
Sit Sat Sitting Sth Position Chair   [V Verb

word sit
content jEPoK/1xFvkT+4I2iOf8EVM2afuFADS73q8taKOvw4FellARfnzfVBxnUMqCnaUFFUghheXFI5Fs6ONu0Xiw7mx3MAMw5DTuxTaKNJST8HOsNnY5J2RellAVSee/ngfkeZpH7eaLKOj85C+DrzqgufN0ZFBlFFz8nWFS2s/4uk3iebmvZ7aZrACNFH1drEUO
sit ★★★★★
[VERB 动词] If you are sitting somewhere, for example in a chair, your bottom is resting on the chair and the upper part of your body is upright.
  [V prep/adv]
  [V adj]
  [Also V]
  • Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen...


  • They sat there in shock and disbelief...


  • They had been sitting watching television...


  • He was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.


[VERB 动词]就座;坐下 When you sit somewhere, you lower your body until you are sitting on something.
  [V prep/adv]
  [V P]
  [V P prep/adv]
  • He set the cases against a wall and sat on them...


  • Eva pulled over a chair and sat beside her husband...


  • When you stand, they stand; when you sit, they sit.


  • Sit down means the same as sit .sit down 同 sit
    • I sat down, stunned...


    • Hughes beckoned him to sit down on the sofa.


[VERB 动词]使坐下;使就座 If you sit someone somewhere, you tell them to sit there or put them in a sitting position.
  [V n prep/adv]
  [V n P prep/adv]
  [V n P]
  [Also V P n (not pron)]
  • He used to sit me on his lap...


  • He'll sit you in front of his computer and give you a glimpse of the problem.


  • To sit someone down somewhere means to sit them there.使坐下;使就座
    • She helped him out of the water and sat him down on the rock...


    • They sat me down and had a serious discussion about sex.


[VERB 动词]坐着让人画像(或照相) If you sit for an artist or photographer, you place yourself in a sitting position so you can be painted or photographed.
  [V for n]
  • A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch.

    为了让画家给自己画像,一个人很有可能连续坐上 8 个钟头。

[VERB 动词]参加(考试) If you sit an examination, you do it.
  [V n]
  [BRIT 英]
  • June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams.

    6 月和 7 月是传统的考试月份。

in AM, use 美国英语用 take
→see usage note at:
    [VERB 动词]作为…的成员 If you sit on a committee or other official group, you are a member of it.
      [V on/in n]
      [no cont]
    • He was asked to sit on numerous committees...


    • I know of no professional person who has ever sat on a jury...


    • The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament.

      这个党派有 3 名议员会继续在议会任职。

    [VERB 动词](议会)开会;(法院)开庭 When a parliament, legislature, court, or other official body sits, it officially carries out its work.
      [FORMAL 正式]
    • Parliament sits for only 28 weeks out of 52...

      在一年 52 周当中只有 28 周是议会开会的时间。

    • The court would sit all night.


    [VERB 动词]位于;坐落在 If a building or object sits in a particular place, it is in that place.
      [V prep/adv]
      [WRITTEN 笔语]
    • Our new house sat next to a stream...


    • On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles.


    [VERB 动词]代人临时照看小孩;当临时保姆 To sit for someone means the same as to babysit for them.
      [V for n]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday.


    See also:
      [PHRASE 短语]呆在原处不动;不轻举妄动 If you sit tight, you remain in the same place or situation and do not take any action, usually because you are waiting for something to happen. to sit on the fence→see:
        [V inflects]
      • Sit tight. I'll be right back...


      • Life would continue to be hard but if they sat tight and trusted him things would get better.


      sit around
      sit back
      sit by
      sit down
      sit in on
      sit on
      sit out
      sit through
      sit up

