[PRON 代词]那,那个(指代前面句子里提到的) You use that to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences.
They said you particularly wanted to talk to me. Why was that?...
'Hey, is there anything the matter with my sisters?' — 'Is that why you're phoning?'...
Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday. That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US.
That is also a determiner.
The most important purpose of our Health Care is to support you when making a claim for medical treatment. For that reason the claims procedure is as simple and helpful as possible.
[DET 限定词]那个人,那个(用来指代已经提到的人或物) You use that to refer to someone or something already mentioned.
The Commissioners get between £50,000 and 60,000 a year in various allowances. But that amount can soar to 90,000 a year...
委员们每年领取的各种津贴在 5 万到 6 万英镑之间,但最高可达 9 万英镑。
The biggest increase was on the cheapest model, the CRX-HF. That car had a 1990 base price of $9,145.
涨价最快的是最便宜的车型 CRX-HF,那款车 1990 年的基价是 9,145 美元。
[DET 限定词]那,那个(指已经谈到过的特定时期) When you have been talking about a particular period of time, you use that to indicate that you are still referring to the same period. You use expressions such as that morning or that afternoon to indicate that you are referring to an earlier period of the same day.
The story was published in a Sunday newspaper later that week...
That morning I had put on a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved black blouse.
[PRON 代词](用于 that of, that which 等短语中引出有关上文提到的某事物的更多信息,而避免重复相关名词) You use that in expressions such as that of and that which to introduce more information about something already mentioned, instead of repeating the noun which refers to it.
[PRON of n]
A recession like that of 1973–1974 could put one in ten American companies into bankruptcy...
像 1973–1974 年间那样的经济衰退能让 1/10 的美国公司破产。
Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.
[PRON 代词]那个,那(用于对前述内容表示同意或作出应答的词和词组前) You use that in front of words or expressions which express agreement, responses, or reactions to what has just been said.
'She said she'd met you in England.' — 'That's true.'...
'I've never been to Paris.' — 'That's a pity. You should go one day.'
[DET 限定词]那一个,那个(引出将要更加详细介绍的人或物) You use that to introduce a person or thing that you are going to give details or information about.
[PRON pron-rel]
In my case I chose that course which I considered right...
That person who violates the law and discriminates should suffer in his career.
That which is used to introduce a subject in very general terms.
Too much time is spent worrying over that which one can't change.
[DET 限定词]那个(指代在时间、空间上离自己稍远的人或物,尤用于指示;有两个以上的事物时,that 指较远的那个) You use that when you are referring to someone or something which is a distance away from you in position or time, especially when you indicate or point to them. When there are two or more things near you, that refers to the more distant one.
Look at that guy. He's got red socks...
Where did you get that hat?...
You see that man over there, that man who has just walked into the room?
That is also a pronoun.
Leo, what's that you're writing?...
That looks heavy. May I carry it for you?
[PRON 代词](用于指明或询问身份) You use that when you are identifying someone or asking about their identity.
That's my wife you were talking to...
That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management...
'Who's that with you?' — 'A friend of mine.'...
I answered the phone and this voice went, 'Hello? Is that Alison?'
[DET 限定词](不需明确指出的情况下谈话对方即可能知道所指的人或物)那个 You can use that when you expect the person you are talking to to know what or who you are referring to, without needing to identify the particular person or thing fully.
I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes...
Did you get that cheque I sent?...
That idiot porter again knocked on my door!
That is also a pronoun.
That was a terrible case of blackmail in the paper today...
That was a good year, wasn't it?
[ADV 副词]不太,不那么(坏、滑稽、昂贵等) If something is not that bad, funny, or expensive for example, it is not as bad, funny, or expensive as it might be or as has been suggested.
[with brd-neg]
Not even Gary, he said, was that stupid...
It isn't that funny...
He didn't look that bad...
Kids don't change that fast.
[ADV 副词]那么,那样(用于强调感情或品质的程度之深) You can use that to emphasize the degree of a feeling or quality.
[ADV adj/adv]
I would have walked out, I was that angry...
Do I look that stupid?...
They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive.
See also:
[PHRASE 短语]等等;诸如此类 You use and all that or and that to refer generally to everything else which is associated with what you have just mentioned.
[cl/group PHR]
I hate to be nasty and all that...
I'm not a cook myself but I am interested in nutrition and that.
[PHRASE 短语]此外,而且(用于陈述之后,修饰或强调所说的话) You use at that after a statement which modifies or emphasizes what you have just said.
[n/adj PHR]
Success never seems to come but through hard work, often physically demanding work at that...
The caféwas popular with locals, and not with the more respectable locals at that.
[PHRASE 短语]就是说;即;换句话说 You use that is or that is to say to indicate that you are about to express the same idea more clearly or precisely.
