
Reserve Reserves Team Sth Reserved Military Needed Price

word reserve
content 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
reserve ★★★★☆
[VERB 动词]保留;留出;预留 If something is reserved for a particular person or purpose, it is kept specially for that person or purpose.
  [be V-ed for n]
  [usu passive]
  • A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him...


  • In the United States lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]预订;保留;预约 If you reserve something such as a table, ticket, or magazine, you arrange for it to be kept specially for you, rather than sold or given to someone else.
      [V n]
  • I'll reserve a table for five...


  • Demand will be huge, so ask your newsagent to reserve your copy today.


  • 3
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]储备;储存物资;储藏量 A reserve is a supply of something that is available for use when it is needed.
      [usu with supp]
  • The Gulf has 65 per cent of the world's oil reserves...


  • A friend can be a reserve of help in times of trouble.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]预备队员;替补队员 In sports, a reserve is someone who is available to play as part of a team if one of the members is ill or cannot play.
      [mainly BRIT 主英]
  • He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal.


  • in AM, use 美国英语用 substitute
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](野生生物)保护区 A nature reserve is an area of land where the animals, birds, and plants are officially protected.
      [usu supp N]
  • Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.


  • 6
    [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]寡言;矜持;内敛 If someone shows reserve, they keep their feelings hidden.
  • The subject is one which must be discussed with reserve...


  • His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.


  • 7
    [PHRASE 短语]留出备用;保留;储存 If you have something in reserve, you have it available for use when it is needed.
      [PHR after v]
  • ...the bottle of whisky that he kept in reserve...


  • There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve.


  • 8
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]后备军;预备役部队 A military reserve is a group of soldiers who are ready to join a military operation if they are needed.

    to reserve judgment→see:

    to reserve the right→see:

    re·serve / rɪˈzɜːv ; NAmE rɪˈzɜːrv /
    reserve reserves reserved reserving
    verb 1 to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you or sb else at a future time 预订,预约(座位、席位、房间等) SYN
    reservesth for sb/sth I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock. 我想预订八点钟供三人用餐的桌位。 reservesth I've reserved a room in the name of Jones. 我以琼斯的名字预订了一个房间。 compare
    v.  (1 )
    2 to keep sth for sb/sth, so that it cannot be used by any other person or for any other reason 保留;预留 reservesth for sb/sth These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的。 reservesth I'd prefer to reserve (my) judgement (= not make a decision)until I know all the facts. 在了解全部事实之前我不想发表意见。 3 reservesth to have or keep a particular power 拥有,保持,保留(某种权利) The management reserves the rightto refuse admission. 管理部门有权拒绝接收。 ( law ) All rights reserved. (= nobody else can publish or copy this) 版权所有
    noun supply 补给 1 [countable ,  usually plural ] a supply of sth that is available to be used in the future or when it is needed 储备(量);贮藏(量) large oil and gas reserves 大量的石油和天然气贮藏量 He discovered unexpected reserves of strength. 他出乎意料地发现还有体力。 reserve funds 储备金 protected land 受保护土地 2 ( NAmE also pre·serve ) [countable ] a piece of land that is a protected area for animals, plants, etc. (动植物)保护区;自然保护区 a wildlife reserve 野生动植物保护区 see also
    game reserve
    nature reserve
    3 [countable ] =
     (3 )
    quality/feeling 品质;情感 4 [uncountable ] the quality that sb has when they do not talk easily to other people about their ideas, feelings, etc. 内向;寡言少语;矜持 SYN
    She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve. 她因天性矜持很难交到朋友。
    5 [uncountable ] ( formal) a feeling that you do not want to accept or agree to sth, etc. until you are quite sure that it is all right to do so 谨慎;保留 Any contract should be treated with reserveuntil it has been checked. 任何契约在经过核实之前都应谨慎对待。 She trusted him without reserve (= completely). 她完全信任他。
    in sport 体育运动 6 [countable ] an extra player who plays in a team when one of the other players is injured or not available to play 替补队员;后备队员 7 the reserves [plural ] a team that is below the level of the main team 替补队;预备队;后备队 military force 军队 8 the reserve [singular ] ( alsothe reserves [plural ] ) an extra military force, etc. that is not part of a country's regular forces, but is available to be used when needed 预备役部队;后备部队 the army reserve(s) 预备役部队 the reserve police 预备役警察 price 价格 9 ( also reˈserve price ) [countable ] ( BrE) the lowest price that sb will accept for sth, especially sth that is sold at an auction (尤指拍卖中的)底价,最低价 IDIOM in reˈserve available to be used in the future or when needed 储备;备用 The money was being kept in reservefor their retirement. 他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。 200 police officers were held in reserve. *200 名警察随时待命。
    re·serve / rɪˈzɜːv ; NAmE rɪˈzɜːrv /
    reserve1 verb
    reserve2 noun
    reservere‧serve1 /rɪˈzɜːv $ -ɜːrv/ ●●● W3 verb [transitive]
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the futurebookreserve something for somebody/something I’d like to reserve a table for two. Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?2to keep something so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purpose SYN  set asidereserve something for somebody/something A separate room is reserved for smokers. reserved parking spaces3especially written to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process – used especially when describing how to cook something SYN  keep, save:  Reserve a little of the mixture to sprinkle over the top of the pie.4to use or show something only in one particular situationreserve something for somebody/something She spoke in a tone of voice she usually reserved for dealing with officials.5reserve the right to do something formal if you reserve the right to do something, you will do it if you think it is necessary – used especially in notices or official documents:  The management reserves the right to refuse admission.6reserve (your) judgment (on something) spoken to not give your opinion about something until a later time when you have more information
    reserve1 verb
    reserve2 noun
    reservereserve2 ●●○ noun
    Entry menu
    1supply [countable usually plural] a supply of something kept to be used if it is needed:  $10 million in cash reserves oil reservesreserve of Somehow Debbie maintained an inner reserve of strength.2in reserve ready to be used if needed:  We always keep some money in reserve, just in case.3personal quality [uncountable] a quality in someone’s character that makes them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problemsshyness:  She overcame her own natural reserve.4player [countable] an extra player who plays in a team if one of the other players is injured or illsubstitute5team the reserves British English a team that plays when the usual team cannot do so6military the reserve (also the reserves) an extra military force that a country has in addition to its usual army, navy etc which can be used if neededreservist7for animals/plants [countable] British English an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected SYN reservation, preserve American English:  a wildlife reserve
    nature reserve
    8for native americans [countable] a reservation9price [countable] (also reserve price) a price below which something will not be sold, especially in an auction
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