
Sth Sb I   [V Takes N ˌtake Verb

word take
content 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
take ★★★★★
  • 2. OTHER USES 其他用法

Oxford take / teɪk ; NAmE teɪk /
take takes took taking taken
verb ( took / tʊk ; NAmE tʊk / taken / ˈteɪkən ; NAmE ˈteɪkən / ) carry/lead 携带;带领 1 [transitive ] to carry or move sth from one place to another 携带;拿走;取走;运走 takesth (with you) I forgot to take my bag with me when I got off the bus. 我下公共汽车时忘了拿包。 takesth to sb/sth Take this to the bank for me, would you? 请替我把这送到银行去好吗? Shall I take a gift to my host family? 我要不要给主人家带件礼物呢? takesb sth Shall I take my host family a gift? 我要不要给主人家带件礼物呢? 2 [transitive ] to go with sb from one place to another, especially to guide or lead them 带去;引领 takesb It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. 步行路太远,我开车送你去。 takesb to sth A boy took us to our room. 服务员带我们到房间。 takesb doing sth I'm taking the kids swimming later. 我待会儿带孩子们去游泳。 takesb to do sth The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends. 大多数周末都有人带这些男孩去看望爷爷奶奶。 3 [transitive ] takesb/sth + adv./prep. to make sb/sth go from one level, situation, etc. to another 使达到,把…推向,把…带到(另一个层次、层面等) Her energy and talent took her to the top of her profession. 她凭着充沛的精力和天赋的才能达到了事业的顶峰。 The new loan takes the total debt to $100 000. 加上这笔新贷款,负债总额达到 10 万元。 I'd like to take my argument a stage further. 我想把我的论点进行进一步的发挥。 He believes he has the skills to take the club forward. 他相信他有能力使俱乐部继续发展。 We'll take the matter forward at our next meeting (= discuss it further). 我们将在下一次会议上进一步讨论这个问题。 reach and hold 伸手取 4 [transitive ] takesb/sth to put your hands or arms around sb/sth and hold them/it; to reach for sb/sth and hold them/it 拿;抱;握;取;接 I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。 Free newspapers: please take one. 报纸免费,请取一份。 Can you take (= hold)the baby for a moment? 你能先抱一下孩子吗? He took her hand/took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere). 他拉着她的手。 She took the child in her arms and kissed him. 她把孩子搂在怀里亲吻他。 remove 移开 5 [transitive ] takesth/sb + adv./prep. to remove sth/sb from a place or a person 拿开;取出;挪开 Will you take your books off the table? 把你的书从桌子上拿走好吗? The sign must be taken down. 这个指示牌一定要摘下来。 He took some keys out of his pocket. 他从口袋里取出几把钥匙。 My name had been taken off the list. 我的名字从名单上画掉了。 She was playing with a knife, so I took it away from her. 她在玩一把刀子,于是我把刀子从她手里夺了过来。 ( informal) She was playing with a knife, so I took it off her. 她在玩一把刀子,于是我把刀子从她手里夺了过来。 ( figurative) The new sports centre will take the pressure offthe old one. 新的体育运动中心将减轻老体育运动中心的压力。 6 [transitive ] takesth to remove sth without permission or by mistake 擅自拿走;偷走;误拿 Someone has taken my scarf. 有人把我的围巾拿走了。 Did the burglars take anything valuable? 入室窃贼偷走了贵重的东西没有? ( figurative) The storms took the livesof 50 people. 这场暴风雨夺走了 50 人的生命。 7 [transitive ] to get sth from a particular source 从…中取出;取材于 takesth from sth The scientists are taking water samples from the river. 科学家正从河中采水样。 The machine takes its name from its inventor. 这机器是根据发明者的姓名命名的。 takesth out of sth Part of her article is taken straight (= copied)out of my book. 她的文章有一部份是从我的书中抄来的。 capture 捕获 8 [transitive ] to capture a place or person; to get control of sth 夺取;攻占;抓获;控制 takesth (from sb) The rebels succeeded in taking the town. 反叛者攻占了那个城镇。 The state has taken control ofthe company. 政府已经接管了这家公司。 takesb + noun The rebels took him prisoner. 反叛者把他俘虏了。 He was taken prisonerby the rebels. 他被反叛者俘虏了。 choose/buy 选择;购买 9 [transitive ] takesth to choose, buy or rent sth 选中;买下;租用 I'll take the grey jacket. 我要那件灰色夹克衫。 We took a room at the hotel for two nights. 我们在旅馆开了个房间,住了两夜。 10 [transitive ] takesth ( formal) to buy a newspaper or magazine regularly 经常购买(某报纸或期刊) We take the ‘Express’. 我们订阅的是《快报》。 eat/drink 食用;饮用 11 [transitive ] takesth to eat, drink, etc. sth 吃;喝;服(药) Do you take sugar in your coffee? 你的咖啡里要放糖吗? The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough. 医生已给我开了治咳嗽的药吃。 He started taking drugs (= illegal drugs)at college. 他上大学时就开始吸毒。 mathematics 数学 12 [transitive ] takeA (away) from B | B takeaway A | takeA away ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to reduce one number by the value of another 减去 SYN
Take 5 from 12 and you're left with 7. *12 减 5,剩 7。 ( informal) 80 take away 5 is 75 . *80 减去 5 等于 75。
write down 写下 13 [transitive ] takesth to find out and record sth; to write sth down 记录;摘录;记下 The police officer took my name and address. 警察记下了我的姓名和地址。 Did you take notesin the class? 你在课堂上做了笔记吗? photograph 拍照 14 [transitive ] takesth to photograph sb/sth 拍照;照相;摄影 to take a photograph/picture/snapshotof sb/sth 给(某人╱某物)照相╱拍照╱拍快照 to have your picture/photo taken 让人给你拍照 measurement 计量 15 [transitive ] takesth to test or measure sth 量取;测定 to take sb's temperature 给某人量体温 I need to have my blood pressure taken. 我需要量一下血压。 seat 座位 16 [transitive ] takesth to sit down in or use a chair, etc. 就(座);占据(座位) Are these seats taken? 这些座位有人吗? Come in; take a seat. 进来,坐下。 synonyms at
