
Country Land Area People State Government Live Nation

word country
content 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
country ★★★★★
[N-COUNT 可数名词]国;国家 A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land.
  • Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.


  • ...that disputed boundary between the two countries...


  • Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days.


  • 2
    [N-SING 单数名词]全国人民;国民;全民 The people who live in a particular country can be referred to as the country .
      [usu the N]
  • The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government...


  • Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports.


  • 3
    [N-SING 单数名词]乡下;乡村 The country consists of places such as farms, open fields, and villages which are away from towns and cities.
      [the N]
  • ...a healthy life in the country...


  • She was cycling along a country road near Compiegne...


  • I was a simple country boy from Norfolk.


  • 4
    [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](具有某种特征或与某名人有关的)地区,区域 A particular kind of country is an area of land which has particular characteristics or is connected with a particular well-known person.
      [supp N]
  • Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.


  • ...some of the best walking country in the Sierras...


  • The Japanese visitors set off in search of Brontë country.


  • 5
    [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](源自美国南部的)乡村音乐 Country music is popular music from the southern United States.
      [usu N n]
  • For a long time I just wanted to play country music.


  • ...a famous country singer named Katie Cocker.


  • 6
    [PHRASE 短语]穿过田野;不走大路 If you travel across country, you travel through country areas, avoiding major roads and towns.
      [v PHR]
  • From here we walked across country to Covington.


  • 7
    [PHRASE 短语]长途;长距离;跨越地区地 If you travel across country, you travel a long distance, from one part of a country to another.
      [v PHR]
  • We've just moved all the way across country to begin a new life.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语](政府首脑或政府)举行大选 If a head of government or a government goes to the country, they hold a general election.
      [V inflects]
      [BRIT 英]
  • The Prime Minister does not have to go to the country for another year.


  • Usage Note :

    Country is the most usual word to use when you are talking about the major political units that the world is divided into. State is used when you are talking about politics or government institutions. ...the new German state created by the unification process. ...Italy's state-controlled telecommunications company. State can also refer to a political unit within a particular country. ...the American state of California. Nation is often used when you are talking about a country's inhabitants, and their cultural or ethnic background. Wales is a proud nation with its own traditions... A senior government spokesman will address the nation. Land is a less precise and more literary word, which you can use, for example, to talk about the feelings you have for a particular country. She was fascinated to learn about this strange land at the edge of Europe.

    当谈论世界所划分成的主要政治单位时, country 最为常用,当谈论政治或政府组织时用 state。例如,the new German state created by the unification process (统一后成立的新德国),Italy's state-controlled telecommunications (意大利由国家控制的电信公司)。state 还可指某国国内的行政单位,例如,the American state of California (美国加利福尼亚州)。当谈论某国的居民及其文化或种族背景时常用 nation。例如:Wales is a proud nation with its own traditions (威尔士是一个拥有自己传统的自豪的民族),A senior government spokesman will address the nation (一位政府高级发言人将发表全国讲话)。land 含义较为笼统而文学意味更浓,可用来谈论对某国的感情等。例如,She was fascinated to learn about this strange land at the edge of Europe (她非常渴望了解这个位于欧洲边缘的奇异国度)。

