[VERB 动词]把…装进行囊;打点(行装) When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.
[V n]
When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home...
I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's...
I packed and said goodbye to Charlie.
She left Frances to finish her packing.
[VERB 动词]将…打包;把…装箱 When people pack things, for example in a factory, they put them into containers or parcels so that they can be transported and sold.
[V n]
[V n in n]
They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse...
Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.
...sardines packed in oil.
His onions cost 9p a lb wholesale; packing and transport costs 10p.
[VERB 动词]挤满;塞满 If people or things pack into a place or if they pack a place, there are so many of them that the place is full.
[V into n]
[V n]
Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque...
Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]包;盒 A pack of things is a collection of them that is sold or given together in a box or bag.
[oft N of n]
The club will send a free information pack.
...a pack of cigarettes...
She read the back of the pack and said it had the same ingredients.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]背包;旅行包 A pack is a bag containing your possessions that you carry on your back when you are travelling.
I hid the money in my pack.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]一群;一伙;一帮 You can refer to a group of people who go around together as a pack, especially when it is a large group that you feel threatened by.
[usu N of n]
...a pack of journalists eager to question him...
Sal was the leader of the pack.
[N-COUNT 可数名词](狼或狗的)一群 A pack of wolves or dogs is a group of them that hunt together.
[oft N of n]
[N-COUNT 可数名词](纸牌的)一副 A pack of playing cards is a complete set of playing cards.
[oft N of n]
[mainly BRIT 主英]
...a pack of cards.
...shuffle the pack.
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 deck
[VERB 动词]带(枪);佩(枪) If someone packs a gun, they carry it.
[V n]
...eight bodyguards, at least one of them packing a pistol.
[VERB 动词]在(陪审团、委员会、会议等)中安插支持者 If someone packs a jury, committee, or meeting, they make sure that it includes people who support them.
[V n with n]
[V n]
Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters...
John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.
See also:
[PHRASE 短语]一派谎言 If you say that an account is a pack of lies, you mean that it is completely untrue.
[PHR after v]
You told me a pack of lies.
[PHRASE 短语]产生巨大影响;震撼 If something packs a punch, it has a very powerful effect.
[V inflects]
W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.
...drinks that pack a punch.
[PHRASE 短语]叫…卷铺盖;撵…走;叫…滚蛋 If you send someone packing, you make them go away.
[V inflects]
I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.
[PHRASE 短语](在竞赛中)领先其他对手 You can say that someone is ahead of the pack or leading the pack if they are ahead of everyone else in a race or competition.
The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack...
Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.
pack in
pack into
pack off
pack up
pack★/pæk; NAmEpæk/
packpackspackedpackingverb★put into container 装入容器1★[intransitive , transitive ]to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home 收拾(行李);装(箱)◆I haven't packed yet.我还没收拾行李呢。packsth ◆I haven't packed my suitcase yet.我的行李箱还没收拾好呢。◆He packed a bag with a few things and was off.他装了几件衣物就走了。◆He packed a few things into a bag.他装了几件衣物。◆Did you pack the camera?你装进照相机了吗?packsb sth ◆I've packed you some food for the journey.我给你打点了些路上吃的食物。2★[transitive ]packsth (up) (in/into sth) to put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold 打包;包装◆The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.陶器已装箱运往美国。◆I carefully packed up the gifts.我小心翼翼地把礼品包好。OPP
protect 保护3★[transitive ]packsth (in/with sth) to protect sth that breaks easily by surrounding it with soft material (在四周填入软料以)包装(易损物品)◆The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper.这些画被仔细地用报纸裹了起来。preserve food 保存食品4★[transitive ]packsth (in sth) to preserve food in a particular substance (用某物)保存,保藏◆fish packed in ice用冰块保存的鲜鱼fill 填入5★[intransitive , transitive ]to fill sth with a lot of people or things 塞进;挤进+ adv./prep.◆We all packed together into one car.我们大家挤进一辆汽车里。packsth (with sth) ◆Fans packed the hall to see the band.乐迷为了一睹乐队丰采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。☞see also
packed out
snow/soil 雪;土壤6[transitive ]packsth (down) to press sth such as snow or soil to form a thick hard mass 堆积;压实◆Pack the earth down around the plant.把植物周围的泥土压实。◆a patch of packed snow一片压实的雪地carry gun 携枪7[transitive , intransitive ]pack(sth) ( NAmE) ( informal) to carry a gun 佩带,携带(枪支)◆to pack a gun佩带枪支◆Is he packing?他有带枪吗?storm 暴风雨8[transitive ]packsth to have sth 夹带着◆A storm packing 75 mph winds swept across the area last night.昨晚暴雨夹带着每小时 75 英里的狂风横扫该地区。IDIOMSpack a (powerful, real, etc.) ˈpunch( informal) 1(of a boxer拳击手)to be capable of hitting sb very hard 能重拳出击;能重击2to have a powerful effect on sb 产生巨大影响;十分有效力◆The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.这次广告造势产生了相当大的影响。pack your ˈbags( informal) to leave a person or place permanently, especially after a disagreement (尤指产生分歧后)永远离开☞more at