give example 举例 17 [transitive ] takesb/sth used to introduce sb/sth as an example 以…为例;将…作为例证 Lots of couples have problems in the first year of marriage. Take Ann and Paul. 在婚后头一年里,许多夫妇都出现一些问题。安和保罗就是个例子。 accept/receive 接受;收到 18 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses or in the passive 通常不用于进行时或被动语态 ) takesth to accept or receive sth 接受;收到 If they offer me the job, I'll take it. 如果他们给我这份工作,我就接受。 She was accused of taking bribes. 她被控受贿。 Does the hotel take credit cards? 这家旅馆接受信用卡付款吗? I'll take the call in my office. 我要在办公室里接这个电话。 Why should I take the blamefor somebody else's mistakes? 我为什么要代人受过呢? If you take my adviceyou'll have nothing more to do with him. 你要是听我的劝告,就不要再和他有什么瓜葛。 Will you take $10 for the book (= will you sell it for $10)? 这本书 10 块钱你卖吗? The store took (= sold goods worth)$100 000 last week. 这家商店上星期的营业额为 10 万元。 19 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) takesb to accept sb as a customer, patient, etc. 接纳;接待(顾客、患者等) The school doesn't take boys (= only has girls). 这所学校不收男生。 The dentist can't take any new patients. 这位牙科医生接待不了新患者了。 20 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) takesth to experience or be affected by sth 遭受;经受;承受 The school took the full force of the explosion. 这所学校在爆炸中毁坏最严重。 Can the ropes take the strain (= not break)? 这些绳子能承受住这一张力吗? The team took a terrible beating. 这个队遭到惨败。 21 [transitive ,  no passive ] takesth ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to be able to bear sth 忍受;容忍;承受 She can't take criticism. 她受不了批评。 I don't think I can take much more of this heat. 我觉得再也忍受不了这种高温了。 I find his attitude a little hard to take. 我觉得他的态度有点儿令人难以接受。 22 [transitive ] takesth/sb + adv./prep. to react to sth/sb in a particular way (以某种方式)对待,处理 He took the criticism surprisingly well. 他对待这一批评的态度竟意外的好。 These threats are not to be taken lightly. 这些威胁可不能等闲视之。 I wish you'd take me seriously. 我希望你认真对待我的话。 She took it in the spirit in which it was intended. 她根据其精神实质来认识此事。 consider 考虑 23 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to understand or consider sth in a particular way 领会;理解;考虑 takesth (as sth) She took what he said as a compliment. 她把他说的看作是称誉。 How am I supposed to take that remark? 我应该怎么理解那话的意思? Taken overall, the project was a success. 总的看来,这个项目是成功的。 takesth to do sth What did you take his comments to mean? 你认为他的意见是什么意思? 24 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to consider sb/sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong (尤指错误地)以为,把…看作;误认为 takesb/sth for sb/sth Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 连行家都误以为这幅画是凡 · 高的真迹。 Of course I didn't do it! What do you take me for (= what sort of person do you think I am)? 那当然不是我干的!你把我当成什么人啦? takesb/sth to be sb/sth I took the man with him to be his father. 我误以为和他在一起的那个男人是他父亲。 have feeling/opinion 有感情╱看法 25 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) takesth to have a particular feeling, opinion or attitude 产生(感情);持有(看法);采取(态度) My parents always took an interestin my hobbies. 我父母总是关心重视我的爱好。 Don't take offence (= be offended)at what I said. 我讲的话你别见怪。 I took a disliketo him. 我对他产生了反感。 He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions. 他的观点是孩子应对自己的行为负责。 action 行动 26 [transitive ] takesth to use a particular course of action in order to deal with or achieve sth 采取(措施);采用(方法) The government is taking actionto combat drug abuse. 政府正在采取措施,打击滥用药物。 We need to take a different approach to the problem. 我们应该采用另一种方法来解决这一问题。 27 [transitive ] takesth used with nouns to say that sb is doing sth, performing an action, etc. (与名词连用,表示举动、动作等) to take a step/walk/stroll 迈步;散步;遛达 to take a bath/shower/wash 洗澡;淋浴;洗一洗 to take a look/glance 看一看;瞥一眼 to take a bite/drink/sip 咬╱喝╱呷一口 to take a deep breath 深吸一口气 to take a break/rest 暂歇一下;休息一下 ( BrE) No decision will be taken on the matter until next week. 到下星期才会对这一问题作出决定。 form/position 形式;位置 28 [transitive ] takesth to have a particular form, position or state 采用(形式);就任(职位);出现(状况) Our next class will take the form of a debate. 我们下一堂课将采用辩论的形式。 The new President takes office in January. 新总统将于一月份就职。 time 时间 29 [transitive ,  no passive ,  intransitive ] to need or require a particular amount of time 需要…时间;费时 takesth The journey to the airport takes about half an hour. 到机场大约需要半小时。 takesth to do sth It takesabout half an hour to get to the airport. 到机场大概需要半小时。 That cut is taking a long time to heal. 那伤口需要很长时间才能愈合。 takesb sth (to do sth) It took her three hours to repair her bike. 她花了三个小时修理自行车。 It'll take her time to recover from the illness. 她康复需要时间。 takesth for sb to do sth It'll take time (= take a long time)for her to recover from the illness. 她的病需要很长时间才能痊愈。 + adv. I need a shower—I won't take long. 我要冲个澡,用不了多长时间。 note at
need 需要 30 [transitive ,  no passive ] to need or require sth in order to happen or be done 需要;要求 takesb/sth to do sth It only takes one careless driver to cause an accident. 只要有一个粗心大意的驾驶者便会发生车祸。 It doesn't take much to make her angry. 她动辄就发脾气。 takesth ( informal) He didn't take much persuading (= he was easily persuaded). 不用费多少口舌就能说服他。 31 [transitive ,  no passive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) takesth (of machines, etc. 机器等 ) to use sth in order to work 使用;用 All new cars take unleaded petrol. 所有的新汽车都使用无铅汽油。 size of shoes/clothes 鞋╱衣服的尺码 32 [transitive ,  no passive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) takesth to wear a particular size in shoes or clothes 穿用(…尺码的鞋或衣服) What size shoes do you take? 你穿多大号的鞋? hold/contain 装得下;包含 33 [transitive ,  no passive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) takesth/sb to have enough space for sth/sb; to be able to hold or contain a particular quantity 容纳;装;盛 The bus can take 60 passengers. 