
Relieve Relieved Sth Verb 动词   [V N Sb

word relieve
content 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
relieve ★★☆☆☆
[VERB 动词]缓和,缓解,减轻,解除(不愉快的情绪或形势) If something relieves an unpleasant feeling or situation, it makes it less unpleasant or causes it to disappear completely.
  [V n]
  • Drugs can relieve much of the pain...


  • This should save her from boredom and will also relieve the pressure on you to keep her entertained.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]使解脱;使摆脱 If someone or something relieves you of an unpleasant feeling or difficult task, they take it from you.
      [V n of n]
  • A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.


  • 3
    [VERB 动词]使(从…中)解脱出来 If someone relieves you of something, they take it away from you.
      [V n of n]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • A porter relieved her of the three large cases.


  • 4
    [VERB 动词]接替…的职位;代…的班 If you relieve someone, you take their place and continue to do the job or duty that they have been doing.
      [V n]
  • At seven o'clock the night nurse came in to relieve her.


  • 5
    [VERB 动词]解除(或免除)…的职务 If someone is relieved of their duties or is relieved of their post, they are told that they are no longer required to continue in their job.
      [be V-ed of n]
      [usu passive]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • The officer involved was relieved of his duties because he had violated strict guidelines...


  • The party leader has been relieved of his post.


  • 6
    [VERB 动词]解围;解放 If an army relieves a town or another place which has been surrounded by enemy forces, it frees it.
      [V n]
  • The offensive began several days ago as an attempt to relieve the town.


  • 7
    [VERB 动词]上厕所;排便 If people or animals relieve themselves, they urinate or defecate.
      [V pron-refl]
      [OLD-FASHIONED 过时]
  • It is not difficult to train your dog to relieve itself on command.


  • Oxford
    re·lieve / rɪˈliːv ; NAmE rɪˈliːv / verb 1 relievesth to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain 解除,减轻,缓和(不快或痛苦) to relieve the symptoms of a cold 减轻感冒的症状 to relieve anxiety/guilt/stress 消除焦虑╱内疚;缓解压力 Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her. 最后能够讲出真话似乎使她感到轻松。 2 relievesth to make a problem less serious 减轻(问题的严重性);缓和;缓解 SYN
    efforts to relieve poverty 缓解贫困的努力 to relieve traffic congestion 缓解交通拥挤
    3 relievesth to make sth less boring, especially by introducing sth different 调剂;使有趣 We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait. 长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克来解闷儿。 The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。 4 relievesb to replace sb who is on duty 接替;给…换班 to relieve a sentry 换岗 You'll be relieved at six o'clock. 六点钟有人来换你的班。 5 relievesth to free a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it 将(城镇从敌人的围困中)解围 6 relieveyourself a polite way of referring to going to the toilet (去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便,解手 I had to relieve myself behind a bush. 我只好在树丛后面方便了一下。 PHRASAL VERB reˈlieve sb of sth 1 to help sb by taking sth heavy or difficult from them 替…拿重物;帮助…减轻(负担) Let me relieve you of some of your bags. 我来帮你拿几个袋子吧。 The new secretary will relieve us of some of the paperwork. 新来的秘书会减轻我们文案工作的一些负担。 2 ( informal, ironic) to steal sth from sb 偷窃;窃取 A boy with a knife relieved him of his wallet. 一个持刀的家伙偷了他的钱包。 3 to dismiss sb from a job, position, etc. 开除;解除…的职务 General Beale was relieved of his command. 比尔将军被解除了指挥权。 relieve relieves relieved relieving
    re·lieve / rɪˈliːv ; NAmE rɪˈliːv /
    relievere‧lieve /rɪˈliːv/ ●●○ S3 verb [transitive]
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    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1pain to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelingsrelief:  Drugs helped to relieve the pain.relieve tension/pressure/stress etc Some people eat for comfort, to relieve their anxieties.2problem to make a problem less difficult or serious:  programs aimed at relieving unemployment3replace somebody to replace someone when they have completed their duty or when they need a rest:  The guard will be relieved at midnight.4relieve yourself a polite expression meaning to urinate – often used humorously5boring to make something less dull and boring:  a plain wall relieved by flecks of blue and yellowrelieve the boredom/monotony The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting.6war formal to free a town which an enemy has surroundedCOLLOCATIONSnounsrelieve pain· What’s the best way of relieving back pain?relieve symptoms· Drinking a pint of water should help to relieve the symptoms.relieve tension· They all laughed and it helped to relieve the tension.relieve stress· Don’t resort to alcohol to relieve your stress.relieve anxiety· We offer patients a gentle massage to help relieve anxiety.relieve pressure· Doctors should have inserted a needle into the lungs to relieve the pressure.relieve somebody of something phrasal verb1formal to help someone by taking something from them, especially a job they do not want to do or something heavy that they are carrying:  A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work. He rose and relieved her of her bags.2relieve somebody of their post/duties/command etc formal to take away someone’s job because they have done something wrong:  After the defeat General Meyer was relieved of his command.3to steal something from someone – used humorously:  A couple of guys relieved him of his wallet.
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