
Practice Good People Put Work Phrase 短语 Ideas

word practice
content 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
practice ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]通常做法;常规;惯例 You can refer to something that people do regularly as a practice .
  • Some firms have cut workers' pay below the level set in their contract, a practice that is illegal in Germany...


  • Gordon Brown has demanded a public inquiry into bank practices.


[N-VAR 可变名词]练习;训练 Practice means doing something regularly in order to be able to do it better. A practice is one of these periods of doing something.
  [usu supp N]
  • She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day...


  • ...the hard practice necessary to develop from a learner to an accomplished musician...


  • The defending world racing champion recorded the fastest time in a final practice today.


[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](医生或律师的)业务活动,工作;宗教活动 The work done by doctors and lawyers is referred to as the practice of medicine and law. People's religious activities are referred to as the practice of a religion.
  [with supp]
  • ...the practice of internal medicine...


  • I eventually realized I had to change my attitude toward medical practice.


  • ...a law guaranteeing the people freedom of conscience and religious practice.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]诊所;律师事务所 A doctor's or lawyer's practice is his or her business, often shared with other doctors or lawyers.
  • The new doctor's practice was miles away from where I lived...


  • My law practice isn't the most important thing in my life, you know.


See also:
    Usage Note :

    Take care not to confuse practice and practise.


    [PHRASE 短语]事实上;实际上 What happens in practice is what actually happens, in contrast to what is supposed to happen.
      [PHR with cl]
    • ...the difference between foreign policy as presented to the public and foreign policy in actual practice...


    • In practice, workers do not work to satisfy their needs.


    [PHRASE 短语]惯例;常规;一般做法 If something such as a procedure is normal practice or standard practice, it is the usual thing that is done in a particular situation.
      [v-link PHR]
    • It is normal practice not to reveal details of a patient's condition...


    • The transcript is full of codewords, which is standard practice in any army.


    [PHRASE 短语]疏于练习;荒疏;荒废 If you are out of practice at doing something, you have not had much experience of it recently, although you used to do it a lot or be quite good at it.
      [v-link PHR]
    • 'How's your German?' — 'Not bad, but I'm out of practice.'


    [PHRASE 短语]熟能生巧 If you say 'practice makes perfect ', you mean that it is possible to learn something or develop a skill if you practise enough. People often say this to encourage someone to keep practising.
      [PHRASE 短语]实施;实行;实践 If you put a belief or method into practice, you behave or act in accordance with it.
        [V inflects]
      • Now that he is back, the prime minister has another chance to put his new ideas into practice...


      • We weren't allowed to put into practice in our daily lives the teachings we received.


