
Character Person Qualities Good Interesting Countable Place N Count

word character
content 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
character ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词](人的)性格,个性;(地方的)特点 The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places.
  [usu with supp]
  • Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven't seen yet...


  • The character of this country has been formed by immigration.


[N-SING 单数名词]特点;特征;特色 If something has a particular character, it has a particular quality.
  [usu supp N]
  • The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character...


  • The state farms were semi-military in character.


[N-SING 单数名词](某地人具有的)特点,特色,特征 You can use character to refer to the qualities that people from a particular place are believed to have.
  [supp N]
  • Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]人物;人 You use character to say what kind of person someone is. For example, if you say that someone is a strange character, you mean they are strange.
  [usu adj N]
  • It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character...


  • What a sad character that Nigel is.


[N-VAR 可变名词]人品;品行 Your character is your personality, especially how reliable and honest you are. If someone is of good character, they are reliable and honest. If they are of bad character, they are unreliable and dishonest.
  [usu supp N]
  • He's begun a series of personal attacks on my character...


  • Mr Bartman was a man of good character.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](坚强的)个性,性格;人格力量 If you say that someone has character, you mean that they have the ability to deal effectively with difficult, unpleasant, or dangerous situations.
  • She showed real character in her attempts to win over the crowd...


  • I didn't know Ron had that much strength of character.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](地方的)与众不同之处,特色 If you say that a place has character, you mean that it has an interesting or unusual quality which makes you notice it and like it.
  • An ugly shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character.


[N-COUNT 可数名词](电影、书、戏剧里的)人物,角色 The characters in a film, book, or play are the people that it is about.
  • The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself...


  • He's made the characters believable.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]有趣的人;怪人;滑稽的人 If you say that someone is a character, you mean that they are interesting, unusual, or amusing.
  [INFORMAL 非正式]
  • He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]字母;数字;文字;字符 A character is a letter, number, or other symbol that is written or printed.
    [PHRASE 短语]符合/不符合…的性格(或特点) If someone's actions are in character, they are doing what you would expect them to do, knowing what kind of person they are. If their actions are out of character, they are not doing what you would expect them to do.
      [usu v-link PHR]
    • It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first...


    • What else could make him behave so out of character?