[PHR with cl/group]
I am a disappointing, though generally dutiful, student. That is, I do as I'm told...
Education Ministers ought to have placed the interests of consumers — that is to say pupils — first.
[PHRASE 短语]就这样,好了(表示不必再做什么或目的已经达到) You use that's it to indicate that nothing more needs to be done or that the end has been reached.
[V inflects]
When he left the office, that was it, the workday was over.
[CONVENTION 惯用语]对,是这样(表示同意、赞许) You use that's it to express agreement with or approval of what has just been said or done.
'You got married, right?' — 'Yeah, that's it.'
[PHRASE 短语]就那样(强调某事突然发生、立即做完或过程很简单,常指未加思考、讨论) You use just like that to emphasize that something happens or is done immediately or in a very simple way, often without much thought or discussion.
[PHR with cl]
Just like that, I was in love...
You mean he sent you back just like that?
[PHRASE 短语]就这样,就这么定了(表示无能为力、无话可说) You use that's that to say there is nothing more you can do or say about a particular matter.
[V inflects]
'Well, if that's the way you want it,' he replied, tears in his eyes, 'I guess that's that.'
'I want you to go home.' — 'I'm staying here, and that's that.'
like that→see:
; this and that→see:
; this and that→see:
that and the other
; this→see:
[CONJ-SUBORD 连词](用于动词、形容词、名词、短语之后,引导间接引语从句) You can use that after many verbs, adjectives, nouns, and expressions to introduce a clause in which you report what someone has said, or what they think or feel.
He called her up one day and said that he and his wife were coming to New York...
We were worried that she was going to die...
I welcome the news that attacks on women on the railways are 19 per cent down.
铁路上发生的袭击妇女事件下降了 19%,这一情况我听了很高兴。
[CONJ-SUBORD 连词](用于“it+系动词+形容词”结构之后,表示评论) You use that after 'it' and a link verb and an adjective to comment on a situation or fact.
[it v-link adj CONJ cl]
It's interesting that you like him...
I've made up my mind, but it's obvious that you need more time to think...
It's extraordinary that he left without making a public statement about the situation.
[PRON-REL 关系代词](引导从句,以提供更多有关谈论对象的信息) You use that to introduce a clause which gives more information to help identify the person or thing you are talking about.
...pills that will make the problem disappear.
...a car that won't start...
You should have learned to walk away from things that don't concern you.
...the house that they have lived in throughout their married lives.
[CONJ-SUBORD 连词](用在 so,such 之后,引出结果或影响) You use that after expressions with 'so' and 'such' in order to introduce the result or effect of something.
[so/such group CONJ cl]
She became so nervous that she shook violently...
She came towards me so quickly that she knocked a chair over...
Unfortunately it made such a revolting brew that it was worse than drinking no tea at all...
The effect on our blood chemistry is such that it produces physical changes in our entire body.
thatthosedeterminer★/ðæt; NAmEðæt/(pluralthose/ðəʊz; NAmEðoʊz/)1★used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker or as near to the speaker as another (指较远的人或事物)那,那个◆Look at that man over there.瞧那边的那个男子。◆How much are those apples at the back?后边那些苹果什么价钱?2★used for referring to sb/sth that has already been mentioned or is already known about (指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那,那个◆I was living with my parents at that time.那时候我和父母住在一起。◆That incident changed their lives.那次事件改变了他们的生活。◆Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week?你忘记上星期我借给你的那笔钱了吧?◆That dress of hers is too short.她那件连衣裙太短了。pronoun★/ðæt; NAmEðæt/(pluralthose/ðəʊz; NAmEðoʊz/)1★used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker, or not as near to the speaker as another (指较远的人或事物)那, 那个◆Who's that?那是谁?◆That's Peter over there.那边那个人是彼得。◆Hello. Is that Jo?喂,是乔吗?◆That's a nice dress.那件连衣裙很漂亮。◆Those look riper than these.那些看上去比这些熟一些。2★used for referring to sb/sth that has already been mentioned, or is already known about (指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那,那个◆What can I do about that?这事我可怎么办?◆Do you remember when we went to Norway? That was a good trip.你记得我们什么时候去挪威吗?那次旅行真不错。◆That's exactly what I think.我正是那么想的。3( formal) used for referring to people or things of a particular type (特指)那,那种,那些◆Those present were in favour of change.在座的人都赞成变革。◆There are those who say (= some people say)she should not have got the job. 有些人说她本不该得到这份工作。◆Salaries are higher here than those in my country.这里的薪水比我国的高。4★/ðət; NAmEðət//rare strong formðæt; NAmEðæt/(pluralthat)used as a relative pronoun to introduce a part of a sentence which refers to the person, thing or time you have been talking about (用作关系代词,引导从句)◆Where's the letter that came yesterday?昨天来的信在哪儿?◆Who was it that won the US Open?在美国公开赛上获胜的是谁?◆The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time.您给我的那只表走得很准。◆The people (that) I spoke to were very helpful.我交谈过的人都很肯帮忙。◆It's the best novel (that) I've ever read.这是我读过的最佳小说。◆We moved here the year (that) my mother died.我们是我母亲去世那年搬来的。HELPIn spoken and informal written English thatis nearly always left out when it is the object of the verb or is used with a preposition. 在英语口语和非正式的书面语中,作为动词宾语或与介词连用的 that 一般都省略。IDIOMSand (all) ˈthat( BrE) ( informal) and everything else connected with an activity, a situation, etc. 等等;以及诸如此类的事物SYNand so on◆Did you bring the contract and (all) that?合同什么的你都带来了吗?that is (to say)used to say what sth means or to give more information 也就是说;即;换句话说◆He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.他是地方政府的行政官员,也就是文官。◆You'll find her very helpful—if she's not too busy, that is.你会觉得她很肯帮忙,那是说如果她不太忙的话。☞language bank at
