
Qualify Qualified Sth   [V N Give I Transitive

word qualify
content 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
qualify ★★★☆☆
[VERB 动词](通过考试)取得资格,合格,达到标准 When someone qualifies, they pass the examinations that they need to be able to work in a particular profession.
  [V as/in n]
  [Also V to-inf]
  • But when I'd qualified and started teaching it was a different story...


  • I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago.


  • 2
    [V-ERG 及物/不及物动词](使)有资格获得;(使)有权去做 If you qualify for something or if something qualifies you for it, you have the right to do it or have it.
      [V for n]
      [V n to-inf]
      [V n for n]
      [Also V]
  • To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years...


  • The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.


  • ...skills that qualify foreigners for work visas.


  • ...highly trained staff who are well qualified to give unbiased, practical advice.


  • 3
    [V-ERG 及物/不及物动词]可称得上;符合;可算作 To qualify as something or to be qualified as something means to have all the features that are needed to be that thing.
      [V as n]
      [V n as n]
      [Also V]
  • 13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel...


  • These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]通过预赛;取得(下一轮)比赛资格 If you qualify in a competition, you are successful in one part of it and go on to the next stage.
      [V for n]
  • Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday...


  • Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.


  • ...a World Cup qualifying match.


  • qualifier
  • Kenya's Robert Kibe was the fastest qualifier for the 800 metres final.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]具体说明;使语气缓和 If you qualify a statement, you make it less strong or less general by adding a detail or explanation to it.
      [V n]
  • I would qualify that by putting it into context.


  • 6
    See also:

    quali·fy / ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ ; NAmE ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪ / verb ( quali·fies , quali·fy·ing , quali·fied , quali·fied ) for job 工作 1 [intransitive ] to reach the standard of ability or knowledge needed to do a particular job, for example by completing a course of study or passing exams 取得资格(或学历);合格 How long does it take to qualify? 需要多长时间才能取得资格? qualifyas sth He qualified as a doctor last year. 他去年获得了医生的资格。 give skills/knowledge 传授技能╱知识 2 [transitive ] to give sb the skills and knowledge they need to do sth 使合格;使具备资格 qualifysb (for sth) This training course will qualify you for a better job. 本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。 qualifysb to do sth The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. 通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。 have/give right 有╱赋予权利 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to have or give sb the right to do sth 有权,使有权(做某事) qualify(for sth) If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit. 你若在本地区居住,就有权领取停车许可证。 To qualify, you must have lived in this country for at least three years. 你必须在这个国家居住至少三年才能享有此权利。 qualifysb (for sth) Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. 交纳会费并不能使你自动成为会员。 for competition 竞赛 4 [intransitive ] to be of a high enough standard to enter a competition; to defeat another person or team in order to enter or continue in a competition 达标;获得参赛资格 He failed to qualify. 他未能获得参赛资格。 qualifyfor sth They qualified for the World Cup. 他们取得世界杯的参赛资格。 fit description 名副其实 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to have the right qualities to be described as a particular thing 符合,配得上(某称号、名称等) qualify(as sth) Do you think this dress qualifies as evening wear? 你看这连衣裙适合作晚礼服吗? qualifysth (as sth) It's an old building, but that doesn't qualify it as an ancient monument! 这是一座老建筑,但不足以称为古迹。 statement 陈述 6 [transitive ] qualifysth | qualifywhat… to add sth to a previous statement to make the meaning less strong or less general 使所说的话语气减弱(或更具体等) I want to qualify what I said earlier—I didn't mean he couldn't do the job, only that he would need supervision. 我想具体说明一下我原先的话,我没有说他不能担任这工作,只是说他需要指导。 grammar 语法 7 [transitive ] qualifysth (of a word 单词 ) to describe another word in a particular way 修饰;限定 In ‘the open door’, ‘open’ is an adjective qualifying ‘door’. 在 the open door 中,open 是修饰 door 的形容词。 qualify qualifies qualified qualifying quali·fy / ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ ; NAmE ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪ /
    qualifyqual‧i‧fy /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ $ ˈkwɑː-/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb (past tense and past participle qualified, present participle qualifying, third person singular qualifies)
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    1have a right [intransitive, transitive] to have the right to have or do something, or to give someone this right:  Free school lunches are given to children who qualify.qualify for You may qualify for unemployment benefit.qualify somebody/something for something Membership qualifies you for a discount on purchases.2pass exam [intransitive] to pass an examination or finish a course of study that you need in order to do somethingqualify as I finally qualified as a pilot. After qualifying, doctors spend at least two years working in hospitals.3be considered something [intransitive] to have all the necessary qualities to be considered to be a particular thingqualify as It doesn’t qualify as a date if you bring your children with you.4give somebody skills/knowledge [transitive] if something qualifies you to do something, you have the necessary skills, knowledge, ability etc to do itqualify somebody for something Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament.qualify somebody to do something The certificate qualifies you to work as a dental assistant.5sport [intransitive] to reach the necessary standard to enter or continue in a competition or sports eventqualify for She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.6add something [transitive] to add to something that has already been said, in order to limit its effect or meaning:  Could I just qualify that last statement?7grammar [transitive] if a word or phrase qualifies another word or phrase, it limits or adds to the meaning of itqualifier
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