      Oxford sit / sɪt ; NAmE sɪt / verb ( sit·ting , sat , sat / sæt ; NAmE sæt / ) on chair, etc. 在椅子等上面 1 [intransitive ] to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical, for example on/in a chair She sat and stared at the letter in front of her. 她坐在那儿,凝视着面前的那封信。 + adv./prep. May I sit here? 我可以坐在这儿吗? Just sit still! 坐着别动! He went and sat beside her. 他走过去坐在她身边。 She was sitting at her desk. 她坐在书桌前。 sitdoing sth We sat talking for hours. 我们坐着谈了好几个小时。 see also
      sit down
      2 [transitive ] sitsb + adv./prep. to put sb in a sitting position 使坐;使就座 He lifted the child and sat her on the wall. 他抱起孩子,让她坐在墙头上。
      of things 事物 3 [intransitive ] to be in a particular place 处在;坐落在;被放在 + adv./prep. A large bus was sitting outside. 外面停着一辆大巴士。 The pot was sitting in a pool of water. 罐子已放在水里。 The jacket sat beautifully on her shoulders (= fitted well). 那件夹克穿在她身上很合身。 + adj. The box sat unopened on the shelf. 盒子搁在架子上,没有打开。 have official position 担任职务 4 [intransitive ] to have an official position as sth or as a member of sth (在…中)任职;任(…的)代表;担任 sitas sth He was sitting as a temporary judge. 由他担任临时法官。 They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons. 他们两人都曾是下议院议员。 sitin/on sth She sat on a number of committees. 她在几个委员会里任职。 sitfor sth For years he sat for Henley (= was the MP for that constituency). 他多年担任代表亨利选区的议会议员。 of parliament, etc. 议会等 5 [intransitive ] (of a parliament, committee, court of law, etc. 议会、委员会、法庭等 ) to meet in order to do official business 开会;开庭 Parliament sits for less than six months of the year. 议会一年的开会时间不足六个月。 exam 考试 6 [transitive ,  intransitive ] ( rather formal) to do an exam 参加考试;应试 ( BrE) sitsth Candidates will sit the examinations in June. 考生将在六月参加考试。 Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs. 大多数学生至少参加 5 门普通中等教育证书考试。 ( especially NAmE) sitfor sth He was about to sit for his entrance exam. 当时他正要参加入学考试。 of bird 7 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to rest on a branch, etc. or to stay on a nest to keep the eggs warm 停落;栖;孵(卵) of dog 8 [intransitive ] to sit on its bottom with its front legs straight 蹲;坐 Rover! Sit! 罗弗!蹲下! take care of children 照看小孩 9 [intransitive ] sit(for sb) =
      Who's sitting for you? 谁给你看着孩子呢? see also
      IDIOMS be ˌsitting ˈpretty ( informal) to be in a good situation, especially when others are not (尤指在他人处境不好时)处境好 sit at sb's ˈfeet to admire sb very much, especially a teacher or sb from whom you try to learn 崇拜;拜倒在某人脚下 sit comfortably, easily, well, etc. (with sth) to seem right, natural, suitable, etc. in a particular place or situation (在某位置或某场合)显得合适,显得自然,如鱼得水 His views did not sit comfortably with the management line. 他的意见和管理部门的方针不大吻合。 sit in ˈjudgement (on/over/upon sb) to decide whether sb's behaviour is right or wrong, especially when you have no right to do this 褒贬(某人);(对某人)妄加评判 How dare you sit in judgement on me? 你怎么敢对我妄加评论? sit on the ˈfence to avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing sth 骑墙;持观望态度 He tends to sit on the fence at meetings. 开会时他往往持观望态度。 ˌsit ˈtight 1 to stay where you are rather than moving away or changing position 待着不动;守在原地 We sat tight and waited to be rescued. 我们守在原地,等待救援。 2 to stay in the same situation, without changing your mind or taking any action 静观事态变化;不轻举妄动 Shareholders are being advised to sit tight until the crisis passes. 股东们得到的忠告是,静待危机过去。 more at
      PHRASAL VERBS ˌsit aˈbout/aˈround ( often disapproving) to spend time doing nothing very useful 无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐 I'm far too busy to sit around here. 我忙得不可开交,没空在这儿闲坐。 sitdoing sth He just sits around watching TV. 他只会闲坐着看电视。 ˌsit ˈback 1 to sit on sth, usually a chair, in a relaxed position 舒舒服服地坐好 He sat back in his chair and started to read. 他安稳地坐在椅子上,读起书来。 2 to relax, especially by not getting too involved in or anxious about sth 袖手旁观(尤指不积极参与或不挂念某事) She's not the kind of person who can sit back and let others do all the work. 她不是那种自己歇着,什么活儿都让别人干的人。 ˌsit ˈby to take no action to stop sth bad or wrong from happening 坐视不管;无动于衷 We cannot just sit by and watch this tragedy happen. 我们不能坐视这样的悲剧发生。 ˌsit ˈdown | ˌsit yourself ˈdown to move from a standing position to a sitting position 坐下;就座 Please sit down. 请坐。 He sat down on the bed. 他在床边坐下。 They sat down to consider the problem. 他们坐下来考虑这一问题。 Come in and sit yourselves down. 都进来坐下。 ˌsit ˈdown and do sth to give sth time and attention in order to try to solve a problem or achieve sth 坐下来认真做某事 This is something that we should sit down and discuss as a team. 这件事我们应当坐下来一起认真讨论一下。 ˈsit for sb/sth [no passive ] to be a model for an artist or a photographer 为…做模特 to sit for your portrait 摆好姿势让画家画肖像 She sat for Augustus John. 她为奥古斯塔斯 · 约翰当过模特。 ˌsit ˈin for sb to do sb's job or perform their duties while they are away, sick, etc. 顶班;代某人履行职责 SYN
