
Accept Accepted Sth   [V Agree N I Sb

word accept
content 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
accept ★★★★★
[VERB 动词]接受;领受;收受 If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it.
  [V n]
  • Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage...


  • Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organisers...


  • All those invited to next week's peace conference have accepted.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]相信(观点、陈述、事实等);认为…正确 If you accept an idea, statement, or fact, you believe that it is true or valid.
      [V that]
      [V n]
      [V n as adj/n]
  • I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science...


  • I don't think they would accept that view...


  • He did not accept this reply as valid.


  • ...a workforce generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]赞成,同意(计划、行动等) If you accept a plan or an intended action, you agree to it and allow it to happen.
      [V n]
  • ...Britain's reluctance to accept a proposal for a single European currency...


  • The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]忍受;容忍;承受 If you accept an unpleasant fact or situation, you get used to it or recognize that it is necessary or cannot be changed.
      [V n]
      [V n as n/adj]
      [V that]
  • People will accept suffering that can be shown to lead to a greater good...


  • Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life...


  • I wasn't willing to accept that her leaving was a possibility.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]承兑,认付(单据等);认可(文件等) If a person, company, or organization accepts something such as a document, they recognize that it is genuine, correct, or satisfactory and agree to consider it or handle it.
      [V n]
      [be V-ed as n]
      [Also V n as n/adj]
  • We advised newspapers not to accept the advertising...


  • Cheques can only be accepted up to the value guaranteed on the card...


  • Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt.


  • 6
    [VERB 动词]招收,接纳(求职者、会员等) If an organization or person accepts you, you are allowed to join the organization or use the services that are offered.
      [V n]
      [V n as n]
      [Also V n into n]
  • All-male groups will not be accepted.


  • ...incentives to private landlords to accept young people as tenants.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词]接纳;接受 If a person or a group of people accepts you, they begin to be friendly towards you and are happy with who you are or what you do.
      [V n]
      [V n as n]
      [V n into n]
  • My grandparents have never had a problem accepting me...


  • Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner...


  • Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother.


  • 8
    [VERB 动词]承担,承认(过失、责任等) If you accept the responsibility or blame for something, you recognize that you are responsible for it.
      [V n]
  • The company cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.


  • 9
    [VERB 动词]接受,采纳(劝告、建议等) If you accept someone's advice or suggestion, you agree to do what they say.
      [V n]
  • The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership...


  • Don't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker.


  • 10
    [VERB 动词]接受并使(移植器官)发挥正常功能;不排斥 If someone's body accepts a transplanted organ, the organ becomes part of the body and starts to function normally.
      [V n]
  • ...drugs which will fool the body into accepting transplants.


  • 11
    [VERB 动词](机器)接受,适配 If a machine accepts a particular kind of thing, it is designed to take it and deal with it or process it.
      [V n]
  • The telephone booths accept 10 and 20 pence coins.


  • 12
    See also:

    ac·cept / əkˈsept ; NAmE əkˈsept / verb offer/invitation 建议;邀请 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to take willingly sth that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc. 收受;接受(建议、邀请等) He asked me to marry him and I accepted. 他向我求婚,我答应了。 acceptsth Please accept our sincere apologies. 请接受我们真诚的歉意。 It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift. 天正下着瓢泼大雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。 She's decided not to accept the job. 她决定不接受这项工作。 acceptsth from sb He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. 他被控收受了一家供应商的贿赂。 acceptsth for sth She said she'd accept $15 for it. 她说她要 15 元才卖。 OPP
    receive as suitable 认为合适而接受 2 [transitive ] to receive sth as suitable or good enough (认为合适或足够好而)接受 acceptsth This machine only accepts coins. 这台机器只接受硬币。 Will you accept a cheque? 你收支票吗? acceptsth for sth My article has been accepted for publication. 我的文章已被采用准备发表。 agree 同意 3 [transitive ] to agree to or approve of sth 同意;认可 acceptsth They accepted the court's decision. 他们接受法院的判决。 He accepted all the changes we proposed. 他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。 acceptsth from sb She won't accept advice from anyone. 她不会接受任何人的忠告。 OPP
    synonyms at
    responsibility 责任 4 [transitive ] acceptsth to admit that you are responsible or to blame for sth 承认,承担(责任等) He accepts full responsibility for what happened. 他承认对所发生的事负全部责任。 You have to accept the consequences of your actions. 你得对你的行为后果负责。 believe 相信 5 [transitive ] to believe that sth is true 相信(某事属实) acceptsth I don't accept his version of events. 我不相信他对事件的说法。 acceptsth as sth Can we accept his account as the true version? 我们能相信他说的是事实吗? acceptthat… I accept that this will not be popular. 我认为这是不会受欢迎的。 it is accepted that… It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success. 普遍认为,成功催人奋进。 it is accepted to be, have, etc. sth The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. 欧洲工人的劳动环境公认是最好的。 difficult situation 困境 6 [transitive ] to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you realize that you cannot change it 容忍,忍受(困境等) acceptsth You just have to accept the fact thatwe're never going to be rich. 你只得接受我们永远也富不起来这个事实。 Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. 只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。 acceptsth as sth They accept the risks as part of the job. 他们甘冒风险,把这当成工作的一部份。 acceptthat… He just refused to accept that his father was no longer there. 他就是不肯接受他父亲已不在的现实。 welcome 欢迎 7 [transitive ] to make sb feel welcome and part of a group 欢迎;接纳 acceptsb It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community. 也许需要多年方能被当地居民完全接纳。 acceptsb into sth She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world. 她从未被这个基本上属于男人的世界所接受。 acceptsb as sth He never really accepted her as his own child. 他一直没有真正接纳她为自己的女儿。 OPP
    allow sb to join 准许加入 8 [transitive ] to allow sb to join an organization, attend an institution, use a service, etc. 接纳,接受(为成员、会员等) acceptsb The college he applied to has accepted him. 他申请的那所学院录取了他。 acceptsb into sth She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club. 她没有获准加入俱乐部,感到失望。 acceptsb as sth The landlord was willing to accept us as tenants. 房东愿意把房子租给我们住。 acceptsb to do sth She was accepted to study music. 她获准学习音乐。 OPP
    accept accepts accepted accepting
    ac·cept / əkˈsept ; NAmE əkˈsept /
    acceptac‧cept /əkˈsept/ ●●● S1 W1 verb
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    Word family
    1gift/offer/invitation [intransitive, transitive] to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do OPP  refuse:  Rick accepted her offer of coffee. He accepted the invitation to stay with us. His school reports said that he is always ready to accept a challenge (=agree to do something difficult). Please accept this small gift. They offered me a job and I accepted.accept something from somebody He accepted a glass of water from Helen. He readily accepted her invitation (=accepted it quickly).RegisterIn everyday English, when talking about accepting a job, accepting responsibility or blame, or accepting a method of payment, people usually use take: They offered me the job and I accepted. ➔ They offered me the job and I took it.When talking about accepting an offer, people often say take someone up on their offer:· He decided to take her up on her offer.2situation/problem etc [transitive] to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a difficult and unpleasant situation or fact and continue with your normal life:  He’s not going to change, and you just have to accept it.accept that We have to accept that this is not an ideal world. He can't accept the fact that his problems are his own fault.3think somebody/something is good enough [transitive] to decide that someone has the necessary skill or intelligence for a particular job, course etc or that a piece of work is good enough OPP  reject:  Students accepted by Stanford Law School had very high scores on the LSAT.accept somebody/something as something They have accepted him as the representative of the company.accept somebody/something for something Random House accepted the book for publication.4become part of a group [transitive] to allow someone to become part of a group, society, or organization, and to treat them in the same way as the other members OPP  rejectaccept somebody as something The children gradually began to accept her as one of the family.accept somebody into something It often takes years for immigrants to be accepted into the host community.5agree to take/deal with something [transitive] to agree to take or deal with something that someone gives you, or to say that it is suitable or good enough:  The government has accepted the resignation of a senior army commander. Please accept my sincere apologies. Sorry, we don’t accept traveller’s cheques.6suggestion/advice [transitive] to decide to do what someone suggests or advises you should do:  Be prepared to accept the advice of members of staff.7believe an explanation/statement [transitive] to agree that what someone says is right or true OPP  reject:  She has accepted your explanation as to why you didn’t attend the meeting. see thesaurus at
    GRAMMARIn more formal English, you say it is accepted that when saying what people generally believe is true: · It is accepted that he was sincere in his claim.
    8accept responsibility/blame for something to admit that you were responsible for something bad that happened:  The University will not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen.GRAMMAR: ComparisonacceptYou accept something: · She decided to accept the offer.· I accepted his invitation to have dinner with him. Don’t say: I accepted to have dinner with him.agreeYou agree to something: · Her parents would never agree to the marriage. Don’t say: Her parents would never agree the marriage.You agree to do something: · I agreed to have dinner with him.COLLOCATIONSnounsaccept an offer· In the end I had to accept his offer of £4,500.accept an invitation· Are you going to accept their invitation to the wedding?accept help· Don’t be afraid to accept help if you need it.accept aid· Egypt gratefully accepted American economic aid.accept assistance· They were ready to accept French military assistance.accept a challenge· To protect the environment we must accept some difficult challenges.accept an award· Miller accepted the award for best comedy show.accept an opportunity· I wish that I’d accepted the opportunity to retire when it was offered.accept a gift/present· Accepting presents from him made her feel uncomfortable.accept a job· She was desperate for money so she accepted the job.accept a lift British English, accept a ride American English· I had been taught not to accept lifts from strangers.accept a bribe· The president’s family and friends accepted massive bribes in exchange for official favours.adverbsgladly/willingly/readily accept· She invited him for a drink and he gladly accepted.gratefully accept· He gratefully accepted Athena’s help.graciously accept· She accepted her gift graciously.
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