这辆公共汽车可载 60 名乘客。 The tank takes 50 litres. 这罐能容 50 升。 teach/lead 讲授;带领 34 [transitive ] takesb (for sth) | takesth to be the teacher or leader in a class or a religious service 授(课);主持(宗教礼仪) The head teacher usually takes us for French. 校长通常给我们上法语课。 study 学习 35 [transitive ] takesth to study a subject at school, college, etc. 学习,读,修(课程) She is planning to take a computer course. 她打算修一门计算机课。 How many subjects are you taking this year? 你今年修多少门课? exam 考试 36 [transitive ] takesth to do an exam or a test 参加(考试或测验) When did you take your driving test? 你什么时候参加了驾驶执照考试? transport/road 交通工具;道路 37 [transitive ] takesth to use a form of transport, a road, a path, etc. to go to a place 乘坐,搭乘(交通工具);取(道);走(路线) to take the bus/plane/train 乘公共汽车╱飞机╱火车 to take a cab 乘出租汽车 Take the second road on the right. 第二个路口向右拐。 It's more interesting to take the coast road. 走海滨公路更有意思。 go over/around 越过;绕路走 38 [transitive ] takesth (+ adv./prep.) to go over or around sth 跨过;跳过;绕过 The horse took the first fence well. 那匹马轻快地跃过了第一道栅栏。 He takes bends much too fast. 他拐弯时车开得太快。 in sports 体育运动 39 [transitive ] takesth (of a player in a sports game 体育比赛中的运动员 ) to kick or throw the ball from a fixed or agreed position 踢;掷 to take a penalty/free kick/corner 主罚点球╱任意球;开角球 vote/survey 投票;调查 40 [transitive ] takesth to use a particular method to find out people's opinions 付诸(表决);举行(投票);进行(调查) to take a vote/poll/survey 付诸表决;进行民意测验╱调查 be successful 成功 41 [intransitive ] to be successful; to work 成功;起作用;行得通 The skin graft failed to take. 表皮移植未能成功。 grammar 语法 42 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) takesth (of verbs, nouns, etc. 动词、名词等 ) to have or require sth when used in a sentence or other structure (用于句子或其他结构中时)有,需要 The verb ‘rely’ takes the preposition ‘on’. 动词 rely 需要和介词 on 连用。 IDIOMS Most idioms containing takeare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example take the biscuitis at biscuit. 大多数含 take 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 take the biscuit 在词条 biscuit 下。 I, you, etc. can't take sb ˈanywhere ( informal, often humorous) used to say that you cannot trust sb to behave well in public (用以表示不相信某人会在公共场合行为得体)到哪儿都拿不出去 have (got) what it ˈtakes ( informal) to have the qualities, ability, etc. needed to be successful 具备(成功)所需要的一切条件(或素质、能力等) take sth as it ˈcomes | take sb as they ˈcome to accept sth/sb without wishing it/them to be different or without thinking about it/them very much in advance 安于现状;顺其自然 She takes life as it comes. 她对待生活的态度是顺其自然。 ˈtake it (that…) to suppose; to assume 假定;假设;设想;以为 I take it you won't be coming to the party? 我想你不会来参加聚会吧? take it from ˈme (that…) ( informal) used to emphasize that what you are going to say is the truth 我敢担保;我说的肯定没错 Take it from me—he'll be a millionaire before he's 30. 不信你等着瞧,他到不了 30 岁就会成为百万富翁。 take it on/upon yourself to do sth to decide to do sth without asking permission or advice 擅自作主;自作主张 sb can take it or ˈleave it 1 used to say that you do not care if sb accepts or rejects your offer 要就要,不要就拉倒;取舍请便 2 used to say that sb does not have a strong opinion about sth 可有可无;无所谓;无偏好 Dancing? I can take it or leave it. 跳舞?我跳不跳都行。 take it/a lot ˈout of sb ( informal) to make sb physically or mentally tired 使精疲力竭;使心力交瘁 Taking care of small children really takes it out of you. 照看小孩确实会使你精疲力竭。 take some/a lot of ˈdoing ( informal) to need a lot of effort or time; to be very difficult to do 费力;费时;难办;难做 ˌtake ˈthat! ( informal) used as an exclamation when you are hitting sb or attacking them in some other way (打人时说)看打,接招 PHRASAL VERBS ˌtake sb aˈback [usually passive ] to shock or surprise sb very much 使…震惊;使…大吃一惊 ˌtake ˈafter sb [no passive ] 1 ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father (外貌或行为)像(父或母) Your daughter doesn't take after you at all. 你女儿长得一点儿都不像你。 2 ( NAmE) ( informal) to follow sb quickly 追赶;跟踪 I was afraid that if I started running the man would take after me. 我害怕如果我跑起来,那人会追来。 ˌtake aˈgainst sb/sth [no passive ] ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) to start not liking sb/sth for no clear reason (说不清原因地)开始不喜欢 ˌtake sb/sth↔aˈpart ( informal) 1 to defeat sb easily in a game or competition (运动或比赛)轻易打败,把…打得一败涂地 2 to criticize sb/sth severely 严厉抨击 ˌtake sth↔aˈpart to separate a machine or piece of equipment into the different parts that it is made of 拆卸,拆散,拆开(机器等) SYN
ˌtake sth↔aˈway 1 to make a feeling, pain, etc. disappear 解除,消除(感情、痛苦等) I was given some pills to take away the pain. 给我开了一些止痛药片。 2 ( BrE) ( NAmE ˌtake sth↔ˈout ) to buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it away to eat, for example at home (从餐馆买饭菜等)带回食用;买外卖食物 Two burgers to take away, please. 请来两份汉堡包,带走。 related noun
ˌtake aˈway from sth [no passive ] to make the effort or value of sth seem less 减少;减弱;贬低 SYN
detract from
I don't want to take away from his achievements, but he couldn't have done it without my help. 我不想贬低他的成就,但是如果没有我的帮助,他是做不成的。
