
Share People Shared Sth N   [V I Part

word share
content 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
share ★★★★★
[N-COUNT 可数名词]股份;股票 A company's shares are the many equal parts into which its ownership is divided. Shares can be bought by people as an investment.
  [oft N in n]
  • This is why Sir Colin Marshall, British Airways' chairman, has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR...


  • For some months the share price remained fairly static.


[V-RECIP 相互动词]共享;共有;合用 If you share something with another person, you both have it, use it, or occupy it. You can also say that two people share something.
  [V n with n]
  [pl-n V n]
  [be V-ed between pl-n]
  • ...the small income he had shared with his brother from his father's estate...


  • Two Americans will share this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine...


  • Scarce water resources are shared between states who cannot trust each other...


  • Most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.


[V-RECIP 相互动词]共同承担,分担,分摊(任务、责任等) If you share a task, duty, or responsibility with someone, you each carry out or accept part of it. You can also say that two people share something.
  [V n with n]
  [pl-n V n]
  • You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you...


  • The republics have worked out a plan for sharing control of nuclear weapons.


[V-RECIP 相互动词]分享,共同拥有(同样的经历) If you share an experience with someone, you have the same experience, often because you are with them at the time. You can also say that two people share something.
  [V n with n]
  [pl-n V n]
  • Yes, I want to share my life with you...


  • I felt we both shared the same sense of loss, felt the same pain.


[VERB 动词]同意;和…观点一致;赞同 If you share someone's opinion, you agree with them.
  [V n]
  [no cont]
  • We share his view that business can be a positive force for change...


  • Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.


[V-RECIP 相互动词]共同具有(某种品质和特点);和…有共同之处 If one person or thing shares a quality or characteristic with another, they have the same quality or characteristic. You can also say that two people or things share something.
  [V n with n]
  [pl-n V n]
  [no cont]
  • ...newspapers which share similar characteristics with certain British newspapers.


  • ...two groups who share a common language.


[VERB 动词]与…分享;与…共享 If you share something that you have with someone, you give some of it to them or let them use it.
  [V n with n]
  [V n among pl-n]
  [V n]
  [Also V]
  • The village tribe is friendly and they share their water supply with you...


  • Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do not share information among themselves...


  • Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.


[VERB 动词]向…诉说,与…分享(想法、消息等) If you share something personal such as a thought or a piece of news with someone, you tell them about it.
  [V n with n]
  [V n]
  • It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust...


  • Film critic Bob Mondello shares his thoughts on the movie 'City of Hope'.


[N-COUNT 可数名词](应得或应承担的)一份 If something is divided or distributed among a number of different people or things, each of them has, or is responsible for, a share of it.
  [usu sing]
  • Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills...


  • He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government of Macedonia.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]应得的一份;应做的一份 If you have or do your share of something, you have or do an amount that seems reasonable to you, or to other people.
  [usu sing with poss]
  • Women must receive their fair share of training for good-paying jobs...


  • I have had more than my full share of adventures.


