[CONVENTION 惯用语](用于表示歉意)对不起,抱歉 You say 'Sorry' or 'I'm sorry' as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally.
'We're all talking at the same time.' — 'Yeah. Sorry.'...
Sorry I took so long...
Sorry for barging in like this...
I'm really sorry if I said anything wrong...
I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour...
The next morning she came into my room and said she was sorry.
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]遗憾的;难过的;抱歉的;失望的 If you are sorry about a situation, you feel regret, sadness, or disappointment about it.
[v-link ADJ]
She was very sorry about all the trouble she'd caused...
I'm sorry about what's happened...
I'm sorry he's gone...
He was sorry to see them go.
[CONVENTION 惯用语](用于告诉别人其不愿意听到的事时)对不起,抱歉,很遗憾 You use I'm sorry or sorry as an introduction when you are telling a person something that you do not think they will want to hear, for example when you are disagreeing with them or giving them bad news.
No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you...
'I'm sorry,' he told the real estate agent, 'but we really must go now.'...
I'm sorry, but Miss Lee is resting and can't be disturbed...
Sorry — no baths after ten o'clock...
抱歉,10 点以后没有洗澡水。
I'm sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead.
[PHRASE 短语](表示威胁或警告)你会后悔的 If someone says 'You'll be sorry', they are threatening you or warning you and suggesting that something unpleasant will happen to you because of your actions.
I'll tell Daddy, and then you'll be sorry because he'll give you another black eye...
Get back in there, or you'll be sorry.
[PHRASE 短语]很遗憾,很抱歉(包含失望或不赞成) You use the expression I'm sorry to say to express regret together with disappointment or disapproval.
[PHR with cl]
I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say...
This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.
[CONVENTION 惯用语](用于听到伤心或不愉快的消息时)我深感遗憾,我很难过 You say 'I'm sorry' to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news.
I've heard about Mollie — I'm so sorry...
'I'm afraid he's ill.' — 'I'm sorry to hear that.'
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](为别人的不幸或不快)感到难过的,表示同情的 If you feel sorry for someone who is unhappy or in an unpleasant situation, you feel sympathy and sadness for them.
[v-link ADJ for n]
I felt sorry for him and his colleagues — it must have been so frustrating for them...
I am very sorry for the family.
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](为自己的遭遇等)感到闷闷不乐,垂头丧气 You say that someone is feeling sorry for themselves when you disapprove of the fact that they keep thinking unhappily about their problems, rather than trying to be cheerful and positive.
[v-link ADJ for pron-refl]
What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself.
[CONVENTION 惯用语](用于请对方重复所说的话)没听清,请再说一遍 You say 'Sorry?' when you have not heard something that someone has said and you want them to repeat it.
[CONVENTION 惯用语](用于纠正自己刚才说错的话)不对,抱歉 You use sorry when you correct yourself and use different words to say what you have just said, especially when what you say the second time does not use the words you would normally choose to use.
Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry, Catalonia — for the first time.
...refugees (sorry, economic migrants) who refuse to return to Vietnam.
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](处境)可怜的;(状态)糟糕的 If someone or something is in a sorry state, they are in a bad state, mentally or physically.
[ADJ n]
The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state...
She is a sorry sight...
They were a sorry lot.
better safe than sorry→see:
sorry★/ˈsɒri; NAmEˈsɑːri;ˈsɔːri/
sorrysorriersorriestadjective★(sor·rier,sor·ri·est)HELPYou can also use more sorryand most sorry.亦可用 more sorry 和 most sorry。1★[not before noun ]feeling sad and sympathetic 难过;惋惜;同情sorry(that)… ◆I'm sorry that your husband lost his job.你丈夫把工作丢了,我很惋惜。~ (to see, hear, etc.)◆We're sorry to hear that your father's in hospital again.听说你父亲又住院了,我们心里都不好受。sorry(about sth) ◆No one is sorrier than I am about what happened.发生了这样的事,我比谁都难过。2★[not before noun ]feeling sad and ashamed about sth that has been done 歉疚;惭愧;过意不去sorry(about sth) ◆We're very sorry about the damage to your car.损坏了你的车,我们真是过意不去。sorry(for sth/doing sth) ◆He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking.他没打招呼就用了车,他说他为此感到非常抱歉。sorry(that)… ◆She was sorry that she'd lost her temper.她为自己发了脾气而感到愧疚。◆If you say you're sorrywe'll forgive you. 你要是道歉,我们就原谅你。3★[not before noun ]feeling disappointed about sth and wishing you had done sth different or had not done sth 后悔;遗憾;不忍sorry(that)… ◆She was sorry that she'd lost contact with Mary.她懊悔跟玛丽失去了联系。◆You'll be sorry if I catch you!要是让我抓着,你会后悔的!sorryto do sth ◆I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college.大学毕业时,我打心底里舍不得离去。4[only before noun ]very sad or bad, especially making you feel pity or disapproval 悲惨的;破败的;可怜的◆The business is in a sorry state.公司境况真是糟糕。◆They were a sorry sightwhen they eventually got off the boat. 他们最终从船上下来,一副惨兮兮的样子。IDIOMS★be/feel sorry for sbto feel pity or sympathy for sb 怜悯;同情◆He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her.他同情简的遭遇,决定帮助她。feel sorry for yourself( informal,disapproving) to feel unhappy; to pity yourself 感觉不幸;自我怜悯◆Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change.别老觉得自己委屈了,也替别人想一想吧。I'm sorry1★used when you are apologizing for sth (道歉时用)很抱歉,请原谅◆I'm sorry, I forgot.对不起,我忘了。◆Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted?哟,对不起。我是不是拿了你想要的那个?◆I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow.很抱歉。我明天不行。2★used for disagreeing with sb or politely saying ‘no’ (表示不同意或委婉地拒绝)对不起◆I'm sorry, I don't agree.对不起,我不同意。◆I'm sorry, I'd rather you didn't go.恕我直言,我看你还是不去为好。3★used for introducing bad news (引出坏消息)很遗憾◆I'm sorry to have to tell you you've failed.我只能遗憾地告诉你,你不及格。I'm ˈsorry to sayused for saying that sth is disappointing (表示某事令人失望)我遗憾地说◆He didn't accept the job, I'm sorry to say.我很遗憾,他不接受那项工作。☞more at