ˌtake sb↔ˈback to allow sb, such as your husband, wife or partner, to come home after they have left because of a problem 允许(因不合而离去的配偶等)回家;与…重归于好 ˌtake sb ˈback (to…) to make sb remember sth 使回想起 The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood. 大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。 ˌtake sth↔ˈback 1 if you takesth backto a shop/store, or a shop/store takessth back,you return sth that you have bought there, for example because it is the wrong size or does not work 退回;同意收回(退货) 2 to admit that sth you said was wrong or that you should not have said it 收回,撤回(说过的话) OK, I take it all back! 好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回。 ˌtake sth↔ˈdown 1 to remove a structure, especially by separating it into pieces 拆掉;拆除;拆卸 to take down a tent 拆掉帐篷 2 to pull down a piece of clothing worn below the waist without completely removing it 往下拽,拉低(下身衣服) to take down your trousers/pants 把裤子╱内裤往下拽一拽 3 to write sth down 写下;记录 Reporters took down every word of his speech. 记者把他讲的每一句话都记录了下来。 ˌtake sb↔ˈin 1 to allow sb to stay in your home 留宿;收留 to take in lodgers 收房客 He was homeless, so we took him in. 他无家可归,我们便收留了他。 2 [often passive ] to make sb believe sth that is not true 欺骗;蒙骗 SYN
Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. 不要被他那迷人的风度所蒙蔽,其实他冷酷无情。 synonyms at
ˌtake sth↔ˈin 1 to absorb sth into the body, for example by breathing or swallowing 吸入,吞入(体内) Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸取氧气。 related noun
2 to make a piece of clothing narrower or tighter 改小,改瘦(衣服) OPP let out 3 [no passive ] to include or cover sth 包括;包含 The tour takes in six European capitals. 这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。 4 [no passive ] to go to see or visit sth such as a film/movie 去看,观看(电影等) I generally take in a show when I'm in New York. 我每次去纽约通常总会看一场演出。 5 to take notice of sth with your eyes 注意到;看到 He took in every detail of her appearance. 他仔仔细细打量了她一番。 6 to understand or remember sth that you hear or read 理解;领会;记住 Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. 这一章我读到一半才意识到我根本没有看懂。
ˌtake ˈoff 1 (of an aircraft, etc. 飞机等 ) to leave the ground and begin to fly 起飞 The plane took off an hour late. 飞机起飞晚了一个小时。 related noun
2 ( informal) to leave a place, especially in a hurry 匆匆离去;急忙离开 When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction. 他见我走过来便赶快转身走了。 3 (of an idea, a product, etc. 观念、产品等 ) to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly 突然大受欢迎;迅速流行 The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。
ˌtake sb↔ˈoff 1 to copy sb's voice, actions or manner in an amusing way (以诙谐的方式)模仿,学某人的样子 SYN
2 (in sports, entertainment, etc. 体育运动、娱乐等 ) to make sb stop playing, acting, etc. and leave the field or the stage 换下;中止;取消 He was taken off after twenty minutes. 二十分钟后,他被替换下场。
ˌtake sth↔ˈoff 1 to remove sth, especially a piece of clothing from your/sb's body 脱下(衣服);摘掉 to take off your coat 脱掉大衣 He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire. 他脱掉我湿漉漉的靴子,让我在火炉旁坐下。 OPP
put on
2 to have a period of time as a break from work 休假;休息 I've decided to take a few days off next week. 我已决定下星期休息几天。 3 [often passive ] to stop a public service, television programme, performances of a show, etc. 取消;停演 The show was taken off because of poor audience figures. 该剧目因不卖座而停演了。 4 to remove some of sb's hair, part of sb's body, etc. 剪掉(头发);截去,切除(人体部位) The hairdresser asked me how much she should take off. 理发师问我头发剪多少。 The explosion nearly took his arm off. 他的胳膊差点儿被炸掉。
ˌtake yourself/sb ˈoff (to…) ( informal) to leave a place; to make sb leave a place (使)离去,走掉;带走 ˌtake sb ˈoff sth [often passive ] to remove sb from sth such as a job, position, piece of equipment, etc. 调离,解除(工作、职务等);撤掉,拆除(器械) The officer leading the investigation has been taken off the case. 主持调查此案的警员已被撤下。 After three days she was taken off the ventilator. 三天之后给她摘掉了呼吸器。 ˌtake sth ˈoff sth 1 to remove an amount of money or a number of marks, points, etc. in order to reduce the total 扣除,减去(款额、分数等) The manager took $10 off the bill. 经理从账单上划掉 10 元。 That experience took ten years off my life (= made me feel ten years older). 那段经历使我老了十年。 2 [often passive ] to stop sth from being sold 停止销售 The slimming pills were taken off the market. 市场上已停止销售这种减肥药片。 ˌtake sb↔ˈon 1 ( especially BrE) to employ sb 聘用;雇用 to take on new staff 雇用新员工 She was taken on as a trainee. 她受聘当实习生。 2 [no passive ] to play against sb in a game or contest; to fight against sb (运动或比赛)同某人较量;反抗;与某人战斗 to take somebody on at tennis 与某人比赛打网球 The rebels took on the entire Roman army. 反叛者与整个罗马军队战斗。 ˌtake sth↔ˈon [no passive ] to begin to have a particular quality, appearance, etc. 呈现,具有(特征、外观等) The chameleon can take on the colours of its background. 变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。 His voice took on a more serious tone. 他说话的语气变得严肃起来。 ˌtake sth/sb↔ˈon 1 to decide to do sth; to agree to be responsible for sth/sb 决定做;同意负责;承担(责任) I can't take on any extra work. 我不能承担任何额外工作。 We're not taking on any new clients at present. 目前我们不接收新客户。 2 (of a bus, plane or ship 公共汽车、飞机或船只 ) to allow sb/sth to enter 接纳(乘客);装载 The bus stopped to take on more passengers. 公共汽车停下让其他乘客上车。 The ship took on more fuel at Freetown. 轮船在弗里敦停靠加燃料。 ˌtake sb↔ˈout to go to a restaurant, theatre, club, etc. with sb you have invited 带某人出去(到餐馆、剧院、俱乐部等) ˌtake sb/sth↔ˈout ( informal) to kill sb or destroy sth 杀死;毁灭 They took out two enemy bombers. 他们摧毁了敌人的两架轰炸机。 ˌtake sth↔ˈout 1 to remove sth from inside sb's body, especially a part of it 切除,摘除(人体内的一部份) How many teeth did the dentist take out? 牙科医生拔了几颗牙? 2 to obtain an official document or service 获得,领到(正式文件或服务) to take out an insurance policy/a mortgage/a loan 领到保险单╱按揭贷款;获得贷款 to take out an ad in a newspaper 在报纸上刊登广告 3 ( NAmE) ( BrE ˌtake sth↔aˈway ) to buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it away to eat, for example at home (从餐馆买饭菜等)带回食用;买外卖食物 related noun
