
Plane Surface Flat Pilot Military I Land Level

word plane
content 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
plane ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]飞机 A plane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines, which can fly through the air.
  • He had plenty of time to catch his plane...


  • Her mother was killed in a plane crash.


  • ...fighter planes.


  • 2
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](可能带有斜度的)平面 A plane is a flat, level surface which may be sloping at a particular angle.
  • ...a building with angled planes.


  • 3
    [N-SING 单数名词](想象中的)平面 If a number of points are in the same plane, one line or one flat surface could pass through them all.
  • All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](精神的)水平,水准,层次 If you say that something is on a higher plane, you mean that it is more spiritual or less concerned with ordinary things.
      [adj N]
      [LITERARY 文]
  • ...life on a higher plane of existence...


  • We felt we were living life on several different planes.


  • 5
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]木工刨;刨子 A plane is a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it. You move the plane over a piece of wood in order to remove thin pieces of its surface.
    [VERB 动词]刨;刨平;刨光 If you plane a piece of wood, you make it smaller or smoother by using a plane.
      [V n]
      [V n adj]
      [V P n (not pron)]
      [Also V n P]
  • She watches him plane the surface of a walnut board...


  • Again I planed the surface flush.


  • Plane down means the same as plane.plane down 同 plane
    • The piece was reduced in size by planing down the four corners.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词](轻触水面)疾驶,滑行 If something such as a boat planes across water, it moves quickly across the water, just touching the surface.
      [V across n]
      [Also V]
  • All four of the boats planed across the Solent with the greatest of ease.


  • 8
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]悬铃木 A plane or a plane tree is a large tree with broad leaves which often grows in towns.
    plane down