      Oxford prac·tice / ˈpræktɪs ; NAmE ˈpræktɪs /
      practice practices practiced practicing
      noun action not ideas 实践 1 [uncountable ] action rather than ideas 实践;实际行动 the theory and practiceof teaching 教学的理论与实践 She's determined to puther new ideas into practice. 她决心要把自己的新想法付诸实践。 way of doing sth 做法 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] a way of doing sth that is the usual or expected way in a particular organization or situation 通常的做法;惯例;常规 common/current/standard practice 一般╱现行╱常规做法 guidelines for good practice 优良做法的指导原则 a review of pay and working practices 对薪金和工作制度的检讨 religious practices 宗教习俗 see also
      best practice
      code of practice
      restrictive practices
      , sharp practice at sharp adj.  (11 )
      habit/custom 习惯;风俗 3 [countable ] a thing that is done regularly; a habit or a custom 惯常做的事;习惯;习俗 the German practice of giving workers a say in how their company is run 德国人在公司经营上给予工人发言权的做法 It is his practice to read several books a week. 他习惯于每周读几本书。 for improving skill 提高技巧 4 [uncountable ,  countable ] doing an activity or training regularly so that you can improve your skill; the time you spend doing this 训练;练习(时间) conversation practice 会话练习 It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. 拉好小提琴需要多加练习。 There's a basketball practice every Friday evening. 每星期五晚上有篮球训练。 She does an hour's piano practice every day. 她每天练一小时钢琴。 see also teaching practice of doctor/lawyer 医生;律师 5 [uncountable ,  countable ] the work or the business of some professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers; the place where they work (医生、律师的)工作,业务活动,工作地点 the practice of medicine 行医 Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice. 学生应有兽医工作的经验。 My solicitor is no longer in practice. 我的律师已不再执业了。 a successful medical/dental/law practice 成功的诊所╱牙医诊所╱律师事务所 see also
      general practice
      group practice
      private practice
      IDIOMS in ˈpractice in reality 实际上;事实上 Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected. 囚犯虽有合法的权利,但实际上这些权利常未受到尊重。 be/get/ˌout of ˈpractice to be/become less good at doing sth than you were because you have not spent time doing it recently 生疏;荒疏;疏于练习 Don't ask me to speak French! I'm out of practice. 可别让我讲法语!我已经生疏了。 ˌpractice makes ˈperfect ( saying) a way of encouraging people by telling them that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve your skill, you will become very good at it 熟能生巧
      verb ( especially US) =
      to practice the piano every day 每天练习弹钢琴 The team is practicing for their big game on Friday. 球队正在训练,备战星期五的重大比赛。 They practiced the dance until it was perfect. 他们反复练舞,直到尽善尽美为止。 She's practicing medicine in Philadelphia. 她在费城行医。
      prac·tice / ˈpræktɪs ; NAmE ˈpræktɪs /
      practiceprac‧tice /ˈpræktɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun
      Entry menu
      Word family
      1a skill [countable, uncountable] when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it:  It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar. With a little more practice you should be able to pass your test. We have choir practice on Tuesday evening.in practice for something Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.football/rugby/basketball etc practice John’s at baseball practice.In British English, the verb is always spelled practise (see separate entry). In American English, both noun and verb are spelled practice.2in practice used when saying what really happens rather than what should happen or what people think happens:  In practice women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but in practice it usually takes more like an hour.3something done often [countable, uncountable] something that people do often, especially a particular way of doing something or a social or religious custom:  religious beliefs and practices dangerous working practicesthe practice of doing something the practice of dumping waste into the sea see thesaurus at
      4doctor/lawyer [countable] the work of a doctor or lawyer, or the place where they workmedical/legal practice Mary Beth had a busy legal practice in Los Angeles.
      general practice
      , private practice
      5be common/standard/normal practice to be the usual and accepted way of doing something:  It’s common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low. It’s standard practice to seek parents’ permission wherever possible.6good/best/bad practice an example of a good or bad way of doing something, especially in a particular job:  It’s not considered good practice to reveal clients’ names.7put something into practice if you put an idea, plan etc into practice, you start to use it and see if it is effective:  It gave him the chance to put his ideas into practice.8be out of practice to have not done something for a long time, so that you are not able to do it well9practice makes perfect used to say that if you do an activity regularly, you will become very good at itCOLLOCATIONSverbsdo practice· Have you done your piano practice?take practice American English (=do practice)· If he’d done badly, he’d go out and take extra batting practice.have some/more etc practice (=do practice)· I’m not a very good dancer. I haven’t had enough practice.get some practice· You must get as much practice as possible before the competition.need practice· She needs more practice.something takes practice (=you can only learn to do it well by practising)· Writing well takes practice.NOUN + practicefootball/basketball etc practice· Dale was at football practice.piano/cello etc practice· I’ve got to do my cello practice.batting/catching etc practice· We'd better do a bit of batting practice before the game.choir practice· There's choir practice on Tuesday evening.band practice· Have you got band practice tonight?target practice (=practice shooting at something)· The area is used by the army for target practice.teaching practice· You have to do three months of teaching practice before you qualify.


      [ˈpræktɪs]practiced, practicing, practices



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