
Lord Man Title High I Britain Powerful People

word lord
content 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
lord ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT; N-TITLE 可数名词;头衔名词](英国的男性)勋爵 In Britain, a lord is a man who has a high rank in the nobility, for example an earl, a viscount, or a marquis.
  • She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds...


  • A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd.


  • 2
    [N-VOC 称呼名词](在英国对法官、主教及某些男性贵族的尊称)阁下,大人 In Britain, judges, bishops, and some male members of the nobility are addressed as 'my Lord'.
      [my N]
  • My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.


  • 3
    (用于英国某些高级官员的头衔) In Britain, Lord is used in the titles of some officials of very high rank.
  • He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974.


  • ...Sir Brian Hutton, the Lord Chief Justice for Northern Ireland.


  • 4
    [N-PROPER-COLL 专有集合名词]the Lords同the House of Lords The Lords is the same as the House of Lords .
      [the N]
  • It's very likely the bill will be defeated in the Lords.


  • 5
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](尤指中世纪的)领主 In former times, especially in medieval times, a lord was a man who owned land or property and who had power and authority over people.
  • It was the home of the powerful lords of Baux.


  • 6
    [N-PROPER 专有名词]See also:
    Our Lord
    上帝;耶稣基督;主 In the Christian church, people refer to God and to Jesus Christ as the Lord .
      [usu the N; N-VOC]
  • I know the Lord will look after him...


  • She prayed now. 'Lord, help me to find courage.'


  • ...the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • 7
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]巨头;霸主;泰斗 If you describe a man as the lord of a particular area, industry, or thing, you mean that he has total authority and power over it.
      [usu with supp]
  • A century ago the aristocracy were truly lords of the earth.


  • ...the lords of the black market.


  • 8
    [EXCLAM 感叹语](表示吃惊、懊丧或不快)上帝呀!主呀!天哪! Lord is used in exclamations such as 'good Lord!' and 'oh Lord!' to express surprise, shock, frustration, or annoyance about something.
  • 'Good lord, that's what he is: he's a policeman.'...


  • 'They didn't fire you for drinking, did they?' — 'Lord, no! I only drink beer, nowadays.'


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语](强调强烈的情感或信念)众所周知 You can say 'Lord knows' to emphasize something that you feel or believe very strongly.
      [usu PHR that]
  • I've got to go home, but Lord knows I dread it.


  • 10
    [PHRASE 短语](强调不知情)天晓得,鬼知道,谁知道 You can say 'Lord knows' to emphasize that you do not know something.
      [usu PHR wh]
  • He would turn up at meetings, but Lord knows where he came from.


  • 11
    [PHRASE 短语]颐指气使;发号施令;指手画脚 If someone lords it over you, they act in a way that shows that they think they are better than you, especially by giving lots of orders.
      [V inflects]
  • Alex seemed to enjoy lording it over the three girls.


  • Oxford
    lord / lɔːd ; NAmE lɔːrd /
    lord lords lorded lording
    noun 1 [countable ] (in Britain) a man of high rank in the nobility (= people of high social class),or sb who has been given the title lord as an honour (英国)贵族 compare
     (6 )
    2 Lord (in Britain) the title used by a lord 勋爵(英国贵族的称号) Lord Beaverbrook 比弗布鲁克勋爵 3 Lord a title used for some high official positions in Britain (英国用于某些高级官员的职位前)阁下,大人,大臣 the Lord Chancellor 大法官 the Lord Mayor 市长阁下 4 My Lord (in Britain) a title of respect used when speaking to a judge, bishopor some male members of the nobility (= people of high social class) (英国用以称呼法官、主教或某些男性贵族成员,表示尊敬)大人,阁下 compare
     (6 )
    5 a powerful man in medievalEurope, who owned a lot of land and property (中世纪欧洲的)领主 a feudal lord 封建领主 the lord of the manor 庄园主 see also
    6 ( usuallythe Lord ) [singular ] a title used to refer to God or Christ 主;上主;上帝 Love the Lord with all your heart. 要全心全意地爱主。 7 Our Lord [singular ] a title used to refer to Christ 主耶稣;主基督 8 the Lords [singular + singular or plural verb ] =
    House of Lords
    The Lords has/have not yet reached a decision. 上议院尚未作出决定。 compare
    see also
    law lord
    IDIOMS (good) ˈLord! | oh ˈLord! exclamation used to show that you are surprised, annoyed or worried about sth (表示惊讶、烦恼或忧虑)主啊,天哪 Good Lord, what have you done to your hair! 天啊,你把头发弄成什么样子啦! ˈLord knows… used to emphasize what you are saying (强调所说的话)众所周知,谁都知道 Lord knows, I tried to teach her. 谁都知道,我曾经努力想教她。 ˈLord (ˈonly) knows (what, where, why, etc.)… ( informal) used to say that you do not know the answer to sth (表示不知道答案)天知道,天晓得 ‘Why did she say that?’ ‘Lord knows!’ “她为何那样说?”“只有天知道!” HELP  Some people may find the use of Lordin these expressions offensive. 有人可能认为这些表达法用 Lord 含冒犯意。 IDIOMsee
    verb IDIOM ˈlord it over sb ( disapproving) to act as if you are better or more important than sb 对某人举止霸道(或逞威风) lord / lɔːd ; NAmE lɔːrd /
    lord1 noun
    lord2 verb
    lordlord1 /lɔːd $ lɔːrd/ noun
    Word Origin
    word sets
    1[countable] (also Lord) a man who has a rank in the aristocracy, especially in Britain, or his titlelady:  Lord Salisbury2[countable] a man in medieval Europe who was very powerful and owned a lot of land:  the feudal lords3my lord British English spoken used to address a judge or bishop, and in the past to address a lord4somebody’s lord and master someone who must be obeyed because they have power over you – used humorously
    lord1 noun
    lord2 verb
    lordlord2 verb
    Verb Table
    lord it over somebody to behave in a way that shows you think you are better or more powerful than someone else:  He didn’t use his position on the council to lord it over people.
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