
Store Large Things Storing Goods Sth Place   [V

word store
content 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
store ★★★★☆
[N-COUNT 可数名词]商店(英国英语中主要指大型百货商店,而美国英语中可指任何规模的商店) A store is a building or part of a building where things are sold. In British English, store is used mainly to refer to a large shop selling a variety of goods, but in American English a store can be any size of shop.
  • Bombs were planted in stores in Manchester and Blackpool.


  • ...grocery stores.


  • ...a record store.


  • 2
    [VERB 动词]贮存;储备;存放 When you store things, you put them in a container or other place and leave them there until they are needed.
      [V n prep/adv]
      [Also V n]
      [V n P]
      [V P n (not pron)]
  • Store the cookies in an airtight tin...


  • Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter.


  • Store away means the same as store .store away 同 store
    • He simply stored the tapes away...


    • He's stored away nearly one ton of potatoes.

      他已经储备了近 1 吨马铃薯。

  • 3
    [VERB 动词](在计算机里)存储;记忆;记录 When you store information, you keep it in your memory, in a file, or in a computer.
      [V n]
  • Where in the brain do we store information about colours?


  • ...chips for storing data in electronic equipment.


  • 4
    [N-COUNT 可数名词](事物的)储存,储备 A store of things is a supply of them that you keep somewhere until you need them.
      [usu N of n]
  • I handed over my secret store of chocolate biscuits...


  • Dolly's store of drinking glasses had run out.


  • 5
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]仓库;储存处 A store is a place where things are kept while they are not being used.
      [usu with supp]
  • ...a decision taken in 1982 to build a store for spent fuel from submarines.

    1982 年作出的为潜艇废燃料建立一个储存库的决定

  • ...a grain store.


  • 6
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]大量;丰富 If you have a store of knowledge, jokes, or stories, you have a large amount of them ready to be used.
      [usu N of n]
  • He possessed a vast store of knowledge...


  • Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes.


  • 7
    See also:
    chain store
    cold store
    department store
    [PHRASE 短语]就要出现在…身上;即将发生在…身上 If something is in store for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future.
      [PHR after v]
  • There were also surprises in store for me...


  • Who knows what lies in store for the President?


  • 9
    [PHRASE 短语]重视;珍惜;认为…极为必要 If you set great store by something, you think that it is extremely important or necessary.
      [V inflects]
      [FORMAL 正式]
  • ...a retail group which sets great store by traditional values.


  • 相关词组:
    store away
    store up

    store / stɔː(r) ; NAmE stɔːr /
    store stores stored storing
    noun 1 [countable ] a large shop that sells many different types of goods (大型)百货商店 a big department store 大型百货商店 see also
    chain store
    variety store
    2 [countable ] ( NAmE) a shop, large or small 商店;店铺 a health food store 保健食品商店 a liquor store 出售酒类的商店 collocationsat
    see also
    consignment store
    convenience store
    general store
    , package store
    3 [countable ] a quantity or supply of sth that you have and use 贮存物;备用物 her secret store of chocolate 她私下存放的巧克力 a vast store of knowledge 丰富的知识 4 [plural ] stores goods of a particular kind or for a particular purpose (某类或作某用途的)商品,物品 medical stores 医疗用品 5 [countable ] ( oftenstores ) a place where goods of a particular kind are kept 仓库;贮藏所 a grain store 粮仓 weapons stores 武器库 IDIOMS in store (for sb) waiting to happen to sb 即将发生(在某人身上);等待着(某人) We don't know what life holds in storefor us. 我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。 If she had known what lay in storefor her, she would never have agreed to go. 要是她事先知道会有什么遭遇的话,她是决不会同意去的。 They think it'll be easy but they have a surprise in store. 他们以为事情容易,到时候他们会吃惊的。 set/put (great, etc.) ˈstore by sth to consider sth to be important (十分)看重,重视(某事物) She sets great store by her appearance. 她十分看重自己的外貌。 It is unwise to put too much store by these statistics. 过分重视这些统计数字是不明智的。 more at
    verb 1 storesth (away/up) to put sth somewhere and keep it there to use later 贮存;贮藏;保存 animals storing up food for the winter 贮存食物过冬的动物 He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. 他希望那些电子设备得到妥善保存。 2 storesth to keep information or facts in a computer or in your brain (在计算机里)存贮;记忆 Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory. 在计算机的存贮器中存有成千上万条数据。 PHRASAL VERB ˌstore sth↔ˈup to not express strong feelings or deal with problems when you have them, especially when this causes problems later (把强烈的感情或问题)郁积,憋在心里 She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped. 她所有的愤怒郁积在一起,终于爆发了。 By ignoring your feelings you are only storing up troublefor yourself. 你回避自己的感受,将来会有麻烦的。 store / stɔː(r) ; NAmE stɔːr /
    store1 noun
    store2 verb
    storestore1 /stɔː $ stɔːr/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]
    Entry menu
    1shop a place where goods are sold to the public. In British English, a store is large and sells many different things, but in American English, a store can be large or small, and sell many things or only one type of thing.shop:  At Christmas the stores stay open late.shoe/clothing/grocery etc store American English (=one that sells one type of goods) She worked in a grocery store before going to college.go to the store American English (=go to a store that sells food) I need to go to the store for some milk.
    chain store
    , department store
    , general store
    2supply a supply of something that you keep to use laterstore of a store of wood fat stores in the body (=that your body keeps)3place to keep things a large building in which goods are kept so they can be used or sold later:  a grain store4in store (for somebody) if something unexpected such as a surprise or problem is in store for someone, it is about to happen to them:  There’s a real treat in store for you this Christmas! As we left, I wondered what the future held in store.5military stores [plural] a)supplies of food and equipment that are used by an army, navy etc:  medical stores b)the building or room in an army camp, ship etc where these are kept6set great/considerable etc store by something to consider something to be important:  Patrick has never set much store by material things.
    store1 noun
    store2 verb
    storestore2 ●●● S3 W3 verb [transitive]
    Word Origin
    Verb Table
    1to put things away and keep them until you need themstore something away/up Squirrels are storing up nuts for the winter. Store the beans in an airtight jar.2to keep facts or information in your brain or a computer:  Standard letters can be stored on floppy discs.3store up trouble/problems etc to behave in a way that will cause trouble for you later:  Smokers may be storing up disease for their unborn children.
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