
Ill Sick Bre I Formal Feeling Bad People

word ill
content 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
[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]有病的;不健康的 Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem.
  [usu v-link ADJ]
  [the adv N]
  • In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia...

    1941 年 11 月,佩恩得了严重的肺炎。

  • I was feeling ill...


  • If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is probably the cause...


  • Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ill.


  • People who are ill in some way can be referred to as, for example, the mentally ill .有…病的人
    • I used to work with the mentally ill...


    • She became a nun and cared for the terminally ill for the rest of her life.


  • Usage Note :

    The words ill and sick are very similar in meaning, but are used in slightly different ways. Ill is generally not used before a noun, and can be used in verbal expressions such as fall ill and be taken ill. He fell ill shortly before Christmas… One of the jury members was taken ill. Sick is often used before a noun. …sick children. In British English, ill is a slightly more polite, less direct word than sick. Sick often suggests the actual physical feeling of being ill, for example nausea or vomiting. I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick. In American English, sick is often used where British people would say ill. Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick.

    ill 和 sick 意义非常相似, 但是用法略有不同。ill通常不用于名词前, 但可用于 fall ill, be taken ill 等动词词组中, 如He fell ill shortly before Christmas (他圣诞节前不久突然病倒了), One of the jury members was taken ill (陪审团的一名成员突然病了)。sick 常用在名词之前,如 sick children (生病的孩子)。在英国英语中, ill 比 sick 更礼貌委婉。sick 常表示生病时的身体感受, 例如恶心、呕吐等:I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick (接下来的 24 个小时我都躺在床上, 不停地呻吟,感到一阵阵恶心)。英国人常用 ill 的情况在美国英语中更常用 sick: Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick (一些人在事故中受伤或生病)。

    [N-COUNT 可数名词]困难;难题 Difficulties and problems are sometimes referred to as ills .
      [usu pl]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills.


  • ...various potions that would cure all ills.


  • 3
    [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]坏;恶行;伤害 Ill is evil or harm.
      [LITERARY 文]
  • They say they mean you no ill.


  • 4
    [ADV-GRADED 副词]同 badly Ill means the same as 'badly'.
      [ADV with v]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.


  • 5
    [ADJ 形容词]有害的;讨厌的 You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant.
      [ADJ n]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • She had brought ill luck into her family...


  • He says that he bears no ill feelings towards Johnson.


  • 6
    [PHRASE 短语]承受不起;负担不起 If you say that someone can ill afford to do something, or can ill afford something, you mean that they must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to them.
      [PHR to-inf]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • It's possible he won't play but I can ill afford to lose him...


  • We can ill afford another scandal...


  • It's an ignorance we can ill afford.


  • 7
    [PHRASE 短语]是坏的征兆 If something bodes ill or augurs ill, it gives you a reason to fear that something harmful might happen soon.
      [V inflects]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • It's an ominous development that may bode ill for the Russian parliament.


  • 8
    [PHRASE 短语]突然生病 If you fall ill or are taken ill, you suddenly become ill.
      [V inflects]
  • Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill...


  • She fell ill with measles.


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]不论好歹 If you say that something is happening or will happen for good or ill, you mean that it is out of anyone's control whether it happens and what its effects will be.
      [oft PHR with cl]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there, for good or ill.


  • 10

    to speak ill of someone→see:

    ill / ɪl ; NAmE ɪl /
    ill ills
    adjective 1 ( especially BrE) ( NAmE usually sick ) [not usually before noun ] suffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well 有病;不舒服 Her father is seriously illin St Luke's hospital. 她父亲住在圣路加医院,病情很重。 She was taken illsuddenly. 她突然病倒了。 We both started to feel illshortly after the meal. 我们俩饭后不久就都开始感到不适。 Uncle Harry is terminally illwith cancer (= he will die from his illness). 哈里叔叔癌症已到了末期。 the mentally ill (= people with a mental illness) 精神病患者 ( formal) He fell illand died soon after. 他病倒不久便去世了。 see also
    2 [usually before noun ] bad or harmful 坏的;不良的;有害的 He resigned because of ill health (= he was often ill). 他因健康状况不佳而辞职。 She suffered no ill effectsfrom the experience. 这次经历没有使她受到不良影响。 a woman of ill repute (= considered to be immoral) 名声不好的女人 3 ( formal) that brings, or is thought to bring, bad luck 不吉利的;不祥的 a bird of ill omen 不祥之鸟 IDIOMS ˌill at ˈease feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed 局促不安的 I felt ill at easein such formal clothes. 我穿着这样正式的衣服觉得很拘谨。 it's an ˌill ˈwind (that blows nobody any good) ( saying) no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb 没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人 more at
    adverb 1 ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) badly or in an unpleasant way 恶劣地;讨厌地 The animals had been grossly ill-treated. 那些动物受到了恣意虐待。 2 ( formal) badly; not in an acceptable way 差劲;不足 They live in an area ill served by public transport. 他们住在公共交通条件很差的地区。 3 ( formal) only with difficulty 困难地 We're wasting valuable time, time we can ill afford. 我们是在浪费宝贵的时间,我们浪费不起的时间。 IDIOM speak/think ˈill of sb ( formal) to say or think bad things about sb 说…的坏话;把…往坏处想 Don't speak ill of the dead. 勿议已故者之短。 noun 1 [usually plural ] ( formal) a problem or harmful thing; an illness 问题;弊端;疾病 social/economic ills 社会╱经济弊病 the ills of the modern world 现代世界的弊端 2 [uncountable ] ( literary) harm; bad luck 伤害;厄运 I may not like him, but I wish him no ill. 我虽然不喜欢他,但我并不希望他倒运。 COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Illnesses Becoming ill 生病 catcha cold/an infectious disease/the flu/( BrE) flu/pneumonia/a virus/( informal) a bug 染上感冒/传染病/流感/肺炎/病毒/小毛病 get( BrE) ill/( NAmE) sick/a disease/AIDS/breast cancer/a cold/the flu/( BrE) flu/a migraine 患病/艾滋病/乳腺癌/感冒/流感/偏头痛 come down witha cold/the flu/( BrE) flu 得了感冒/流感 contracta deadly disease/a serious illness/HIV/AIDS 感染致命疾病/严重疾病/艾滋病病毒/艾滋病 be infected witha virus/a parasite/HIV 染上病毒/寄生虫/艾滋病病毒 developcancer/diabetes/a rash/an ulcer/symptoms of hepatitis 患上癌症/糖尿病/皮疹/溃疡;出现肝炎症状 havea heart attack/a stroke 心脏病/中风发作 provoke/trigger/producean allergic reaction 引起/产生过敏反应 block/burst/rupturea blood vessel 使血管阻塞/破裂 damage/severa nerve/an artery/a tendon 损伤/切断神经/动脉/肌腱 Being ill 病了 feel( BrE) ill/sick/nauseous/queasy 感到不适/想吐/恶心 be running( BrE) a temperature/( NAmE) a fever 发烧 havea head cold/diabetes/heart disease/lung cancer/a headache/( BrE) a high temperature/( NAmE) a fever 患伤风感冒/糖尿病/心脏病/肺癌;头痛;发高烧 suffer fromasthma/malnutrition/frequent headaches/bouts of depression/a mental disorder 患哮喘/营养不良症/经常性头痛/多发性抑郁症/精神错乱 be laid up with/( BrE) be in bed witha cold/the flu/( BrE) flu/a migraine 因感冒/流感/偏头痛而卧床休息 nursea cold/a headache/a hangover 调治感冒/头痛/宿醉 battle/fightcancer/depression/addiction/alcoholism 与癌症/抑郁症作斗争;戒瘾/酒 Treatments 治疗 examinea patient 给病人做检查 diagnosea condition/disease/disorder 诊断疾病 be diagnosed withcancer/diabetes/schizophrenia 诊断为癌症/糖尿病/精神分裂症 prescribe/be given/be on/takedrugs/medicine/medication/pills/painkillers/antibiotics 开/获开/服用药/药片/止痛药/抗生素 treat sb forcancer/depression/shock 治疗某人的癌症/抑郁症/休克 have/undergoan examination/an operation/surgery/a kidney transplant/therapy/chemotherapy/treatment for cancer 做检查/手术/外科手术/肾移植手术/治疗/化疗/癌症治疗 have/be givenan injection/( BrE) a flu jab/( NAmE) a flu shot/a blood transfusion/a scan/an X-ray 打针;接种流感疫苗;接受输血;做扫描检查;照 X 光 curea disease/an ailment/cancer/a headache/a patient 治疗疾病/病痛/癌症/头痛/病人 preventthe spread of disease/further outbreaks/damage to the lungs 防止疾病扩散/疾病进一步爆发/对肺部造成伤害 be vaccinated againstthe flu/( BrE) flu/the measles/( BrE) measles/polio/smallpox 接种流感/麻疹/小儿麻痹症/天花疫苗 enhance/boost/confer/buildimmunity to a disease 增加对疾病的免疫力 ill / ɪl ; NAmE ɪl /
    ill1 adjective
    ill2 adverb
    ill3 noun
    illill1 /ɪl/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective
    Word Origin