PHRASAL VERBSˌpack aˈwayto be capable of being folded up small when it is not being used 能折叠(以缩小体积)◆The tent packs away in a small bag.帐篷可以折叠装进小袋子里。ˌpack sth↔aˈwayto put sth in a box, etc. when you have finished using it (用后)收拾好◆We packed away the summer clothes.我们把夏装收藏起来了。ˌpack sb↔ˈin[no passive ](of plays, performers, etc. 戏剧、演员等)to attract a lot of people to see it/them 吸引(大批观众)◆The show is still packing them in.演出仍然吸引着大批观众。ˌpack sth↔ˈin( informal) to stop doing sth 停止做某事SYNgive up◆She decided to pack in her job.她决定辞职不干了。◆( especially BrE) Pack it in(= stop behaving badly or annoying me),you two! 别闹了,你们俩!ˌpack sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth1to do a lot of things in a limited period of time 在(有限时间里)做(大量工作)◆You seem to have packed a lot into your life!你生活中好像有做不完的事情!2to put a lot of things or people into a limited space 在(有限空间里)塞进(大量的人或物);塞满SYN
cram in
◆They've managed to pack a lot of information into a very small book.他们设法把大量的信息编进了一本很小的书中。ˌpack ˈinto sthto go somewhere in large numbers so that all available space is filled 使爆满SYN
◆Over 80 000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final.*8 万多名球迷涌入了体育场观看决赛。 ☞see also
(5 )ˌpack sb↔ˈoff (to…)( informal) to send sb somewhere, especially because you do not want them with you 把…打发走◆My parents always packed me off to bed early.我父母总是早早就打发我上床。ˌpack sth↔ˈout(of shows, performers, etc. 表演、演员等)to attract enough people to completely fill a theatre, etc. 吸引(足够的观众);使…满座◆The band can still pack out concert halls.这支乐队仍能使音乐厅爆满。☞see also
packed out
ˌpack ˈup( informal) ( especially BrE) (of a machine 机器)to stop working 停止工作;坏了◆The TV's packed up again.电视机又坏了。ˌpack ˈup | ˌpack sth↔ˈup1★to put your possessions into a bag, etc. before leaving a place 打行李;收拾行装◆Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock.你已经开始打点行李了?现在才刚刚 4 点钟。◆We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments.我们到场时乐队已开始收拾乐器了。2( BrE) ( informal) to stop doing sth, especially a job 停止;放弃;辞掉SYNgive up◆What made you pack up a good job like that?什么原因使你辞去了那么好的工作?☞see also
v. (2 )noun★ _cards_comp.jpg _pack.jpg container 容器1★[countable ]( especially NAmE) a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of sth, ready to be sold (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒◆a pack of cigarettes/gum一盒香烟╱口香糖◆You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten.你可以整沓地买信封,每沓十个。☞compare
n. (1 ), (2 ),
(1 )☞see also
set 套2★[countable ]a set of different things that are supplied together for a particular purpose (一起供应的)全套东西◆Send for your free information pack today.今天就来信索取免费资讯包。things tied for carrying 成捆携带的东西3[countable ]a number of things that are wrapped or tied together, especially for carrying 一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)◆donkeys carrying packs of wool驮着成捆羊毛的驴◆( figurative) Everything she told us is a pack of lies(= a story that is completely false).她对我们说的全是一派谎言。large bag 大包4[countable ]a large bag that you carry on your back 大背包◆We passed a group of walkers, carrying huge packs.我们与一批背着超大行囊的步行者擦肩而过。☞see also
fanny pack
of animals 动物5[countable + singular or plural verb ]a group of animals that hunt together or are kept for hunting 一群(动物或猎狗)◆packs of savage dogs成群的野狗◆wolves hunting in packs成群猎食的狼◆a pack of hounds一群猎犬of people 人6[countable + singular or plural verb ]a group of similar people or things, especially one that you do not like or approve of 群;帮;团伙◆We avoided a pack of journalists waiting outside.我们避开了等在门外的一群记者。◆He's the leader of the pack.他是那个团伙的头目。7[countable + singular or plural verb ]all the people who are behind the leaders in a race, competition, etc. (统称)竞赛中的落后者◆measures aimed at keeping the company ahead of the pack旨在使公司领先所有竞争对手的措施of cards 纸牌8( BrE) (alsodeckNAmE,BrE)[countable ]a complete set of 52 playing cards一副(为 52 张)◆a pack of cards一副纸牌of Cubs/Brownies 男╱女幼童军9[countable + singular or plural verb ]an organized group of Cubs/Cub Scoutsor Brownies一队(男或女幼童军)◆to join a Brownie pack加入一队幼女童军for wound 用于伤口10[countable ]a hot or cold piece of soft material that absorbs liquid, used for treating a wound (治创伤用的)裹布,填塞物,敷料☞see also
face pack
ice pack
mud pack
pack/pæk; NAmEpæk/
pack1 verb
pack2 noun
packpack1 /pæk/ ●●●S2W3 verb
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Word Origin
Verb Table
Word family