See also:
lion's share
market share
    share in
    share out

    Oxford share / ʃeə(r) ; NAmE ʃer /
    share shares shared sharing
    verb use at the same time 同时使用 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] share(sth) (with sb) to have or use sth at the same time as sb else 共有;合用 Sue shares a house with three other students. 苏和另外三个学生合住一所房子。 There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing? 没有空桌子了。你愿不愿意和别人合坐? spanide between people 分给若干人 2 [transitive ] sharesth (out) (among/between sb) to spanide sth between two or more people 分配;分摊 We shared the pizza between the four of us. 我们四个人把那份比萨饼分着吃了。 see also
    give some of yours 把自己的分出一部份 3 [transitive ,  intransitive ] share(sth) (with sb) to give some of what you have to sb else; to let sb use sth that is yours 分享;共享 Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids. 伊莱把他的巧克力和其他孩子一起分着吃了。 The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas. 研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。 John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing. 约翰没有兄弟姐妹,所以不习惯和他人分享东西。 feelings/ideas/problems 感情;想法;问题 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to have the same feelings, ideas, experiences, etc. as sb else 有同样的感情(或想法、经历等) sharesth They shared a common interest in botany. 他们都对植物学感兴趣。 a view that is widely shared 一种得到广泛认同的观点 shared values 共同的价值观 sharesth with sb People often share their political views with their parents. 人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致。 sharein sth I didn't really share in her love of animals. 我并不像她那样喜欢动物。 5 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to tell other people about your ideas, experiences and feelings 把自己的想法(或经历、感情)告诉别人 sharesth Men often don't like to share their problems. 男人往往不喜欢把自己的问题告诉他人。 The two friends shared everything—they had no secrets. 这一对朋友无话不谈,彼此之间毫无秘密。 share(sth with sb) Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 你愿意把你的经验与组里其他人分享吗? The group listens while one person shares (= tells other people about their experiences, feelings, etc.). 一个人在谈自己的情况时,小组的其他成员在旁聆听。 blame/responsibility 责任 6 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to be equally involved in sth or responsible for sth 共同承担;分担 sharein sth I try to get the kids to share in the housework. 我努力让孩子们分担家务活儿。 sharesth (with sb) Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. 事故责任由两个驾车人共同承担。 IDIOM share and share aˈlike ( saying) used to say that everyone should share things equally and in a fair way 平均分享;平均分担 more at
    noun part/amount of sth 一部份;一定的量 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] share(of/in sth) one part of sth that is spanided between two or more people (在若干人之间分得的)一份 How much was your share of the winnings? 在赢的钱里你那份有多少? Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market. 明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额。 ( BrE) I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). 我想找一套合租公寓。 see also
    market share
    2 [singular ] the part that sb has in a particular activity that involves several people (在多人参加的活动中所占的)一份 We all did our share. 我们都尽力了。 shareof sth Everyone must accept their share of the blame. 每个人都必须承担自己那份责任。 3 [singular ] share(of sth) an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person 正常的一份;可接受的一份 I've had my share of luck in the past. 以前,命运也不算亏待我。 I've done my share of worrying for one day! 就这一天而论,我操够了心!
    in business 企业 4 [countable ] share(in sth) any of the units of equal value into which a company is spanided and sold to raise money. People who own sharesreceive part of the company's profits. 股份 shares in British Telecom 英国电信公司的股份 a fall in share prices 股票价格的跌落 compare
    n.  (4 )
    see also
    ordinary share
    farm equipment 农具 5 [countable ] ( NAmE) =
    share / ʃeə(r) ; NAmE ʃer /
    share1 verb
    share2 noun
    shareshare1 /ʃeə $ ʃer/ ●●● S1 W1 verb
    Entry menu
    Verb Table
    1use together [intransitive, transitive] to have or use something with other people:  We don’t have enough books, so you’ll have to share. The three of us shared a taxi.share something with somebody I have an office that I share with some other teachers.2let somebody use something [transitive] to let someone have or use something that belongs to you:  As a kid, he’d never share his toys.share something with somebody Will you share your fries with me?3divide [transitive] (also share out) to divide something between two or more peopleshare something between/among somebody They shared the cake between them. On his death, his property was shared out between his children. see thesaurus at
    4responsibility/blame [transitive] to have equal responsibility for doing something, paying for something etc:  We share the responsibility for the children. I own the house, but we share the bills. We all share some of the blame for the accident.5same [transitive] to have the same opinion, quality, or experience as someone elseshare somebody’s view/concern/belief etc Other parents share her belief in the importance of reading. I believe my view is widely shared.share something with somebody Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.6tell somebody something [intransitive, transitive] to tell other people about an idea, secret, problem etc:  Students were able to share their experiences.share something with somebody Would you like to share your feelings with the group?7share your life with somebody if you share your life with someone, you spend your life together with them as their husband, wife etc:  I’m not ready to share my life with anyone.8share and share alike spoken used to say that you should share things fairly and equally between everyoneCOLLOCATIONS– Meaning 5nounsshare a belief/opinion· It was clear that the police did not share her opinion.share a view· He shared my view of what had been going on.share a feeling· I know that many people do not share my feelings.share somebody’s values (=have the same ideas about what is right and wrong)· The only way to change things is to elect politicians who share our values.share somebody’s concern/enthusiasm etc (=feel the same concern, enthusiasm etc as someone else)· I share the concern of parents about the content of some of these computer games.adverbsbe widely shared (=shared by a lot of people)· This view is now widely shared.share in something phrasal verb if you share in someone’s success, happiness etc, you have it or enjoy it with them:  His daughters did not share in his happiness.
    share1 verb
    share2 noun
    shareshare2 ●●● S1 W1 noun
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1in a company [countable] one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is dividedshare in We’ve got shares in Allied Chemicals.
    2part of something [singular] the part of something that you own or are responsible forshare of/in I gave them my share of the bill and left. a share in the profits I do my share (=do my part) of the housework.3your (fair) share a)if you have had your share of something, for example problems, success, or adventure, a lot of it has happened to you:  You’ve sure had your share of problems, haven’t you? He’d had more than his fair share of adventure. b)your share of something is the amount that you deserve to have:  Don’t worry – you’ll get your fair share.4share in something your part in an activity, event etc:  Employees are always given a share in decision-making.5house/flat share British English when people live together in the same house or flat and pay the rent togethersharing noun [uncountable] the lion’s share
    at lion(2)
    , → timeshare
    COLLOCATIONSverbshave/hold/own shares· A lot of the employees own shares in the company.buy/invest in shares· I bought some shares in British Gas five years ago.sell shares· This isn’t a good time to sell shares.trade in/deal in shares (=buy and sell shares as a business)· They make their money by trading in stocks and shares.shares rise/go up (=their value increases)· The company’s shares rose 5.5p to 103p.shares fall/go down (=their value decreases)· Shares fell sharply on the London Stock Market yesterday.share + NOUNshare price· The company’s share price has continued to go down.share ownership· The government tried to encourage wider share ownership.share dealing (=buying and selling shares as a business)· He was convicted of illegal share dealing.


    [ʃeə(r)]shared, sharing, shares



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