    1especially British English suffering from a disease or not feeling well SYN sick American English:  Bridget can’t come – she’s ill. I was feeling ill that day and decided to stay at home.ill with Her husband has been ill with bladder trouble. a hospice for the terminally ill2[only before noun] bad or harmful:  Many people consumed the poisoned oil without ill effects. the neglect and ill treatment of children He was unable to join the army because of ill health.3ill at ease nervous, uncomfortable, or embarrassed:  He always felt shy and ill at ease at parties.4it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good) spoken used to say that every problem brings an advantage for someone
    ill feeling
    , ill will
    COLLOCATIONSverbsbe ill· What’s wrong? Are you ill?feel ill· I’ve been feeling ill since I woke up this morning.look ill· He looked rather ill when I saw him.become ill (also get ill informal)· She became ill after eating oysters.fall ill formal (=become ill)· Louise fell ill while she was on holiday.be taken ill (=become ill suddenly)· Henry was suddenly taken ill and had to go to the hospital.make somebody ill· I think it was the heat that made me ill.adverbsseriously ill (=very ill)· Any seriously ill patients are usually sent to a state hospital.gravely ill formal (=extremely ill)· She went to visit her grandfather, who was gravely ill.critically ill (=so ill that you might die)· He got news that his mother was critically ill in hospital.terminally ill (=having a very serious illness that you will die from)· He is terminally ill with cancer.chronically ill (=having a long-term illness that cannot be cured and will not get better)· Chronically ill patients often find it difficult to get travel insurance.mentally ill (=having an illness of your mind)· Caring for mentally ill people can be challenging.THESAURUSill [not before noun] especially British English suffering from a disease or not feeling well: · Her mother is seriously ill in hospital.· I woke up feeling really ill.sick especially American English ill: · She’s been sick with the flu.· a sick child· Dan got sick on vacation.not very well [not before noun] ill, but not seriously ill: · Sarah’s not very well – she has a throat infection.unwell [not before noun] formal ill: · The singer had been unwell for some time.· Symptoms include fever, aching muscles, and feeling generally unwell.poorly [not before noun] BrE spoken ill: · Your grandmother’s been very poorly lately.in a bad way [not before noun] very ill because of a serious injury or disease: · You’d better call an ambulance – she looks like she’s in a bad way.be off sick British English, be out sick American English to be not at work because of an illness: · Two teachers were off sick yesterday.slightly illunder the weather (also off colour British English) [not before noun] informal slightly ill: · Sorry I haven’t called you – I’ve been a bit under the weather lately.· You look a bit off colour – are you sure you’re OK?run down [not before noun] feeling slightly ill and tired all the time, for example because you have been working too hard, or not eating well: · Some people take extra vitamins if they are feeling run down.often illin poor health unhealthy and often ill: · Chopin was already in poor health when he arrived on the island.delicate weak and likely to become ill easily: · She was delicate and pale and frequently complained of headaches.· He had a delicate constitution and throughout his adult life suffered from various illnesses.sickly a sickly child is often ill: · He was a sickly child and spent a lot of time at home on his own.· His younger daughter was sickly and died when she was young.
    ill1 adjective
    ill2 adverb
    ill3 noun
    illill2 adverb
    1somebody can ill afford (to do) something to be unable to do or have something without making the situation you are in very difficult:  I was losing weight which I could ill afford to lose. Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.2think/speak ill of somebody formal to think or say unpleasant things about someone:  She really believes you should never speak ill of the dead.3bode ill formal to give you a reason to think that something bad will happen:  The look on his face boded ill for somebody.
    ill1 adjective
    ill2 adverb
    ill3 noun
    illill3 noun
    1ills [plural] problems and difficulties:  He wants to cure all the ills of the world.2[uncountable] formal harm, evil, or bad luck:  She did not like Matthew but she would never wish him ill.
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