      stand in for
      ˌsit ˈin on sth to attend a meeting, class, etc. in order to listen to or learn from it rather than to take an active part 列席(会议);旁听(课) ˈsit on sth ( informal) to have received a letter, report, etc. from sb and then not replied or taken any action concerning it 拖延;积压;搁置 They have been sitting on my application for a month now. 他们压着我的申请不办有一个月了。 ˌsit sth↔ˈout 1 to stay in a place and wait for sth unpleasant or boring to finish 耐心等到结束;熬到结束 We sat out the storm in a cafe. 我们坐在一家咖啡馆里,一直等到暴风雨过去。 2 to not take part in a dance, game or other activity 坐在一旁(不参加跳舞、游戏等活动) ˈsit through sth to stay until the end of a performance, speech, meeting, etc. that you think is boring or too long 坐到(表演、演讲、会议等)结束 We had to sit through nearly two hours of speeches. 我们不得不耐着性子听完将近两个小时的讲话。 ˌsit ˈup 1 to be or move yourself into a sitting position, rather than lying down or leaning back 坐起来;坐直 Sit up straight—don't slouch. 坐直了,别无精打采的。 2 to not go to bed until later than usual 熬夜;迟睡 We sat up half the night, talking. 我们谈到了半夜才睡。 ˌsit ˈup (and do sth) ( informal) to start to pay careful attention to what is happening, being said, etc. 关注起来;警觉起来 The proposal had made his clients sit up and take notice. 这项建议引起了他的主顾们的关注。 ˌsit sb ˈup to move sb into a sitting position after they have been lying down 使坐起来
      SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 sit sit down be seated take a seat perch These words all mean to rest your weight on your bottom with your back upright, for example on a chair. 以上各词均含坐下之意。 sit to rest your weight on your bottom with your back upright, for example on a chair 指坐: May I sit here? 我可以坐在这儿吗? Sit still, will you! 坐着别动! NOTE Sitis usually used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where or how sb sits, but sometimes another phrase or clause is used to show what sb does while they are sitting. *sit 通常与副词或介词短语连用,表示坐的地方或方式,但有时也与另一短语或从句连用,表明坐着时在做某事: We sat talking for hours. 我们坐着谈了好几个小时。 sit down/ sit yourself down to move from a standing position to a sitting position 指坐下、就座: Please sit down. 请坐。 Come in and sit yourselves down. 都进来坐下。 be seated ( formal) to be sitting 指坐着: She was seated at the head of the table. 她坐在桌子的上座。 NOTE Be seatedis often used as a formal way of inviting sb to sit down. *be seated 常为请人就座的正式表达方式: Please be seated. 请就座。 take a seat to sit down 指坐下、就座 NOTE Take a seatis used especially as a polite way of inviting sb to sit down. *take a seat 尤作请人就座的礼貌用语: Please take a seat. 请坐。 perch ( rather informal) to sit on sth, especially on the edge of sth 指坐在…上,尤指坐在…边沿: She perched herself on the edge of the bed. 她坐在床沿上。 NOTE Perchis always used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where sb is perching. *perch 总是与副词或介词短语连用表示坐的地方。 PATTERNS to sit/sit down/be seated/take a seat/perch onsth to sit/sit down/be seated/take a seat insth GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 sit You can use on, inand atwith sit.You sit ona chair, a step, the edge of the table, etc. You sit inan armchair. If you are sitting ata table, desk, etc. you are sitting in a chair close to it, usually so that you can eat a meal, do some work, etc. *sit 可与 on、in 和 at 连用:坐在椅子上、台阶上、桌子边上等用 sit on ;坐在扶手椅上用 sit in ;坐在桌子、书桌等旁吃饭、工作等用 sit at。 sit sits sat sitting
      sit / sɪt ; NAmE sɪt / sat / sæt ; NAmE sæt /
      sitsit /sɪt/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle sat /sæt/, present participle sitting)
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      Verb Table
