
Bill Pay Goods Billed English Services Restaurant Piece

word bill
content 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
bill ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词](商品或服务费用的)账单 A bill is a written statement of money that you owe for goods or services. →see usage note at:
  • They couldn't afford to pay the bills...


  • He paid his bill for the newspapers promptly.


  • ...phone bills.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]给…开送账单 If you bill someone for goods or services you have provided them with, you give or send them a bill stating how much money they owe you for these goods or services.
      [V n for n]
      [Also V n]
      [no cont]
  • Are you going to bill me for this?


  • 3
    [N-SING 单数名词](餐馆的)账单 The bill in a restaurant is a piece of paper on which the price of the meal you have just eaten is written and which you are given before you pay.
      [the N]
      [BRIT 英]
    in AM, use 美国英语用 check
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]纸币;钞票 A bill is a piece of paper money.
      [usu supp N]
      [AM 美]
  • ...a large quantity of US dollar bills.


  • in BRIT, use 英国英语用 note
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]议案;法案 In government, a bill is a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on.
      [usu sing]
  • This is the toughest crime bill that Congress has passed in a decade...


  • The bill was approved by a large majority.


  • 6
    [N-SING 单数名词]演出人员名单 The bill of a show or concert is a list of the entertainers who will take part in it.
    [VERB 动词]宣传(某人)将参加演出 If someone is billed to appear in a particular show, it has been advertised that they are going to be in it.
      [be V-ed to-inf]
      [usu passive]
  • She was billed to play the Red Queen in Snow White.


  • billing
  • ...their quarrels over star billing.


  • 8
    [VERB 动词]宣传(某人或某物有某种特质或能力) If you bill a person or event as a particular thing, you advertise them in a way that makes people think they have particular qualities or abilities.
      [V n as n]
  • They bill it as Britain's most exciting museum.


  • 9
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]鸟嘴;喙 A bird's bill is its beak.
    See also:
    Private Member's Bill
    [PHRASE 短语]适合需要;符合要求 If you say that someone or something fits the bill or fills the bill, you mean that they are suitable for a particular job or purpose.
      [V inflects]
  • If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.


  • 12
    [PHRASE 短语]付账;买单 If you have to foot the bill for something, you have to pay for it.
      [V inflects]
  • Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday?


  • 13
    [PHRASE 短语]身体状况良好 If a doctor gives you a clean bill of health, they tell you that you are fit and healthy.
      [PHR after v]
  • President Mitterrand, 75, has been given a clean bill of health by doctors in Paris.