ˌtake sth↔ˈout (against sb) to start legal action against sb by means of an official document 发出(传票) The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car. 警方已向这辆汽车的驾驶人发出传票。 ˌtake sth↔ˈout (of sth) to obtain money by removing it from your bank account (从银行账户中)提取(款) ˌtake sth ˈout of sth to remove an amount of money from a larger amount, especially as a payment 扣除;减去;抽出 The fine will be taken out of your wages. 罚款将从你的工资中扣除。 ˌtake it/sth ˈout on sb to behave in an unpleasant way towards sb because you feel angry, disappointed, etc, although it is not their fault 向…发泄;拿…撒气 OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me. 好,这么说你今天遇上了很多倒霉事。可也别拿我当出气筒。 She tended to take her frustrations out on her family. 她心里不痛快总是在家里人身上发泄。 ˌtake sb ˈout of himself/ herself to make sb forget their worries and become less concerned with their own thoughts and situation 使摆脱苦恼;为某人消愁 ˌtake ˈover (from sth) to become bigger or more important than sth else; to replace sth 占上风;取而代之 Try not to let negative thoughts take over. 尽量别受消极的想法左右。 It has been suggested that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 million years ago. 有人提出哺乳动物是在 6 500 万年前取代恐龙的。 ˌtake ˈover (from sb) | ˌtake sth↔ˈover (from sb) 1 to begin to have control of or responsibility for sth, especially in place of sb else 接替;接任;接管;接手 2 to gain control of a political party, a country, etc. 控制,接管(政党、国家等) The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. 军方扬言如果内乱继续就实行军管。 ˌtake sth↔ˈover to gain control of a business, a company, etc, especially by buying shares 接收,接管(企业、公司等,尤指通过购买股份) CBS Records was taken over by Sony. 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司已被索尼公司收购。 related noun
ˌtake sb ˈthrough sth to help sb learn or become familiar with sth, for example by talking about each part in turn 帮助某人深入了解;给某人解说 The director took us through the play scene by scene. 导演一幕一幕地给我们说戏。 ˈtake to sth [no passive ] 1 to go away to a place, especially to escape from danger (尤指为逃避危险)逃往,躲到 The rebels took to the hills. 反叛者躲进山里。 2 to begin to do sth as a habit 开始沉湎于;养成…习惯 takedoing sth I've taken to waking up very early. 我已形成习惯,醒得很早。 3 to develop an ability for sth 培养…的能力 She took to tennis as if she'd been playing all her life. 她网球打得很好,好像一生都在从事这项运动似的。 ˈtake to sb/sth [no passive ] to start liking sb/sth 开始喜欢;对…产生好感 I took to my new boss immediately. 我立刻对新老板产生了好感。 He hasn't taken to his new school. 他对新学校还没有产生兴趣。 ˌtake ˈup to continue, especially starting after sb/sth else has finished 继续;接下去 The band's new album takes up where their last one left off. 这个乐队的新唱片集是接上一集的乐曲录制的。 ˌtake ˈup sth to fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(时间);占据(空间) The table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。 I won't take up any more of your time. 我不再占用你的时间了。 ˌtake sth↔ˈup 1 to make sth such as a piece of clothing shorter 将(衣服等)改短 This skirt needs taking up. 这条裙子需要改短。 OPP
let down
2 to learn or start to do sth, especially for pleasure (尤指为消遣)学着做,开始做 They've taken up golf. 他们学起打高尔夫球来了。 She has taken up (= started to learn to play)the oboe. 她学起吹双簧管来了。 3 to start or begin sth such as a job 开始从事 He takes up his duties next week. 他下周就要开始履行职责。 4 to join in singing or saying sth 加入(一起唱或说) to take up the chorus 加入合唱 Their protests were later taken up by other groups. 其他小组后来也加入了他们抗议的行列。 5 to continue sth that sb else has not finished, or that has not been mentioned for some time 继续(他人未完成的事);接着讲(以前提过的事) She took up the story where Tim had left off. 她接着讲蒂姆未讲完的故事。 I'd like to take up the point you raised earlier. 我想继续谈一谈你早些时候提出的问题。 6 to move into a particular position 进入,占据(位置) I took up my position by the door. 我把住了门口。 7 to accept sth that is offered or available 接受(建议或能得到的东西) to take up a challenge 接受挑战 She took up his offer of a drink. 他请她喝一杯,她接受了。
ˌtake ˈup with sb ( informal) to begin to be friendly with sb, especially sb with a bad reputation 开始结交(尤指名声不好的人) ˌtake sb ˈup on sth 1 to question sb about sth, because you do not agree with them 质问;查问 I must take you up on that point. 那个问题我一定要找你问个明白。 2 ( informal) to accept an offer, a bet, etc. from sb 接受(提议、打赌等) Thanks for the invitation—we'll take you up on it some time. 谢谢你的盛情邀请,改日我们一定奉陪。 ˌtake sth ˈup with sb to speak or write to sb about sth that they may be able to deal with or help you with 向…提出;与…交涉 They decided to take the matter up with their MP. 他们决定向本地区议员反映这一问题。 be ˌtaken ˈup with sth/sb to be giving all your time and energy to sth/sb 致力于;专心于;对…一心一意 be ˈtaken with sb/sth to find sb/sth attractive or interesting 被…吸引;迷上;对…感兴趣 We were all very taken with his girlfriend. 我们都觉得他的女朋友非常讨人喜欢。 I think he's quite taken with the idea. 我认为他对这个想法十分感兴趣。
noun 1 a scene or part of a film/movie that is filmed at one time without stopping the camera (不停机一次连续拍摄的)场景,镜头 We managed to get it right in just two takes. 我们仅拍摄了两个镜头就把这部份戏拍好了。 2 [usually singular ] ( informal) an amount of money that sb receives, especially the money that is earned by a business during a particular period of time 收入额;进项 SYN
How much is my share of the take? 我的那一份收入是多少?
