
Compare Compared Similar Things   [V People Order  The

word compare
content 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
compare ★★★☆☆
[VERB 动词]比较;对比 When you compare things, you consider them and discover the differences or similarities between them. to compare notes→see:
  [V pl-n]
  [V n with n]
  [V n to n]
  • Compare the two illustrations in Fig 60...


  • Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools?...


  • Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.


[VERB 动词]把…比作 If you compare one person or thing to another, you say that they are like the other person or thing.
  [V n to/with n/-ing]
  • Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce...


  • I can only compare the experience to falling in love.


[V-RECIP 相互动词](与…)比起来(好/差) If one thing compares favourably with another, it is better than the other thing. If it compares unfavourably, it is worse than the other thing.
  [V adv with n]
  [pl-n V adv]
  • Our road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries...


  • How do the two techniques compare in terms of application?


[VERB 动词]相比 If you say that something does not compare with something else, you mean that it is much worse.
  [V with n]
  [usu with neg]
  • The flowers here do not compare with those at home...


  • The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.


[PHRASE 短语]无与伦比;无可比拟 If you describe something as beyond compare, you mean that it is extremely good or extremely great.
  [n/adj PHR]
  • She was a storyteller beyond compare.


  • ...riches beyond compare.


See also:

    Oxford com·pare / kəmˈpeə(r) ; NAmE kəmˈper /
    compare compares compared comparing
    verb 1 ( abbr.cf. , cp. ) [transitive ] to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different 比较;对比 compareA and B It is interesting to compare their situation and ours. 把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。 We compared the two reports carefully. 我们仔细地比较了两个报告。 compareA with/to B We carefully compared the first report with the second. 我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。 My own problems seem insignificant compared withother people's. 与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题算不得什么。 I've had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared toyours (= they were not nearly as bad as yours). 我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来就算不上什么了。 Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago. 与 40 年前相比,卫生保健的水平提高了不少。 language bank at
    2 [intransitive ] comparewith sb/sth to be similar to sb/sth else, either better or worse 与…类似(或相似) This school compares with the best in the country (= it is as good as them). 这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。 This house doesn't compare with our previous one (= it is not as good). 这房子比不上我们以前的。 Their prices compare favourablywith those of their competitors. 他们的价格比竞争者的要优惠。 3 [transitive ] compareA to B to show or state that sb/sth is similar to sb/sth else 表明…与…相似;将…比作 The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis. 评论家把他的作品和马丁 · 埃米斯的相提并论。 IDIOMS compare ˈnotes (with sb) if two or more people compare notes,they each say what they think about the same event, situation, etc. (与…)交换看法(或意见等) you can't compare ˌapples and ˈoranges ( NAmE) it is impossible to say that one thing is better than another if the two are completely different (因两样事物完全不同)不具可比性,不能相提并论 They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges. 他们两个都很不错,但是不可相提并论。
    noun IDIOM beyond/without comˈpare ( literary) better than anything else of the same kind 无与伦比;举世无双 com·pare / kəmˈpeə(r) ; NAmE kəmˈper /
    compare1 verb
    compare2 noun
    comparecom‧pare1 /kəmˈpeə $ -ˈper/ ●●● S1 W1 verb
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1[transitive] to consider two or more things or people, in order to show how they are similar or differentcomparison:  The report compares the different types of home computer available.compare something/somebody with something/somebody The police compared the suspect’s fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.compare something/somebody to something/somebody Davies’ style of writing has been compared to Dickens’.compare and contrast (=an expression used when telling students to write about the things that are similar or different in works of literature or art) Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.2compared to/with something used when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar:  a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year Compared to our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.3[intransitive] to be better or worse than something elsecompare (favourably/unfavourably) with something The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany. How does life in Britain compare with life in the States? The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably (=is as good) in quality.4something doesn’t/can’t compare (with something) if something does not compare with something else, it is not as good, large etc:  The rides at the fair just can’t compare with the rides at Disneyland.5compare notes (with somebody) informal to talk to someone in order to find out if their experience of something is the same as yours:  Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.THESAURUScompare to consider two or more things or people, in order to show how they are similar or different: · Scientists compared the results of both experiments.· The woman’s body was identified by comparing her teeth with dental records.make/draw a comparison to compare two or more things or people and say how they are similar: · In her article, she makes a comparison between people’s lives now and 50 years ago.· It is possible to draw a comparison between the two poets’ work.draw an analogy to say that two situations are similar – a rather formal use: · Some people have attempted to draw an analogy between America’s invasion of Iraq and the war in Vietnam.draw a parallel to say that some features of things are similar, especially things that are actually very different – a rather formal use: · He draws a parallel between football and religion.· Parallels can be drawn between her work and that of Picasso.contrast to compare two things, situations etc, in order to show how they are different from each other: · In her novel she contrasts the lives of two families in very different circumstances.make/draw a distinction between to say that you think two things are very different: · The author draws a distinction between allowing death to occur, and causing it.· It is important to make a distinction between people’s fears about crime and the amount of crime that really happens.measure somebody/something against somebody/something to compare two people or things, in order to judge which is better, bigger etc: · As a young actress, she was nervous of being measured against her famous father.· Murray’s progress is often measured against that of Nadal.
    compare1 verb
    compare2 noun
    comparecompare2 noun
    beyond/without compare literary a quality that is beyond compare is the best of its kind:  a beauty and an elegance beyond compare


    [kəmˈpeə(r)]compared, comparing, compares



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