      1in a chair etc a) (also be sitting down) [intransitive] to be on a chair or seat, or on the ground, with the top half of your body upright and your weight resting on your buttockssit on/in/by etc I sat on the shore and looked at the sea. She was sitting in a chair by the fire. She’s the girl who sits next to me at school. In the driving seat sat a man of average height.sit at a desk/table etc (=sit facing it) Jean sat at the table writing a letter.sit doing something They sat sipping their drinks. We used to sit and listen to her for hours. b) (also sit down) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to get into a sitting position somewhere after you have been standing up:  He came over and sat beside her. Sam sat opposite her and accepted a cigarette. c) (also sit somebody down) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make someone sit, or help them to sitsit somebody on/in etc something I gently led her to the chair and sat her on it.2objects/buildings etc [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to be in a particular position or conditionsit on/in etc a little church sitting on a hillside The parliament building sits in a large square. He’s got a computer sitting on his desk, but he doesn’t use it. My climbing boots were sitting unused in a cupboard. The house has sat empty for two years.3do nothing [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to stay in one place for a long time, especially sitting down, doing nothing useful or helpful:  I spent half the morning sitting in a traffic jam. Well, I can’t sit here chatting all day. Are you just going to sit there complaining?4committee/parliament etc [intransitive] to be a member of a committee, parliament, or other official groupsit in/on They both sat on the management committee. He was the first journalist to sit in parliament.5meeting [intransitive] to have a meeting in order to carry out official business:  The council only sits once a month. The court will sit until all the evidence has been heard.6animal/bird [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] a)to be in, or get into, a resting position, with the tail end of the body resting on a surface:  The cat likes to sit on the wall outside the kitchen. b) Sit! used to tell a dog to sit with the tail end of its body resting on the ground or floor c)if a bird sits on its eggs, it covers them with its body to make the eggs hatch7look after [intransitive + for] to look after a baby or child while its parents are out SYN  babysit8sit tight spoken a)to stay where you are and not move:  Just sit tight – I’ll be there in five minutes. b)to stay in the same situation, and not change your mind and do anything new:  We’re advising all our investors to sit tight till the market improves.9be sitting pretty to be in a very good or favourable position:  We’ve paid off the mortgage, so we’re sitting pretty now.10sit in judgment (on/over somebody) to give your opinion about whether someone has done something wrong, especially when you have no right to do this:  How can you sit in judgment on somebody you hardly know?11not sit well/easily/comfortably (with somebody) if a situation, plan etc does not sit well with someone, they do not like it:  He had never before been accused of stealing, and it did not sit well with him.12sit on the fence to avoid saying which side of an argument you support or what your opinion is about a particular subject:  The weakness of the book is that it sits on the fence on important issues.13sit on your hands to delay taking action when you should do something:  Workers are losing their jobs while the government sits on its hands and does nothing.14exams [intransitive, transitive] British English to take an examination:  Tracy’s sitting her GCSEs this year.sit for They were preparing children to sit for the entry examination.15picture/photo [intransitive] to sit somewhere so that you can be painted or photographedsit for She sat for (=was painted by) Holman Hunt and Millais.COLLOCATIONSadverbssit still (=without moving)· Young children find it almost impossible to sit still.sit quietly (=without talking)· Mac sat quietly in the back of the car.be sitting comfortably· She was sitting comfortably on the sofa.sit up straight/sit upright (=with your back straight)· Sit up straight at the table, Maddie.sit bolt upright (=suddenly sit up very straight, for example because you hear something)· Suddenly she sat bolt upright and said, ‘What was that?’sit cross-legged (=with your legs bent and crossed over in front of you)· She sat cross-legged on the grass.THESAURUSsit to be resting your weight on your bottom somewhere, or to move into this position: · He was sitting in front of the fire.