
Maintain   [V Maintained Verb 动词 N Make Sth

word maintain
content 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
maintain ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]维持;保持 If you maintain something, you continue to have it, and do not let it stop or grow weaker.
  [V n]
  • The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry...


  • Push yourself to make friends and to maintain the friendships.


  • ...the emergency powers to try to maintain law and order.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]断言;宣称;坚称 If you say that someone maintains that something is true, you mean that they have stated their opinion strongly but not everyone agrees with them or believes them.
      [V that]
      [V with quote]
      [V n]
  • He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes...


  • Prosecutors maintain no deal was made...


  • 'Not all feminism has to be like this,' Jo maintains...


  • He had always maintained his innocence.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]保持,维持(在某一比率或水平上) If you maintain something at a particular rate or level, you keep it at that rate or level.
      [V n at n]
  • The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.


  • ...action is required to ensure standards are maintained at as high a level as possible.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]维修;保养 If you maintain a road, building, vehicle, or machine, you keep it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.
      [V n]
  • ...a tough campaign to force authorities to maintain roads properly...


  • The house costs a fortune to maintain...


  • The cars are getting older and less well-maintained.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]供养;赡养 If you maintain someone, you provide them with money and other things that they need.
      [V n]
  • He should pay and maintain you as well.


  • ...the basic costs of maintaining a child.


  • Oxford
    main·tain AWL / meɪnˈteɪn ; NAmE meɪnˈteɪn / verb 1 maintainsth to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. 维持;保持 SYN
    to maintain law and order/standards/a balance 维持治安;保持水平╱平衡 The two countries have always maintained close relations. 这两个国家一直保持着密切关系。 ( formal) She maintained a dignified silence. 她一言不发,面容威严。 to maintain prices (= prevent them falling or rising) 维持价格的稳定
    2 maintainsth to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly 维修;保养 The house is large and difficult to maintain. 房子很大,难以养护。 3 to keep stating that sth is true, even though other people do not agree or do not believe it 坚持意见;固执己见 SYN
    maintain(that)… The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed. 这几个男人坚持说案发时他们在国外。 maintainsth She has always maintained her innocence. 她一直坚持说她是无辜的。 + speech ‘But I'm innocent!’ she maintained. “但是我是无辜的!”她坚持道。 language bank at
    4 maintainsb/sth to support sb/sth over a long period of time by giving money, paying for food, etc. 供养;扶养 SYN
    Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three. 她的收入养活一个孩子几乎都不够,更不用说三个了。
    maintain maintains maintained maintaining
    main·tain / meɪnˈteɪn ; NAmE meɪnˈteɪn /
    maintainmain‧tain /meɪnˈteɪn, mən-/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL verb [transitive]
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    1make something continue to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before:  Careers Officers maintain contact with young people when they have left school. Britain wants to maintain its position as a world power. A lot depends on building and maintaining a good relationship with your customers. The hotel prides itself on maintaining high standards. How can we maintain control of spending?2level/rate to make a level or rate of activity, movement etc stay the same:  It is important to maintain a constant temperature inside the greenhouse. This is the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness.3say to strongly express your belief that something is true SYN  claimmaintain (that) Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.maintain your innocence (=say that you did not commit a crime) He maintained his innocence and said the allegations were ‘ridiculous’.4look after something to keep a machine, building etc in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly:  The report found that safety equipment had been very poorly maintained. The company is responsible for maintaining public telephone boxes.5provide money/food to provide someone with the things they need, such as money or food SYN  provide for:  How can you maintain a family on $900 a month?
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