
Due Noun Sth Owed Money Expected Paid Happen

word due
content 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
due ★★★★☆
/dju͟ː, AM du͟ː/
[PREP-PHRASE 短语介词]由于;因为 If an event is due to something, it happens or exists as a direct result of that thing.
  [v-link PREP n]
  • The country's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery...


  • If the trip is a success, a lot of this will be due to Mr Green's efforts.


  • 2
    [PREP-PHRASE 短语介词]由于,因为(构成原因状语,有些英语国家的人认为该用法不正确) You can say due to to introduce the reason for something happening. Some speakers of English believe that it is not correct to use due to in this way.
  • Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally...


  • Jobs could be lost in the defence industry due to political changes sweeping Europe.


  • 3
    [ADJ 形容词]到期的;预期的;预定到达的 If something is due at a particular time, it is expected to happen, be done, or arrive at that time.
      [usu v-link ADJ]
  • The results are due at the end of the month...


  • The first price increases are due to come into force in July...


  • Jason is currently in Britain to finish recording his second album which is due out in May...

    贾森正在英国完成他 5 月要出的第二张专辑的录制。

  • Mr Carter is due in London on Monday.


  • ...customers who paid later than twenty days after the due date.


  • 4
    [ADJ 形容词]适当的;适合的;充分的 Due attention or consideration is the proper, reasonable, or deserved amount of it under the circumstances.
      [ADJ n]
  • After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents...


  • I do hope that people will make use of footpaths and treat them with due attention that is needed.


  • 5
    [ADJ 形容词]应有的;应得的;应得到的 Something that is due, or that is due to someone, is owed to them, either as a debt or because they have a right to it.
      [v-link ADJ]
  • I was sent a cheque for £1,525 and advised that no further pension was due...

    我收到了一张 1,525 英镑的支票,并被告知我应得的养老金到此为止。

  • I've got some leave due to me and I was going to Tasmania for a fortnight.


  • Due is also a preposition.
    • He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.


  • 6
    [ADJ 形容词](期待很长时间后)预期应得的,预计应到的 If someone is due for something, that thing is planned to happen or be given to them now, or very soon, often after they have been waiting for it for a long time.
      [v-link ADJ for n]
  • The deputy chief inspector rang me up and said, 'Miss Smith, you know you are due for a move?'...


  • He is not due for release until 2020.

    他要到 2020 年才能被释放。

  • Due is also a preposition.
    • I reckon I'm due one of my travels.


  • 7
    [N-PLURAL 复数名词]会(员)费 Dues are sums of money that you give regularly to an organization that you belong to, for example a social club or trade union, in order to pay for being a member.
      [oft poss N]
  • Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.

    在一月最后期限前联合国 180 个成员国只有 18 个缴纳了会费。

  • 8
    [ADV 副词](用在north,south,east或west前表示方向)正 Due is used before the words 'north', 'south', 'east', or 'west' to indicate that something is in exactly the direction mentioned.
      [ADV adv/adj]
  • They headed due north...


  • The Thames flows due south from Oxford, through the market town of Abingdon.


  • ...a mining town 40 miles due east of Los Angeles.

    洛杉矶正东方向 40 英里处的采矿小镇

  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]在适当的时候;到一定的时候 If you say that something will happen or take place in due course, you mean that you cannot make it happen any quicker and it will happen when the time is right for it.
      [PHR with cl]
  • In due course the baby was born...


  • The arrangements will be published in due course.


  • 10
    [PHRASE 短语]给…以应有的评价;公道地对待… You can say 'to give him his due', or 'giving him his due' when you are admitting that there are some good things about someone, even though there are things that you do not like about them.
      [PHR cl]
  • To give Linda her due, she had tried to encourage John in his school work.


  • You can say 'with due respect' when you are about to disagree politely with someone.


  • With all due respect, you're wrong.