    coun·try / ˈkʌntri ; NAmE ˈkʌntri / noun ( plural coun·tries ) 1 [countable ] an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws 国;国家 European countries 欧洲国家 leading industrial countries 最重要的工业国家 She didn't know what life in a foreign countrywould be like. 她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。 It's good to meet people from different parts of the country. 结识来自这个国家不同地区的人是有益的。 2 [uncountable ] ( often following an adjective 常置于形容词后 ) an area of land, especially with particular physical features, suitable for a particular purpose or connected with a particular person or people (尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域 open/wooded, etc. country 空旷、树木繁茂等的地区 superb walking country 极佳的徒步旅行区域 Explore Thomas Hardy country. 踏访托马斯 · 哈代小说描写的地区。 see also
    3 the country [singular ] the people of a country;the nation as a whole 全国人民;国民;全民 They have the support of most of the country. 他们有大多数国民的支持。 The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole. 富人而不是全体国民得益于这些改革。 see also
    mother country
    the old country
    4 the country [singular ] any area outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, farms, etc. 乡下;乡村 to live in the country 住在乡下 We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。 a country lane 乡间小路 collocationsat
    5 [uncountable ] =
    country and western
    pop, folk and country 流行、民间和乡村音乐
    IDIOMS across ˈcountry directly across fields, etc; not by a main road (直接)穿越田野;不走大路 riding across country 骑马穿过田野 see also
    go to the ˈcountry ( BrE) (of a government 政府 ) to hold an election to choose a new parliament 举行大选(以组成新的议会)
    more at
    SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 country landscape countryside terrain land scenery These are all words for areas away from towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms. 以上各词均指远离城镇,有田野、树林和农场的地区。 country (often the country) an area that is away from towns and cities, especially one with particular natural features (常作 the country)尤指具有自然特征的乡下、乡村: She lives in the country. 她住在乡下。 an area of wooded country 树木覆盖的乡村地区 landscape everything that you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country 尤指乡村的风景或景色: This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape. 这种林地与田野的格局是典型的英格兰乡村景色。 countryside land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms 指乡村、农村 NOTE Countrysideis usually used when you are talking about the beauty or peacefulness of a country area. *countryside 通常用于强调乡村地区的美丽或宁静: a little village in the French countryside 法国乡间的小村庄 terrain ( formal) land 指地带、土地 NOTE Terrainis used when you are describing the natural features of an area, for example if it is rough, flat, etc. *terrain 用于描述某地区的地形或地势: The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain. 卡车在崎岖不平的地面上颠簸行进。 land (usually the land) the countryside; the way people live in the country as opposed to in towns and cities (通常作 the land)指与城镇相对的农村、农村生活方式: Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities. 许多较年轻的人陆续离开农村到城市去找工作。 scenery the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, especially when these are attractive to look at 指自然风景、景色、风光: We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery. 我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。 PATTERNS mountainous / mountainous country/landscape/countryside/terrain/scenery beautiful / beautiful country/landscape/countryside/scenery opencountry/landscape/countryside/terrain/land rollingcountry/landscape/countryside to protectthe landscape/countryside/land WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 country / state Countryis the most usual, neutral word for a geographical area that has or used to have its own government. *country 是指国家的最普通的中性词。 Stateemphasizes the political organization of an area under an independent government. Especially in BrE,it can also mean the government. *state 侧重指独立政府统治下的政权机构,尤其在英式英语中,该词亦可指政府: the member states of the EU 欧盟成员国 The state provides free education. 政府提供免费教育。 In NAmE the stateusually refers to one of the 50 states of the US, not to the government of the country as a whole. 在美式英语中,the state 通常指美国 50 个州中的一个州,而非指作为一个整体的国家政府。 country countries
    coun·try / ˈkʌntri ; NAmE ˈkʌntri /
    country1 noun
    country2 adjective
    countrycoun‧try1 /ˈkʌntri/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural countries)
    Word Origin
    1[countable] an area of land that is controlled by its own government, president, king etcnation:  the Scandinavian countries developing countries travelling to a foreign country
    mother country
    2the country a)land that is outside towns and cities, including land used for farming SYN  the countrysidein the country I’ve always wanted to live in the country. b)all the people who live in a particular country:  The president has the support of the country.3[uncountable] an area of land that is suitable for a particular activity, has particular features, or is connected with a particular person or people:  The Peak District is good walking country. mountainous country the rugged moors of Brontë country4[uncountable] country and western music:  I’m a big fan of country.5go to the country British English if a prime minister goes to the country, they ask for a general election to be heldCOLLOCATIONS– Meaning 1ADJECTIVES/NOUN + countrya foreign country (=not your own country)· Have you ever worked in a foreign country?a strange country (=not your own country)· She was in a strange country, with no friends and no family.a European/African/Asian etc country· The president will be visiting four European countries.a democratic/capitalist/communist etc country· the former socialist countries of Eastern Europeyour home/native country (=where you were born or live permanently)· After five years in America, she returned to her home country, Japan.a developing/Third World country (=poor and trying to increase its industry and trade)· Many developing countries receive some foreign aid.a developed country (=rich and where most people have a comfortable life)· Developed countries are responsible for most emissions of carbon dioxide.an underdeveloped country (=poor and developing more slowly than others)· The disease still exists, mainly in underdeveloped countries.an industrialized country· America and other industrialized countriesan advanced country· technologically advanced countries such as Japana Christian/Muslim/Catholic etc country· England became a Christian country in the seventh century.your adopted country (=that you have chosen to live in permanently)· I felt proud of my adopted country, America.a great country (=important, with many past achievements)· the great countries of European independent country (=not controlled by another country)· Malaysia has been an independent country since 1963.an occupied country (=controlled by an army from another country)· For many years, Egypt was an occupied country.a free country (=where people’s actions are not too restricted)· You can go where you like – it’s a free country.a member country (=belonging to a particular international organization)· the member countries of the European Communitythe host country (=where an event is held)· Which is the host country for the next Olympic Games?verbsrun/govern the country (=officially control a country)· The government has the job of running the country.rule a country (=have complete control of a country)· For a long time the country was ruled by military dictators.leave the country· The journalists were given 24 hours to leave the country.flee the country (=leave it very quickly to avoid trouble)· At the outbreak of the war, many people fled the country.serve your country (=work for your country in an official way)· Remember those who are serving our country as soldiers, sailors, and airmen.lead the country· She became the first woman to lead the country.represent your country· It’s a great honour to be chosen to represent your country in a sport.betray your country (=be disloyal, especially by giving secrets to other countries)· He betrayed his country for the sake of communism.phrasessomebody’s/something’s country of origin (=where you were born or live permanently, or where something was produced)· Please give your name, age, and country of origin.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 3ADJECTIVES/NOUN + countryopen country (=away from towns, and with few buildings, walls, trees etc)· We left the city and headed towards the open country in the north.wild country (=not used or farmed by people)· I love the wild country of the Scottish Highlands.rough country (=difficult to travel over)· a vehicle especially designed for rough countrywalking/riding/farming etc country· To the east is an area of rich farming country.mountain/mountainous country· a vast stretch of mountain countryhill/hilly country· He grew up in Texas hill country.wooded country (=with a lot of trees)· They escaped through hilly, wooded country.desert country· Not much grows in this desert country.THESAURUScountry an area of land controlled by its own government, president, king etc: · Thailand is a beautiful country.· Which country would you most like to visit?nation a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its political and economic structure: · The events shocked the whole nation.· The US is the most powerful nation in the world.· Leaders of the world’s major industrialized nations attended the meeting.state a country considered as a political organization with its own government: · They believe that Scotland should be an independent sovereign state.· Most European states joined the Council of Europe.power a country that is very strong and important: · a meeting of the great powers· Britain is still a world power.superpower one of the most powerful countries in the world: · During the Cuban Missile Crisis there was a real danger of conflict between the two world superpowers.land literary a country – used in stories: · He told them about his journeys to foreign lands.· a traveller from a far-off land
    country1 noun
    country2 adjective
    countrycountry2 adjective [only before noun]
    1belonging to or connected with the countryside SYN  rural OPP  urban:  They much preferred country life to life in the city.2relating to country and western music:  a country singer
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