/low voice (=near the bottom of the range of sounds)· She heard the deep voice of her father downstairs.a high voice (=near the top of the range of sounds)· They used to repeat her words in silly high voices.a clear voice· Natalia’s clear voice rang out.a small voice (=quiet and not strong or confident)· She answered in a small voice, ‘I think I was afraid.’a trembling/shaking voice (=a voice that shakes because someone is very nervous or frightened)· He stood up and began to speak in a trembling voice.a squeaky voice (=very high and not strong)· The mouse talks in a little squeaky voice.a husky voice (=low and slightly rough but in an attractive way)· She spoke in a husky voice, as though her throat was sore.a gravelly voice (=very deep and slightly rough)· He sang to her in his famous gravelly voice.a sing-song voice (=a voice that goes high and low in a pleasant musical way)· She began to recite the poem in a sing-song voice.verbsraise your voice (=speak more loudly)· She did not raise her voice, or express any anger.lower your voice (=speak more quietly)· He lowered his voice to a whisper.keep your voice down (=not speak loudly)· Keep your voice down, they’ll hear you!lose your voice (=lose the ability to speak, for example when you have a cold)· I'll have to whisper because I've lost my voice.somebody’s voice rises (=becomes louder or higher)· Her voice rose in panic.somebody’s voice drops (=becomes lower)· Lockhart’s voice dropped so that it could only just be heard.somebody’s voice breaks/cracks (=becomes higher or unsteady because they are upset)· Her voice broke and she was unable to continue.a boy’s voice breaks (=becomes deep as he becomes a man)· His voice had only recently broken.somebody’s voice trembles/shakes (=sounds unsteady)· His voice shook with anger.somebody’s voice trails off/away (=becomes quieter until you cannot hear it)· ‘It's just that … ’, his voice trailed away uncertainly.phrasesin a loud/soft/deep etc voice· ‘Where is she?’, Kate demanded in a shrill voice.somebody’s tone of voice· His tone of voice was aggressive.at the top of your voice (=in a very loud voice)· She shouted ‘Help!’ at the top of her voice.
    voice1 noun
    voice2 verb
    voicevoice2 ●●○ verb [transitive]
    Verb Table
    1to tell people your opinions or feelings about a particular subject:  The senator voiced concern at how minorities and immigrants are treated in California. She angrily voiced her objections.2technical to produce a sound with a movement of the vocal cords as well as the breath
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