  • Oxford
    due / djuː ; NAmE duː /
    due dues
    adjective caused by 由于 1 [not before noun ] dueto sth/sb caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth 由于;因为 The team's success was largely due to her efforts. 这个队的成功主要是她努力的结果。 Most of the problems were due to human error. 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。 The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. 这项工程由于缺乏政府的资助而不得不放弃。 language bank at
    HELP  Some people think that it is more correct to use owing toto mean ‘because of’ after a verb or at the beginning of a clause, as dueis an adjective. 有人认为在动词之后或从句之首用 owing to 表示“因为”更合适,因为 due 是形容词。
    expected 预期 2 [not before noun ] arranged or expected 预定;预期;预计 When's the baby due? 宝宝什么时候出世? The next train is due in five minutes. 下一班火车预定在五分钟后抵达。 ( especially NAmE) My essay's due next Friday (= it has to be given to the teacher by then). 我的论文下周五必须交。 dueto do sth Rose is due to start school in January. 罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。 duefor sth The band's first album is due for release later this month. 这个乐队的第一张唱片预定在本月下旬发行。 owed 欠款 3 [not usually before noun ] when a sum of money is due,it must be paid immediately 到期 Payment is due on 1 October. 付款期限为 10 月 1 日。 4 [not before noun ] due(to sb) owed to sb as a debt, because it is their right or because they have done sth to deserve it 应支付;应给予;应归于 Have they been paid the money that is due to them? 他们应得的钱付给他们了吗? Our thanks are due to the whole team. 我们要向全队致谢。 5 [not before noun ] owed sth; deserving sth 应有;应得到 duesth I'm still due 15 days' leave. 我还应有 15 天的休假。 duefor sth She's due for promotion soon. 她很快该晋升了。 suitable/right 适当;合适 6 [only before noun ] ( formal) that is suitable or right in the circumstances 适当的;恰当的;合适的 After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job. 经过充分考虑之后,我们决定委任戴维斯先生负责这项工作。 to make due allowance for sth 适当考虑某事 ( BrE) He was charged with driving without due care and attention. 他被控鲁莽驾驶。 compare
    IDIOM in ˌdue ˈcourse at the right time and not before 在适当的时候;到一定的时候 Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。 more at
    noun 1 your/sb's ~ [uncountable ] a thing that should be given to sb by right 应有的权利;应得到的东西 He received a large reward, which was no more than his due (= than what he deserved). 他得到重赏,这也是他应该得到的。 She's a slow worker, but to give her her due (= to be fair to her),she does try very hard. 她做事很慢,但说句公道话,她确实很尽力。 2 dues [plural ] charges, for example to be a member of a club 应缴款(如俱乐部会费) to pay your dues 交你的会费 adverb ~ north/south/east/west exactly; in a straight line 正向;正对着 to sail due east 向正东航行 The village lies five miles due north of York. 这个村庄位于约克正北五英里处。 due / djuː ; NAmE duː /
    due1 adjective
    due2 adverb
    due3 noun
    duedue1 /djuː $ duː/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective
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    Word Origin
    Word family
    1expected [not before noun] expected to happen or arrive at a particular timedue to do something The team are due to fly to Italy next month. His new book is due to be published next year.due in/on/at She’s pregnant and the baby’s due in April. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9. I’m due at his office at 4.30.due for The car is due for its annual service again.due back When are the library books due back?
    due date
    2owed owed to someone either as a debt or because they have a right to it:  Any money due you will be sent by cheque through the post.due to Thanks are due to all those who took part.3money if an amount of money is due, it must be paid at a particular time:  The next income tax payment is due on 31 January.4in due course at some time in the future when it is the right time, but not before:  Further details will be announced in due course.5proper [only before noun] formal proper or suitable:  He was banned for six months for driving without due care and attention.due regard/consideration We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.6with (all) due respect spoken used when you disagree with someone or criticize them in a polite way:  Dad, with all due respect, was not a very good husband.
    , due to
    due1 adjective
    due2 adverb
    due3 noun
    duedue2 ●●○ adverb
    Word family
    due north/south/east/west directly to the north, south, east, or west
    due1 adjective
    due2 adverb
    due3 noun
    duedue3 noun
    Word family
    1your due your due is what you deserve, or something it is your right to have:  He accepted all the praise he received as his due. Freddy, to give him his due (=to be fair to him), always tried to be honest.2dues [plural] regular payments you make to an organization of which you are a member SYN  fees:  Robert failed to pay his dues last year.
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