
Figure I Number Person Sth   [V Countable N Count

word figure
content 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
figure ★★★★★
/fɪ̱gə(r), AM -gjər/
[N-COUNT 可数名词]数字;(尤指)统计数字 A figure is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic.
  • It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job...


  • It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall...


  • New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce.


[N-COUNT 可数名词](0 到 9 的)数字符号,数目字 A figure is any of the ten written symbols from 0 to 9 that are used to represent a number.
    [N-PLURAL 复数名词]位数 An amount or number that is in single figures is between zero and nine. An amount or number that is in double figures is between ten and ninety-nine. You can also say, for example, that an amount or number is in three figures when it is between one hundred and nine hundred and ninety-nine.
      [adj/num N]
    • Inflation, which has usually been in single figures, is running at more than 12%...

      通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了 12%。

    • Crawley, with 14, was the only other player to reach double figures...

      克劳利拿到 14 分,是仅有的另外一个得分达两位数的球员。

    • The thermometer nudged three figures yesterday in Rome.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词]人影;身影 You refer to someone that you can see as a figure when you cannot see them clearly or when you are describing them.
      [usu with supp]
    • Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair...


    • She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace...


    • A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词](绘画作品中的)人物;雕像;塑像 In art, a figure is a person in a drawing or a painting, or a statue of a person.
    • ...a life-size bronze figure of a brooding, hooded woman.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词]体形;身材 Your figure is the shape of your body.
      [with supp]
    • Take pride in your health and your figure...


    • Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词]知名人士;重要人物 Someone who is referred to as a figure of a particular kind is a person who is well-known and important in some way.
      [with supp]
    • The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词](某种)人物,形象 If you say that someone is, for example, a mother figure or a hero figure, you mean that other people regard them as the type of person stated or suggested.
      [with supp]
    • Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.


    • Daniel Boone, the great hero figure of the frontier...


    • Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas.


    [N-COUNT 可数名词](书、杂志等中的)图,表 In books and magazines, the diagrams which help to show or explain information are referred to as figures .
      [also N num]
    • If you look at a world map (see Figure 1) you can identify the major wine-producing regions...


    • Figure 1.15 shows which provinces lost populations between 1910 and 1920.

      表 1.15 显示出哪些省份在 1910 至 1920 年间人口减少了。

    [N-COUNT 可数名词](尤指规则的几何)图形 In geometry, a figure is a shape, especially a regular shape.
      [usu supp N]
      [TECHNICAL 术语]
    • Draw a pentagon, a regular five-sided figure.


    [VERB 动词]认为;猜想;估计 If you figure that something is the case, you think or guess that it is the case.
      [V that]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • She figured that both she and Ned had learned a lot from the experience.


    [VERB 动词]不奇怪;很正常;合乎情理 If you say 'That figures' or 'It figures', you mean that the fact referred to is not surprising.
      [that/it V]
      [Also it V that]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • When I finished, he said, 'Yeah. That figures'...


    • Work it out and you'll find it figures.


    [VERB 动词]出现,包括(在…中) If a person or thing figures in something, they appear in or are included in it.
      [V in n]
      [Also V as n]
      [no passive]
    • Human rights violations figured prominently in the report.


    [PHRASE 短语]显出…的样子;显得 If you say that someone cuts a particular figure, you mean that they appear to other people in the way described.
      [V inflects]
    • Today she cuts a lonely figure.


    [PHRASE 短语]小丑;可笑的人 If you describe someone as a figure of fun, you mean that people think they are ridiculous.
      [figure inflects]
    • The man has become an unlikely figure of fun.


    [PHRASE 短语]保持/失去苗条的身材 If you keep your figure, you stay thin. If you lose your figure, you become rather fat.
      [V and N inflect]
    • You'll lose your girlish figure if you don't watch out.


    [PHRASE 短语]说出…的确切数量(或数目) When you put a figure on an amount, you say exactly how much it is.
      [V inflects]
    • No one will put a figure on the final cost of this reconstruction.


    [PHRASAL VERB 短语动词]预料;料想 If you figure on something, you plan that it will happen or assume that it will happen when making your plans.
      [V P n/-ing]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.


    [PHRASAL VERB 短语动词]想出;理解;弄清 If you figure out a solution to a problem or the reason for something, you succeed in solving it or understanding it.
      [V P wh/that]
      [V P n (not pron)]
      [V n P]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment...


    • They're trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation...


    • I don't have to be a detective to figure that out.