adj.exclamation★1★used when you are apologizingfor sth (道歉时用)很抱歉,请原谅◆Sorry I'm late!对不起,我来晚了!◆Did I stand on your foot? Sorry!我是不是踩你脚了?抱歉!◆Sorry to bother you, but could I speak to you for a moment?不好意思打搅你,我能不能跟你说几句话?◆Sorry, we don't allow dogs in the house.对不起,我们是不让狗进屋的。◆He didn't even say sorry.他连句道歉的话也没有说。2★( especially BrE) used for asking sb to repeat sth that you have not heard clearly (请某人重复你没听清楚的话)你说什么,请再说一遍◆Sorry? Could you repeat the question?你说什么?能不能把你的问题再说一遍?3★used for correcting yourself when you have said sth wrong (纠正自己说错的话)不对,应该是◆Take the first turning, sorry, the third turning on the right.到第一个,不,到第三个路口往右拐。sorry/ˈsɒri; NAmEˈsɑːri;ˈsɔːri/
1sorry/I’m sorry spokena)used to tell someone that you wish you had not done something that has affected them badly, hurt them etc: I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. ‘Matt, stop doing that!’ ‘Sorry!’ I’m sorry, did I step on your foot?sorry (that) I’m sorry I’m late – the traffic was terrible.sorry about something Sorry about the mess – I’ll clean it up.sorry for (doing) something I’m sorry for making such a fuss.Sorry to bother you, but what was the address again?b)used as a polite way of introducing disappointing information or a piece of bad news: I’m sorry, but all the flights to Athens are fully booked.c)used when you have said something that is not correct, and want to say something that is correct: Turn right – sorry left – at the traffic lights.d)used when you refuse an offer or request: ‘Are you coming to lunch?’ ‘Sorry, no. I’ve got to finish this work.’ ‘I’ll give you $50 for it.’ ‘Sorry, no deal.’e)used when you disagree with someone, or tell someone that they have done something wrong: I’m sorry, but I find that very hard to believe, Miss Brannigan.2ashamed [not before noun] feeling ashamed or unhappy about something bad you have donesorry for something She was genuinely sorry for what she had done.sorry (that) Casey was sorry he’d gotten so angry.say (you are) sorry (=tell someone that you feel bad about hurting them, causing problems etc) It was probably too late to say sorry, but she would try anyway.3sorry? spoken used to ask someone to repeat something that you have not heard properlySYN pardon: Sorry? What was that again? ‘Want a drink?’ ‘Sorry?’ ‘I said, would you like a drink?’4feeling pity be/feel sorry for somebody to feel pity or sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them or because they are in a bad situation: I’ve got no sympathy for him, but I feel sorry for his wife. Tina was sorry for her. She seemed so lonely.feel sorry for yourself (=feel unhappy and pity yourself) It’s no good feeling sorry for yourself. It’s all your own fault.5sad/disappointed [not before noun] feeling sad about a situation, and wishing it were differentsorry (that) Brigid was always sorry she hadn’t kept up her piano lessons.sorry to do something We were sorry to miss your concert. I won’t be sorry to leave this place.sorry to hear/see/learn I was sorry to hear about your accident.sorry about I’m so sorry about your father (=sorry something bad has happened to him).6you’ll be sorry spoken used to tell someone that they will soon wish they had not done something, especially because someone will be angry or punish them: You’ll be sorry when your dad hears about this.7I’m sorry to say (that) spoken used to say that you are disappointed that something has happened: I wrote several times but they never replied, I’m sorry to say.8very bad [only before noun] very bad, especially in a way that makes you feel pity or disapproval: the sorry state of the environment It’s a sorry state of affairs when an old lady has to wait 12 hours to see a doctor. the sorry sight of so many dead animals This whole sorry episode (=bad thing that happened) shows just how incompetent the government has become. → better safe than sorry
at safe1(10)
GRAMMAR: Patterns with sorry• You are sorry about something bad that has happened: · I’m sorry about what I said.· I’m sorry about your car (=sorry that your car has been damaged).• You are sorry for the delay, the inconvenience, or the trouble: · The next train will arrive in 12 minutes. We are sorry for the delay.• You are sorry for doing something bad: · I’m sorry for upsetting you.• You are sorry that you did something or sorry that something happened: · I’m sorry that I can’t come. ‘That’ can be omitted: · I’m sorry you didn’t get the job.✗Don’t say: I’m sorry for I can’t come.• If you are sorry to do something, it makes you sad to do it: · I’ll be sorry to leave this place.✗Don’t say: I’ll be sorry for leaving this place.
级别:sorrier, sorriest
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