3 takeon sth ( informal) the particular opinion or idea that sb has about sth 看法;意见 What's his take on the plan? 他对这项计划有什么意见? a new take on the Romeo and Juliet story (= a way of presenting it) 对《罗密欧与朱丽叶》故事的重新演绎 see also
double take
IDIOM be on the ˈtake ( informal) to accept money from sb for helping them in a dishonest or illegal way 受贿;贪赃枉法 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 take lead escort drive show walk guide usher direct These words all mean to go with sb from one place to another. 以上各词均含带去、引领之义。 take to go with sb from one place to another, for example in order to show them sth or to show them the way to a place 指带去、带路、引领: It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. 步行路太远,我开车送你去。 lead to go with or go in front of sb in order to show them the way or to make them go in the right direction 指带路、领路、引领: Firefighters led the survivors to safety. 消防队员把幸存者带到了安全的地方。 escort to go with sb in order to protect or guard them or to show them the way 指护卫、护送: The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards. 总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。 drive to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc 指驾车送(人): My mother drove us to the airport. 我母亲开车把我们送到了机场。 show to take sb to a particular place, in the right direction, or along the correct route 指引领、带领: The attendant showed us to our seats. 服务员把我们带到我们的座位。 walk to go somewhere with sb on foot, especially in order to make sure that they get there safely; to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk or make an animal walk somewhere 指陪伴或护送(人)走、牵着或赶着(动物)走、遛(狗): He always walked her home. 他经常护送她走回家。 Have you walked the dog yet today? 你今天遛狗了吗? guide to show sb the way to a place, often by going with them; to show sb a place that you know well 指给某人领路(或导游)、指引: She guided us through the busy streets. 她带领我们穿过了繁忙的街道。 We were guided around the museums. 我们被领着参观了博物馆。 usher ( rather formal) to politely take or show sb where they should go, especially within a building 指把…引往、引导、引领,尤指在建筑物内: She ushered her guests to their seats. 她把客人引领到座位上。 direct ( rather formal) to tell or show sb how to get somewhere or where to go 指给某人指路、为某人领路: A young woman directed them to the station. 一名年轻女子给他们指了去车站的路。 PATTERNS to take/lead/escort/drive/show/walk/guide/usher/direct sb to / to sth to take/lead/escort/drive/show/walk/guide sb around / around to take/lead/escort/drive/walk sb home to take/lead/escort/guide sb to safety to lead/show the way
take / teɪk ; NAmE teɪk / took / tʊk ; NAmE tʊk / taken / ˈteɪkən ; NAmE ˈteɪkən /
take1 verb
take2 noun
taketake1 /teɪk/ ●●● verb (past tense took /tʊk/, past participle taken /ˈteɪkən/) S1 W1
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1move [transitive] to move or go with someone or something from one place to another OPP  bringtake somebody/something to/into etc something Barney took us to the airport. Would you mind taking Susie home? When he refused to give his name, he was taken into custody. My job has taken me all over the world.take somebody/something with you His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her.take somebody something I have to take Steve the money tonight.take somebody to do something He took me to meet his parents. see thesaurus at
2action [transitive] used with a noun instead of using a verb to describe an action. For example, if you take a walk, you walk somewhere:  Would you like to take a look? Mike’s just taking a shower. Sara took a deep breath. I waved, but he didn’t take any notice (=pretended not to notice). British English Please take a seat (=sit down).take a picture/photograph/photo Would you mind taking a photo of us together?3remove [transitive] to remove something from a placetake something off/from etc something Take your feet off the seats. Someone’s taken a pen from my desk. Police say money and jewellery were taken in the raid.

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4time/money/effort etc [transitive] if something takes a particular amount of time, money, effort etc, that amount of time etc is needed for it to happen or succeed:  How long is this going to take? Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy.take (somebody) something (to do something) Repairs take time to carry out. It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark.take (somebody) ages/forever informal It took me ages to find a present for Dad.take some doing British English informal (=need a lot of time or effort) Catching up four goals will take some doing.take courage/guts It takes courage to admit you are wrong.have what it takes informal (=to have the qualities that are needed for success) Neil’s got what it takes to be a great footballer.5accept [transitive] to accept or choose something that is offered, suggested, or given to you:  Will you take the job? Do you take American Express? If you take my advice, you’ll see a doctor. Our helpline takes 3.5 million calls (=telephone calls) a year. Some doctors are unwilling to take new patients without a referral. Liz found his criticisms hard to take. I just can’t take any more (=can’t deal with a bad situation any longer). Staff have agreed to take a 2% pay cut.take a hammering/beating (=be forced to accept defeat or a bad situation) Small businesses took a hammering in the last recession.I take your point/point taken (=used to say that you accept someone’s opinion)take somebody’s word for it/take it from somebody (=accept that what someone says is true) That’s the truth – take it from me.take the credit/blame/responsibility He’s the kind of man who makes things happen but lets others take the credit.take it as read/given (=assume that something is correct or certain, because you are sure that this is the case) It isn’t official yet, but you can take it as read that you’ve got the contract.6hold something [transitive] to get hold of something in your hands:  Let me take your coat. Can you take this package while I get my wallet?take somebody/something in/by something I just wanted to take him in my arms.7travel [transitive] to use a particular form of transport or a particular road in order to go somewhere:  Let’s take a cab. I took the first plane out. Take the M6 to Junction 19.8study [transitive] to study a particular subject in school or college for an examination:  Are you taking French next year? see thesaurus at
9test [transitive] to do an examination or test SYN sit British English:  Applicants are asked to take a written test.10suitable [transitive] to be the correct or suitable size, type etc for a particular person or thing:  a car that takes low sulphur fuel What size shoe do you take? The elevator takes a maximum of 32 people.GRAMMAR: Using the progressiveIn this meaning, take is not used in the progressive. You say: · I take size 12. Don’t say: I’m taking size 12.Grammar guide ‒ VERBS11collect [transitive] to collect or gather something for a particular purpose:  Investigators will take samples of the wreckage to identify the cause.take something from something The police took a statement from both witnesses.12consider [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to react to someone or something or consider them in a particular waytake somebody/something seriously/badly/personally etc I was joking, but he took me seriously. Ben took the news very badly. She does not take kindly to criticism (=reacts badly to criticism).take something as something I’ll take that remark as a compliment.take something as evidence/proof (of something) The presence of dust clouds has been taken as evidence of recent star formation.take somebody/something