    [PHRASAL VERB 短语动词]算出…的总和 If you figure up a cost or amount, you add numbers together to get the total.
      [V P n]
      [mainly AM 主美]
    • He figured up the balance in their checking account.


    figure on
    figure out
    figure up

    Oxford fig·ure / ˈfɪɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈfɪɡjər /
    figure figures figured figuring
    noun numbers 1 [countable ,  usually plural ] a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字 the latest trade/sales/unemployment, etc. figures 最新的贸易、销售、失业等数字 By 2009, this figure had risen to 14 million. 到 2009 年为止,这个数字已经增长到 1 400 万。 Experts put the real figure at closer to 75%. 专家们估计真实的数字较接近于 75%。 2 [countable ] a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9 数字符号;字码;位数 Write the figure ‘7’ on the board. 把数码 7 写在黑板上。 a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) 六位数的薪水(即超过 10 万英镑或元) His salary is now in six figures. 他的薪水现在是六位数。 see also
    double figures
    single figures
    3 fig·ures [plural ] ( informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc. numbers 算术 SYN
    Are you any good at figures? 你的算术好吗? I'm afraid I don't have a head for figures (= I am not good at adding, etc.). 恐怕我没有算术头脑。
    person 4 [countable ] a person of the type mentioned 人物;人士 a leading figurein the music industry 音乐界一位主要人物 a political figure 政治人物 a figure of authority 当权者 see also
    father figure
    mother figure
    5 [countable ] the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly (远处人的)轮廓;(隐约可见的)人影 a tall figure in black 一个黑衣高个子人影
    shape of body 体形 6 [countable ] the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body that is attractive 身材;体形;(尤指)身段 She's always had a good figure. 她身材一向很好。 I'm watching my figure (= trying not to get fat). 我一直注意保持身材。 collocationsat
    in painting/story 绘画;故事 7 [countable ] a person or an animal in a drawing, painting, etc, or in a story (绘画或故事中的)人,动物 The central figure in the painting is the artist's daughter. 画中间那个人是画家的女儿。 statue 造像 8 [countable ] a statue of a person or an animal (人、动物的)雕像,塑像 a bronze figure of a horse 一座马的铜像 picture/diagram 图表 9 [countable ] ( abbr.fig. ) a picture, diagram, etc. in a book, that is referred to by a number (书中的)图,表 The results are illustrated in figure 3 opposite. 结果已在对页图表 3 中显示。 geometry 几何 10 [countable ] a particular shape formed by lines or surfaces 图形 a five-sided figure 五边形 a solid figure 立体图形 movement on ice 冰上动作 11 [countable ] a pattern or series of movements performed on ice (冰上表演动作的)花样 IDIOMS be/become a figure of ˈfun to be/become sb that other people laugh at 是嘲笑的对象;成为笑柄 cut a… ˈfigure (of a person ) to have a particular appearance 显出…的样子;显得 He cut a striking figure in his white dinner jacket. 他穿着白色晚礼服显得十分出众。 put a figure on sth to say the exact price or number of sth 定价;说出…的准确数字 more at
    verb be important 重要 1 [intransitive ] to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part 是重要部份;是…的部份 SYN
    My feelings about the matter didn't seem to figure at all. 我对这个问题的意见似乎根本无足轻重。 figure(as sth) (in/on/among sth) Do I still figure in your plans? 在你的计划中还包括我吗? The question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominentlyin the talks. 和平解决的问题很可能是这次谈判的突出重点。 It did not figure high on her list of priorities. 这没有列入她最优先考虑办理的事项。
    think/decide 认为;认定 2 [transitive ] ( informal) to think or decide that sth will happen or is true 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实) figure(that)… I figured (that) if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning. 我认为,如果我坐夜班火车,早上就可以到达苏格兰。 We figured the sensible thing to do was to wait. 我们判定,明智的做法是等待。 figuresth That's what I figured. 这就是我的看法。 figurewhy, whether, etc… He tried to figure why she had come. 他想弄清楚她怎么来了。 calculate 计算 3 [transitive ] figuresth (at sth) ( NAmE) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算(数量或成本) We figured the attendance at 150 000. 我们估计有 15 万人参加。 IDIOMS go ˈfigure ( NAmE) ( informal) used to say that you do not understand the reason for sth, or that you do not want to give an explanation for sth because you think it is obvious 搞不懂;明摆着不用解释 People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure! 现在人们更加了解吸烟的危害,但吸烟的年轻女性倒比以往多了。真让人搞不懂! it/that figures used to say that sth was expected or seems logical (表示应该或似乎合乎逻辑)有道理,合乎情理 ‘John called in sick.’ ‘That figures, he wasn't feeling well yesterday.’ “约翰打电话来说他病了。”“这合乎情理,他昨天就感到不舒服。” ( disapproving) ‘She was late again.’ ‘Yes, that figures.’ “她又迟到了。”“是呀,她总是这样。” PHRASAL VERBS ˈfigure on sth | ˈfigure on (sb/sth) doing sth to plan sth or to do sth; to expect sth (to happen) 计划;打算;预料到 SYN
    plan on
    I hadn't figured on getting home so late. 我没有估计到这么晚才回到家。
    ˌfigure sb/sth↔ˈout 1 to think about sb/sth until you understand them/it 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白 SYN work out We couldn't figure her out. 我们摸不透她。 figurehow, what, etc… I can't figure out how to do this. 我弄不懂怎样做这件事。 2 to calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算(数量或成本) SYN work out figurehow, what, etc… Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? 旅行要花多少费用你算出来没有?
    fig·ure / ˈfɪɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈfɪɡjər /
    figure1 noun
    figure2 verb
    figurefig‧ure1 /ˈfɪɡə $ ˈfɪɡjər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1number a)[usually plural] a number representing an amount, especially an official numberunemployment/sales/trade figures Ohio’s unemployment figures for December Government figures underestimate the problem. It’s about 30,000 in round figures (=to the nearest 10, 20, 100 etc). b)a number from 0 to 9, written as a character rather than a word:  the figure ‘2’ executives with salaries in six figures (=more than £99,999)a four/five/six figure number (=a number in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands etc)