  • Oxford
    bill / bɪl ; NAmE bɪl /
    bill bills billed billing
    noun for payment 付款 1 a piece of paper that shows how much you owe sb for goods or services 账单 the telephone/electricity/gas bill 电话费╱电费╱煤气费账单 We ran up amassive hotel bill. 我们累积了大笔的旅馆费。 She always paysher billson time. 她总是按时支付账单。 The bills are piling up (= there are more and more that have still not been paid). 账单越积越多。 collocationsat
    2 ( especially BrE) ( NAmE usually check ) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant (餐馆的)账单 Let's ask for the bill. 我们结账吧。 collocationsat
    money 货币 3 ( NAmE) =
     (6 )
    a ten-dollar bill 一张十元的钞票
    in parliament 议会 4 a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country's parliament so that its members can discuss it (提交议会讨论的)议案,法案 to introduce/approve/reject a bill 提出╱通过╱否决一项议案 the Education Reform Bill 教育改革法案 at theatre, etc. 剧院等 5 a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc. (剧院等的)节目单 a horror double bill (= two horror films/movies shown one after the other) 双场恐怖片节目单 Topping the bill (= the most important performer)is Paul Simon. 领衔演出的是保罗 · 西蒙。 advertisement 广告 6 a notice in a public place to advertise an event 海报;招贴;广告 SYN
    see also
    of birds 7 the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird's mouth 鸟嘴;喙 SYN
    8 -billed ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of billmentioned 有…形喙的 long-billed waders 长嘴涉禽
    on hat 帽子 9 ( also visor ) ( both NAmE) ( BrE peak ) the stiff front part of a cap that sticks out above your eyes 帽舌;帽檐 see also
    Old Bill
    IDIOM fill/fit the ˈbill to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose 符合要求;合格 On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。 more at
    verb ask for payment 要求付款 1 billsb (for sth) to send sb a bill for sth 开账单,发账单(要求付款) Please bill me for the books. 请就所购的书给我开列账单。 advertise 做广告 2 [usually passive ] billsb/sth as sth to advertise or describe sb/sth in a particular way 把(某人或事物)宣传为… He was billed as the new Tom Cruise. 他被宣传为新汤姆 · 克鲁斯。 3 [usually passive ] billsb/sth to do sth to advertise that sb/sth will do sth 宣布…将做某事 She was billed to speak on ‘China—Yesterday and Today’. 海报上说她要发表题为“中国 — 昨天和今天”的演讲。 IDIOM bill and ˈcoo ( old-fashioned, informal) if two people who are in love bill and coo,they kiss and speak in a loving way to each other 卿卿我我;情话绵绵 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 bill account invoice check These are all words for a record of how much you owe for goods or services you have bought or used. 以上各词均指账单、账目。 bill a list of goods that you have bought or services that you have used, showing how much you owe; the price or cost of sth 指账单: the gas bill 煤气费账单 account an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month 指赊销账、赊欠账、赊购: Put it on my account please. 请记在我的赊购账上。 invoice ( rather formal) a bill for goods that sb has bought or work that has been done for sb 指发票、发货或服务费用清单: The builders sent an invoice for £250. 营造商发出了一张 250 英镑的发票。 bill or invoice? 用 bill 还是 invoice? You would get a billin a restaurant, bar or hotel; from a company that supplies you with gas, electricity, etc; or from sb whose property you have damaged. An invoiceis for goods supplied or work done as agreed between a customer and supplier. *bill 指餐馆、酒吧、旅馆、煤气公司、电力公司等开出的账单或财产所有者开出的索赔清单。invoice 指客户与供应商约定的供货或服务费用清单。 check ( NAmE) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant 指餐馆的账单: Can I have the check, please? 请给我结账。 NOTEIn British English the usual word for this is bill. 此义英式英语常用 bill。 PATTERNS the bill/invoice/check forsth to pay / pay a(n) bill/account/invoice/check to put sth onthe/sb's bill/account/invoice/check bill / bɪl ; NAmE bɪl /
    bill1 noun
    bill2 verb
    billbill1 /bɪl/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1request for payment a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done etcbill for The bill for the repairs came to $650. Have you paid the phone bill?2restaurant especially British English a list showing how much you have to pay for food you have eaten in a restaurant SYN check American English:  Could we have the bill, please?3law a written proposal for a new law, that is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussedapprove/pass/veto a bill The House of Representatives passed a new gun-control bill. The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage.4money American English a piece of paper money SYN note British Englishcoin:  a five-dollar bill5fit/fill the bill to be exactly what you need:  This car fits the bill perfectly. It’s cheap and gets good mileage.6concert/show etc a programme of entertainment at a theatre, concert, cinema etc, with details of who is performing, what is being shown etc:  Tricia topped the bill (=was the most important performer) at the Children’s Variety Show.7give somebody/something a clean bill of health to officially state that someone is in good health or that something is working correctly:  Maddox was given a clean bill of health.8bird a bird’s beak9advertisement a printed notice advertising an event10part of a hat American English the front part that sticks out on a hat such as a baseball cap11the (old) bill British English spoken the policeCOLLOCATIONSverbspay a bill· Most people pay their bills on time.settle a bill (=pay it)· She went down to the lobby to settle the bill for their rooms.foot the bill/pick up the bill (=pay for something, especially when you do not want to)· Taxpayers will probably have to foot the bill.run up a bill (=use a lot of something so that you have a big bill to pay)· It’s easy to run up a big bill on your mobile phone.face a bill (=have a lot to pay on a bill)· They were facing a mounting legal bill.cut/reduce a bill· We need to find a way to cut our fuel bill.a bill comes to something (=is for that amount)· The bill came to $60.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + billa big/huge bill· Turn off the lights or we’ll get a huge electricity bill.an electricity/gas/phone etc bill· I’ll have to pay the gas bill too next month.a hotel bill· He paid the hotel bill by credit card.a tax bill· There are various ways you can reduce your tax bill.an unpaid bill· She had unpaid bills amounting to £3,000.an outstanding bill (=still unpaid)· He still didn’t have enough to pay his outstanding bills.THESAURUSbill a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay: · Many families are struggling to pay their bills.· a credit card bill· We got a huge phone bill.· I asked the waiter to bring me the bill.check American English a bill that tells you how much you must pay in a restaurant: · Can I have the check, please?invoice a document that lists the goods that a company has sent, or the services they have provided, and tells you how much you must pay. It is often sent from one company to another company: · Payment is due ten days after receipt of the invoice.tab informal a bill that is added up at the end of a period of time, especially for food or drinks that you have had in a restaurant or hotel: · People staying in the hotel can order food or drinks to be put on their tab.
    bill1 noun
    bill2 verb
    billbill2 verb
    Verb Table
    1[transitive] to send someone a bill:  Clients will be billed monthly.bill somebody for something I was billed for equipment that I didn’t order.2 be billed to do something if someone is billed to appear, perform etc somewhere, it has been planned and advertised that they will do this:  Johnson was billed to speak at two conferences.3bill and coo old-fashioned to kiss and talk softlybill something as something phrasal verb to advertise or describe something in a particular way:  The castle bills itself as the oldest in England.
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