
Tax Pay Money Amount Taxed Paid Goods Income

word tax
content jEPoK/1xFvkT+4I2iOf8ERna55oBeSEoIvfj1U7uaPhellARfnzfVBxnUMqCnaUFqVStEfCw8u08Iueoh2J5MAYefMgop4PBEIsjXdIxh3huBWzlXrMJSnF+ZPSKE9tmGs5MNu14Ql8oylJVdRqdo1nT8/ReBuaJQ4O93P1c/dzrrnefQF6/BN/zAZs1O5pX
tax ★★★★★
[N-VAR 可变名词]税;税款 Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.
  • No-one enjoys paying tax...


  • They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases.


  • ...a cut in tax on new cars.


  • ...a pledge not to raise taxes on people below a certain income...


  • His decision to return to a form of property tax is the right one.


[VERB 动词]对(人、公司或货物)征税 When a person or company is taxed, they have to pay a part of their income or profits to the government. When goods are taxed, a percentage of their price has to be paid to the government.
  [be V-ed]
  [V n]
  [Also V]
  • Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes...


  • ...the government's commitment to simplifying the way companies are taxed...


  • The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe.


[VERB 动词]使用尽,耗尽(力气、耐心、资源等) If something taxes your strength, your patience, or your resources, it uses nearly all of them, so that you have great difficulty in carrying out what you are trying to do.
  [V n]
  • Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste...


  • These dilemmas would tax the best of statesmen.