    Oxford char·ac·ter / ˈkærəktə(r) ; NAmE ˈkærəktər / noun _ideogram_comp.jpg _character.jpg qualities/features 品质;特点 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others (人、集体的)品质,性格;(地方的)特点,特性 to have a strong/weak character 个性强╱不强 character traits/defects 性格特点╱弱点 The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character. 这部书对奥巴马夫人的性格作了生动的剖析。 Generosity is part of the American character. 慷慨是美国人性格的一部份。 The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all. 这片住宅区的风貌依旧。 2 [countable ,  usually singular ,  uncountable ] the way that sth is, or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place has (事物、事件或地方的)特点,特征,特色 SYN
    the delicate character of the light in the evening 夜间灯火所具有的那种柔和的特点 buildings that are very simple in character 造型很简洁的建筑物
    3 [uncountable ] ( approving) strong personal qualities such as the ability to deal with difficult or dangerous situations 勇气;毅力 Everyone admires her strength of character and determination. 每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。 He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident. 他在出了事故后仍能重返体坛表现出他顽强的毅力。 Adventure camps are considered to be character-building (= meant to improve sb's strong qualities). 冒险野营生活被认为能磨练意志。 4 [uncountable ] ( usually approving) the interesting or unusual quality that a place or a person has (地方或人的)与众不同之处,特色 The modern hotels here have no real character. 此处的现代化旅馆其实毫无特色。 a face with a lot of character 与众不同的面孔
    strange/interesting person 古怪的╱有趣的人 5 [countable ] ( informal) ( used with an adjective 与形容词连用 ) a person, particularly an unpleasant or strange one (令人讨厌的或古怪的)人 There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar. 有些不三不四的人在酒吧周围游荡。 6 [countable ] ( informal) an interesting or unusual person (有趣的或不同寻常的)人 She's a character! 她真是个有趣的人! reputation 名誉 7 [countable ,  uncountable ] ( formal) the opinion that people have of you, particularly of whether you can be trusted or relied on 名誉;声望;名气 She was a victim of character assassination (= an unfair attack on the good opinion people had of her). 她是诽谤行为的受害者。 a slur/attack on his character 对他名誉的诋毁╱攻击 My teacher agreed to be a character witnessfor me in court. 我的老师同意出庭做我的品德信誉见证人。 a character reference (= a letter that a person who knows you well writes to an employer to tell them about your good qualities) 品德证明书 in book/play/movie 书;戏剧;电影 8 [countable ] a person or an animal in a book, play or film/movie (书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色 a major/minor characterin the book 书中的主要╱次要人物 cartoon characters 动画片中的角色 collocationsat
    symbol/letter 符号;字母 9 [countable ] a letter, sign, mark or symbol used in writing, printing or on computers (书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母,符号 Chinese characters 汉字 a line 30 characters long 长达 30 字符的一行 IDIOMS ˌin ˈcharacter | ˌout of ˈcharacter typical/not typical of a person's character 符合(或不符合)某人的性格 Her behaviour last night was completely out of character. 她昨晚的举止与她的性格截然不符。 ˌin ˈcharacter (with sth) in the same style as sth (与…)风格相同 The new wing of the museum was not really in character with the rest of the building. 博物馆新建的侧翼楼与大楼其他部份的风格有些不一样。 character characters
    char·ac·ter / ˈkærəktə(r) ; NAmE ˈkærəktər /
    characterchar‧ac‧ter /ˈkærəktə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun
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    1all somebody’s qualities [countable usually singular] the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular type of personcharacteristic:  He has a cheerful but quiet character. Children grow up with a mixture of character traits (=character qualities) from both sides of their family. his temper and other character flaws (=bad qualities)in character/out of character (=typical or untypical of someone’s character) He swore, which was out of character for him.the English/French etc character Openness is at the heart of the American character.character sketch (=a description of someone’s character)2person [countable] a)a person in a book, play, film etc:  Candida is the most interesting character in the play. In the story, the main character has left his girlfriend and baby. Everyone recognizes Disney’s cartoon characters. b)a person of a particular type, especially a strange or dishonest one:  a couple of shady characters standing on the corner I’m considered a reformed character these days (=someone who has stopped doing bad things). c)an interesting and unusual person:  Linda was something of a character.3qualities of something [singular, uncountable] the particular combination of features and qualities that makes a thing or place different from all others SYN  naturecharacter of The whole character of the school has changed. the unspoilt character of the coastin character The southern state became more nationalist in character.4moral strength [uncountable] a combination of qualities such as courage, loyalty, and honesty that are admired and regarded as valuable:  a woman of great character Schools were created to teach reading and mathematics, not moral character. It takes strength of character to admit you are wrong. Sport can be character building (=develop good moral qualities).5interesting quality [uncountable] a quality that makes someone or something special and interesting:  a red wine with a meaty character suburban houses that lack character6reputation [uncountable] formal the opinion that people have about whether you are a good person and can be trusted:  a man of previous good character The campaign was accused of character assassination (=an unfair attack on someone’s character) because of its negative ads. His defence called several people as character witnesses (=people who think that someone has a good character). Mr Wetherby wrote him a character reference (=a statement about his good qualities).7letter/sign [countable] a letter, mark, or sign used in writing, printing, or on a computer:  the Chinese character for ‘horse’COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2aADJECTIVES/NOUN + characterthe main/central/leading character· Alec is the central character in the play.the lead character (=in a play, film, or television series)· DiCaprio played the lead character in Titanic.a minor character· Two of the minor characters get killed.a television/movie/cartoon character· Who’s your favourite television character?a comic/tragic character (=a funny or sad one)· Homer Simpson is a great comic character.fictional/fictitious (=not existing in real life)· People sometimes forget that television characters are fictional.convincing (=seeming like a real person)· The characters were totally convincing.a sympathetic character (=one you like)· In the book, Jeff isn’t a sympathetic character.verbsplay a character· I wanted to play the character of Danny.portray a character (=show one in a play, book, film etc)· The main characters are brilliantly portrayed.develop a character (=make a character become more interesting)· The movie didn’t develop his character as well as the book did.nounscharacter development (=the process of developing characters)· I thought the plot was boring and there wasn’t much character development.a character actor (=an actor who plays interesting or unusual characters)· He’s a well-known character actor.


    [ˈkærəktə(r)]charactered, charactering, characters



    n.性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符

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