
Teach Taught Sb Sth   [V N Show Give

word teach
content jEPoK/1xFvkT+4I2iOf8EcoPuLJTz+dNiFXYBRxN47ZlVhUkLSUZDkT0+GQbItNTi4R3pty5CcaxQ18W/9msR3aDsEKCGvyjsmsqpJ6jE0vztIGsq8862xKjS7Lo6/x91dQVPwaJn2gS6mYuC3NaxVqnwqvtwJYY6k/m6zobUnMr8kNF/sygMd/7I5RQapmG
teach ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]教;教会 If you teach someone something, you give them instructions so that they know about it or how to do it.
  [V n n]
  [V n wh]
  [V n to-inf]
  [V n to n]
  • The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills...


  • George had taught him how to ride a horse...


  • She taught Julie to read...


  • The computer has simplified the difficult task of teaching reading to the deaf.


[VERB 动词]教育;教导;使学会 To teach someone something means to make them think, feel, or act in a new or different way.
  [V n n]
  [V n that]
  [V n to-inf]
  [Also V n wh]
  • Their daughter's death had taught him humility...


  • He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God...


  • Teach them to voice their feelings.


[VERB 动词]教授;讲授;教书 If you teach or teach a subject, you help students to learn about it by explaining it or showing them how to do it, usually as a job at a school, college, or university.
  [V n]
  [V n to n]
  [V n n]
  • Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School...


  • The topic is not taught in degree courses...


  • She taught English to Japanese business people...


  • She has taught for 34 years...

    她已从教 34 年。

  • She taught children French.


  • ...this twelve month taught course.

    这门为期 12 个月的课程

See also:
to teach someone a lesson→see:

    Oxford teach / tiːtʃ ; NAmE tiːtʃ / verb ( taught , taught / tɔːt ; NAmE tɔːt / ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc; to help sb learn sth by giving information about it 教(课程);讲授;教授 She teaches at our local school. 她在我们当地的学校任教。 He taught for several years before becoming a writer. 他教了几年书之后才成为作家。 teachsth I'll be teaching history and sociology next term. 下学期我教历史和社会学。 ( NAmE) to teach school (= teach in a school) 当学校教师 teachsth to sb He teaches English to advanced students. 他教高年级学生英语。 teachsb sth He teaches them English. 他教他们英语。 2 [transitive ] to show sb how to do sth so that they will be able to do it themselves 教;训练 teach(sb to do) sth Could you teach me to do that? 你能教我干那活儿吗? teachsb how, what, etc… My father taught me how to ride a bike. 我父亲教会了我骑自行车。 3 [transitive ] to make sb feel or think in a different way 教育;教导;使懂得(情理) teachsb to do sth She taught me to be less critical of other people. 她教育我不要太苛求于人。 teach(sb) that… My parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy. 我父母教导我,诚实永远是处世的最佳原则。 teachsb sth Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons. 我们流亡的经历给了我们许多宝贵的教训。 4 [transitive ,  no passive ] ( informal) to persuade sb not to do sth again by making them suffer so much that they are afraid to do it 使引以为戒;惩戒 teachsb to do sth Lost all your money? That'll teach youto gamble. 你把钱都输光了?这是赌博给你的教训。 I'll teach you to call (= punish you for calling)me a liar! 你要说我撒谎,我就对你不客气! teachsb sth The accident taught me a lessonI'll never forget. 这次事故给了我一个终生难忘的教训。 IDIOMS teach your grandmother to suck ˈeggs ( BrE) ( informal) to tell or show sb how to do sth that they can already do well, and probably better than you can 教奶奶嘬鸡蛋;在能人面前逞强;班门弄斧 (you can't) teach an old dog new ˈtricks ( saying) (you cannot) successfully make people change their ideas, methods of work, etc, when they have had them for a long time 老大(不)可教;(无法)改变人们长时间形成的思想(或做事方法等) teach to the ˈtest to teach students only what is necessary in order to pass a particular test, rather than help them develop a range of skills 应试教育;为考试而教学 VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充 Teach and teachers 教与教师 Verbs 动词 teach John teaches French at the local school. 约翰在当地学校教法语。 She taught me how to change a tyre. 她教会了我换轮胎。 educate Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs. 我们首先要做的是教育人们认识毒品的危险。 instruct Members of staff should be instructed in the use of fire equipment. 应该指导全体职员学会使用消防设备。 train She’s a trained midwife. 她是受过专门训练的助产士。 He’s training the British Olympic swimming team. 他在训练英国的奥运游泳队。 coach He’s the best football player I’ve ever coached. 他是我训练过的最出色的足球运动员。 She coaches some of the local children in maths.( BrE) 她给当地一些孩子辅导数学。 tutor She tutors some of the local children in math.( NAmE) 她给当地一些孩子辅导数学。 Nouns 名词 teacher school/college teachers 学校/大学教师 instructor a swimming/science instructor 游泳教练;科学教员 trainer a horse trainer 驯马师 Do you have a personal trainer? 你有私人教练吗? coach a football coach 足球教练 tutor tutors working with migrant children 教移民孩子的家庭教师 teach teaches taught teaching teach / tiːtʃ ; NAmE tiːtʃ / taught / tɔːt ; NAmE tɔːt /
    teachteach /tiːtʃ/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tense and past participle taught /tɔːt $ tɒːt/)
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    1school/college etc [intransitive, transitive] to give lessons in a school, college, or university, or to help someone learn about something by giving them informationlearnteach at Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London.teach (somebody) English/mathematics/history etc He taught geography at the local secondary school.teach somebody (something) about something We were never taught anything about other religions.teach something to somebody I’m teaching English to Italian students.teach school/college etc American English (=teach in a school etc)2show somebody how [transitive] to show someone how to do somethingteach somebody (how) to do something My father taught me to swim. different methods of teaching children how to readteach somebody something Can you teach me one of your card tricks?3change somebody’s ideas [transitive] to show or tell someone how they should behave or what they should thinkteach somebody to do something When I was young, we were taught to treat older people with respect.teach somebody something No one ever taught him the difference between right and wrong.teach somebody that He taught me that the easy option isn’t always the best one.4experience shows something [transitive] if an experience or situation teaches you something, it helps you to understand something about lifeteach somebody to do something Experience has taught me to avoid certain areas of the city.teach somebody that It’s certainly taught me that work and money aren’t the most important things in life.5that’ll teach you (to do something) spoken used when something unpleasant has just happened to someone because they acted stupidly:  That’ll teach you to be late!6teach somebody a lesson informal if someone or something teaches you a lesson, you are punished for something you have done, so that you will not want to do it again7 you can’t teach an old dog new tricks used to say that older people often do not want to change the way they do things8teach your grandmother (to suck eggs) British English to give someone advice about something that they already knowTHESAURUSteach to give lessons in a school, college, or university: · I taught for a year in France.· He teaches physics at York University.lecture to teach in a college or university by giving talks to groups of students on a subject: · He lectures in engineering at a local college.instruct formal to teach someone how to do something, especially a particular practical skill: · He was instructing them how to use the computer system.· Staff are instructed in how to respond in the event of a fire.tutor to teach one student or a small group: · I found work tutoring Mexican students in English.coach especially British English to give private lessons, especially so that someone can pass an important test: · He coaches students for their university entrance exams.train to teach a person or group of people in the particular skills or knowledge they need to do a job: · It will take at least a month to train the new assistant.educate to teach someone over a long period, usually at school or university: · He was educated in England.· Her parents want to educate her at home.show somebody the ropes informal to show someone how to do a job or task that they have just started doing: · Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions you may have.


    [ti:tʃ]taught, teaching, teaches



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