    plane / pleɪn ; NAmE pleɪn /
    plane planes planed planing
    noun _airliner_comp.jpg _airliner.jpg 1 ( BrE also aero·plane ) ( also air·plane especially in NAmE ) a flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines 飞机 She left by planefor Berlin. 她乘飞机去柏林了。 a plane crash 飞机坠毁 I caught thenext planeto Dublin. 我赶上了下一班飞机去都柏林。 The plane took offan hour late. 飞机延迟了一小时起飞。 The plane landedat Geneva. 飞机在日内瓦降落。 collocationsat
    2 ( geometry 几何 ) any flat or level surface, or an imaginary flat surface through or joining material objects 平面 the horizontal/vertical plane 水平╱垂直平面 3 a level of thought, existence or development (思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界 to reach a higher plane of achievement 取得更高的成就 4 a tool with a blade set in a flat surface, used for making the surface of wood smooth by shaving very thin layers off it 木工刨;刨子
    adjective [only before noun ] ( technical 术语 ) completely flat; level 平的;平坦的 a plane surface 平面 verb 1 [transitive ] to make a piece of wood smoother or flatter with a planen.  (4 ) 用刨子刨平 planesth Plane the surface down first. 首先要把表面刨平。 planesth + adj. Then plane the wood smooth. 然后把木头刨光。 2 [intransitive ] (of a bird ) to fly without moving the wings, especially high up in the air 滑翔 3 [intransitive ] (of a boat, etc. 船等 ) to move quickly across water, only just touching the surface 擦着水面疾驶 plane / pleɪn ; NAmE pleɪn /
    plane1 noun
    plane2 verb
    plane3 adjective
    planeplane1 /pleɪn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]
    Entry menu
    Word Origin
    1planeplane (3)aircraft a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine:  It is a big airline with a large fleet of planes. It’s much quicker to go by plane. She slept on the plane.2level a level or standard of thought, conversation etc:  The two newspapers are on completely different intellectual planes.3tool a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it, used for making wooden surfaces smooth4tree a plane tree5surface technical a completely flat surface in geometryGRAMMAR: Patterns with planeYou usually say get on a plane: · I got on a plane at 6.15 and arrived in Chicago at 10.You can also say get in a plane: · Everyone got in the plane and found their seatsYou usually say get off a plane: · We were tired when we got off the plane. ‘Get out of’ is much less common.You usually say that someone is on a plane: · Take something to read on the plane.You can also say they are in a plane: · Have you ever flown in a plane?You go somewhere by plane: · It takes five hours by rail or an hour by plane.Say go by plane or just fly. Don’t say: fly by planeCOLLOCATIONSverbscatch/take a plane· She caught the first plane back to New York.get on a plane (also board a plane)· We got on the plane and found our seats.a plane takes off (=goes into the air)· The flight attendants served drinks shortly after the plane took off.a plane lands (=moves safely down onto the ground)· Because of the fog, our plane had to land at Luton.a plane touches down (=lands safely on the ground)· As soon as the plane touched down on the runway, I felt better.a plane flies· Several planes flew overhead.a plane taxies (=moves slowly along on the ground)· The plane taxied to a halt.a plane crashes· Their plane crashed shortly after take-off.a plane crash-lands (=lands in a sudden and dangerous way because of a problem)· Their small plane crash-landed on a busy motorway yesterday.a plane carries passengers· A plane carrying 10 civilians was shot down.fly/pilot a plane· I admire the guys who flew those planes.land a plane (=bring it safely down onto the ground)· The pilot managed to land the plane safely on the beach.bring a plane down (=land it)· He ran out of fuel and had to bring the plane down on a road leading to the village.get off a plane· Would he ever see her again after they got off the plane?shoot down a plane· The guerrillas shot down an Israeli fighter plane.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + planea private plane· He flew to Vegas in his private plane.a cargo plane (=for carrying goods)· cargo planes carrying emergency supplies for victims of the earthquakea transport plane (=for carrying military equipment and soldiers)· Heavily-laden transport planes can only land if there is a long runway.a military plane· Air Force jets intercepted two military planes that had entered the no-fly zone.a fighter plane (=a small fast military plane)· fighter planes from the Second World Wara spy plane· An unmanned US spy plane had been shot down.plane + NOUNa plane crash· Over 200 people died in the plane crash.THESAURUSplane (also aeroplane British English), airplane American English a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine: · The plane took off from John F Kennedy airport.· a passenger plane carrying over 300 peopleaircraft a plane or other vehicle that can fly. Aircraft sounds more formal than plane: · Smoking is not allowed on board the aircraft.· He was trained to fly military aircraft.jet a fast plane with a jet engine: · She owns a private jet.airliner a large plane that carries people: · a commercial airlinermilitary planesbomber a plane that carries and drops bombs: · The town was attacked by US and British bombers.fighter (plane) a small fast military plane that can destroy other planes: · The plane was shot down by enemy fighters.· He was a fighter pilot during the war.warplane a military plane that is used for fighting in the air or for dropping bombs: · The area had been bombed by US warplanes.people on a planepilot someone who operates the controls of a plane: · an airline pilot· He has a pilot’s licence.co-pilot a pilot who shares the control of a plane with the main pilot: · The pilot became ill, and the co-pilot had to land the plane.captain the pilot who is in charge of an aircraft: · This is your captain speaking. We will be arriving at Gatwick Airport in approximately 10 minutes.the flight crew all the people who work on a plane during a flight: · The flight crew asked for permission to land at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.the cabin crew the people whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane: · The cabin crew will be serving drinks shortly.flight attendant someone whose job is to serve food and drink to passengers on a plane: · The flight attendant told him to go back to his seat.steward/stewardess a man/woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane: · I asked the stewardess if I could have a blanket.
    plane1 noun
    plane2 verb
    plane3 adjective
    planeplane2 verb [transitive]
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    word sets
    if you plane a piece of wood, you make it smoother or smaller, using a plane:  He planed the edge of the door.
    plane1 noun
    plane2 verb
    plane3 adjective
    planeplane3 adjective [only before noun]
    Word Origin
    technical completely flat and smooth:  a plane surface
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