to be something I took her to be his daughter.take somebody/something for something Of course I won’t tell anyone! What do you take me for? (=what sort of person do you think I am?) I take it (=I assume) you’ve heard that Rick’s resigned.13feelings [transitive usually + adverb] to have or experience a particular feelingtake delight/pleasure/pride etc in (doing) something You should take pride in your work. At first, he took no interest in the baby.take pity on somebody She stood feeling lost until an elderly man took pity on her.take offence (=feel offended) Don’t take offence. Roger says things like that to everybody.take comfort from/in (doing) something Investors can take comfort from the fact that the World Bank is underwriting the shares.14control [transitive] to get possession or control of something:  Enemy forces have taken the airport. Both boys were taken prisoner.take control/charge/power The communists took power in 1948. Youngsters need to take control of their own lives.take the lead (=in a race, competition etc)15medicine/drugs [transitive] to swallow, breathe in, inject etc a drug or medicine:  The doctor will ask whether you are taking any medication. Take two tablets before bedtime.take drugs (=take illegal drugs) Most teenagers start taking drugs through boredom. She took an overdose after a row with her boyfriend.16do you take sugar/milk? British English spoken used to ask someone whether they like to have sugar or milk in a drink such as tea or coffee17level [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make someone or something go to a higher level or positiontake something to/into something The latest raise takes his salary into six figures. Even if you have the talent to take you to the top, there’s no guarantee you’ll get there. If you want to take it further, you should consult an attorney.18measure [transitive] to measure the amount, level, rate etc of something:  Take the patient’s pulse first.19numbers [transitive] to make a number smaller by a particular amount SYN  subtracttake something away/take something (away) from something ‘Take four from nine and what do you get?’ ‘Five.’ Ten take away nine equals one.20money [transitive] British English if a shop, business etc takes a particular amount of money, it receives that amount of money from its customers SYN take in American English:  The stall took £25 on Saturday.21somebody can take it or leave it a)to neither like nor dislike something:  To some people, smoking is addictive. Others can take it or leave it. b)used to say that you do not care whether someone accepts your offer or not22take somebody/something (for example) used to give an example of something you have just been talking about:  People love British cars. Take the Mini. In Japan, it still sells more than all the other British cars put together. see thesaurus at
23teach [transitive] British English to teach a particular group of students in a school or collegetake somebody for something Who takes you for English?24write [transitive] to write down information:  Let me take your email address. Sue offered to take notes.25take somebody out of themselves British English to make someone forget their problems and feel more confident:  Alf said joining the club would take me out of myself.26take a lot out of you/take it out of you to make you very tired:  Looking after a baby really takes it out of you.27take it upon/on yourself to do something formal to decide to do something without getting someone’s permission or approval first:  Reg took it upon himself to hand the press a list of names.28take something to bits/pieces British English to separate something into its different parts:  how to take an engine to bits29be taken with/by something to be attracted by a particular idea, plan, or person:  I’m quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin.30be taken ill/sick formal to suddenly become ill31sex [transitive] literary if a man takes someone, he has sex with them32take a bend/fence/corner etc to try to get over or around something in a particular way:  He took the bend at over 60 and lost control.33have an effect [intransitive] if a treatment, dye, drug etc takes, it begins to work successfullyGRAMMAR: Using the progressiveTake after is not used in the progressive. You say: · He takes after you. Don’t say: He is taking after you.Grammar guide ‒ VERBSTHESAURUStake to move or go with someone or something from one place to another: · Don’t forget to take your keys.· Shall I take you home?· I took Alice a cup of tea.bring to take someone or something to the place where you are now: · We’ve brought someone to see you!· Will you bring your photos with you when you come?transport to take large quantities of goods from one place to another in a plane, train, ship etc: · The plane is used for transporting military equipment.· The coal was transported by rail.deliver to take goods, letters, newspapers etc to someone’s home or office: · Unfortunately, the package was delivered to the wrong address.fly to take someone or something somewhere by plane: · The bread is specially flown in from Paris.ship to take goods from one place to another – this can be by ship, truck, plane, or train: · Half the whisky is shipped to Japan and the US.carry to take people or goods somewhere – used especially when saying how many people or things, or what kind: · The new plane can carry up to 600 passengers.· The ship was carrying a full cargo of oil.lead to take someone to a place by going in front of them: · He led Julia through the house to his study.· Roland led the way back to the car in silence.guide to take someone to a place and show them the way: · Emily guided him through a side gate into a large garden.escort to take someone to a place and protect or guard them: · The prisoner was escorted into the room by two police officers.· The singer was escorted by her assistant and her bodyguard.usher to politely lead someone somewhere and show them where to go, especially because it is your job to do this: · We were ushered into the lift by a man in uniform.be taken aback phrasal verb to be very surprised about something:  Emma was somewhat taken aback by his directness.take after somebody phrasal verb to look or behave like an older relative:  Jenni really takes after her mother.take somebody/something apart phrasal verb1to separate something into all its different parts OPP  put together:  Tom was always taking things apart in the garage.2to search a place very thoroughly:  The police took the house apart looking for clues.3to beat someone very easily in a game, sport, fight etc4to show that someone is wrong or something is not true:  Tariq takes several gay myths apart in his book.take against somebody/something phrasal verb British English to begin to dislike someone or something, especially without a good reason:  Voters took against the relationship between the government and the unions in the 1970s.take somebody/something ↔ away phrasal verb1to remove someone or something, or make something disappear:  She whisked the tray off the table and took it away. He was taken away to begin a prison sentence. This should take some of the pain away.2to take away British English if you buy food to take away, you buy cooked food from a restaurant and take it outside to eat it somewhere elsetakeaway:  Fish and chips to take away, please.3take your breath away to be very beautiful, exciting, or surprisingtake away from something phrasal verb to spoil the good effect or success that something has:  The disagreement between the two men should not take away