    double figures
    , single figures
    2amount of money a particular amount of moneyfigure of an estimated figure of $200 million3person a)someone who is important or famous in some waya leading/key/central figure Several leading figures resigned from the party. the outstanding political figure of his time b)someone with a particular type of appearance or character, especially when they are far away or difficult to see:  a tall figure in a hat Through the window I could see the commanding figure of Mrs Bradshaw. cult figure
    at cult2
    4woman’s body the shape of a woman’s body:  She has a good figure.keep/lose your figure (=stay thin or become fat) Most women have to watch their figure (=be careful not to get fat).5father/mother/authority figure someone who is considered to be like a father etc, or to represent authority, because of their character or behaviour6 figures [plural] British English the activity of adding, multiplying etc numbers SYN  arithmetic:  a natural ability with figureshave a head for figures (=be good at arithmetic)7mathematical shape a geometric shape:  A hexagon is a six-sided figure.8painting/model a person in a painting or a model of a person:  the figure in the background
    9drawing (written abbreviation fig.) a numbered drawing or a diagram in a book10put a figure on it/give an exact figure to say exactly how much something is worth, or how much or how many of something you are talking about:  It’s worth a lot but I couldn’t put a figure on it.11a fine figure of a man/woman someone who is tall and has a good body12a figure of fun someone who people laugh at13on ice a pattern or movement in figure skatingCOLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + figurehigh/low· The figures are worryingly high.sales figures· We exceeded our target sales figures.unemployment figures· There have been changes in the way the unemployment figures are calculated.trade figures (=showing the value of a country's exports compared to imports)· Trade figures showed a slump last month.government figures (=figures produced by the government)· Government figures suggest a moderate recovery in consumer spending.official figures· According to official figures, two million houses in England are inadequately heated.the latest figures· The latest figures show that crimes are down by 0.2 percent.the exact figure· The government was unable to give the exact figure for the number of foreign workers in the country.an approximate/rough figure· He gave us an approximate figure for the cost of the repairs.a ballpark figure informal (=one that is not exact)· Can you give me a ballpark figure of the likely price?verbsreach double/six etc figures (=be 10 or more/100,000 or more etc)· The death toll in the region has reached five figures.add up the figures· I must have made a mistake when I added up the figures.release the figures (=make them public)· The company will release the sales figures later this week.phrasesin single figures (=less than 10)· Women heads of department are in single figures.in double figures (=between 10 and 99)· Only two of the group had scores in double figures.in round figures (=to the nearest 10, 20, 100 etc)· In round figures, about 20 million people emigrated from Europe during that period.according to the figures· According to official figures, exam results have improved again this year.a four/five/six etc figure number (=a number in the thousands/ten thousands/hundred thousands etc)· Choose a four figure number that you can easily remember.
    figure1 noun
    figure2 verb
    figurefigure2 ●●● S1 W3 verb
    Verb Table
    1[intransitive] to be an important part of a process, event, or situation, or to be included in somethingfigure in/among Social issues figured prominently in the talks. My wishes didn’t figure among his considerations. Reform now figures high on the agenda.2[transitive] informal to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situationfigure (that) From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk. It was worth the trouble, I figured.3that figures/(it) figures spoken especially American English a)used to say that something that happens is expected or typical, especially something bad:  ‘It rained the whole weekend.’ ‘Oh, that figures.’ b)used to say that something is reasonable or makes sense:  It figures that she’d be mad at you, after what you did.4go figure American English spoken said to show that you think something is strange or difficult to explain:  ‘He didn’t even leave a message.’ ‘Go figure.’5[transitive] American English to calculate an amount SYN  work out:  I’m just figuring my expenses.figure on something phrasal verb informal especially American English to expect something or include it in your plans:  She was younger than any of us had figured on.figure somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb1to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened SYN  work outfigure out how/what/why etc Can you figure out how to do it? If I have a map, I can figure it out. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out (=find a way to solve the problem).2to understand why someone behaves in the way they do SYN  work out:  Women. I just can’t figure them out.


    [ˈfɪgə(r)]figured, figuring, figures



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