1clothes [intransitive, transitive] (also pack up) to put things into cases, bags etc ready for a trip somewhere: I forgot to pack my razor. Have you finished packing yet?pack your things/belongings Kelly packed her things before breakfast.pack a bag/case You’d better pack your bags. We’re leaving in an hour.pack somebody something Shall I pack us a picnic?2goods [transitive] (also pack up) to put something into a box or other container, so that it can be moved, sold, or storedpack something in/into something Now wild mushrooms are available all year, packed in handy 25 g boxes.3crowd [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to go in large numbers into a space, or to make people or animals do this, until the space is too fullpack into/in/onto Fifty thousand fans packed into the stadium. The sheep had been packed into a truck and transported without food or water.4protect something [transitive] to cover or fill an object with soft material so that it does not get damagedpack in/with Glass must be packed in several layers of paper.5snow/soil etc to press snow, soil, sand etc down so that it becomes hard and firmpack something down Pack the soil down firmly.6pack your bags informal to leave a place and not return, especially because of a disagreement7pack a gun American English informal to carry a gun8pack a (hard/hefty/strong etc) punch (also pack a wallop) informal to have a very strong or impressive effect: The Spanish wine, with the flavour of honey, packed quite a punch. → send somebody packing
at send(11)
pack away phrasal verbto put something back in a box, case etc where it is usually kept: Christmas was over and the decorations packed away.pack in phrasal verb1pack something ↔ in (also pack something into something) to do a lot in a limited period of time, or fit a lot of information, ideas etc into a limited space: We packed a lot of sightseeing into two weeks. In an essay of 2,000 words, you can pack a lot in.2 pack somebody ↔ in informal if a film, play etc packs people in, it attracts large numbers to come and see it: Any film starring Tom Cruise always packs them in.3 pack something ↔ in British English informal to stop doing a job or activity that you are not enjoying: After one year, I packed in university. Sometimes I feel like packing it all in and going off travelling.4pack it in British English spoken used to tell someone to stop doing something that is annoying you5British English informal if a machine packs in, it stops working because there is something wrong with itSYN pack up: Halfway to the airport, the engine packed in.pack off phrasal verb informalto send someone to stay somewhere for a period of timepack off to My parents used to pack us off to camp every summer.pack up phrasal verb1to put things into cases, bags etc ready for a trip somewhere: Most of the holidaymakers had packed up and gone.pack something ↔ up I gave her a hand packing up her clothes and stuff.2pack something ↔ up to put something into a box or other container, so that it can be moved, sold, or stored: Don’t worry. The removal men will pack everything up.3informal to finish work at the end of the day: ‘What time do you pack up?’ ‘Oh, about six.’4British English informal if a machine packs up, it stops working because there is something wrong with itSYN pack in: The photocopier’s packed up again.5 pack something ↔ up British English informal to stop doing something, especially a job: He packed up his teaching job after only three months.
pack1 verb
pack2 noun
packpack2 ●●●S2W3 noun [countable]
Entry menu
Word Origin
Word family
1things wrapped together something wrapped in paper or packed in a box and then sent by post or taken somewherepack of a pack of three T-shirts Send away for your free information pack today. →
2small container especially American English a small container, usually made of paper, that something is sold inSYN packet British Englishpack of a pack of cigarettes a 10 oz pack of frozen peas3bag especially British English a bag that you carry on your back, especially when climbing or walking, used to carry equipment, clothes etcSYN rucksack British English, backpack4cards (also pack of cards) a complete set of playing cardsSYN deck5animals a group of wild animals that hunt together, or a group of dogs trained to hunt together: a wolf packpack of a pack of hounds► see thesaurus at
6group of people a group of the same type of people, especially a group who you do not approve ofpack of A pack of reporters were waiting outside.7be leading the pack/be ahead of the pack to be more successful than the other people or companies you are competing against8pack of lies informal something you are told that is completely untrue: Don’t believe what it says in the paper – it’s a pack of lies.9Cub/Brownie pack a group of children who belong to a particular children’s organization →
Cub Scout
, brownie
, Girl Scout
10on a wound a thick soft piece of cloth that you press on a wound to stop the flow of bloodSYN compress →
ice pack
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