from their accomplishments.take somebody/something ↔ back phrasal verb1take something ↔ back to admit that you were wrong to say something:  You’d better take back that remark!2take something ↔ back to take something you have bought back to a shop because it is not suitable:  If the shirt doesn’t fit, take it back.3take somebody back to make you remember a time in the past:  Having the grandchildren around takes me back to the days when my own children were small.take something ↔ down phrasal verb1to move something that is fixed in a high position to a lower position:  She made us take down all the posters.2to write down information:  Can I just take some details down?3to pull a piece of clothing such as trousers part of the way down your legstake somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verb1be taken in to be completely deceived by someone who lies to you:  Don’t be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.2take somebody ↔ in to let someone stay in your house because they have nowhere else to stay:  Brett’s always taking in stray animals.3take something ↔ in to understand and remember new facts and information SYN  absorb:  He watches the older kids, just taking it all in. His eyes quickly took in the elegance of her dress.4take something ↔ in American English to collect or earn a particular amount of money SYN take British English5to visit a place while you are in the area:  They continued a few miles further to take in Hinton House.6American English old-fashioned if you take in a show, play etc, you go to see it7take somebody ↔ in British English old-fashioned if the police take someone in, they take them to a police station to ask them questions about a crime:  All five teenagers were arrested and taken in for questioning.8 take something ↔ in to make a piece of clothing fit you by making it narrower OPP  let outtake off phrasal verb1take something ↔ off to remove a piece of clothing OPP  put on:  He sat on the bed to take his boots off. Charlie was taking off his shirt when the phone rang.2if an aircraft takes off, it rises into the air from the ground SYN  lift offtakeoff:  I felt quite excited as the plane took off from Heathrow.3to suddenly start being successful:  Mimi became jealous when Jack’s career started taking off.4take something off (something) to have a holiday from work on a particular day, or for a particular length of timetake time off (work/school) I rang my boss and arranged to take some time off.take a day/the afternoon etc off Dad took the day off to come with me.5take somebody ↔ off British English informal to copy the way someone speaks or behaves, in order to entertain peopletake somebody/something ↔ on phrasal verb1take somebody ↔ on to start to employ someonehire:  We’re taking on 50 new staff this year.2take something ↔ on to agree to do some work or be responsible for something:  Don’t take on too much work – the extra cash isn’t worth it.3take something ↔ on to begin to have a particular quality or appearance:  Her face took on a fierce expression. His life had taken on a new dimension.4take somebody ↔ on to compete against someone or start a fight with someone, especially someone bigger or better than you:  Nigeria will take on Argentina in the first round of the World Cup on Saturday. He was prepared to take on anyone who laid a finger on us.5take something ↔ on if a plane or ship takes on people or things, they come onto it:  We stopped to take on fuel.take somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb1 take somebody ↔ out to take someone as your guest to a restaurant, cinema, club etctake out for We’re taking my folks out for a meal next week.2take something ↔ out to make a financial or legal arrangement with a bank, company, law court etctake out a policy/injunction/loan etc Before taking a loan out, calculate your monthly outgoings.3take something ↔ out to get money from your bank account SYN  withdraw:  How much would you like to take out?4take something ↔ out to borrow books from a library:  You can take out six books at a time.5take somebody/something ↔ out informal to kill someone or destroy something:  The building was taken out by a bomb.take something out on somebody phrasal verb to treat someone badly when you are angry or upset, even though it is not their fault:  Don’t take it out on me just because you’ve had a bad day.take your anger/frustration etc out on somebody Irritated with herself, she took her annoyance out on Bridget.take over phrasal verb to take control of somethingtakeovertake something ↔ over His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over. Ruth moved into our apartment and promptly took over.take to somebody/something phrasal verb1to start to like someone or something:  Sandra took to it straight away. Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.2to start doing something regularlytake to doing something Dee’s taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.3take to your bed to get into your bed and stay there:  He was so depressed, he took to his bed for a week.take up phrasal verb1take something ↔ up to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it:  Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest.2take something up to start a new job or have a new responsibility:  Peter will take up the management of the finance department.take up a post/a position/duties etc The headteacher takes up her duties in August.3take something ↔ up if you take up a suggestion, problem, complaint etc, you start to do something about it:  Now the papers have taken up the story.take up with The hospital manager has promised to take the matter up with the member of staff involved. I am still very angry and will be taking it up with the authorities.4take up something to fill a particular amount of time or spacebe taken up with something The little time I had outside of school was taken up with work.take up space/room old books that were taking up space in the office5take something ↔ up to accept a suggestion, offer, or idea:  Rob took up the invitation to visit.take up the challenge/gauntlet Rick took up the challenge and cycled the 250-mile route alone.6take up something to move to the exact place where you should be, so that you are ready to do something:  The runners are taking up their positions on the starting line.7 take something ↔ up to make a piece of clothing shorter OPP  let down8take something ↔ up to continue a story or activity that you or someone else had begun, after a short break:  I’ll take up the story where you left off.take somebody up on something phrasal verb to accept an invitation or suggestiontake somebody up on an offer/promise/suggestion etc I’ll take you up on that offer of a drink, if it still stands.take up with somebody/something phrasal verb old-fashioned to become friendly with someone, especially someone who may influence you badly
take1 verb
take2 noun
taketake2 noun
Word family
1[countable] an occasion when a film scene, song, action etc is recorded:  We had to do six takes for this particular scene. see thesaurus at
2somebody’s take (on something) someone’s opinion about a situation or idea:  What’s your take on this issue?3be on the take informal to be willing to do something wrong in return for money:  Is it true that some of the generals are on the take?4[usually singular] American English informal the amount of money earned by a shop or business in a particular period of time


[teɪk]took, taken, taking, takes



taken[146464] takes[107949] taking[215531] took[323495]

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