ˌthat's ˈit( informal) 1★used to say that sb is right, or is doing sth right (表示某人正确或做得对)就是这样,正是如此,对啦◆No, the other one… that's it.不,另一个…就是它。◆That's it, carry on!对啦!继续!2★used to say that sth is finished, or that no more can be done (表示已完成或再也没有可做的了)好了,就这样吧◆That's it, the fire's out now.好了,现在火灭了。◆That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know.现在就这些,如果再得到消息,我就通知你。◆A week to go, and that's it!还有一周,就完事了!3used to say that you will not accept sth any longer (表示不再接受)行了,够了◆That's it, I've had enough!够了,我受够了!4★used to talk about the reason for sth (表示理由)就是这个问题,就是这么回事◆So that's it—the fuse had gone.问题就出在这里,保险丝烧断了。◆You don't love me any more, is that it?你不再爱我啦,是不是这样?ˌthat's ˈthat( informal) used to say that your decision cannot be changed (表示决定不能更改)就是这样,就这样定了◆Well I'm not going, and that's that.好啦,我不去,就这么定了。conjunction★/ðət; NAmEðət//rare strong formðæt; NAmEðæt/1★used after some verbs, adjectives and nouns to introduce a new part of the sentence (用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句)◆She said (that) the story was true.她说这件事是真的。◆It's possible (that) he has not received the letter.可能他还没有收到那封信。◆The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant.他比我年纪大这一事实无关紧要。HELPIn spoken and informal written English thatis usually left out after reporting verbs and adjectives. It is less often left out after nouns. 在英语口语和非正式的书面语中,在引出间接引语的动词和形容词之后的 that 通常省略,而在名词后的则一般不省略。2★so… that…used to express a result (表示结果)如此…以至◆She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight.她累得昏头昏脑。HELPIn informal English thatis often left out. 在非正式英语中,that 常被省略。3( literary) used for expressing a hope or a wish (表示希望或愿望)多么◆Oh that I could see him again!啊,我多么想能再看到他!adverb/ðæt; NAmEðæt/1used when saying how much or showing how long, big, etc. sth is with your hands (以手势表示长度、大小等时用)那样,那么◆I can't walk that far (= as far as that).我走不了那么远。◆It's about that long.大约有那么长。2not (all) ~not very, or not as much as has been said 不很;不那么◆It isn't all that cold.天没那么冷。◆There aren't that many people here.这里并没有那么多人。3( BrE) ( informal) used to emphasize how much (用以强调程度)那么◆I was that scared I didn't know what to do.我非常害怕,以至不知如何是好。that/ðæt; NAmEðæt/those/ðəʊz; NAmEðoʊz/
that1 determiner, pronoun
that2 conjunction
that3 adverb
thatthat1 /ðæt/ ●●●S1W1 determiner, pronoun
Word Origin
1 (plural those /ðəʊz $ ðoʊz/) used to refer to a person, thing, idea etc that has already been mentioned or is already known about: ‘You never cared about me.’ ‘That’s not true.’ I wish you wouldn’t say things like that. What did you do with those sandwiches? Victoria Street? That’s where my sister lives. Do you remember that nice Mr Hoskins who came to dinner? I’ve got that pain in my back again. He killed a man once and that’s why he had to leave Ireland. ‘We’ve been cheated,’ she said. Those were her exact words. ‘I have to go,’ she said, and with that (=after saying that) she hung up the phone.2 /ðət/ used after a noun as a relative pronoun like ‘who’, ‘whom’, or ‘which’ to introduce a clause: There are lots of things that I need to buy before the trip. the people that live next door They’ve got a machine that prints names on badges. the greatest boxer that ever lived Who was it that said ‘The Law’s an Ass’? The day that my father died, I was on holiday in Greece.GRAMMAR• In everyday English, that is often omitted when it is the object of the relative clause: · I like the clothes that she wears.· I like the clothes she wears.• You do not omit that when it is the subject of the clause: · The family that lives downstairs is Polish.✗Don’t say: The family lives downstairs is Polish.3 (plural those /ðəʊz $ ðoʊz/) formal used to refer to a particular person or thing of the general type that has just been mentioned: In my opinion, the finest wines are those from France.that of His own experience was different from that of his friends.4those who people who: There are those who disapprove of all forms of gambling. Those who saw the performance thought it memorable.5at that used after adding a piece of information which emphasizes and increases what you have just said: You should be able to answer the question in a single sentence, and a short one at that.6that is (to say) used to give more exact information about something or to correct a statement: One solution would be to change the shape of the screen, that