· She sat on the bed and kicked off her shoes.· Who is the man sitting next to Karen?sit down to sit on a chair, bed, floor etc after you have been standing: · I sat down on the sofa.· Come in and sit down.be seated formal to be sitting in a particular chair or place: · John was seated on my left.· There was a man seated behind the desk.take a seat to sit – used especially when asking someone to sit down: · Please take a seat – she will be with you in a minute.· Would the audience please take their seats – the show will begin in five minutes.sink into something to sit in a comfortable chair and let yourself fall back into it: · We switched on the TV and sank into our armchairs.lounge to sit in a very comfortable relaxed way: · They lounged around all day by the pool.perch to sit on the edge of something: · He perched on the arm of the sofa.· My sister was perched (=was sitting) on a high stool.be slumped to be sitting while leaning against something, especially because you are injured, drunk, or asleep: · They found him slumped against the steering wheel.squat to sit with your knees bent under you, your bottom just off the ground, balancing on your feet: · A little boy was squatting at the edge of the pool.sit around (also sit about British English) phrasal verb to spend a lot of time sitting and doing nothing very useful:  We sat around for a bit, chatting.sit back phrasal verb1to get into a comfortable position, for example in a chair, and relax:  Sit back and relax – I’ll open a bottle of wine.2to relax and make no effort to get involved in something or influence what happens:  Don’t just sit back and wait for new business to come to you.sit by phrasal verb to allow something wrong or illegal to happen without doing anything about it:  I’m not going to sit by and watch a man go to prison for something I’ve done.sit down phrasal verb1to be in a sitting position or get into a sitting position:  It was good to be sitting down eating dinner with my family. Sit down, Amy – you look tired.sit yourself down Sit yourself down and have a drink.2sit somebody down to make someone sit down or help them to sit downsit down in/on I helped her into the room and sat her down in an armchair.3sit down and do something to try to solve a problem or deal with something that needs to be done, by giving it all your attention:  The three of us need to sit down and have a talk. Sit down and work out just what you spend.sit in phrasal verb to be present at a meeting but not take an active part in itsit in on Would you like to sit in on some of my interviews?sit in for somebody phrasal verb to do a job, go to a meeting etc instead of the person who usually does it:  This is Alan James sitting in for Suzy Williams on the mid-morning show.sit on something phrasal verb informal to delay dealing with something:  I sent my application about six weeks ago and they’ve just been sitting on it.sit something ↔ out phrasal verb1to stay where you are and do nothing until something finishes, especially something boring or unpleasant:  She had two weeks to sit it out while she waited to hear if she had got the job. She was prepared to sit out the years of Jack’s jail sentence.2to not take part in something, especially a game or dance, when you usually take part:  Johnson sat out the game with a shoulder injury.sit through something phrasal verb to attend a meeting, performance etc, and stay until the end, even if it is very long and boring:  I wasn’t the least bit interested in all the speeches I had to sit through.sit up phrasal verb1to be in a sitting position or get into a sitting position after you have been lying down:  He was sitting up in bed, reading his book. She sat up and reached for her glass.2 sit somebody up to help someone to sit after they have been lying downsit up in/on etc I’ll sit you up on the pillows and you’ll be nice and comfortable.3to sit in a chair with your back straight:  Just sit up straight and stop slouching.4to stay up very late:  Sometimes we just sit up and watch videos all night.5sit up (and take notice) to suddenly start paying attention to someone, because they have done something surprising or impressive:  If Maria succeeded, then everyone would sit up and take notice.


      [sɪt]sat, sitting, sits



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