See also:
council tax
income tax
poll tax
value added tax

    Oxford tax / tæks ; NAmE tæks /
    tax taxes taxed taxing
    noun [countable ,  uncountable ] money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. People pay tax according to their income and businesses pay tax according to their profits. Tax is also often paid on goods and services. 税;税款 to raise/cut taxes 增加╱削减税收 tax increases/cuts 税款的增加╱削减 changes in tax rates 税率的变化 to pay over £1 000 in tax 缴纳 1 000 多英镑的税款 profits before/after tax 税前╱税后利润 taxon sth a tax on cigarettes 香烟税 collocationsat
    see also
    corporation tax
    council tax
    direct tax
    indirect tax
    inheritance tax
    poll tax
    road tax
    sales tax
    stealth tax
    value added tax
    withholding tax
    verb 1 taxsb/sth to put a tax on sb/sth; to make sb pay tax 对…征税;课税;使纳税 Any interest payments are taxed as part of your income. 利息所得作为你收入的一部份要予以征税。 His declared aim was to tax the rich. 他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。 2 taxsth ( BrE) to pay tax on a vehicle so that you may use it on the roads 缴纳车辆牌照税 The car is taxed until July. 这辆汽车的牌照税缴纳到了七月。 3 taxsb/sth to need a great amount of physical or mental effort 使负重担;使受压力;使大伤脑筋 The questions did not tax me. 那些问题没有让我费脑筋。 The problem is currently taxing the brainsof the nation's experts (= making them think very hard). 目前这个问题使得全国的专家大伤脑筋。 PHRASAL VERB ˈtax sb with sth ( formal) to accuse sb of doing sth wrong (就某事)指责,责备,谴责… I taxed him with avoiding his responsibility as a parent. 我指责他逃避做父亲的责任。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 tax duty customs tariff rates These are all words for money that you have to pay to the government. 以上各词均指税款。 tax money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services 指税、税款: income tax 所得税 tax cuts 税款削减 duty a tax that you pay on things that you buy, especially those that you bring into a country 指购物税项,尤指进口货物交纳的关税: The company has to pay customs duties on all imports. 该公司须为所有进口货物缴纳关税。 customs tax that is paid when goods are brought in from other countries 指关税、进口税 tariff a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country, often in order to protect industry from cheap imports 指(为使国内工业免遭廉价进口商品冲击而征收的)关税: A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports. 国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。 rates (in Britain) a tax paid by businesses to a local authority for land and buildings that they use, and in the past also paid by anyone who owned a house 指(英国地方政府征收的)房地产税、房产税: Business rates are very high in the city centre. 市中心的商业房产税非常高。 PATTERNS (a) tax/duty/tariff/rates onsth to pay an amount of money intax/duty/customs/rates to pay(a) tax/duty/customs/tariff/rates to collecttaxes/duties/rates to increase / increase taxes/duty/tariffs/rates to cuttaxes/duties/rates to imposea tax/duty/tariff to puta tax/duty onsth tax / tæks ; NAmE tæks /
    tax1 noun
    tax2 verb
    taxtax1 /tæks/ ●●● S1 W1 noun
    Word family
    [countable, uncountable] an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc and that is used to pay for public servicestax on a tax on fuel He already pays 40% tax on his income.before/after tax profits before tax of £85.9m
    capital gains tax
    , → corporation tax
    at corporation(1)
    , council tax
    , income tax
    , sales tax
    , stealth tax
    , VAT
    , PAYE
    COLLOCATIONSverbspay tax· Many people feel they are paying too much tax.raise/increase taxes (also put up taxes British English)· He claimed the Labour Party would put up taxes.lower/cut/reduce taxes· There’s no point promising to cut taxes if you can’t afford it.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + taxhigh· Higher taxes will slow down consumer spending.low· Republican voters say they want lower taxes and sensible spending cuts.income tax (=tax paid on money that you earn)· The rich should pay more income tax.sales tax (=a tax on things you buy)· We have to pay 15% sales tax on everything we buy.inheritance tax (=tax paid on money, property etc that you receive from someone when they die)· Inheritance tax applies to the total value of the deceased’s assets.a direct tax (=a tax on income)· The government’s revenue comes mainly from direct taxes.an indirect tax (=a tax on things you buy)· The effect of indirect taxes is to raise the prices of goods.a flat (rate) tax (=a tax that is the same for different people or things)· Corporate taxes are to be abolished and replaced by a flat rate tax.tax + NOUNthe tax rate/the rate of tax· The government reduced the basic rate of tax to 25p in the pound.tax cuts· He believes that big tax cuts will encourage economic growth.tax increases· He accused the president of planning the biggest tax increases in US history.tax incentives (=lower taxes that encourage people to do something)· We have introduced new tax incentives for savings.a tax allowance (=an amount you can earn without paying tax on it)· Cutting personal tax allowances penalizes the poor.the tax burden (=the amount of tax paid)· The total tax burden has risen only slightly.THESAURUStax money that you must pay to the government, especially from the money you earn, or as an additional payment when you buy something: · How much income tax do you pay each month?· The Republicans promised to reduce taxes before the last election.· Consumers are angry that the tax on petrol has gone up yet again.duty a tax you pay on something you buy: · The budget also sharply raised the duty on alcohol and tobacco.· customs duty (=tax you pay on goods you buy and bring into the country)tariff a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a country, especially to protect a country’s industry from cheap goods from other countries: · the import tariffs on hi-tech equipment· The government’s tariff and trade policies came under fierce attack.levy an extra amount of money that you have to pay the government, usually as a tax, often in order to encourage people not to use or do something: · A new levy on fuel inefficient vehicles has been proposed.surcharge an amount of money that you have to pay in addition to the agreed or stated price of something: · British Airways will increase its fuel surcharge on all airline tickets from June 3.· When you get cash at some machines, you have to pay an ATM surcharge.
    tax1 noun
    tax2 verb
    taxtax2 ●○○ verb [transitive]
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1to charge a tax on somethingtax something at 10%/a higher rate etc They may be taxed at a higher rate.tax somebody on something The individual is taxed on the amount of dividend received. Cigarettes are heavily taxed in Britain.2British English to pay the sum of money charged each year for using a vehicle on British roads
    car tax
    , road tax
    3to make someone have to work hard or make an efforttax somebody’s patience/strength etc The kids are really taxing my patience today. It shouldn’t tax your brain too much.
    tax somebody with something phrasal verb formal to complain to someone they have done something wrong


    [tæks]taxed, taxing, taxes



    taxed[438] taxes[10024] taxing[501]

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