is, to make it wider. Languages are taught by the direct method, that is to say, without using the student’s own language. I loved him – that is, I thought I did.SPOKEN PHRASES7 (plural those) used to refer to a person or thing that is not near you: Is that my pen you’ve got there? That’s Eileen’s house across the road. Look at those men in that car. What on earth are they doing? Our tomatoes never get as big as that.8that’s life/men/politics etc (for you) used to say that something is typical of a particular group of people, situation etc: I don’t think I was fairly treated, but then that’s life, isn’t it? We go out for a romantic meal and all he wants to do is talk about football. That’s men for you.9that’s ita)used to say that something is completely finished or that a situation cannot be changed: That’s it, then. There’s nothing more we can do.b)used to tell someone that they are doing something correctly: Slowly ... slowly. Yeah, that’s it.c) (also that does it) used when you are angry about a situation and you do not want it to continue: That’s it. I’m leaving.10that’s that used to emphasize that a situation or a decision cannot be changed: I refuse to go and that’s that! There’s no money left, so that’s that.11used when you are not sure who is answering the telephone: Hello, is that Joan Murphy?12and (all) that British English and similar things: I knew he was interested in computers and all that.13that’s a good girl/that’s a clever dog etc used to praise a child or animal14that is not an option used when you want to emphasize that something that has just been suggested is not acceptable to youUSAGE: That, who, which• You use that as a relative pronoun when saying which person or thing you are talking about: · This is the friend that I told you about.· They didn't have the book that I wanted.• That can be omitted: · This is the friend I told you about.· They didn't have the book I wanted.• You use who or which when adding extra information about the person or thing: · She looked after her husband, who was ill.· I did it myself, which was difficult.• In clauses like this, who or which can not be omitted. ✗Don’t say: She looked after her husband, that was ill.• You use who when talking about a person: · There's the man who I saw yesterday. Don't use which about people. ✗Don’t say: She looked after her husband, which was ill.• You can also use that when talking about a person. That is used about both people and things: · There's the man that I saw yesterday.• In clauses like this, both that and who can be omitted: · There's the man I saw yesterday.
that1 determiner, pronoun
that2 conjunction
that3 adverb
thatthat2 /ðət/ ●●●S1W1 conjunction
1used after verbs, nouns, and adjectives to introduce a clause which shows what someone says or thinks, or states a fact or reason: If she said that she’d come, she’ll come. I can’t believe that he’s only 17. Are you sure that they live in Park Lane? allegations that he is guilty of war crimes The fact that he is your brother-in-law should not affect your decision. He might have left the money for the simple reason that he didn’t know it was there.GRAMMAR• In everyday English, that is often omitted. Instead of saying · I’m not surprised that you were upset, you say · I’m not surprised you were upset.• In formal English, that is used more often in this situation.2used after a phrase with ‘so’ or ‘such’ to introduce a clause that shows the result of something: I was so tired that I fell asleep. The school was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down. We had been away for such a long time that I had forgotten her name.3used to introduce a clause that refers to a fact, when describing it: It’s odd that I haven’t heard of you. That anyone should want to kill her was unthinkable. The problem is that no-one knows what will happen.4formal in order that something may happen or someone may do something: Give us strength that we may stand against them.5literary used to express a wish for something to happen or be true, especially when this is not possible: Oh, that she were alive to see this! → so (that)
1spoken used to say how big, how much etc, especially when you are showing the size, amount etc with your hands: It was quite a large fish – about that long. He missed hitting the car in front by that much.2[usually in negatives] spoken as much as in the present situation or as much as has been stated: I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized the situation was that bad. No one expected it to cost that much. The advanced exam is more difficult, but not many students progress that far.3not (all) that long/many etc spoken used to mean fairly short, only a few etc: Will’s not that tall, considering he’s 16. The film wasn’t all that good.4British English spoken informal used to emphasize how big, bad, much etc something is: I was that embarrassed I didn’t know what to say.
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